Gaming has become so cool. I'm here to make it lame again!
My name is Noah Waterman. I am a video producer by day making gaming content on the internet for a big company. By night, the sports coat comes on, the lights brighten and I become the host of the Kaiju Lounge (aka Boss Monster Kaiju), where we talk video games, make fun of the things we love and generally take gaming less seriously.
What is The Kaiju Lounge I hear you ask? Well, The Kaiju Lounge is the metaphysical space which all my content resides. Primarily KZbin, although we do have podcasts we’re on Twitch, so nothing is really off limits. My goal is to turn this little corner of the interwebs into a source for humor, opinions &nerd s**t. Think of it as a Late Night Talk Show about video games...if it was just the KZbin clips from last night's episode.
Learn more about the Boss Monster!
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