@elementxxrider 25 минут бұрын
5:09 here the way those notes started reminded me of the ending of "Paths of Hate" I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I makes a sad yet meaningful poetry about how those paths ultimately led to mankind's termination.
@effooo2000 27 минут бұрын
Well that was unexpected
@mustafaesin8679 Сағат бұрын
İnsanları öldürmeyen silahım olan kalemimle sizleri eğitmek için birçok yazı yazdım. Umarım bu süreçten sonra iyi birer suikastçı olursunuz. Çünkü bu mermileri silahın mermi kısmına mermi olarak yerleştiriyorsunuz ve gözünüzü kırpmadan tetiği çekerek ateş ettiğinizde eliniz titrese bile 12'de hedefi vuruyorsunuz. 🕎🎯🔫👈🏻😉👍
@pinkyd5078 Сағат бұрын
Moral of the story is one day you will become what you think
@Ulfric-yv3xk Сағат бұрын
Pure nostalgia
@phoebegreig6523 2 сағат бұрын
Now we know what Yzma was doing before The Emperor’s New Groove 😂
@SpokeNyan1390 2 сағат бұрын
Riddle me this: 🤔😪💰💸💸💸😵‍💫😡👺😁🥰💰 Now if you solved that riddle, then solve this riddle: 🥵🥵🥵🐱🐱🐱😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 And if you solved that riddle, then solve this last hard riddle: There’s stereotype of every kind, stereotype that could be right or wrong, one random stereotype wears all black, one random stereotype wears all white and black patterns, and one random stereotype is all smart, smart to the point where it is made fun of. There’s even an emoji of it. What stereotypes am I talking about?
@mustafaesin8679 2 сағат бұрын
I think you're constipated. Consume liquid foods to get rid of constipation. Because judging by your facial expression, it looks like you're having trouble removing it when you sit on the toilet. 💩. 😂
@bethtustin1381 3 сағат бұрын
Love the short stories there are some talent people out there.
@mygarypoo1332 3 сағат бұрын
I cried because all characters died the whale, by whaling, the rhino by poaching for Chinese medicine, the pelican by a sad oil spill and the baby seals by the fur trade and it's sad to see such beautiful organisams go the way of the dodo and that is why in the near future I want to help these species to rebund their populations one at a time
@marymikel9193 3 сағат бұрын
Love how the mechanical monster made a silhouette of an X as if he lost the game.
@CryptoBoblicious 3 сағат бұрын
Please turn off the automatic translator in the description, the German I'm currently reading is more than bad, meaningless words wrong together. English and done. Thanks --> Animation is amazing and music too. I see an old man fighting with himself. The bird: the higher self ❤
@Mikhalych- 4 сағат бұрын
Спасибо тебе Люфо
@Sephiroth1992 4 сағат бұрын
So beautiful 🖤 🪽 The death doesn't care about money, gender or age. he takes everyone
@roby1465 4 сағат бұрын
Wau, amazing! Thank you. 👍
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
Since all parts of the elements are arranged on the same string, they move together, because if the elements moved separately due to their DNA, there would be neither a universe nor existence. For example, think about the building blocks of a human being. Because if human DNA was missing a gene, there would be no such thing as a human. If the elements were not connected by a string, there would be no universe. To this end, all beings dance with the 🧬 tropics in their DNA. Because the sequence of existence is tied to a rope and various blocks. Empty-minded physicists say that the ores found in stones are elements because they do not know what the building material is and what it looks like. Think of a piano and its notes, then imagine the universe and the elements. If a piano didn't have a wooden frame, would it be a grand piano? This couldn't happen. If the note is not in the correct key on the piano, can you play any music you want on that piano? You cannot play because the note that creates the sound in that key is not in place, you will not be able to produce the music you want, and you will not be able to play the song you want. The elements of the universe are contained in a piano-like body and move together as each element is individually connected to the earth and sky. The reason I tell you this in detail is because you are dreamers and have been raised with esoteric philosophies for centuries. Therefore, you are disconnected from reality and have difficulty with analysis. Analyzing something is not difficult, remember this, just be yourself and act on your righteous thoughts.
@haridevt5922 4 сағат бұрын
I don't want to hurt your feelings Mustafa but God the creator does exist I know you are speaking purely from your emotions towards something you can't do anything about and it's fine. Leave the rest to God,his messiah and the mahdi. Right now do what you can take care of your family and live a good life. Don't waste your time over this. There are some things that only some can do not all can and there is nothing wrong about it. I know you will not listen anyway you will keep on going but this is something I wanted to convey to you.
