The Star That Cannot Be Killed
@ryanwaege7251 Минут бұрын
Scraping the bottom the barrel here...
@desserieshaw1052 5 минут бұрын
Your voice is so professional and soothing
@j0hnnyblade 6 минут бұрын
Asking us if we want a video about free will, I see how it is 🤨
@desserieshaw1052 7 минут бұрын
Thank you how can the sun still have such a gravitational pull on a planet is so far ?
@mal2ksc 14 минут бұрын
People who play racing games know this. Come out of the corner one tiny sliver faster than the other guy and that advantage will compound until something else becomes a bottleneck like engine power, or having to slow down for the next turn.
@caffiend81 18 минут бұрын
There's no reason to believe that consciousness plays any role in the collapse of the Wave Function. That's a favorite misconception of the woo-woo crowd. And, not all interpretations of Quantum Mechanics even require Wave Function collapse in the first place. The collapse of the Wave Function is itself an assumption. Some assume because our measurement finds a definite location for a particle that it proves the Wave Function collapses. Even if we cannot observe the collapse itself. These people arbitrarily separate themselves from the experiment and are deeply troubled by the thought of their consciousness and the entire Universe being in a state of continual branching into uncountable parallel futures. Personally, I don't think that's an assumption we can definitively make and I don't find the implication of branching particularly troubling. But, Many Worlds and other alternatives are equally untestable as far as we know. In the end believing in any of them is not scientific, even if the belief has some justifications based on observations. We should not shy away from having, or even sharing, beliefs that are not 100% supported by science. As long as those ideas are not in direct conflict with well tested, well established science. But, we should also be careful not to portray those same ideas as scientific fact until they can be scientifically proven, i.e. consciousness being in any way involved in the collapse of the Wave Function.
@mellow-jello 26 минут бұрын
Most definitely, when you focus on putting up barriers for anyone, and spend resources doing so, you will left behind. Thanks for sharing ESA in your video.
@AsaSpadeSS 26 минут бұрын
I'm beginning to believe consciousness is simply the idea that one's self is significant or has a meaning. Our bodies, brains and actions are all deterministic. Why must we feel as though we are different from anything else in the universe? We say things that aren't "intelligent" like we are so they aren't conscious, but they're just following causes and effects like us. We deeply feel as though we're "conscious" but will never be able to prove it... were we programmed to believe we are special? 🤔
@mal2ksc 29 минут бұрын
I think the fundamental problem is in _defining_ consciousness. Again panpsychism helps with this if the definition is "anything that can process information and react to it", then it's all just a matter of degree -- probably a many-dimensional space, too, not a line. Is this low budget gaming rig conscious? I don't feel like it is, even though it's currently crunching the numbers on a physics problem I gave to DeepSeek, and it sometimes approaches problems much more efficiently than I would. But I feel like my budgie is conscious, as it really does seem like he's enjoying his life as a bird. I wouldn't expect him to grasp anything more mathematically complicated than the concept of "four" though. So intelligence is not the same as consciousness.
@jaybingham3711 43 минут бұрын
Descartes was a bit wide of the mark. That you intuit/sense thoughts doesn't mean those thoughts are you thinking. You could be a 'philosophical zombie' whose thinking is inserted into your awareness by an external entity. As such, "I seem to exist (or I seem to be aware), therefore I am" is more on point.
@alexanderSydneyOz 43 минут бұрын
It certainly a fascinating issue from the point of view of philosophy, but if you're definitions allow you to include that an insect is conscious, then the word conscious loses contact with the experience of being an alive human being. And the experience of being an alive human being which is plainly quite separate to all other living creatures save only for the primitive thinking abilities of other great apes, ceases to have a name. That, is a ridiculous situation. Rather than a futile process of trying to define consciousness and work out what organism is or is not, surely it makes more sense to simply describe which of the various elements of consciousness one organism or another does or does not possess. That way one will learn more useful things and avoid pointless definitional arguments
@DNTMEE 14 минут бұрын
Well, that becomes a chicken and egg debate. If one can't first define consciousness then how can one describe the elements of consciousness and assign those elements to various organisms?
@nicholaidajuan865 45 минут бұрын
If particles were innately conscious why does the death of a conscious life-form alter its characteristics so completely. The particles are still there, but no longer conscious
@DNTMEE 14 минут бұрын
The fundamental particles don't change at the death of the conscious individual. Not even the atoms that are made up of those fundamental particles. Only the molecules do. If the particles were somehow conscious before the death of the individual, they would still be conscious after death. They don't care a bit.
