Simply the best duo of team Li Jian!!! Lorenzo Santo, to cover an Edith Piaf song 40 years ago, Grace Jone' is an unthinkable sacrilege to millions (especially Frenchmen) and somehow produce a version that is fresh and innovative and yet entirely respectful of the original, yet at the same time quite distinct and all her own, well that is a feat worthy of MAD RESPECT itself. It is a joy to dance to, and a treat for the ear after listening to it now again. Bravo! Li Jian's Chinese version of La Vie En Rose on I am a singer is phenomenal as well by the way!!!
Tiger&赵家豪《水中花+La vie en rose》,这个表演最大的功臣是李健老师,他把这两首地域不同、语种不同,在别人心中完全没有联系点的歌串并在一起,既让Tiger的娇嗔和赵家豪的绅士合为一体,又在声音的动机上“有章可循”,仔细听,原版《水中花》副歌旋律的第一小节与《La vie en rose》主歌旋律的第一小节都有17653,那么这个串烧相当于舍弃了《水中花》的副歌,而将《La vie en rose》的主歌替换进来做串烧的副歌。一个音乐作品的改编,只要保证了“融合度”和“合理性”,那么这个改编,即便不做其他任何多余的处理,就这样简单的串并,微微的移宫换羽,那也是成立且成功的。cr: 音蟲雜貨鋪