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
If you want to know the reality of something, DNA testing will reveal its reality, even if there is some saliva or moisture in the tissue of that thing ⏏️ A prophecy made by a seer to the king of Kabbalah. What is written in verse 5 of Surah Taha? To Him belongs everything that is in the heavens, on the earth, in between and under the earth. Whether you reveal the word or hide it, He knows the mystery and the mystery of the mystery. Allah, there is no god but Him; The most beautiful names belong to Him. The philosophy of Kabbalah ⏱️ is now rotten and will disappear, because the earth and heaven have shouted everything down to the smallest detail, this universe belongs to the universe itself, not to individuals. Because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they held hands and went into exile in pursuit of reality, not their dreams. To the truth 🧳
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
I give 1 point for failure to fulfill obligations. It's not easy to go from 1 to 10, for now stay at 1, maybe with a bit of magic you will become 3. What matters is not the result, but the values ​​you have and how you can skillfully use them. If you don't use these values ​​well, you will never find them again. Because the world is mortal and we are mortal, we must do the right thing. The life we ​​lead has no repetition, we are born once and then disappear forever. For this reason, on behalf of the world and humanity, we should not give opportunities to opportunists. If you lose your opportunity to opportunists, you won't stand a chance. Because the opportunities that a person encounters throughout his life are limited, so if you have the opportunity, you should risk everything, use the torch in your hand as a guide and go up. If you don't take this chance, you will live like grass and die like straw. If you make good use of the opportunity you have, your name will live on forever, even if you die. Why do people desire and love Jesus' second coming? Because Jesus left good in the minds and souls of people, people loved the justice of Jesus and witnessed the unjust killing of Jesus, therefore people waited for Him with hope for centuries, because they wanted Jesus to be born again and rule, bringing justice to his people again. Because the previous gods were unjust, they only thought of themselves and always oppressed the people living under their control. Jesus gave equal rights to everyone, and people always loved and waited for him because he put himself in the position of an ordinary man. In short, Jesus was killed because he disrupted the wheel of the system by not treating his people as badly as the gods before them. Before Jesus Christ and since his death, those who ruled the system were always Zionists. You know very well how Zionists rule the world. These evil-hearted system administrators rule wars, the economy and the world. These evil hearted people have always been conducting experiments on humans and unborn children, and the most terrifying of these experiments was turning the lives of unborn children upside down in the womb by experimenting with thalidomide on their mothers. Swift action is needed to prevent dirty wars and tragedies like thalidomide from happening again around the world. They may be kings of the forest and one-eyed giants, but because they don't know how to fight, a good sword master can destroy them in one move because he knows how to fight.
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
Tomatoes have an interesting history. A wild, yellow tomato variety was found in Bolivia and Peru and was later cultivated in Mexico, where Christopher Columbus sent tomatoes to Europe after discovering the Americas. The Italians called it the golden apple because of its yellow color, but soon red varieties also appeared. Christopher Columbus, an American merchant, deceived and deceived Europeans. Because Kristof was making money by selling tomatoes, a member of the vegetable family, to Europeans as a tropical fruit and defrauding them. Since then, Europeans have always accepted and consumed tomatoes as a fruit. Does the problem concern the trader Christopher Columbus? Or are they Europeans who eat tomatoes as fruit? I think Europeans, because when they first encountered a tomato they didn't know what type it was, but now they know exactly what type it is and what it is used for in food. Tomato 🍅 is used in almost all dishes, people do not need a guide to figure out whether tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. Because everyone knows what a tomato looks like and where it is used. What can we tell these people who cannot figure out whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable? Everything is clear and visible, it is not difficult to figure it out. Is it my fault for making such a statement?
