Get Motivated
14 күн бұрын
The Wargamers Secret Weapon
21 күн бұрын
Painting Together
Ай бұрын
Learning & Teaching New Rules
Skrimish Games vs RPGs
2 ай бұрын
How to Wargame Solo
2 ай бұрын
Warfare 2024 Show Report
2 ай бұрын
What If Wargames
2 ай бұрын
Changing how you paint
2 ай бұрын
Top Ten Tips for New Wargamers
How to Paint White
3 ай бұрын
Gatekeepers can grow the hobby
Remote Wargaming
3 ай бұрын
Aerial Combat Wargames
4 ай бұрын
Wargaming Waterloo
4 ай бұрын
Bosworth Photobook
4 ай бұрын
I'm Back & Thank You
4 ай бұрын
Hobby Update WWI
5 ай бұрын
The art of the Fighting Retreat
Terrain maketh the Wargame
6 ай бұрын
Bottisham Airfield Museum
6 ай бұрын
@Big_Blue_Monkey 3 сағат бұрын
I need to a clear out of projects I'm never going to build, paint or use. Though I have added to my hobby with 2 x 1/35 model kits, a gundam kit (will be used in 28mm games) and 4 x20mm modern PLA vehicles whilst in China on holiday. My excuse they were much cheaper than the UK prices 😂 😂 😂.... I need to sit down and decide which periods, genres and rule sets I plan to stick with and anything that falls outside of that will go. Any money made will go towards filling in any gaps for those projects.
@lightningforesthd3446 14 сағат бұрын
Was this from 2012 or 2022?
@silasrocco Күн бұрын
hmm...not as good as i expected tbh. Shud have used 28/32mm models, more variety and detail imo
@dbc330 2 күн бұрын
I use WoFun Games 10mm Napoleonics so I never have an unpainted mountain - not even a molehill :)
@Scornado 3 күн бұрын
An ever shrinking pile even with judicious purchases ... the secret I have found is to spend more time painting and never buy until something is needed. I don't always make it but I've seen steady progress over the years. Now down to just over 300 unpainted "things", excluding bits and pieces for building terrain (such as roof mouldings).
@vividius7951 3 күн бұрын
honestly if I'd known about this stuff years ago I'd have quit warhammer there and then
@WargamingHistory 3 күн бұрын
The coming of Plastic and resin printing has added massively to my pile of opportunity. I started selling off a few armies last year, some part painted and unpainted, 7 YW, WSS and pike all went. 6mm and 10mm all gone,and a lot of plastic 1/72 figures, this year samauri, 5th C Greeks, Persians, and 40k Marines going. Organizing is the most important, duplication is a major problem. Over the last ten years I have narrowed my periods which has helped a lot. Loving your Russian snow 1812 army, look forward to it growing. Cheers Matt French Wargames Holidays
@davidwasilewski 3 күн бұрын
I successfully sold off all my 28mm/32mm scale armies and associated terrain last year. It was hard, a lot of that stuff had been collected and painted over a 30 year period! I decided to focus entirely on 10mm and below scale miniatures instead. I’ve found it really helpful. It’s released loads of space in the gaming room and it’s allowed me to focus on just 5 or 6 periods/games.
@briansmaller7443 3 күн бұрын
I have started using speed paints/contrast paints to speed up finishing my ACW armies. Really making a difference and I am cranking them out. Not sure how they will go on my Naps though.
@chuckaroobob 4 күн бұрын
My pile has to be in 10-25k range, no idea of specifics. I've sold off some, try to paint every week, and plan on selling more at the big conventions here in the US.
@unaccomplishedwargamer8716 4 күн бұрын
I recently catalogued my unpainted minis and was surprised to see the number well over 1000 and it motivated me to get working on those things before starting any new collections.
@nordicmaelstrom4714 4 күн бұрын
I've completely gotten out of miniature wargaming numerous times where I sold everything. Early last year was the latest attempt to rid myself of everything miniature related save for paints. At the end of the last year I picked up some Punic Wars stuff but had a hard time motivating myself to get to them. Honestly it feels like miniatures for me are dead in the water.
