Zipped box pouch for

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Karen Sews Slowly

Karen Sews Slowly

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@cherrybrook140861 27 күн бұрын
love vlogmas pls
@sewjennysews707 27 күн бұрын
Hi Karen. So lovely to see you back 😊. Yes would love you to do some vlogmus x
@amandah4834 28 күн бұрын
Lovely to see you back Karen hope you are doing well and are settled into your new home , shame about your jacket it’s such a pretty style and colour but I’m sure you can do something with it 🤞your little bag is very sweet , take care , Amanda xx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Thank you Amanda, hope you are well? wait till you see the clip of the next two bags!! 😂🥰xx
@marywhite1749 28 күн бұрын
Great to see you Karen. Love your pink top that you’re wearing. Look forward to seeing your chatty vlogs and to Vlogmas. Take care xx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Eeeh Mary my top is not a me-made (I definitely would have mentioned it if I had made it given that I have so little to show for my efforts over the last four weeks!!!!) I bought it in my fave shop at Seahouses, Raggy Dolls. I think a vlogmas is on the cards 🥰xx
@ElaineR66 28 күн бұрын
Hi Karen, it’s always disappointing when a garment doesn’t go to plan, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s best just to put it away for another day when you can look at it with fresh eyes! I’d love to see you doing a vlogmas just as and when you’re feeling like it. A chatty one would be great too if you haven’t done any sewing 😊. Take care ❤
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Ah bless you Elaine - I can chat for England (as you probably know!) 🤣🤣🥰xx
@juliesneap3809 29 күн бұрын
I would love to see your vlogmas whenever you are able xx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Ah Julie thank you 🥰xx
@JanetteTaylor-q8x Ай бұрын
Hi Karen, lovely to see you, you always make me smile. ❤
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Thank you Janette 🥰xx
@letitiathomson914 Ай бұрын
Great to see you again Karen, love the top your wearing, the colour suits you so well. Yes I agree with you the cotton fabric isn’t baby blue. Love your bags the colours you’ve used are lovely. Happy sewing 🧵🪡🇦🇺
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Thank you Letitia, have just recorded a follow up vlog to this one just wait for the monumental mess of the next two bags!!!! 🙄😂🥰xx
@newcreations1064 Ай бұрын
Hi Karen, lovely to see you again, .Love how you made the make up bag, make great presents. It would be lovely to see you do vlogmass, when you can, it must be difficult to know what content to put on every day. So disapointing when a garment doesent go the way we hoped it would, but its always a learning curve .I tend to make my night gowns in a cotton jersey, mainly from ound fabrics, always been good value. Take care Karen. Hugs Jean.xx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Woman after my own heart 'night gowns' love it!! Yes I've had a run of learning curves lately 😂🥰xx
@sherridynpistorius4910 Ай бұрын
I love nightgowns!😊 I make winter ones out of flannel. So toasty warm..
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Flannel! There's a blast from the past - is that what we used to call Winciette (not sure of the spelling) but I agree toasty. 🥰xx
@sheilaanderson9611 Ай бұрын
Lovely video. You always make me smile. I hope you all settled into your new home. xxx
@andrearyan816 Ай бұрын
A weekly vlogmas would be wonderful, I agree every day is crazy!
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Could possibly manage a weekly one - unless people want to come to the supermarket with me? 🤣🥰xx
@helenwood6166 Ай бұрын
YES YES please Karen ,a vlogmas would be amazing no matter how many you do
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Bless you Helen - how can I refuse now?! 🥰xx
@robynlaszlo6128 Ай бұрын
Love the make-up bag whenever it suits you doing the vlogmas always happy to see you 😊😊😊
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Aw thank you Robyn, thank you for watching again 🥰xx
@gailturner8276 Ай бұрын
Lovely to see you back karen ,loved the makup bag ,hope you're keeping well, take care xxx❤
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Thank you Gail, wait till you see the mess I made of the 2nd and 3rd bags! 🙄🥰xx
@SewLikeDotty Ай бұрын
Great to see you Karen . Would love to see you in vlogmas. It’s sewing this Sunday !!!
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
EEEeh Alison thank you, I am intending to go on Sunday all being well, have a fab time at the K&S show. 🥰xx
@AuntBecsCreations Ай бұрын
I vote for finishing up the jacket! It is lovely!