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
THE MEANING OF THE NAME TOROS AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH THE TOROS MOUNTAINS - BURS is the name of a mountain system stretching from the coast of the Aegean Sea in Anatolia - starting from Caria - south to Lake Van, and in the world up to the eastern coast of Asia, and takes names according to the directions it extends. The name Taurus was first used as the name of a mountain range in the work Geography by the ancient geologist Eratosthenes (274-194 BC). As you know, let's start by examining the connection between the name Toros, which has meant "BULL" since ancient times, and the name Toros given to the mountain range: German geographer Heinrich Kiepert stated in his work entitled "Old Geography Manual" that the root of the name Taurus is Semitic. It is stated that it comes from the ancient Aramaic language which belongs to the language family and consists of the word "TÜR" and it is unusual that the word Tür means both Bull and Mountain. According to Kiepert, the word Tür passed through Anatolia to ancient Greece and was adapted into that language, obtaining the form Taurus. Let's shed light on this topic by examining the commonness of the word Tür, which means bull and mountain, in other languages. For example; "Tu" in Ancient Egypt, "TA" in Sanskrit, "TAR" in Persian, "TAR" in Ancient Armenian, "TAG-DAG" in Turkic languages, "TOÖ" in Kyrgyz, "TO" in Tibetan; "TU" in Chinese, "TEPE" in Turkish, "TAR" in English, "TWRR" in Welsh, "TARB" in Irish, "TiKKO" in Swedish, "TORRE" in Italian. The first letters or syllables are similar and these words mean mountain, hill and high place. "TAURAS" in Greek, "TAURUS" in Latin, "TORO" in Italian and Spanish, "TORU" in Umbrian, "TYR" in Danish, "TAURAS" in Welsh, "TAUREAU" in French. The words mean bull and are similar to the words meaning mountain-hill. (The fact that the mountain that is the northern extension of the Taurus Mountains is today called "Binboğa" may shed light on our topic.) The sacred animal of Teişeba, the Urartian god of mountain storms of Hurrian origin, was a bull, and thus the god is Teşup in the Hittite pantheon. TARU, the chief god of the Hatti pantheon, which also means bull, lived in the mountains and his sacred animal was the bull. The common and fundamental similarity of all the names of the gods associated with mountains and bulls with the words for mountain and bull that we have examined above cannot be accidental. All this information leads us to the conclusion that there is a root in the name Taurus, meaning both mountain and bull. As is known, the concept of mountains has occupied an important place in human life since the Neolithic era, it has become a religious cult and has not lost its importance from polytheistic religions to monotheistic religions. (OLYMPOS of the ancient Greeks, Sinai of the Jews, Mount Hira of the Muslims, Mount Lebanon of the Christians, Khan Tengri of the Turks of Central Asia, etc.) During the Neolithic period, people chose flat plains, wetlands and river banks as places for farming and agriculture. For this reason, people those living in an established order idolized the natural phenomena that affected them and which they could not explain, and the mountains, being part of nature, were perceived as a place inaccessible and dangerous to humans. a person who lived in flat land and was deified. The best and oldest example of this is a wall painting found at Çatalhöyük by James Mellaart, which is an excellent source of information on the origins of the mountain god and the bull cult. A. In this painting in building no. 11/1, a male god is depicted riding a bull and descending from a mountain. This mural, which is the oldest landscape painting in the world, clearly answers the question of why the mountain range was named TOROS, along with the information given above about the bull, the god of mountains, and his sacred animal.
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
Since PI does not represent a mathematical operation, I began to wonder about the purpose and angle of the PI mathematical operation. I have done some research on the history of PI and it dates back to the Egyptian period and the records on the Babylonian tablets. The only thing I can think of about PI is that PI creators use PI as a repository. Because the main character consists of a round circle and the second character consists of a square. In the first step of calculating PI, they find a well, and in the second step, they place a square with a completely different angle in it. For me, PI is a transaction that represents a repository and the key to that repository. This is the 1️⃣ process representing the well of eternity where the information and documents of religions, prophets, kingdoms and rulers of the world are stored, and is the key to this storehouse. Because PI is the beginning of a process that opens and hides the closed doors of history and stories. Example: From the moment of birth to the moment of death, I encounter billions of events, because throughout my life everything starts with ups and downs, and during this process, many people come and go in my life, I see and write about many things. A person has two trash cans. 1️⃣ the stomach where it stores nutrients while you eat and 2️⃣ the brain where all the processes you experience throughout your life are stored. The creators of PI are the philosophers of Kabbalah, because the origins of this process date back to the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. The administrators who collect and transmit the current PI database are the Illuminati administrators. Which country determines world wars? What currency is used in the global economy and stock market? Which families in America print dollars at mints and distribute them around the world through America? Countries can only print money according to the gold reserves held in the state bank. If a country starts printing money in excess of its gold reserves, hyperinflation will occur because there are not enough gold reserves in the state bank and therefore this money is no different from a newspaper. For example, the families that print money in America and run the world have so far printed $1 trillion of money on America's behalf, but America's gold reserves are $1 billion. Have you ever thought that $1 is a valuable coin or a piece of newspaper? For me, a dollar is no different from a piece of newspaper. Because American administrators run the world economy with a unique currency with gold reserves they will never have. You don't need to be an economist to solve this irrational process, because if there is an incredible deficit in gold reserves, that currency is newspapers. The American state rules the world with newspapers. For some reason, America, which rules the world, does not produce its own money, but buys it from capitalists. Don't you think this process is very strange? What is the secret of bitcoin mining and what is produced when mining bitcoins? Bitcoin miners never know who is using the ore they extract and for what purpose. Their task is to extract it. Products created in the Bitcoin mining process; Historical information, state secrets, personal and confidential information, information explaining what will be done in the future and how it should be managed, are collected and stored in Illuminati data banks. If you are left in the dark one day, you can light the entire room with a small candle. 🕯️. Even though I was in the dark most of the time, the little candle 🕯️ always brought me into the light. 🕯️⭕️🐇
@mustafaesin8679 4 сағат бұрын
I wanted to add a few of my previous posts to this platform, because this is my trash.