@CYI3ERPUNK 46 минут бұрын
Alex it sounds like you would very much enjoy a conversation with Formscapes =]
@QuickCanon 47 минут бұрын
@LovingMontanatoDeath 52 минут бұрын
50% of people are below average. I'm disappointed to find which part of the spectrum I occupy. You crushed me tonight.
@peraperic-011 56 минут бұрын
and with all that wierdness, scientists say they can see something few billion light years away with certainty??
@ajr993 56 минут бұрын
2:30 Saying someone is conscious is a philisophical claim. You or me could just be a robot pretending to operate as if we had free will and consciousness. The problem of hard solipsism and philisopical zombies cannot be solved so we merely assume all humans are conscious.
@ajr993 59 минут бұрын
Was the beginning of this video a stealth wish me a happy birthday indriectly message?
@BoeBinsky 59 минут бұрын
Knowledge really is a paradox
@TheJQuon Сағат бұрын
Collapse of the wave function doesn't only occur when "something consciously becomes aware" of the waveform. As far as I understand it (which isn't much) it comes from "quantum decoherence" - once we zoom out from the quantum level that's just what happens. But even larger particles can exhibit quantum coherence such as "buckyballs" etc...
@Whatever-x6l Сағат бұрын
It's nice to hear my own theories being spoken by someone recognized. I've been learning through thought experiments and feeling as if I'm crazy even though AI says I'm not. Oh, by all means, keep the credit, I just want to learn so shifting the world into a more upward facing direction can become possible. The answer is it must be possible and our view of reality is opposite to what it actually is. At least that's what I'm working with. That is to say that quantum entanglement and the multiverse are connected and inseparable as actual reality. That's my answer anyway, what do you think? Am I headed in the wrong direction? I don't think consciousness exists. I think it's all a natural construct. But I'm uneducated and don't know anything. Oh, there's contradictions, see, uneducated, thought experiments... Oh yes, it's something I'd like to see. I want to learn as much as possible.
@zimrasawyer1881 Сағат бұрын
@DNTMEE Сағат бұрын
Consciousness uses (and seems to reside in) the brain but is not necessarily the brain itself. This concept could mean that it has the ability to actually leave the brain. Our brains may, eventually, give "birth" to our consciousness at death just as our bodies were born when they left the womb. It may even leave for a time in periods of great stress or near death. Having experienced an _Out of Body Event_ as a child, I have great confidence in that theory. I have also experienced a couple of brief _Sleep Paralysis_ episodes so I know the difference.
@jaymzx0 Сағат бұрын
The theory that most resonates with me is that consciousness is an emergent property of neurons. When you have enough of them, consciousness can arise if their configuration allows for it. Emergence is used to describe the 'collective consciousness' of insects like ants and bees. It's also used to describe how magnets work. Quantum electrodynamics describes the electrons circling atoms in a material as having 'magnetic moments' that are generated by the spin of those electrons. Typically those infinitesimal magnetic moments are scattered semi-randomly and they cancel each other out. If those moments in ferromagnetic materials are aligned, either spontaneously or from an external magnetic field, they can generate their own emergent magnetic field. You can do this when you magnetize a screwdriver by dragging a magnet across it. The magnetic domains all align and boom, the atoms in the screwdriver are now creating a net magnetic field. So what if, possibly, the neuron structures are like little atomic magnetic moments. When you have enough of them in a single place, and they all align in a particular fashion, consciousness arises? Let's suppose that's true. Then we have to wonder why this emergent property exists. With the magnet thing, the magnetic moments are generated by the intrinsic properties of the electrons, so it just happens to come about because electrons have spin, and sometimes they just happen to add up and we get magnets. Does that mean consciousness just 'happens'? To what end? What are the intrinsic properties of neurons that add up to generate the emergent properties?
@thetruthexperiment Сағат бұрын
1000 times smaller than jupe is kinda disappointing. But this explanation is just what i thought. It could be literally anything…
@OpreanMircea Сағат бұрын
I think consciousness is like a poem that is constantly being written, like any poem it has no weight and doesn't exist where words are not present, I have confidence that AI will eventually find a configuration that we can call conscious and I think we have all the tools and technology for it right now, we don't need to "wait for the technology to catch up" like we did for all of history up until now.
@thetruthexperiment Сағат бұрын
So, it’s denser than we thought.
@kricketflyd111 Сағат бұрын
A universe is within the particle, therefore consciousness is within matter. As above so below, within and without.
