Even though I do not speak Japanese, I have very much enjoyed this series! Thank you Kaminari for inviting Mr. Wise and showing him Japan. It is a happy, heartfelt video series.
終わっちゃった..。まるで一本の映画を見終わった気持ち。カミナリとケイマックスの皆様、たくさんの夢と感動をありがとうございました。幼少期から大大大好きなDK Island Swingを始めとした思い入れのあるドンキーコングの曲達が、まさか大人になってこんなにも愛しい曲になるだなんて思いもしませんでした。 ワイズさんの優しい瞳と笑顔、ちんちんに癒されました。2回目もどうか開催されますように。本当にありがとうございました。
So contrary to most commenters, I was not familiar with the Kaminari Duo, and I had to admit I was worried his comedy would be too much for David Wise. After watching this series, I have become their fan. I'm really glad David Wise had this wonderful experience in Japan and I'm looking forward to his next visit. Thank you Kaminari and I hope to attend one of your shows as well.