るるちゃんの「眉間にシワを寄せるのは、本当にりせちゃん似」ですねぇ~((ノェ`*)っ))タシタシ 僕は、赤ちゃんの頃から「母親が育児放棄」したために、十分な愛情を貰えず育ってきたから、二人とるるちゃんを見ていると素敵な家族だし、カワイイ盛りだなぁ~って思っていつも見ています。これからも、もちろんるるちゃんの成長日記だと思って動画を見させてもらいます。いつも素敵な動画をありがとうございますm(__)m (British English version: Ruru-chan's ‘wrinkles between her eyebrows are really like Rise-chan's’! I grew up without enough love because my mother abandoned me since I was a baby, so I always look at the two of them and Ruru-chan and think that they are a wonderful family and that they are so cute. I will continue to watch the videos as a diary of Ruru-chan's growth, of course. Thank you for all your wonderful videos!ヽ(^o^)丿)