雖然我是重溫,我想鼓勵阿駿,你是上帝所創造的,其實在香港的社會,因為華人的家庭教育和學校的教育制度,我們的自信會很低,但是自從我信了主耶蘇,我知道我是珍貴的,每個人都是 wonderfully and fearfully made. I always want to push my boundaries to work hard for my life. Especially when I know that God granted the ability to accomplish something. I moved to the England by myself 3 years ago, I felt extremely peaceful because I know that God granted me to leave my hometown. I was baptized here in a local British church, and trust that Holy Spirt will always lead you through and the most important thing is that you will have your eternal life in His Kingdom. 駿,你是珍貴的 🙏🏻