@InTheMannerOfLove 23 сағат бұрын
How can a Citizen appeal the issuance of a trespass notice pertaining to a place that is open to the public (such as a church or a grocery store), which the trespassed citizen asserts was not lawfully issued? How may a citizen protect themselves from a potentially unlawful arrest in the future concerning such an unlawfully issued trespass notice? How can we protect and defend our liberty interests?
@InTheMannerOfLove 23 сағат бұрын
In Washington State, do we not have specific liberty interests to the full enjoyment of a place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement? (See Segaline v. Dep’t of Labor and Industries,(2017); State v. R.H.(1997); State v. Mitchell, (2018); Cox v. Louisiana,…S.Ct. …(1965)). If a place is open to the public, do they not need to have a legitimate and lawful reason to issue a trespass notice to a member of the public? e.g. non compliance with lawful condition(s) imposed on access, violation of law, or disruptive behavior. Do local LEOs need to facilitate procedural due process? (e.g. State v. Joseph Tree, Inc.(2018?)) Is it not true to say that we have specific liberty interests to the full enjoyment of a place of public accommodation that cannot be arbitrarily taken from us? Is it not true that if a member of the public is in compliance with all lawful conditions imposed on access to said premieres, and not violating any laws, that we cannot be lawfully trespassed from such a place of public accommodation or assemblage? (e.g. State v. Green. (2010); State v. R.H.(1997), etc.?) When is trespass notice unlawful? The law does not appear to condone an arrest for criminally trespassed that is based on an unlawfully issued trespass notice.(State v. R.H.; Cox v. Louisiana). Private businesses that are open to members of the public do NOT reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at all, or for no reason at all. Real RESIDENTIAL Property is another matter altogether. RSVP. See also RCW 9A.52.090(2); RCW 9a.52.105; RCW 9.91.010(1); RCW 49.60; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. When is discrimination inferred? Any statute or case law to support such a legal inference?
@theraconteurproductions5847 23 сағат бұрын
I had two white British police rocking on my doorstep this week, I am ethnic, they accused me of money laundering and having 7k in my bank account without evidence. I have bank statements to prove my innocence. I am complaining against them or, it affects my DBS certificate in getting a job. They now will be fired, have their DBS certificates tarnished to never be able to work again and they now owe me compensation money for the distress they are causing me. I am currently seeking paid employment and a bad DBS will stop any employer in the UK from employing me. So is why I have launched a complaint against the police.
@InTheMannerOfLove Күн бұрын
Can a citizen obtain an anti harassment order against a law enforcement officer to protect against repeated denial of procedural due process, false arrests, unauthorized removal of persons, etc.? Particularly where there has been a pattern of misfeasance, and the aforementioned abuses of authority under the color of law.
@SuddenExistentialDismissal Күн бұрын
With. Without= nolle prosequi.
@A_5LB_CHIHUHUA Күн бұрын
SHARE THIS VIDEO!!! PIN IT TO THE TOP OF YOUR FACEBOOK, X(Twitter) profile, etc, and for F@#$ SAKE, WRITE YOUR STATE SENATOR/REPS TO REPEAL THIS!!! THIS VIDEO NEEDS TO BE BROADCAST ACROSS THE MEDIA. This is happening to me for the past year. Got my 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment Rights violated, had to vacate my house and literally drive two states away back to my mother's house, and travel back to Washington in hotels just to have paid Supervised Visitation with my 3 y/o son. Only could afford four 4 hour visits in the past year, 16 hours, no contact in between. No criminal history, Honorably served 12 years in the Navy with a tour in Afghanistan, and owned my own house before marriage.
@JunipersQuest Күн бұрын
Me and a friend got banned with a criminal trespass from Six Flags in 2017 for being falsely accused of impersonating six flags ride operators which we know nothing on how to manage roller coasters and 7 years later were still confused on what it says in 2 parts On my ban letter their is something troubling I don’t understand it reads As a direct result of the above whatever it is I did, your ability to enter upon or remain on six flags property for any reason is hereby suspended /revoked for life. Its been 7 years does that mean the ban has been lifted at some point. Any help Is appreciated. The other part says failure to obide by this notice will subject you to arrest and prosecution by six flagsfor trespassing. If I haven’t showed up during that timeframe it should haveen lifted right So I still don’t understand if I should go to resolve this notice 7 years later with my friend.