@lesliebeilby-tipping6854 4 күн бұрын
No, No, No, and No. To your questions Lee.
@grantpavitt3198 4 күн бұрын
Another great video Lee you made me chuckle when you said about your mountain of shame where you actually talking about me😅 I have loads of unpainted metal and plastic just starting my Crusade army but will aim to finish this before I start something else.😊
@bruceschmidt3404 4 күн бұрын
I am at foothills of RPM (Resin Plastic Metal) Mountain. My problem, like many other collectors\war gamers, is that I have 'jumped' around from the base of one mountain to the other for the last 15 years. 15mm ACW and Napoleonic Metal Mountain, 1/72 ACW Napoleonic, Zulu War, Mexican American, American Revolution and WWII Mountains, and for the last couple of years the ACW Napoleonic EPIC Mountain. Boxes of plastic 1/72s and bags of 15mm Napoleonics fill my closet, and now 5 Starter boxes of French, British and Prussian EPIC Resin Mountain added to the mountain range. I need help. My obsession knows no bounds! Ha! Thanks for the advice, I should start selling off the Closet Mountains but on top of the obsession, I may be a hoarder too! Be well and thanks again!
@wstks-fmworldwide5390 4 күн бұрын
Good point(s)! While my lead mountain is smaller than some, I manage it by sticking to the mid-18th century only, and I have largely managed to stop purchasing figures (ok, except for another couple of Austrian hussar squadrons) until I manage to make a dent over the next few years. I've actually made a plan by creating a To Do list. A "study plan" for the next couple of years if you will. For each session at the painting table (60-90 minutes maybe), I further jot down the sections of a batch that I intend to paint and check each off as it is completed (flesh areas, black areas, musket stocks, etc.). Going back to Phil Olley's two articles on project management in early issues of Battle Games magazine is occasionally helpful to maintain focus. He wrote something like, "Man with no target, hit nothing!"
@davidbenton8775 4 күн бұрын
My (relative) financial poverty is the biggest factor in the size of my lead mountain. This stands at 115 figures, all 6mm and all 'overflow' from my completed ACW project. So the 'lead mountain' problem is not one I, or I suspect others wargaming on a shoestring face. However, the discipline of restricted resources can be replaced by self-discipline and this attribute is, at its heart, core to all the problems arising from 'the lead mountain problem', as well as many, many problems both in the hobby, but in wider society. So, cultivating self-discipline, and knowing when to apply it and when to relax it, will have benefits far beyond the time and effort spent.
@MrGunnar177 4 күн бұрын
I just make bad financial decisions lol and buy more lead
@jackchisnall9316 4 күн бұрын
I've made the resolution to not buy any new figures this year, so far so good but it's only the first weekend of Febuary and I've still got Hammerhead and Partizan to survive.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 4 күн бұрын
Sounds like a tough challenge.
@sirrathersplendid4825 4 күн бұрын
Zamoyski’s “1812” has been in my book 📚 mountain awaiting a full read-thru for about 15 years now. How sad am I? 😆😂🤣
@sumerandaccad 4 күн бұрын
1812 nice, 1807 and pre better for me. As I've said before, my lead pile is practically nil. I have some plastic sprues with figures and bits on which may get painted if I need any, or passed on to my youngest brother and nephew if I don't. I am working my way rather slowly through the Zombicide 2nd ed and it is hard going. I'm well on the way to completing the first 40 and then the others which are about 24 in total will be started. The main problem is the excessive detail on these figs.
@jeffreysmith6280 4 күн бұрын
I have given up on reaching the summit of Mount Lead and am selling or gifting unpainted figures and models that are not part of immediate projects. Regular assessment of my SABLE (Stuff Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy) means that this is an on going process. If a thing has not progressed since my last assessment, it is gone. Ruthlessness is a new skill but I find it is cutting into the things that are spreading my efforts and getting in the way of enjoyment of the hobby. It helps to co-ordinate with games and periods of common interest with fellow gamers. I am also reducing the footprint of existing collections to allow me to store them and use them more.
