Zhao Liying is a great actress, all the awards she won this year are proof of that, I've lost count. Her beauty is unique, her determined and confident walk on the red carpet is that of a true star.⭐️ This actress is wonderful and splendid. The Queen "Liying" 🌹🌹🌹 ❤🇨🇦
@장미영-k9t12 күн бұрын
너무 아름다워요~~드레스가 너무 잘어울려요~~최고로 아름 다운 조려영 당신을 응원합니다.
@KK-bm9kn13 күн бұрын
Her team wore the black color, while only zly was in pink. “Suitability “ and “ beauty” or “ for team” and “for own self”..