Background Jobs in ASP.NET Core
@mateuszg2930 6 сағат бұрын
That's really interesting topic!
@kirillzlobin7135 6 сағат бұрын
Tim Corey is a guru of C#. He covers ALL C# topics and explains this in a very easy-to-understand way. Highly recommend to anyone, who wants to become a C# and .NET ninja. Thank you Tim for your ammmmmmazing contribution to the world!!! You are amazing!!!
@yassinektata1804 11 сағат бұрын
Because they both start with USING. And yes that's confUSING. (6:16)
@mohammadalikhaloi9571 12 сағат бұрын
Awesome 👏🏻
@vrajeshbadgujar 17 сағат бұрын
Thanks Tim
@runtimmytimer Күн бұрын
A good book related to this topic is QBQ by John Miller.
@AlexWorrell Күн бұрын
Hi Tim. For the status strip colour, try dropping down the BackColor dropdown and selecting any other colour, and then drop it down again and re-select white. It should then stay white.
@marialopezpadilla2840 Күн бұрын
Great video! I'd like to ask something: Does it make sense to use async and await when the operation that takes time is writing to a UI component? The thing is, I have a form called "VigilanciasForm" where I dynamically insert user controls created by me (like my own component). These user controls are called ModuloCIR and consist of a tablelayoutpanel that has 16 checkboxes and 16 temperature values each. The idea is that when inserting these modules into the Vigilancias form, they can all be visualized in real-time, meaning you can see how the 16 temperatures of each one change in real-time without blocking interactions with the UI.
@marialopezpadilla2840 Күн бұрын
My idea was doing something like this: public async Task UpdateTemperatureValuesAsync() { this.valBitsBloq = maq.tvar_cc[nvVigiBloq]; string nombreVariableTemperatura = "$TEMPCI" + numeroModulo; for (int i = 1; i < tableLayoutPanel2.RowCount; i++) { bool valBit = Lib.Valbit(valBitsBloq, i - 1); Label bloqBit = tableLayoutPanel2.GetControlFromPosition(0, i) as Label; Label temperatura = tableLayoutPanel2.GetControlFromPosition(2, i) as Label; string nombreVariable = nombreVariableTemperatura + i.ToString("D2"); // D2 para asegurar dos dígitos double tempValue = 0.01 * maq.tvar_cc[temperaturasDict[nombreVariable]]; string tempValueStr = tempValue.ToString(); int tempValBit = valBit ? 1 : 0; // uPDATE UI ASYNCRONOUSLY await Task.Run(() => { if (tempValBit != bloqBit.ImageIndex) bloqBit.ImageIndex = tempValBit; if(tempValueStr != temperatura.Text) temperatura.Text = tempValueStr; if (tempValue > 25) { temperatura.ForeColor = Color.Red; temperatura.Font = new Font(temperatura.Font, FontStyle.Bold); } else { temperatura.ForeColor = Color.Black; temperatura.Font = new Font(temperatura.Font, FontStyle.Regular); } }); } } BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE ONLY THE MAIN THREAD CAN UPDATE UI COMPONENTS. COULD YOU HELP ME WITH THIS?
@mumk Күн бұрын
You can source control stored procedure commands with a .NET Framework Database project.
@mountaincloudy9213 Күн бұрын
Thank you, good and concise explanation
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
You are welcome.
@cewisham 2 күн бұрын
You’re videos are great.
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
@andywalter7426 2 күн бұрын
One question I have is you mention about the problem of underestimating. I would think there is more of a problem of overestimating how long a project take. I did a project today that I thought would take 4 hours and it ended up taking me 1.5 hours. I even had another project I thought would take 2 months and I completed in 2 weeks.
@rjean99 2 күн бұрын
It's my wife's fault 🤣
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
😂 She doesn't read these comments, does she?
@edburdo 2 күн бұрын
When it comes to proposing changes... I'm finding that while I may be correct... they aren't ready for it right now (for a large variety of reasons).... at some point in the future, they will be ready for it. Don't gloat or rub it in, or do the "I told you so"... just accept "their" idea and move forward.
