For playing Netflix on TV, we need eARC to return Atmos to amp? If not, I need to play Netflix on PS4/bluray, to amp?
@eric20ay4 жыл бұрын
PS4 and Bluray don't support Dolby Atmos output, if your tv support Dolby Atmos, generally you can pass back Netflix's Dolby Atmos through HDMI ARC(no need eARC because Netflix's Atmos is DD+ encode)
@kcMRChan4 жыл бұрын
@chingkwanchan31833 жыл бұрын
@@eric20ay 請問Disney是否DD+encode?
@chingkwanchan31833 жыл бұрын
@@eric20ay 另外想問,如果電視是eArc,但Soundbar是Arc(Yamaha5600)是否仍然可以接收到Netfix的Atmos效果?Thanks again
我用Sony x9500G 搭Sony z9F sound bar, 電視同sound bar要著Bravia sync, 睇Netflix 要出atmos, 開頭成日有畫無聲,可能同Netflix 個version有d關係(我水貨電視,要自己download app), 另外係‘音頻輸出’𥚃面既‘數字音頻輸出’,選’自動2‘,有畫無聲既情況大大減少,不過裝左有線之後,有線個盒干擾,搞到成日TV同sound bar out sync.....成日要甩線自己手動sync 返
@henrychau84404 жыл бұрын
我用ARC駁Blu-Ray Home Theater睇Netflix電影,同一條線睇Blu-Ray碟(雖然真係好小睇碟),不過睇碟時要在電視機音效輸出設定關閉電視喇叭,唔明點解Blu-Ray Home Theater 無得set不把聲音傳輸到電視,相反睇Netflix 時電視喇叭會自動關閉。 (TV同Home Theater 都係LG)
@ckhli200014 жыл бұрын
我部Denon AVR6400H+ LG 49UB8300用唔到,唔知點解!
@eddidaslau2744 жыл бұрын
用緊Yamaha 2080 AV AMP, Samsung Q90R, 駁ARC去AMP,部AMP成日都自動飛去TV,即使我用搖控襟返去Bluray,佢都係不停跳返去TV, 好很煩!!!!!其實可唔可以set佢唔好自動跳呢?謝謝你
SO i got a question regarding HDMI direction ? i had PS4, AV amp and TV (will netfilx). i know the HDMI direction to connect PS4 and AV AMP should be (PS4 ----> AV AMP). However, What direction of HDMI cable should be better to connect TV and AV AMP? If connect AV AMP ----> TV - Picture should be better for playing PS4, right ?? or Connect TV ---> AV AMP with better sound while watch netfilx and youtube ?? Thanks.
@@loyaoman6041 是的,如果你說的是 Dolby Atmos in Dolby TrueHD
@eric20ay4 жыл бұрын
I think you need to compare yourself, and take the better one is ok, I connect all devices in amp first
@sos63284 жыл бұрын
yes thats what i did now, but just didnt sure about the direction of HDMI cable which connecting TV and AMP (playing PS4 and sometime using TV to watch youtube/netfix)? e.g. connection between amp and speaker - the direction must toward to speaker..
@yoyoking4 жыл бұрын
我LG電視ARC去sound bar
@TELEVISIBLE4 жыл бұрын
只可以用dobly or dts
@sos63284 жыл бұрын
by the way.... Love you guys video.. support support