@ztruth7792 Күн бұрын
What classes though and how do you find them?
@jhect22 Күн бұрын
Your attorney would have a list
@tttriple 2 күн бұрын
Still fighting a case from March of 2022. Didn’t know I had a warrant, lived life as normal and was arrested in October of 2023 during a traffic stop because the car was registered to my dad (same name), so a no PC stop, but the warrant made that not matter. Now almost a year later, over $4,000 in lawyer fees, and not a SINGLE update on PeachCourt. None. Lawyer asked for discovery after I hired him in January and they haven’t even given us that! Not to mention it’s a case where there is zero hard evidence and the alleged victim already tried to clear it up literally a dozen times, but the state just doesn’t give a damn. I lost my job over this “PENDING DISPOSITION” crap…I cannot get it back, EVER. Such horseshit. At this point I am about to give in and plea out just to end this NIGHTMARE. A NEIGHBOR called the police without even at all seeing the situation! The warrant was issued completely in my absence, as I calmly left the area when asked, and the COPS arrived and pressed the issue as being fact, although the only witness was a neighbor, in her house, at least 60 meters and two thick walls away. So maybe it’s not “bad” because the prosecutor isn’t building a case, but it’s HORRIBLE because pending cases RUIN LIVES! Pending cases shouldn’t even be available on background reports because they’re just accusations! 😭😭
@WillieRichardson-bc9so 2 күн бұрын
@eliwalsh1425 3 күн бұрын
Can I pursue a notice of trespass from a private road where there is a pattern of an individual driving and sitting there who absolutely doesn't have an easement to access the private road?
@Leesa1303 3 күн бұрын
I've never been hit by a male... It sucked... 😢
@Leesa1303 3 күн бұрын
My ex jus beat me a week ago and he's still out & about
@ztruth7792 3 күн бұрын
What about fighting against one?
@DAC710 3 күн бұрын
As one who has been through this in the system, absolutely you do need a lawyer. Saves you a lot!!! In the long run, if by chance you find yourself in a situation like this video.Our legal justice system is beyond broken, and your rights won't exist if you try and exercise them. Hence why you should have legal representation.
@warholcow 3 күн бұрын
Can you consider doing a video on ways/organizations that others can volunteer their time, energy, and/or resources to to support criminal defense efforts and those who released from jail/prison who don’t want to live in the shadow of their past, were wrongfully accused/imprisoned, and/or are now trying to re-enter the workforce, but have to deal with the hurdle of judgement that may come from background checks interfering with their ability to find housing and/or work? Besides being/becoming a lawyer, are there ways to support people in these situations during, after, and through legal advocacy?
@warholcow 3 күн бұрын
Hey Lance, this is a great and helpful video. It especially helped to know why even when things may not be true in the petition, that the law ties the hands due to the way the justice system is set up. It’s great that that happens, but it does help processing what is happening when you’re on the respondent side.
@Freethought2.0 3 күн бұрын
@roberthall6161 4 күн бұрын
I get them dismissed because they are lying.
@SuddenExistentialDismissal 4 күн бұрын
Do you do Grand juries in Washington?
@kevincrum1179 5 күн бұрын
How about a sexual comment while coming out of anesthesia? Totally unconscious babble but the Dr and nurse called CPS on me. I have no idea what I even said! I'm devastated right now! Totally baseless but how do I defend?
@paxiahern2383 5 күн бұрын
Probably very helpful in setting defendant's expectations. Sad but true.
@warholcow 5 күн бұрын
Do you have to do something to restore your rights? Or if the ProtectionOrder is denied, dismissed, or ends, are your gun rights automatically restored? Can you just not pick up your guns if you don’t care about those guns anymore? Or would you get in trouble for leaving them with the police indefinitely?
@channasuc1726 5 күн бұрын
Do you provide legal advice to Canadians?
@channasuc1726 5 күн бұрын
100% true! The premise is that why would women complaint otherwise. The downside is that this society still has not appreciated that there are crooked women who take advantage of the society goodness to trap and punish the innocents…..if a female decide to take revenge for any reason, you are pretty much done, truth doesn’t matter…in this context, dharmo rakshati rakshatihae is WRONG I think!!!
@karlrensburg3472 5 күн бұрын
Only God can judge me.
@kingmo6409 6 күн бұрын
If you dont get selected and get dismissed. How long after you get summoned again?
