我post到都paiseh 做么每一集都有人哭的啦??? 😂 *这次哭的终于不是Zuvia了! 特别鸣谢 🍺 Carlsberg Malaysia - instagram.com/carlsbergmy/ 场地赞助📍 Dasein Academy of Art - facebook.com/DaseinAcademyOfArt 妆发💄 Xtina Image Studio - Makeup facebook.com/xtinalingfanspage 餐饮赞助🍽️ DULU KITA - facebook.com/dulukita.my
This crash course in acting is just creating content for their channel. Most of them should be able to manage the acting required for the movie. Maybe it is another Mu Ren's idea to boost up the viewership and add content for his channel.