@yupyup2347 5 сағат бұрын
I give it two bananas out of two tanks
@lot1655 5 сағат бұрын
The barrier 🚧 divided between the man holding a pistol stage & the next enlightenment age cycles in the evolution charts at 0:47 second , looks like an hour hand & minute hand of a clock that pointing exactly at 12:00 o'clock doomsday hour , ironically a doomsday clock 🕛 is also located next to the human evolution chart's cycle stage , the dunce hat's wore by George Bush with the letter D written on the hat's is actually resembling Doomsday ...
@mustafaesin8679 3 сағат бұрын
Then the judgment day of the man with the letter "D" on his hat will happen soon.
@mustafaesin8679 Сағат бұрын
İnsanları öldürmeyen silahım olan kalemimle sizleri eğitmek için birçok yazı yazdım. Umarım bu süreçten sonra iyi birer suikastçı olursunuz. Çünkü bu mermileri silahın mermi kısmına mermi olarak yerleştiriyorsunuz ve gözünüzü kırpmadan tetiği çekerek ateş ettiğinizde eliniz titrese bile 12'de hedefi vuruyorsunuz. 🕎🎯🔫👈🏻😉👍
@Watery_Picsart 6 сағат бұрын
@mustafaesin8679 6 сағат бұрын
We came galloping from Far Asia, Reaching out to the Mediterranean like a mare's head This country is ours. Wrists covered in blood, teeth clenched, feet bare and the earth is like a silk carpet, This hell, this heaven is ours. Let the doors close, never open again, Destroy man's servitude to man, This invitation is ours.... Living alone and free like a tree and brotherly like a forest, This longing is ours... This poem by Nazım Hikmet
@artistsingerwriterproducer8288 6 сағат бұрын
Hello from Monaco
@artistsingerwriterproducer8288 6 сағат бұрын
Hello from Monaco
@chuckieebabypaws1013 6 сағат бұрын
Honestly just watching this for the 4th time makes me realize that you can't get something based on looks..
@henrygabrielchannelph1815 7 сағат бұрын
Yooww after nuclear explosion
@inespoulinet7383 7 сағат бұрын
@NorthernMouse52 8 сағат бұрын
Hoping there's a part 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,etc 👍
@vpriyanka6ankh 9 сағат бұрын
❤ seducer
@ozgunkose84 10 сағат бұрын
4:37 23.04.2024
@lot1655 10 сағат бұрын
How i look at majority people around the world nowadays ? They're actually is on sleep mode doesn't even understand , what is going to happen in 2024 , some even making jokes about it ... 🕛🐉🎇 i only can say the transitioning process is predestined to happens , called the EVOLUTION cycle's stage .
@mustafaesin8679 10 сағат бұрын
ברד בגודל של פרי דרקון נפל על גואנגשי, סין. האם זו השנה של הדרקון והדרקון בגלל שסופת הברד הזו קרתה? זה לא אירוע דרקון, זו תופעת טבע. כאשר אינטליגנציה מופצת לכל היצורים החיים; איפה היית? כי אתם אנשים מאוד מפגרים.🥺
@mustafaesin8679 10 сағат бұрын
Good morning😁🐶
@mustafaesin8679 10 сағат бұрын
Did you sleep well? What did you see in your dream? If you lie, your nose will grow, so tell the truth.😅🤥 😁
@lot1655 8 сағат бұрын
​@@mustafaesin8679The truth is , since the beginning i already understand that your mental health is not normal ...