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Aw thank you I might get back to it - I'm at a sewing group on Sunday so may take it there - everyone without exception has more of a clue than me 🤣🥰xx
@karenegan2640 Ай бұрын
Lovely to see you, love the make up bags. I’ve been making bags too for this challenge 😂. Vlogmas would be great, hope you do do something. Xx
@eileenkiely5417 Ай бұрын
Hi Karen, it’s so nice to see you back again, I’d love to see you do some blogmas videos 🎄👍 Your sewing room is lovely, I hope you are settling in well in your new home.
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Thank you Eileen, yes we have settled - a bit too much actually we seemed to have stopped with the jobs around the house - may be after the Christmas and New Year holiday..... 🤔🥰xx
@rtblade4 Ай бұрын
Hi Karen, you had me rolling when you wondered about people looking for Karens😂
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
I did wonder if that's why I get a decent number of views on my channel - doesn't do the channel any harm but the poor souls must be so disappointed! 🤣🥰xx
@lbeacon1 Ай бұрын
lovely to see you. You always make me smile. Sorry to hear about the hacking,it's horrible what people do.
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Aw thank you. I've calmed down considerably now but when I realised there was literally nothing I could do about it and that the scammer's IT/computer skills are obviously far better than mine, I just thought I'm wasting precious energy sending out 'hate'' vibes. 🥰xx
@sarahmiddle5028 Ай бұрын
Love your pouches, I might have a go at some. Like you, I enjoy quick easy projects from time to time. And yes I'd enjoy seeing vlogmas videos, happy to just see them as and when you can do them
@caronlever2019 Ай бұрын
Aw lush to see you back xxx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Bless you Caron 🥰xx
@mkquinn6078 Ай бұрын
Karen my dear you do always make me laugh. Look forward to your next video/blog. As for the face-book make sure they have to message your mobile and put a really good password in. Also add that you do sell on line back up to one of your boys for the password combination. Check they don't have your email address and maybe update the password there too.
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Aw thank you - and thanks for that advice too will have a sit down with the lads and they can help secure things for me. 🥰xx
@julievickers9747 Ай бұрын
Hi Karen - the blouse you’re wearing is lovely what pattern and fabric did you use. Xx
@jennywoolliscroft5259 Ай бұрын
Hi, I was thinking the same things!
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
It's not a me-made (guilty as charged!). To be honest it's very like the Athena top I made from Tesutti Fabrics but I bought this top at my fave shop in Seahouses 🤭🥰xx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
I think it's cheese cloth ?? not sure if that is the official name of this fabric - a bit like the muslin square I used to have for the bairns when they were babies? 🥰xx
@tinajenkins6342 Ай бұрын
So nice to see you as always. Love the Broderie Anglais fabric, it’ll make a lovely blouse. I would love for you to do some vlogmas videos. Take care xx
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Aw thank you Tina, quite a few positive responses to vlogmas - I am quite surprised ☺🥰xx
@rosiejones4589 Ай бұрын
Hi Karen, Nice to see you back. I am exactly the same when it comes to understanding the difference in fabrics. I can tell if its cotton or viscose but when it's a combination of fabrics I haven't got a clue. The pink top your wearing really suits you, definitely your colour. x
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Aw thank you Rosie a few people have said that! It's not a me made I have to admit but as we now live in a house where the heating actually heats the house I am finding I can wear thinner things indoors. 🥰xx
@nettmotherbear Ай бұрын
Hi Karen lovely to see your videos as always 😊 Sorry to hear you weren’t recently, I’m a chemotherapy nurse so I know how tough it can get ❤ I always wanted to quilt too I started one 7 years ago and I’ve just finished it which is a huge achievement for me 😅 I kind of got lost in the dressmaking world too and yet I’m hankering to quilt but there aren’t that many interesting quilting vloggers so I think you kind of get sucked back into the dressmaking world on here and then feel guilty when your quilting. But I’ve decided bigger it I want to quilt 😂 keep up the lovely videos xx
@helenwood6166 Ай бұрын
You look beautiful Karen
@elainedownes4488 Ай бұрын
Hello karen. I think its brave of you to construct a jacket. The fabric looks nice and colour suits you. Think i can see what you mean about the seams. Perhaps you can find some one to help you with the fit. You can always come back to it when you feel ready.