@martinradcliffe4798 4 күн бұрын
My mountain is small, but my painting pace is now glacial.
@sirrathersplendid4825 4 күн бұрын
I know the feeling! And my mountain is far from small :(
@martinradcliffe4798 4 күн бұрын
@@sirrathersplendid4825 It used to be that I could knock out a regt. in a day or two- now it's more like a month.
@sirrathersplendid4825 4 күн бұрын
@@martinradcliffe4798- Likewise. With me a month per regiment is good going. But the quality of my painting was fairly mediocre before, and my standards are so much higher now. Perhaps too high.
@martinradcliffe4798 4 күн бұрын
@@sirrathersplendid4825 And I'm only painting ACW these days- dread to think how long Naopoleonics would be taking me.
@sirrathersplendid4825 4 күн бұрын
@@martinradcliffe4798 - Ha ha! What scale? I’m mostly doing Napoleonics - 2 weeks so far on a Royal Horse Arty battery in 1/72 scale.
@andystocker3754 8 күн бұрын
I use Brushage app on my android phone to keep track of projects and colour palettes.
@andystocker3754 8 күн бұрын
It also keeps track of how long you've been working on them .
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 7 күн бұрын
Oooo I've not heard of that app.. I've installed it and will give it a look over. 👍
@markusturunen7929 8 күн бұрын
As a professional game designer, I consider a game of abstraction of the system that simulates real life through game mechanics. And depending on the accuracy of the simulation correlating to the real world, how "realistic the game is." When you design the game, you sometimes have to balance between playability and the fun of the game to make compromises in reality because, let's face it, realism isn't always fun. Depending on how much fiction or abstraction defines the game is realistic.
@adrianmist6681 9 күн бұрын
My latest technique for painting cavalry is to rest the rider on its horse, spray the complete model with a brown primer. I then remove the rider and prime it in white or grey. The advantage of this method is that there is no paint on the horse where the rider will sit, making the glueing process easier when both fingers are complete.
@thehobbydeskwithrob 9 күн бұрын
A painting journal is an essential tool and a well reccomended addition to any miniature painters arsenal. Very useful for revisiting old projects or adding new units to an old army and trying to match the colours you used previously.
@davidwasilewski 9 күн бұрын
I have a collection of scraps of paper - one for each project. A proper journal is a good idea!
@robinkulas8291 10 күн бұрын
I am a new minatures gamer and you have really helped me along. I will start this now.
@Blutgang 10 күн бұрын
I make a index card for each project. Listed at the top what its for then each line in the card has a block of paint and its number/name and then what parts on the model used for.
@Bunyip_Studios 10 күн бұрын
Brushrage is a good app, more like a project journal than just a paint inventory as paintRak is
@duncanrichardson5306 11 күн бұрын
Never thought of doing a painting journal though coincidentally, I'm currently faced with adding a tank to a unit painted years ago and want to match the colours, so I should've done it long ago. And not just painting but making stuff too, matching glues with materials, other things learned over the years. Will start journaling today!
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
Any project where you are 'inventing' a set of colours, or a recipe for basing materials, or a method for a particular project...all of it can go in the journal so you can replicate it again years later.
@unaccomplishedwargamer8716 11 күн бұрын
Great tip! Just downloaded Paint Rack. Hopefully it’ll keep me from buying duplicates…of which I now have many.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
Lol. Its a good app. I had FIVE bottles of Basic Flesh Tone and six bottle of English Uniform when I checked by reserves. I won't need any more of those colours for the rest of my life even if I live to 120!
@Big_Blue_Monkey 11 күн бұрын
A paint journal is a great idea... I painted a small Tyranid force years ago and then recently decided to add some more units to the force. The problem is now trying to match the new with painted old minis. I've pretty much got them close but if I'd written down the original process I wouldn't be trying to guess the exact colours and steps I originally took.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
The painting journal is also good for recording how you do the bases. For example when I did bases for my 6mm Wars of the Roses armies I used a base paint, two different drybrush's, then two types of turf/flock and a specific brand/shade of tufts. I also stipulated what % of the base would be covered in foliage. I'd never have remembered how to do that if I hadn't written it down.
