How Social Media Corrupts Us
Can Words Harm? Konstantin Kisin
Do Cups Exist?
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Is "Faith" Belief Without Evidence?
Do Human Beings Need a Religion?
Should We Publish "Immoral" Authors?
Why is Free Speech so Important?
@Ftnast 3 сағат бұрын
I am a cheerful person, but biological life is hell when one realizes what is happening among animals, including us.
@pandonia77 6 сағат бұрын
You are sick william. God did not command this. Do not blame the Creator for mans choices.
@Northertba 13 сағат бұрын
It goes far beyond understanding Christian theology
@dafedge 17 сағат бұрын
Ben gets too much credit when his debating tactic seems to be to lie so fast you can't debunk his first lie before he starts the second third fourth fifth and sixth lies
@dafedge 17 сағат бұрын
Ben lost and he will never admit that
@GeneElder.R27 Күн бұрын
The idea that religious people are good and moral is fking ridiculous. Their religion has justified the most horrific atrocities ever perpetrated on mankind. There has never been a moral religious person. Allowing your morality to be dictated to you is offloading the responsibility for your actions.
@BojanBojovic Күн бұрын
Ben is very rational person until someone mentions religion, suddenly he starts with some nasty, rather stupid, and shameless apologetics.
@mikereilly174 Күн бұрын
Shapiro speaks quickly for the same reason Peterson uses word salad.
@Jatav79602 2 күн бұрын
without lies islam dies😂
@ossiedunstan4419 2 күн бұрын
Religion is not culture Alex, religion replaces culture. Get an education please.
@attiliobarcados8178 2 күн бұрын
we do not see mohammed hijab s suppository Ali Dawa
@justinneighbour7401 2 күн бұрын
I really hope that he gets exposed live one day porky 😂
@christopheblanchi4777 2 күн бұрын
Michael Knowles is the embodiment of the evil Christo Fascist. He does not want our constitution, he wants the US to be run with biblical law. He is a serious threat to our freedoms, our government and our institutions. Michael wants to be able to imposed Christianity at the end of the barrel of a gun. He wants no religious freedom and certainly not freedom from religions.
@naaaej 2 күн бұрын
I don't like hijab in any form
@breasonable4343 2 күн бұрын
I think it is important to remember that ben shapiro is a tool.
@hippomancy 3 күн бұрын
Shapiro is used to an echo chamber- the producers asking for an "evergreen" tone is them asking for Shapiro not to be critiqued too closely or strongly. his "charity" is transactional. he still has an agenda. he does not wish to engage, he wishes to extend his viewpoint, not adapt it or alter it.
@Tulli_troll 3 күн бұрын
Why aren't you muslim just asking
@bobbybecker3572 3 күн бұрын
Far too generous from Alex, Ben has yet to make a statement that could be taken seriously, Candace Owens has made more profound statements and that's saying something
@ivansilvagonzalez861 3 күн бұрын
Muslim Islamite, the greatest re interpreters of any scripture... XD
@tawnyard4649 3 күн бұрын
Isn’t this communism? Communism is conquering by killing the golden goose. The hundreds of millions of children that charities save in countries where infant mortality-and therefore fertility-is high, grow to adulthood and form an army that spreads due to population pressure and invades our homelands like locusts, making our tribe a minority, wiping out our culture and rendering our ethnicity (the golden goose) extinct.
@rudebuddha4895 4 күн бұрын
Yes. As long as we can keep the Christian nationalists from rewriting history to fit their particular beliefs.
@diddlenfiddle7311 4 күн бұрын
Can people stop interrupting these video clips. Please
@TruthWielders 5 күн бұрын
There is no god, so we don't need god for morality, proof is that we are looking for it so frantically, because it's somewhere in us: FEAR. The idea of a god is just a placeholder, not even a symbol in itself, a sign that pretends there's something behind it, but all there is is our fears to be outcast. Our survival instinct are what traces a drawing of morality. Since our instincts vary from one individual to another, the drawing are different and the morality that follows is inherently different from each other ! The gregarious instinct is key here when you are looking for morality. ITS INSIDE US BY NATURE'S DESIGN ! Will you finally get it, G-Dammit ?
@gummiesrule88 5 күн бұрын
This is not a fair match. O'Connor can run rings around him. Knowles needs a certain sort of audience...
@qq-g7h 5 күн бұрын
The previous birth of Epstein was in 600 AD when he married a 6 year old girl and no one knows what he did till she was 9 year old. She was not even matured, Epstein in his previous birth had s**😮 . Later divorced her. Epstein resides now also in hell😮
@SorobanWorld 5 күн бұрын
Ben's a fool.
@keifer7813 5 күн бұрын
The problem I've noticed with Americans seems to be they argue over whether the country was _meant_ to be secular or not. My thought is...who cares? Who cares what some founders wanted? How about what YOU, the people of today, want?
@johnmcg8232 6 күн бұрын
Who implants information into young minds to commit such acts? Check into anti-cult groups such as FECRIS and their branches. They have been blasting hate and informational terrorism hits in all forms of media in democratic countries over the past 30yrs. If unfamiliar with these concepts watch THE IMPACT documentary made by ACT Files
@santacruzman 6 күн бұрын
Nah, the moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is not to lie because this leads to people mistrusting you. Sometimes we need people's trust. Sometimes a lack of trust can even get you killed. In general, distrusting liars is good advice, so the people were not guilty of an ad hominem fallacy.
