I started my new shift which is 4 days work and 3 days off, love it😀
@chihsinchiang6375 Жыл бұрын
C & D 我覺得周休三日只會讓你其餘四天的工作時間變得更不彈性、壓力更大、工作更無趣,因為要維持一樣的薪水(也就是一樣的工作量),勢必要更有效率 每個人每天的工作效率其實是取決於當天的身體狀況、近期工作型態、私人事情所影響 舉個例來說,有些人經歷過一個深度旅遊後,其實當周都很有工作熱忱或是突然很有想法的話,那這時候強迫員工放假並不一定是最好的(搞不好員工也不一定想放假) 又或者有些人突然爆量工作三天,其實第四天搞不好就很沒有效率(工作疲乏),這時候放假才是最好的選擇 所以我認為改成周休一日,另一天變成彈性放假(也就是自己決定一周的另一天應該放在哪天),這樣應該更符合一般人的期待,也能創造更好的工作效率 最最重要的就是,彈性放假代表大家選擇哪天出去玩的時間都不一樣,才不會都擠來擠去,造成心情低落,降低放假的實質效益
C 我是台灣護理師 我發現有很多的好處當你一週有更多時間放假 會有更多時間休息充電 對我來說休息在工作會讓我續航力更好。但台灣醫療產業的想法太死了,很多企業或老闆沒有這種概念,加班就是必須,而且不一定會給加班費。所以我決定往美國跑,我目前也有考到美國RN執照(waiting for my EB3 visa) 我已經跟美國north california LODI hospital 簽約,他們有清楚 法規 一週工作36小時,所以我只要上三天班,就可以休息四天。而且超過36hr一定會算到加班費。這是保障自己員工身理 心理健康。
The fact is there aren’t many works available after the pandemic and it’s harder to act busy these days lol. As for those who are paid with low hourly, they continue to work long hours so as to earn the reasonable minimum monthly wages
@michellehung6049 Жыл бұрын
after covid, in Canada, most of our companies still stick to the hybrid mode, so technically the working hours are quite flexible, but it really depends on your manager and company policy. Some will appreciate us to be commited to the projects instead of a fixed working schedule so to be more efficient and productive in work and take some time off on the rest of the week as long as we get the work done.