@mustafaesin8679 7 сағат бұрын
@@lot1655 Well done, you know very well.😂 That's the most accurate theory you've ever said.🐶
@mustafaesin8679 11 сағат бұрын
The family, which is the representative of the Lot tribe, which has no gold and rules the world by printing money accordingly, uses the people of Israel in their dirty work. Representatives of the people of Lot are not Jews and do not like Israelis. When Israelis pray day and night in front of the Western Wall, do they ever think about who they are praying to? They pray to the representatives of the people of Lot. When the USA is done with the Israeli people, they will throw them into the canyon like cotton sacks. Because the people and state of Israel are the front of the people of Lot. Since the family representing the people of Lut is free to play all kinds of dirty tricks, they play very dirty tricks on the world and maintain their dominance in this way. Remember what a family that has disgusting sex within its own family can do to the people under its control. Those who see everything as permissible will do anything. Don't forget.
@mustafaesin8679 11 сағат бұрын
Nazım Hikmet has gained a place in Turkish literature as a social realistic poet. He wrote poems with the desire for an egalitarian, peaceful world, especially in his poems touching on the problems of society. Nazım Hikmet was imprisoned many times in various years due to his thoughts. The poet also has a very colorful love life. The poem "The Matter of Tahir and Zühre" is one of the most well-known poems of Nazım Hikmet. Here are the lyrics of the poem about Tahir and Zühre. THE ISSUE OF TAHIR AND ZÜHRE It's not a shame to be Tahir nor is it a shame to be Zühre Even dying because of love is not a shame, The whole job can be Tahir and Zühre that is, in the heart. For example, by fighting at a barricade For example, when going to explore the north pole For example, while trying to get a serum in your veins Is it shameful to die? It's not a shame to be Tahir or a Zühre, In fact, it is not a shame to die because of love. You love the world at full speed, but he doesn't realize it You don't want to leave the world, but he will leave you, So just because you like apples, Does the apple have to love you too? So if Tahiri didn't love Zühre anymore or if he never loved What would Tahir lose from being Tahir? It's not a shame to be Tahir nor is it a shame to be Zühre In fact, it is not a shame to die because of love. NAZIM HIKMET RAN
@Lony26 11 сағат бұрын
Разбудили внутреннего Дракона
@mustafaesin8679 12 сағат бұрын
We will see good days, children. We will ride our motorcycles to the blue Children, believe me, children We will see beautiful days, sunny days What about us now? There are flowering gardens on Fridays and Sundays, Only Fridays, only Sundays Where are we now? We watch like listening to a fairy tale Stores on illuminated streets, Where are these? They are 77-storey monolithic glass stores. Now we shout Openable black-covered book: Dungeon The strap grabs our arm Broken bone, blood Now, to our table Meat comes once a week And Our children come home from work The bright yellow skeleton arrives Where are we now? Believe me, we will see good days, children. We will see sunny days We will ride our motorcycles to the blue, children. We will ride to the bright blues NAZIM HIKMET RAN poem.
@Braylangamer 12 сағат бұрын
Give me a link of all the 3D models
@mustafaesin8679 13 сағат бұрын
The hidden secret of the family that rules the world by printing money for free. This family, which is the representative of the tribe of Lut, wants to legalize LGBT throughout the world and attract the world's humanity to their philosophy. The most disgusting behavior of the representatives of the tribe of Lot is their sexual intercourse within the family. Because their philosophy is to help a man have a child by having sexual intercourse with his mother or sister in case there is a decrease in the family, so that their lineage can continue. You all know this disgusting family that rules the world. LGBT is a philosophy, not a birth. If LGBT were a birth, there would be no such formation as the world and life, because the world was formed as a result of the union of female and male bacteria. Can a child be born as a result of two women having sex? Can a child be born as a result of two men having sex? Can a woman give birth to a child if she does not have sex with a man? In short, system administrators play with the human soul in every field, making them slaves to themselves. Wake up now and experience the truth.