@santacruzman 6 күн бұрын
I used to have to point this out weekly. Now it's like there is no point - the majority of those who understand it as just another name for an insult will persist in their misunderstanding. Best of luck with this.
@devyud5719 7 күн бұрын
Theology is useless to the world, yes . But it makes sense to study it though . Similar to how we now understand the Ancient Egyptian mythologies etc, knowing about Christian mythology is valuable . Imagine if we could speak with an ancient pharaoh. How cool is that. With Christianity we do have pope like figures, bishops etc who still do the full costume and cults who follow / worship them. Same goes with every other religion.
@dcwpsa.l.l3075 7 күн бұрын
This was absolute GOLD
@edjensen7907 7 күн бұрын
I’d have to disagree with you’re assessment of him, anyone who ties multiple points together to try and get ahead and steer the “talk” is in fact cheating you out of a fair and balanced discussion
@elvancor 7 күн бұрын
"An atheist's morality is descriptive, but not normative!" _"Neither is the theist's."_ "...I don't agree with separating the descriptive and the normative."
@Rahul-xt7hw 7 күн бұрын
I was here to listen to dawkins but got mogged hard by alex
@jonathanlane3282 7 күн бұрын
Tbh I think the tough part with Ben is he just decides who to respect based on what he thinks is the quality of their arguments. So he’s rude to college students but nice to fellow debaters
@austinbeckett1822 8 күн бұрын
So you say it’s not a big deal y’all argued about what the title of the chapter was…. But that’s what you complain about the whole video.
@Muffln 13 сағат бұрын
It is a clip taken from a one hour long video, because of just how many wrongdoings were made by Mohammed Hijab. Also, the disagreement on the title showed a fundamental misunderstanding of what the chapter was actually about.
@robertmcelwaine7024 8 күн бұрын
Arrrrrgh! Abdullah Al Andalusi. The very definition of a slippery weasel who can never give a direct answer to a direct question put to him.
@user-sf9kc8fl7y 8 күн бұрын
With all due respect to those willing to spend their time on theology, I agree with Dawkins' dismissiveness of it here.
@gunmonk6893 8 күн бұрын
You coward, i have seen full video, you debunked yourself coward, upload the full video, and you had you time, you lost, i dare upload the full video
@mornotafi 8 күн бұрын
There's no morality to follow besides your own moral sens
@richardmackay 8 күн бұрын
The internet is exposing Islam for what it is. Lies violence child molestation woman abuse no human rights sharia etc
@canadianaja8030 8 күн бұрын
I hope Michael Knowles understands when he talks about Christianity early on in the history of the USA, the Christianity was primarily the Calvinists, Reformed. Knowles as a Catholic should know the Protestants even created laws in various states to ban creation of Catholic parishes. So when he talks about America being a Christian nation...a Protestant Calvinist nation?
@mariahiras7240 9 күн бұрын
What a joke MH is!
@badmiddens 9 күн бұрын
well, you know, when imaginary people whisper in your ears, they might just tell you to do anything.
@soldout20198 9 күн бұрын
I don't even see why ppl listen to this noisy guy!
@georgedoyle2487 9 күн бұрын
The fact is that neither atheist left wing “liberals” nor utilitarians stand a chance against Islam because the virtue signalling points you lose when you criticise Islamic apartheid is too much of a burden for you guys to carry. Particularly when the so called “liberal” THOUGHT POLICE are on the rampage for their next victim they can intimidate with cancel-culture - yes? The irony is that according to the anti theist and one of the biggest critics of Christianity Richard Dawkins…. "There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse." (Islam.) ~ Richard Dawkins, hard core atheist. You guys were warned that Christianity was holding back the flood gates of something far worse than attending a cake stall in a Anglican Church with your grandparents on a Sunday. According to the so called high priest of “new atheism” Richard Dawkins… “It seems to me that Christianity is a fundamentally decent religion” [Richard Dawkins: Author of the God delusion]. Dawkins even admitted that whilst he does not personally follow the tenets of the Christian faith he: “Liked living in a culturally Christian country” [Richard Dawkins]. Moreover, faced with the prospect of both sharia law or the atheistic, left wing THOUGHT POLICE being forced on people in modern Britain Dawkins stated… “In Africa especially, maybe Christianity is a better alternative. It may be that it’s no good trying to preach atheism in Africa. Christianity might be a better alternative” [Richard Dawkins]. Wow!! The fact is that Richard Dawkins is a world wide respected scientist who is now promoting Christianity as a fundamentally positive, cultural option - yes? Because he believes that Christianity is fundamentally a decent religion and force for good against the tsunami of Islamic apartheid and sharia law that’s coming ~ yes? I never thought I’d EVER LIVE to hear the high priest of “new atheism” Richard Dawkins actually admit that he PREFERS CHRISTIANITY to both an Islamic culture and a left wing atheistic culture - right? That speaks volumes!!
@lad4694 9 күн бұрын
Where's the full talk?
@graemerose1616 9 күн бұрын
I got told one bit of advice that is good. Always gine the FULL title / quote, with reference, so people can make a correct context.
@EbonyPope 9 күн бұрын
I'm not a native english speaker. What does susceptible then mean in this context? I thought susceptible means weak to or likely to be harmed. But harmed by what? I don't get it.