No confirmed news of what is her health condition at this moment, yet some videos or comments are gaslighting and insinuating that Zhao Lusi is to blame for her health problems due to her extreme dieting or even plastic surgery, even saying she’s causing other youngsters to follow in her wrong ways. Please stop all these bullying in the guise of goodwill or kind “observations”. 目前尚无确切消息表明赵露思的健康状况,但有一些视频和留言却在挑拨离间,暗示赵露思的健康问题应归咎于她过度节食甚至整容,甚至说她导致其他年轻人效仿她的错误做法。 请停止所有这些打着善意或善意“观察”幌子,但实际上是在阴阳怪气的欺凌PUA行为。