Thanks for this review. Stacey is the one who I can listen to over and over again. Her beautiful vocals, her superb singing skills, her ability to handle multiple genres, her down to earth mentality, her drive, and the way she handles adversities in life are all buying points.
借張愛玲的話形容部分,甚至大部分香港歌迷想法:「出名要趁早呀!來得太晚的話,快樂也不那麼痛快!」她唱得跟王菲相似與否見仁見智(我覺得不相似,我覺得王菲也不似鄧麗君,反而似Sinead o Conner, Elizabeth Fraser, Dolores, 後期亦似Sophie Zelmani,從來無人分不清王菲和鄧麗君,但有外國人在合唱歌分不清王菲和Elizabeth Fraser)如果香港有其他唱得跟王菲相似的人在,還是年輕的會較易成功。 如果她曾在春晚、星光大道亮相,在其他地區有一定知名度和受歡迎程度,不如直接到當地發展,香港是傾向追捧早成名和年輕的。