@grantpavitt3198 11 күн бұрын
Hi Lee another really helpful video. I was writing down painting guides on bits of paper and then could never find them when returning to my figures I finished 2 months before. So I will definitely get myself a small book in the next couple of days 😅
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
Any size book is fine but good quality paper is essential, especially if you are going to paint swatches into it.
@robinbarton3093 11 күн бұрын
I’ve been painting minis for about 6 years. I’ve watched 100’s of KZbin videos to improve my painting. Not one person has mentioned a paint journal until you!!!! I’m surprised I didn’t think of it myself! Thank you! Def food for thought. 😊
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
That is awesome! Glad you found it a useful idea.
@billlansdell7225 10 күн бұрын
It is strange this never comes up as a topic. I always start by collecting reference material. I collect period photos, and photos of reneactors. Colour guides if I can find them, and examples of other people's work, all saved in a folder. Then I make a shopping list of all the paints. Then I plan the process, write it down and try it on one figure. Usually I then have to tweek the process and by the time I have finished that, I have a written set of instructions for painting.
@ShaunTame-re5us 11 күн бұрын
An enjoyable episode thank you. A lot of good advice. I have long kept handwritten notes of what paints and mixes I have used on given figures and paint schemes for horses. I have last year started keeping a note of what I have painted and when and what I have spent on the hobby, partly to motivate myself and partly to actually see what I spend in a year, on what and when. Cheers.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@colinnewmarch1106 11 күн бұрын
I have kept a diary for years, since Covid in 2020 my diary has been on computer , not so much for painting but memories ,good video Lee
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
Thanks. The main reason I started blogging back in 2009 was as a record of my painting and games. But it was more of a hobby diary rather than a painting journal. Some people have a single tome containing all their painting notes, but I like to use little books for each project. Each to their own, but its a system that works for me.
@historyboy32 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for a thought-provoking video. I've been keeping a daily diary now for two decades, which has recorded (amongst other things) what I've painted. But never thought of doing a specific hobby journal with paints used etc. Bit of a schoolboy error really!
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
I think of my blog and this channel as my 'diary' of my hobby, but for painting specific notes the notebooks are ideal.
@lesliebeilby-tipping6854 11 күн бұрын
You need to keep a notebook of your armies and how you have painted them. In particular the brand and colour used including suppliers and numbers. Also any custom mixes you make and use.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
I never thought about the brand of paint...I tend to only use Vallejo but many painters have a broader range of colours to choose from which probably makes remembering what has been used all the harder.
@martinmeltzer2696 11 күн бұрын
Hi Big Lee! Well said! I STILL have the very first miniature that I ever painted... a Prussian Seven Year's War mounted Dragoon cast by Jack Scruby. It is sitting on top of my computer monitor, where I can see it everyday. It looks like a wounded slug riding a buffalo... but it is a reminder to me that everyone has to start somewhere and how far I have come in my wargaming journey.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
Lol. Sadly I don't have the first model I painted. Thinking back it was probably a terrible paint job but I was very proud of it.
@lawrencebateman6507 11 күн бұрын
I started a notebook a couple years ago. I even have made changes once I discovered a better color to use for a particular item. I like your idea adding pictures/swatches to your notebook.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 10 күн бұрын
I usually paste in a picture as reference because its good for identifying bits of kit on models.
@lukefarrell6769 11 күн бұрын
As ever a great episode on a Sunday lunchtime Lee, always look forward to it. Great advice on a painting journal, hoping there’ll be a little batrep with your French retreat from Russia? Take care pal
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 11 күн бұрын
Thank you Luke. Yes, eventually a game and a batrep will be forthcoming, but that is likely to be several months away. The painting challenge ends mid March but I doubt either me or Ray will have everything finished. We will be getting together soon afterwards for a joint photo, showing off our collective project and at some point we will be getting together to test out the rules. Our goal is to run a big Sharp Practice game in the shed-o-War for the Rejects with multiple players per side.