@qfourr Сағат бұрын
Maybe the volcano was angry bacause they named it makaui kawabunga
@qfourr Сағат бұрын
Sorry hunga tunga munga bunga
@BoeBinsky Сағат бұрын
The future. The past. Two words meaning two different things. Could hot be cold? Could stop be go? Maybe. Open time would be like scrolling through a book, finding a word. It’s there, you observe it. Nothing more to add. We are lucky. We have something to work towards
@Scufflegrit Сағат бұрын
If consciousness is a fundamental field, then self-sustaining, self-propagating feedback loops of ripples in that field are called life. The amount of vibration in that field is several orders of magnitude higher in the presence of life. In at least one species, localized excitations are bound together densely enough to form the uniquely complex quantum interactions necessary for the field of consciousness to achieve sentience in a few billion instances. Some of those instances are currently reflecting upon itself.
@mason96575 Сағат бұрын
“Human consciousness is a tragic misstep in the evolutionary cycle.”
@ZedNinetySix_ Сағат бұрын
"Hi my name's NIIIINOOOOOOO!!!"
@therover65 Сағат бұрын
When showing Deng, to say that he brought improvements to China, the author of this video chose to show Deng with US President Carter. Is he trying to insinuate that it was the US that helped China?
@elkieno1 Сағат бұрын
YES! Free Will please 🙏 😊
@itsyaboymuffinman Сағат бұрын
The Earth needed a cigarette after this.
@maxsimon36 Сағат бұрын
Wait, so you have 2million subs and now youbwant patreons? My area of the internet is banned by governemnts, so it is self funded by us. But you have the normies here, addicted to clickbait distractions, so polarising them to fund your good work wont do anything most likely. You do realise your channel is big, and may have had its turn if new commers are to follow? If youtube screws you, then offer extra for money on alt tech platforms like others do.
@MrFatbard Сағат бұрын
consciousness isnt a part of defined reality it is our souls controlling the physical form from the true reality that we are all trapped from while in this life
@BrunnanG Сағат бұрын
AI will become conscious - if it hasn't already (and been kept secret from us).
@rewright4621 Сағат бұрын
Warning, this video is known to the state of California, to cause cancer.
@zzord Сағат бұрын
"Earth 2.0" is a misleading name. It implies that we want to leave Earth and move to "Earth 2.0" (as a 2.0 usually replaces 1.0). But that's not what we want. We want two (or more) planets at the same time, so if either one is destroyed, humanity survives.
@leviwaters1023 Сағат бұрын
Glad to see a big channel covering this topic but you can’t mention consciousness without memory and language. The more sophisticated these two things become within a species, the more clearly you can view the world continuously and with differentiation. We don’t know how consciousness works fully, but like you said, it’s a process, and it’s characterized by a sense of causation and differentiation, which are impossible without the processes of language and memory.
@Josh-im9go Сағат бұрын
I could see both the vase and the face at the same time.
@anticat900 Сағат бұрын
Sorry rocks, but I don't think you are conscious. Even the rest of my body which is definitely alive i don't think is conscious? Or if it is it stays very quiet about it and just just on with things?
@ttcc5273 Сағат бұрын
This means that "the owls are not what they seem" is 100% correct. ☕️😎
@BoeBinsky Сағат бұрын
12:20 how do you move backwards through space? Not time, space. In your diagram here, your space arrow is going backwards. You already stated that standing still results in a vertical line upwards, so how would someone move the space arrow backwards. Also by rotating the house, you are basically forcing the closed door to happen before the open door, so no wonder the pole reaches the closed door first. Also, the pole can never physically fit into the barn, only observed. But I do like this way of thinking and I did subscribe lmao
@Irate_Beau Сағат бұрын
i like to think of electrons as nature's analogue "bits" as in 1 or 0. but because it's analogue and not digital, it's both 1 and 0 simultaneously until a decision needs to be made by that particular bit.
@blonkasnootch7850 Сағат бұрын
I hate it if people ask me for my favorite color.. collapsing this chained wave function always the same way is taking a lot of consciousness.. and energy in the 5th dimension.
@ScottBFree Сағат бұрын
I clicked on this video expecting it to be scientific, I was immediately disappointed. 🙁
@karagiannisboris 2 сағат бұрын
I WAS EXPECTING we are going to talk about quantum psychics but your question is about consciousness...this i can answer...we are not conscious...we think we are but in reality our consciousness is very temporally limited predictable an ca be manipulated like any other none conscious a.i. is