Mama seems so sad. Maybe she has lots of worries on her mind. Hope she enjoys her time there with her daughter and grandson and let the worries melt away...
@davidchou1675 Жыл бұрын
LOL Maybe she has the traditional Russian worry about China spilling over the border! XD
很高興看到家長從善如流。接受網友意见。不给 Leo 吃麥当奴。又接受了辋友意见。不给小孩專注手机当玩具。寧願花钱花心思買玩具。Renia 也很好。中文進步多了。唉。做人很不容易。幹什么都难討好每一个人。其实我去国多年。沒回国已经许久。看见祖国繁荣。廣州夜晚不夜城。心头爲之一振。卧游寰宇。國恩家庆。不亦乐乎。外国那有如斯夜市。旅游区的夜晚。也不外如是。辛苦辛苦云飛熱娜亞用心介绍。解千万游子鄉愁。
Yes, by her looks, we can tell 2 versions of her. One, she looked worried, maybe all the years in lockdown Russia. She seemed to be in another another world. Next, she felt awe by so much progress, wonderful sight and sound.
@davidchou1675 Жыл бұрын
She may also be sick of the incessant China praise. A bit cringe for someone not already predisposed towards something to be constantly told how wonderful that thing is. Very interesting watching Renia with mom in China!!
Ladies, you said is absolutely correct, with good leaders and good government, the country will naturally be strong and rich.
@davidchou1675 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the Communist Iof China has returned things around after the disaster of the Mao years...consider that in 1950 Chinese GDP was the same as India's but by 1980 it was even less than Haiti's!!! And look at the country now...they effed it up, the Commies, but did correct themselves spectacularly.