比赛有输赢是正常不过的过程,球迷只要求球员在每一个比赛场上尽最大的努力去迎战。昨天的决赛凸显了他消极,放弃,没耐心的缺点,这另每一个支持他的观众失望(包括我)。this is why people always commented that he have attitude problem. 改进自己,加油吧
Who doesn't wanna earn more money?? Why stuck with BAM?? As if independent not Malaysian player.. not representing Malaysia... Look at BAM player only Aaron and soh is considered world class... NTY long way to go .. fitness poor.. whenever play 3 set definitely gone case... Pearly and Thinaah injury prone... The rest horrible
国家对也不是一个好地方,现在我们连女单都没有还要靠自由人goh jin wei(我不会打她的华文名),现在单打方面只有叶教练带加上黄钟翰又去了香港可以看到国家队有多么的不稳定了,双打方面是比较好因为有印尼教练雷西带着可是这样对国家队的话是不好的因为成绩长期靠雷西的话雷西的权利就会变大,如果国家队无法满足雷西的需求雷西就会走到最后双打的成绩也会崩塌