@edburdo 2 күн бұрын
I heard it once as E+R=O : Event + your Response = Outcome
@user-fk6xt8sw7x 2 күн бұрын
Given new perspective on job hunting . Thanks
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
I am glad it was helpful.
@petersonvideos 2 күн бұрын
Maui is a mess. A lot of bugs. I switch to another language for multi plataform support.
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
If you want multi-platform, look at Uno. It is a great C# multi-platform app type. They just added the ability to publish to multiple platforms with one project.
@Marco-vn7pb 2 күн бұрын
easy way: Right click project - sync namespace and to change default font for whole project, in csproj: add <ApplicationDefaultFont>your font go here, fontsize go here10pt</ApplicationDefaultFont>
@mose3805 2 күн бұрын
😣 *promosm*
@jeffsherman9638 2 күн бұрын
Farming is hard, think I’ll stick to coding which can still be hard 😂
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
@luke2042 3 күн бұрын
You're like a software developers best friend Tim. Always encouraged by these videos. I'm not a dev btw, but a systems analyst that's curious in dev work. I work with a lot of devs and I see the ups and downs of it. I've been stretching myself in the last two years and I've learned sql and some coding principles that I've been able to implement at my workplace through various reports and such.
@kusion7474 3 күн бұрын
Love your video Mr. Tim
@IAmTimCorey Күн бұрын
@jowbloe4700 3 күн бұрын
12:00 what is this _abstraction layer_ you speak of? 🤔
@CoderzF1 3 күн бұрын
winforms has anchors for controls. anchors is for responsive design. winforms also has docking
@CoderzF1 3 күн бұрын
that means it does do responsive UI out of the box
@jowbloe4700 3 күн бұрын
2:59 does the IL look the same, if we create the same simple Hello World "application", in a different language... vb, c#, f#?
@jowbloe4700 3 күн бұрын
4:48 somewhat, but not the direct answer I was looking for
@christopherlebron6912 3 күн бұрын
People will push back against this but, I agree 100%. This is how I was able to get where I am today. Never play the victim, you have control of your own destination. Yes, it will be hard but, it's worth it.
@dannym817 3 күн бұрын
Quit your job, and start your own company. Managers in IT do not know how to motivate, all they know is how to best use you so they can look good themselfs, with the things you build. While at the same time use you as a work pony whipping you all the time to make you work faster and longer as cheap as possible.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
I'm going to give you the same response as I gave someone else already today: My recommendation is this: don't do that. The most likely outcome is that you will be bankrupt and back working for someone else. 3 out of 4 businesses never make it to 15 years. However, that does not mean you cannot succeed. It just means that there is probably a better way to succeed. Start doing something small on the side. Pick the business you want to do and do it in your off hours. Yes, that's hard, but guess what? Running a business is HARD. If you want to do software development as your side business, do part-time consulting. Once you do for a bit, you will realize that you traded one boss for multiple but maybe you will like that and maybe you can grow your business from there. If you want to do something totally different like open up a restaurant, open a food cart on weekends. See how you like it. Work at festivals, fairs, school events, and more. If you want to be a mechanic, take on one project at a time and work nights and weekends on it. Here is my hard-won piece of wisdom for you: if you won't put in the extra work to start small, you are almost certainly not going to succeed if you go full-time. Being a full-time business owner means putting in MUCH more than 40 hours per week. Add on the stress that comes from being uncertain if you are going to get paid, if you are going to be able to make rent, and if you will be able to pay back your loans and you will probably look back at your "regular" job as a vacation. I hate to sound harsh and negative, but too often I see people that take the leap into business ownership without a clue of what they are getting into. They know so little about what it actually takes that they think it will be easy (Dunning Kruger effect). You will save yourself a LOT of paid if you start small and do it as a supplement to your existing income rather than trying to do a hard switch. Also, PLEASE don't rely on loans to start your business. Everyone tells you that you have to have loans or investors in order to make a business work. That's not true. You can make almost any business work without either. It just means that you need to start small and resist the urge to leap ahead using loans. It may sound wise to make that leap, but I've seen far too many businesses that were ruined because they made the "logical" choice and then had to cut back and do layoffs before closing because they couldn't sustain their growth. Just so you know that I'm not just giving random advice, I've followed this exact pattern. I spent years working side jobs as a consultant. My original thought was