my son is 32 years old and he is autistic but he like his song so much and almost everyday must listen to his song, Thank you A-Yue for your beautiful song to keep him occupied and be happy.
思念是一種病 x Where is the Love (Robynn and Kendy)當你在穿山越嶺的另一邊 我在孤獨的路上沒有盡頭 一輩子有多少的來不及 發現 已經 失去 最重要的東西 恍然大悟 早已遠去 為何總是在犯錯之後 才肯相信 錯的是自己 他們說這就是人生 試著體會 試著忍住眼淚 還是躲不開應該有的情緒 我不會奢求世界停止轉動 我知道逃避一點都沒有用 只是這段時間裡 尤其在夜裡 還是會想起 難忘的事情 我想我的思念是一種病 久久不能痊癒People hatin', people fightin' Children hurt and you hear them cryin' or would you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questionin' Where is the love (The love) Where is the love The love, the love汲汲營營 忘記身邊的人需要愛和關心 借口總是拉遠了距離 不知不覺 無聲無息 我們總是在抱怨事與願違 卻不願意回頭看看自己 想想自己到底做了什麼蠢事情也許是上帝給我一個試煉 只是這傷口需要花點時間 只是會想念 過去的一切 那些人事物 會離我遠去 而我們終究也會遠離 變成回憶 People hatin', people fightin' Children hurt and you hear them cryin' or would you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questionin' Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love The love, the love 當你在穿山越嶺的另一邊 我在孤獨的路上沒有盡頭 時常感覺你在耳後的呼吸 卻未曾感覺你在心口的鼻息 Where is the love oh~ 思念是一種病