@montezuma6962 6 күн бұрын
Ironically, many Americans take their word as gospel. If someone told you they lie for a living and their labor unions have lobbied hard to ensure no accountability for perjury and they take great pleasure in coercion and manipulation and control, would you believe what he says? It's a strange relationship.
@warholcow 6 күн бұрын
What they can deem as probable causes also very loose. In some regard, I see why they have to have these liberties for crimes, but in another regard, decisions they make can change the course of a person’s life when the cops were actually in the wrong, and there’s no accountability or very little for police in that way.
@1221crow 6 күн бұрын
i think every attorney should give this speech to new clients, ive only had to deal with 2 in my life and they suck at "bed side manner"
@PeterH-be1xe 7 күн бұрын
Cops lie all the time. Undercover cops live entirely fake lives for weeks, months, or years.
@PeterH-be1xe 7 күн бұрын
This is such great advice. Answering ANY police questions before you've spoken to a lawyer is a recipe for disaster. As Lance said, find a specialist criminal lawyer and do EXACTLY what they tell you to do. If you think you can't afford a specialist attorney, ask yourself if you can afford to have a criminal record or, even worse, if you can afford to spend time in prison.
@kasirojkt9245 8 күн бұрын
What the different between defend attorney and lawyer sir ?
@leesmith3917 8 күн бұрын
yes yes yes yes yes yes ............
@thinkspot 8 күн бұрын
How about, "under what circumstances can we lie to police" (and can't). When asked , "Where you coming from?", Can we say an untruth?
@warholcow 6 күн бұрын
Right. I once spread a police report where the police said they gave a vague statement. They probably should’ve obtained from giving you a statement at all, but probably didn’t know that they could. There’s so much we don’t know about our rights when police come.
@jpmorphhilson 8 күн бұрын
Lol... anyone who has seen any cop show knows this. It doesn't suprise me that you get this question a lot. It's because society is now STUPID. SO DUMB.
@W3stD 8 күн бұрын
You are lying as well. You don't help out all throughout WA State ... That's a lie.
@Javimonotheism 8 күн бұрын
Short answer. Yes and without consequences
@citygalmelanieproductions1431 9 күн бұрын
@EugeneMcCoy-vr8xu 9 күн бұрын
Bottom line people some trash lies on you you go to jail welcome to america
@andreassobisch1912 9 күн бұрын
Here is the problem: if I refuse the field sobriety test even though I had nothing or very little to drink, according to his logic I would get arrested anyway. And then I owe minimum a couple of grand to him or one of his attorney pals. I rather take my chances with the FST in this situation since, if they arrest me, I would be no worse off.
@genaroespinoza3110 9 күн бұрын
I’m looking for someone ( defense attorney ) in California that I can go ahead and contact on this matter , anyone please
@SuperSpartan228 10 күн бұрын
I was arrested by police illegally without any substantial evidence or proof. The police entered my apartment without a warrant and without permission I was extorted and charged with a crime I was not guilty of even doing and because of this my legal reputation is ruined I am having a hard time finding a job every attorney I go to about my case turns me away or is falsely advertising civil litigation on their website. I can’t seem to get the news media involved either no one is holding anyone accountable
@citygalmelanieproductions1431 10 күн бұрын
The system is over and the BAR is done.
@poorboyz888 10 күн бұрын
per the header.....nope
@dblair169 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for your videos, I find them anxiety-reducing and you are very approachable! My son is involved in a case, we have an excellent attorney, and I find your videos make us better clients.
@VincentBrocoli 10 күн бұрын
Yes, I have been a victim.
@Scott-be1cq 10 күн бұрын
Patience is a good idea, but it is difficult when you have such a corrupt or incompetent system in place. Guilty until proven innocent. Held without trial for years at a time. Several states in the U.S. do not have speedy trial clauses, unless you want to sue in federal court to try and get your rights recognized, and good luck doing that while you are locked up facing other charges. Our justice system is a complete joke. The founders would have been appalled at what it has become.
@aarong7391 10 күн бұрын
A good explanation
@ellianabella 10 күн бұрын
No justice… Just us. As they say “you get the justice you can afford”…..
@RafaCabron 11 күн бұрын
Please i have viod evidance of bei g me taly torrured haresd by informent for months that satted living behinde my home after that insident please help california