You are absolutely right. She will go down history as a great writer with courage ,conscience and compassion. She is beautiful forever both outside and inside. God bless her and her husband.
@Lop-s9w2 ай бұрын
@senyang2260 Жыл бұрын
刚刚拜读完歌苓女士的最新独立出版的作品《米拉蒂》。。。心情久久不能平静。耳边不时响起歌苓女士不久前掷地有声的一句创作感言“You can take me out of China but you can not take China out of me"!!! 她是全球华语文学的骄傲!!!
She is a rare talent among writers. Now she has also demonstrated the greatest courage to denounce the Chinese government. She is the pride of the nation.