@@RainIsHere you work really hard not only because you produce very often but more importantly, you try the best to reply most of our comments. Most people are excited to have much interaction with celebrities. you have special qualities that deserve that growing support and subscription.
@felixkwok8434 жыл бұрын
當其他公司想追上 Tesla 製造電動車的步伐 Tesla 已經開始緊其他賽道 智慧電網 能源儲存 電池回收 等等 相比 iCar 個人覺得 蘋果的 M1 芯片更加值得關注
分析得好好, 同埋其實Tesla 都open source開放電動車技術想更多車廠出電動車 Apple 真係出Icar 會令電動車更加普及 同時對Tesla 都有利 但2024 先出...Tesla data/技術/economics of scale 已經領先緊10年.. 利申 Apple Tesla 都持有
@ronfok4 жыл бұрын
High quality comparison between iCar and Tesla. Great analysis on future of EV cars. Well done!
其實蘋果出iCar的話,應該都會在好多年之後,而家比我感覺似係炒concept rather than 真係會出到product 其實參考Tesla,因為汽車產業實在太大,如果Apple開始出汽車的話應該需要同其他傳統車廠合作,例如當年roadster 就係係用lotus elite嘅車架, 但蘋果公司對於inventory嘅控制又好難會接受呢方面的控制,同埋同傳統車廠合作/代工的話應該會在QC方面會有一定難度 試想像下蘋果嘅QC會同Tesla一樣,一定俾人鬧到傻咗 同埋發展autopilot最重要嘅都係user data,在呢一點上面Tesla 目前在呢一點絕對係dominate, Apple好難同Tesla做到competition. 再加上Tesla一直以来發展嘅super charging技術同普及,應該會在充電協議方面會有壟斷,Apple在呢方面亦都好難追得上 但如果Apple要自己起車廠的話參考Tesla嘅歷史條數又要好多年先會break even. 所以其實都對Apple嘅iCar叫做觀望啦,起碼在近十年內應該唔會挑戰到Tesla在電動車上面嘅地位
@frankiemak45044 жыл бұрын
@chebunericlam4414 жыл бұрын
祝聖誕快樂🎄 並喜樂平安
@haiziwang4 жыл бұрын
Although I did not do as much research as you did on the batteries and technology, I also felt that the pie is big enough for 2. R&D wise, I guess we are always a step behind and can only wait on rumours/news of tech breakthroughs.
@ononhpl4 жыл бұрын
@cheungdickson16314 жыл бұрын
Merry X'mas. thanks for sharing
@whitneyli43214 жыл бұрын
@peterwong84994 жыл бұрын
Nice video again....have you heard any news about tesla on bitcoin approach? Keep up the good work.
@ronaldwong10284 жыл бұрын
@rl43304 жыл бұрын
Ruby: Thanks Rain, 你好用心又專業,講解好清晰,好鍾意睇你的片,支持你😘😘
@RainIsHere4 жыл бұрын
@thehangon5204 жыл бұрын
Apple做車 iCar 就好似 Tesla 做 手機 teslaphone, 根本比較唔到。。。 所以都係兩個都買好啲。。。 😕