Thank you for the Cursed Camera delivery. 📸 Seeing Mikey appear for the first time was a scare. And then being more and more frequent before he started attacking was scary. I’m glad we were able to clear it, I wonder who that could’ve been inside Thank you for the post game chatting as well it was really nice and chill, and thank you for showing us the first message you sent to Subaru senpai. It was a really cute message
It's been a while since Danchou played a horror game. It was fun to watch Danchou noises: 17:47 screams at the toiletトイレで悲鳴を上げる 18:12 door ghost ドアの幽霊 23:26 mens toilet 男子トイレ 23:48 door slam ドアをバタンと閉める 28:20 night time 夜間 29:05 phone call 電話 31:58 rides swinging スイングに乗る 33:24 vending machine ghost 自動販売機の幽霊 37:56 big eyes on the balcony バルコニーの大きな目 39:53 legally distinct Mickey Mouse 1 法的に別個のミッキーマウス 1 43:20 legally distinct Mickey Mouse 2 法的に別個のミッキーマウス 2 44:17 trapped ghost 閉じ込められた幽霊 HOUSE LEVEL: 50:15 accidentally took a photo うっかり写真を撮ってしまいました 59:35 legally distinct Mickey Mouse 3 非常に特徴的なミッキーマウス 3 01:00:25 legally distinct Mickey Mouse 4 法的に別個のミッキーマウス 4 01:02:02 legally distinct Mickey Mouse 5 法的に別個のミッキーマウス 5 01:08:45 ending エンディング 01:10:55 plot twist :CINEMA: どんでん返し 01:13:37 final scene (Danchou didn't understand the story) ラストシーン(ダンチョウは話が理解できなかった) 01:18:42 Analyzing the story ストーリーを分析すると 01:23:15 legally distinct Mickey Mouse 6 法的に別個のミッキーマウス 6 01:25:39 Zatsu. I dont understand Nihongo desu ダンチョウは久しぶりにホラーゲームをプレイしました。見ていて楽しかったです
Noel, thank you for the cursed digital camera stream! I’m looking forward to ASMR and Sunday muscle! You were so brave playing this game since it’s been a while since the last horror game you played!