@lukefarrell6769 11 күн бұрын
@ oh I knew it would some way off, but it looks such a good project you’re working on that I was excited for the future lol
@sumerandaccad 11 күн бұрын
Yes, a painting journal would have been ideal years ago for me. As essential would be a journal listing the books you already own. I started one when returning home with the third 'interesting book' which I already had. I prefer to paint separately because I like the saddle and cloth to be as good as I can make it without struggling around legs or getting paint on the either when I paint them.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 11 күн бұрын
I think every painter has to approach this in the way that works for them. Certainly opinion seems to be mixed on the pros and cons.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 11 күн бұрын
An Apology: Despite mentioning it in the intro to the video I can't find the article by Henry Hyde that I referenced. I'm convinced I have seen something by Henry on this topic in the last couple of months, but try as I may I can't find it )otherwise I would have put the link in the description as promised😔) . If anyone can find the link, drop it in a reply to this comment and I'll copy it to the description as promised! 😉
@StephenAshworth-k3q 10 күн бұрын
Hi Lee if I remember rightly it’s somewhere in Henry’s The Wargaming Compendium book.
@simondrury7941 11 күн бұрын
I work is MS Publisher and have kept a project record as I called it with photos and text of what I was buying or intrested in mainly. At some point this also turned into a painting guide for the project as well. Don't think a small book would work for me with the amount of information I do on a project as it would be a book per project. Another interesting subject and great video Lee.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 11 күн бұрын
I wish I had kept one big painting journal from the beginning, but the small books work for me and are portable.
@jeffreysmith6280 11 күн бұрын
Still have my blue book from 1990 with all the colours and combinations used in painting my Palmyran and Roman Armies so that they could easily be expanded. It also has all my projects from around that time. Nowadays I use index cards, that stay with the project.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 11 күн бұрын
I've got notebooks going back to when I set up my blog, so about 2009. Now and again I'll pull one out and seek inspiration from past projects.
@jeffreysmith6280 11 күн бұрын
@@MiniatureAdventuresTV 1990 was the first time used acrylics. I am trying to use the book to assist in expanding my 1/300 Iranian and Iraqi forces, but as most of the references are to Citadel and Humbrol acrylics it is difficult to get a match, though I still have some of the original Citadel paints from the paint sets!
@roymartin8507 11 күн бұрын
I find that setting a routine is optimal to moving forward. I try to batch paint/construct; be it terrain, buildings, models, army units (about 12 figs at a time): be it trousers, or coats, etc in a session to break it into manageable chunks. I also set aside a bit of time to appreciate & admire completed units to motivate me to carry on. Sometimes you need to do some 'book' research to also motivate you to break out of a 'funk' if you get stalled.
@michaelobrien5964 12 күн бұрын
Great video thank you. I have been lucky over the years to have a spare room in the previous house I lived in. My current home is a very small Victorian bungalow, with almost no storage space. I got around the problem of having a set up wargames table, by eventually finding a handy woodworker/ engineer who built a table 1.6 wide by 2.4 metres long with raised sides, so figures can't fall off. It was designed to overlap my dining room / library table and has a suspension counter weight system , with a series of pullies, so that when not in use one lifts it up and it hangs above the table. Which I'm forever grafteful for. My painting set up generally is on a small kitchen table, but the whole lot can quickly pack up into a box , not much bigger than a shoe box.. Spare boxes of unpainted soldiers in banana boxes under beds, whilst finished armies sit in handmade cloth covered trays that stack vertically. As my soldiers are 1/72 scale plastics they're not too heavy, so I can stack quite high. { fortunate to be a bookbinder so as to make up the boxes myself}. Almost all of my wargaming has been solo, as I live in a small town in the South Island of NZ, which is very low on population. The few clubs that do exist are mostly in the few big cities.
@MiniatureAdventuresTV 11 күн бұрын
Very interesting hearing about your setup... your gaming table solution sounds like a great idea.