Dear Pastor, In my humble opinion, u cannot assume that the vast majority of the World's population are naive. As for HKies, we all know that most of the 200M Indonesian Muslims are NOT extremists, otherwise we wouldn't employ them as DH. I have been travelling to Malaysia extensively since 40 years ago and even own an apt. near KL. All people l encountered are very nice & friendly. My wife is from Uzbe (despite she is a Russian) with 90% Muslim. Again, most of them are pretty friendly and contempted. As a Pastor, l wish your speech could be more simplistic and less naive, as quoted by our ex-Chair Zhang. -- Sam HO Prof. & Speaker, Oxford U.
@amyhe6877 Жыл бұрын
剛好路過看到且聽了 讓俺知道了一些很好的信息 謝謝!也很欣賞有獨特的見解⋯ 不過 至少查了有兩本英文聖經的翻譯對比之下都是一樣的 不同於這個猶太學者的英文翻譯 甚至有不雅之字出現的 原諒俺的淺陋 若不是 求神憐憫! Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”
Reference book: My Promised Land The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit Chinese translation available: 我的應許地 以色列的榮譽與悲劇 亞瑞 沙維特著 葉品岑譯 八旗文化出版 2018
Mark Sir, 這是CUV 和 KJV 的经文, 和你列出经文有原意差別。 作為新约時代的基督徒, 我們應當傳播福音, 不論他們的種族和性別。 期侍Mark Sir下期講解Christianity 在 Israel 和 Hamas衝突中的角色和態度。 [CUV]創世記 16:12 他為人必像野驢;他的手要攻打人、人的手也要攻打他、他必住在眾弟兄的東邊。 [KJV]Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Very insightful analysis based on facts and rationalism. Better put the question of blood and heredity aside. Who knows what your DNA is. Can we ask the scientists to do a test on every single Jew and every single Palestinian? The Bible is a spiritual text for enhancing spirituality, and not about racism. Those who spin around the issue of race, blood and heredity are no different from the Nazi. That is not what Judaism is about.
[KJV]And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. (Gen 16:12)
Understood he has stand himself so read in bible rather than expository Bible interpretation and try to pick whatever translation and/or interpretation fitting his opinion.