我是住在Payson, AZ的台灣人,剛剛看完影片就馬上查一下看看Arizona 有沒有meet fresh,結果一家在:1832 W Broadway Rd #104, Mesa, AZ 85202. 另一家在:1900 W Chandler Blvd #24, Chandler, AZ 85224. 以後有機會下山去PHX,我一定要去吃吃看家鄉味!😍😍
沒吃過波霸加在烤布蕾上,感覺口感會很棒,這次學到了; 看了莎白的影片後,覺得開在美國的餐飲反而更有吸引力; 有一位說不要為美國人而改變,我倒希望能引進美國版本; 有關芋圓及雞蛋糕,以下有資訊可與外國朋友分享,謝謝: 1. Taro ball can be found in almost every part of Taiwan, but Jiufen is the most famous. Many tourists come to Taiwan like to eat taro ball. Taro balls were developed in 1946. Until the 1970s, an aunt sold ice products near Jiufen Elementary School. Due to customer requests, taro balls were added as a condiment. With the promotion of tourism, it became a famous local snack! In fact, only the purple material is taro, and other colors represent different ingredients, such as sweet potato, mung bean, yam, sesame, and matcha! Besides taro balls, Jiufen's "Hakka rice cake" is also very famous! 2. The correct name of that Waffle is Egg Waffle. It is a kind of street snack in Hong Kong. It is characterized by that one side is hollow and crispy inside, while the other side has a cakey and soft texture and exudes the aroma of eggs. Egg waffle originated in Hong Kong in the 1950s. At that time, in order to avoid wasting these cracked eggs, grocery stores added ingredients such as flour and butter to the egg slurry, and then poured them into molds for baking. Later, someone designed an egg-shaped mold, so Named "Egg Waffle". There is a street snack in Taiwan that is similar to egg waffle, called chicken cake. The method is similar to takoyaki. The batter is poured into a mold, and baking powder and other leavening agents are used. It is heated and made. It is softer than egg waffle, and using more eggs. The color it presents comes from the ingredients, not added coloring. These two desserts are now available in almost all Asian countries and are very popular street snacks or afternoon tea snacks!
I bet the mango with slush + sweetened condensed milk is not only super popular in Taiwan but also a lot of tourists order this ice when they visit Taiwan .