@mustafaesin8679 13 сағат бұрын
It's always good to be positive. When we look at events negatively, it makes us nervous, wears us out, and what's more, what will happen does not change, and even gets worse. When we perceive bad intentions in people's behavior towards us, we have the potential to treat them badly, perhaps without even realizing it. The more tolerant and well-intentioned we are, the better our behavior will be when we return. This life is three days old. Isn't it worth making an effort to make life more livable? Looking positive may not be easy at first, but like any good behavior, it can be improved over time. The further we go, the more in our favor….
@mustafaesin8679 14 сағат бұрын
😁That chicken woman is the American tiger, a saber-toothed tiger. 🐅 Smilodon or Saber-Toothed Tiger is one of the extinct saber-toothed cats. 🐅 Smilodon's 20 cm long teeth make it a very dangerous predator. These predators, which can weigh 300-400 kilos, can run at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. 🐯
@alvarezfamily1372 15 сағат бұрын
This video always makes me cry
@hujanair2 15 сағат бұрын
That israel flag under the statue of liberty 😮 and the symbolism of USA crumbling. Palestinian woman and dead child. kid with new weapon : ukraine calling men of all ages to go to war. Unsure about the asian chick and tank. I dont think she's chinese. Her jacket , tiger represents korea (land of the tiger). Could be s v n korea war?
@mustafaesin8679 14 сағат бұрын
😁That chicken woman is the American tiger, a saber-toothed tiger. 🐅 Smilodon or Saber-Toothed Tiger is one of the extinct saber-toothed cats. 🐅 Smilodon's 20 cm long teeth make it a very dangerous predator. These predators, which can weigh 300-400 kilos, can run at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. 🐯
@FL-7-DJ 11 сағат бұрын
Israel rule the USA and all the world. The smart people know who own the gold (money) of the earth!
@mustafaesin8679 11 сағат бұрын
@@FL-7-DJ The family, which is the representative of the Lot tribe, which has no gold and rules the world by printing money accordingly, uses the people of Israel in their dirty work. Representatives of the people of Lot are not Jews and do not like Israelis. When Israelis pray day and night in front of the Western Wall, do they ever think about who they are praying to? They pray to the representatives of the people of Lot. When the USA is done with the Israeli people, they will throw them into the canyon like cotton sacks. Because the people and state of Israel are the front of the people of Lot. Since the family representing the people of Lut is free to play all kinds of dirty tricks, they play very dirty tricks on the world and maintain their dominance in this way. Remember what a family that has disgusting sex within its own family can do to the people under its control. Those who see everything as permissible will do anything. Don't forget.
@mustafaesin8679 15 сағат бұрын
In Vincent van Gogh's Lunch Break Canvas Painting, the subject the artist wants to convey in the painting where he gathers all his products in one place in a wheat field and rests by covering his face with a hat; The artist discussed his own death and his mother's death. And Vincent van Gogh wanted to convey that his mother was with him in everything and that she always helped him in everything by including his mother sleeping next to him in the painting. In my opinion, Vincent van Gogh is one of the most special and innocent painters in the world because he is a unique painter who lives in touch with nature, worships nature, has a very good soul, and although he explains many things through drawings, no one at that time understood him and his paintings. Vincent van Gogh was a painter whose mental illness was constantly at a high level because he could not express himself to the people around him. To slow down and calm this mental process, he constantly drew pictures and always depicted his own mood and the world he imagined in the pictures he drew. If a person cannot travel in other people's souls, he will be lost in his own soul. 🤍 🦋
@mathiaslaurencelim2484 16 сағат бұрын
She had a cut using a plate right?! That just happened to me on that day the same everything morning plate and the same hand :o apr 28 2024
@Ohmyjwaa 14 сағат бұрын
@niasayamuongbo6498 17 сағат бұрын
I 💕 the video so….songs amazing Medusa close eye stone
@FL-7-DJ 17 сағат бұрын
I believe also that the middle of this year 2024 will happen something. Before month of June or after that. Good or bad. I've got 3 sources about the years 2023,2024,2025! It seems that those years are so much important for the humanity. 2023 already passed and some events happen. We are now year 2024. There is a instrumental song and video with title 2024 that show lamp of Aladdin, Jewish temple menorah with four-branched candelabrum with 4 lit candles, any burnt tree or dead tree, 3 mannequin heads with closed eyes, some land under water, the gong with some chinese word on it and so on. And we expect soon year 2025
@user-yz8my7ip4j 18 сағат бұрын
average life of MFs who think Titan TV man can beat Godzilla
@sharonroller8849 18 сағат бұрын
Great ❤️❤️❤️❤️