@@ziggystardust8604 I was !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ when I saw these words. High school students must learn 漢字5000字以上 in China(btw 繁体字と簡体字 の違いは大きくない,only takes 30 min to learn and you can understand all ),そして現代中国語は漢文(実は秦の時代の口語)の descendant (of course over thousands of years the difference must be greater than日本の古文と現代日本語の違い),furthermore the order of 漢字 has little effect on reading if you skilled it,and so we dont need 返り点とかwhen we read it. Japanese neologisms are almost カタカナ…… I cant image that any Chinese finding 漢文 is difficult...Before watching this video. (日本語が下手ですから、英語を使いました。不適切なところがあればお許しください)