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
@TheFrenchSeams_vlog 29 күн бұрын
Loving your pink daisy jumper and sorry your pink jacket is giving you grief!!! What a horrible thing to happen with your account!!!! I need to check out that zipper pouch pattern it looks really cute! Lovely to hear your chat!!
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
Eeeh Rachel I know for a fact you will make a lovely job of the pouches - I'll be embarrassed to feature any future quilting when I know there's quilting royalty watching!!! 🤭🥰xx
@TheFrenchSeams_vlog 27 күн бұрын
@ oh you’re being way to kind! I was so delighted to hear about your start in quilting!!! Hope you’re well xx
@evelynwatt8029 Ай бұрын
Hi Karen nice to see you Looks like you are getting settled into your new home I love all your new fabric give you time to think of what to make for summer. I love the colour of your jacket but agree it’s not really looking good on you I felt the same I have just altered a skirt I bought from an Op Shop which was too big so re made it and then didn’t like it so will put it back in I’m sure someone will love it I’m still hobbling around with a Moonboot on can you believe it’s nearly a year I’m beginning to feel I’m never going to drive again Will know in another 2 wks if the last operation worked it certainly feels better I hope you are keeping well and the weather is being good for you now you are into winter Not good news to hear you were hacked it’s really bad they can do this makes you think twice about being on social media Hope you didn’t loose any money just a pain to change everything ❤
@karensewsslowly Ай бұрын
Hello lovely lady - I can't believe it's nearly a year !!! Just take care and fingers crossed only a few more weeks and then this last year will feel like a bad dream! I didn't lose any money just the ability to look at MY OWN page on Facebook. It looked like the hacker was from India as it had .in on the end of the email address now linked to my account I hope they didn't make any money. Winter has been very mild so far we did have the first proper frost this morning though and parts of the UK were expected to get snow but non here so far. I'm due a chemo on Thursday but have my fingers crossed as I had a meeting with my consultant on Monday last week and he is reducing the dose again (a little bit it's already 75% but I think we are going to about 60-5%) and I asked if I could start the follow up steroids again. I've just seemed to have been worse with every cycle and it took 10 days to feel back to 'normal' last cycle - I was ready to throw in the towel. So I am hoping that this time I will recover a little quicker and not be so worn out. Sending you all the love and good wishes in the world and I will be hoping and praying for a good result for you in two weeks, take care my lovely friend. 💖🌻🥰xxx
@evelynwatt8029 Ай бұрын
@ I will email you See England is getting snow today make it feel like Xmas not the same in the sun x
@lr2168 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the info on the make up bag. Just the pattern I am looking for to make a few gifts.
@karensewsslowly Ай бұрын
You are very welcome. I have jus finished the bag that I was half way through in this vlog I had a monumental error just to warn you - When you snip away the corners and then flatten the edges of the lining and outer fabric together make sure the seam is in the middle, I was half asleep and when I turned my bag through it looked like some sort of deformed hamster so I set about unpicking it (from the two corners I had sewn correctly and only then did I realise what I'd done and therefore had to un pick the whole lot. 🙄 Happy sewing 🥰xx
@mkquinn6078 Ай бұрын
Karen the jacket is way to big but maybe you can play with it and then make a fresh jacket after changing shoulder width. Is there bust darts in it love the colour on you though. Enjoy your new house.
@cherrybrook140861 27 күн бұрын
where did you get those zips from pls x
@karolmolpus9536 Ай бұрын
Coral pink 😅
@karolmolpus9536 Ай бұрын
Looks turquoise
@karolmolpus9536 Ай бұрын
Boiled wool will lie better on body ❤
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
I do think the colour will make a difference and be less bedjacket-ish! 🥰xx
@Vonnee-jo5vd Ай бұрын
I thought Bed jacket just before you said it Karen.
@karensewsslowly 28 күн бұрын
😆Great minds....! 🥰xx
@libbykilpatrick1578 Ай бұрын
Karen you can just cut off the bottom end of the zip to make it fit. Loads of tutorials on how to do that. x
@karensewsslowly Ай бұрын
Thanks Libby this is what I did with the first bag I made as it was quite a small plastic/nylon zip but these new zips have much thicker 'teeth' I think they may be metal too - although I did order nylon I'm sure. Take care Lovely 🥰xx
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