to be a consultant full-time on my own. I even went as far as doing it for a year. What I found was that I could do it, but I didn't like doing it. The stress of juggling so many clients, handling non-payments, dealing with clients backing out of deals, and working through the slow times meant that I was spending far too much of my time working. I gave up a 40 hour/week job for an 80+ hour/week job that had triple the stress. I went back to a "normal" job for four years while I re-evaluated what I wanted to do and how. When I quit that job, it was because my side job was paying more than my day job. I now have five well-paid employees and have been working for myself for five years. In that time, I never took a loan or received any "investments" or grants. My total contribution to my business was $150 (actually more like $0, because I used rewards points to "buy" what I needed). After that, the only time I spent money was if the business had that money already in hand to spend. I have always maintained a high profit margin, which I reinvest back into the business. I maintain a bank account with 6+ months of total business expenses (salaries, healthcare, facilities, etc.) so that our income can drop to $0 and we can continue without layoffs. I have grown very slowly compared to what I "could have" done. In fact, I could leap forward if I hired another 10 employees. I can even afford to do so. I have not because that would put me too close to breaking even. Do you know what that approach has done for me? I only work 40+ hours/week if I want to. I don't stress about finances. A down month is no big deal. I feel like I'm retired. I do what I love rather than doing what I have to do. But all of that only comes from making LOTS of wise decisions and making hard choices up front.
@sarikaransubhe6562 3 күн бұрын
Being a beginner to Blazor development I'm puzzled to make a right choice for a requirement. I'm building a Web based application with an ability of creating and maintaining the logs, notes which shares Realtime updates across all users. To initiate the development I've picked a combination of Blazor WebApp (.Net8) + SignalR , but as progressing and gaining more knowledge around Blazor I'm keen to re-verify the options available. Can I please have some views around what can be a right match for such requirement? Thank you as always :)
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
It sounds like a good option.
@FanOfYourFan 3 күн бұрын
I really needed to hear that 1st one today. It's so "obvious", but I too often forget it.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
I am glad it was helpful.
@trustingod0 3 күн бұрын
How do I link Azure DevOps to a GitHub Repository. Thanks !!
@kcnl2522 3 күн бұрын
Been working very little compared to my colleagues and other developers in the community, but ive grown so apathetic and heading to become completely demotivated working for someone else. To the point i would rather get a butt load of loans and open something of myself rather than getting paid nickles by getting my boss thousands.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
My recommendation is this: don't do that. The most likely outcome is that you will be bankrupt and back working for someone else. 3 out of 4 businesses never make it to 15 years. However, that does not mean you cannot succeed. It just means that there is probably a better way to succeed. Start doing something small on the side. Pick the business you want to do and do it in your off hours. Yes, that's hard, but guess what? Running a business is HARD. If you want to do software development as your side business, do part-time consulting. Once you do for a bit, you will realize that you traded one boss for multiple but maybe you will like that and maybe you can grow your business from there. If you want to do something totally different like open up a restaurant, open a food cart on weekends. See how you like it. Work at festivals, fairs, school events, and more. If you want to be a mechanic, take on one project at a time and work nights and weekends on it. Here is my hard-won piece of wisdom for you: if you won't put in the extra work to start small, you are almost certainly not going to succeed if you go full-time. Being a full-time business owner means putting in MUCH more than 40 hours per week. Add on the stress that comes from being uncertain if you are going to get paid, if you are going to be able to make rent, and if you will be able to pay back your loans and you will probably look back at your "regular" job as a vacation. I hate to sound harsh and negative, but too often I see people that take the leap into business ownership without a clue of what they are getting into. They know so little about what it actually takes that they think it will be easy (Dunning Kruger effect). You will save yourself a LOT of paid if you start small and do it as a supplement to your existing income rather than trying to do a hard switch. Also, PLEASE don't rely on loans to start your business. Everyone tells you that you have to have loans or investors in order to make a business work. That's not true. You can make almost any business work without either. It just means that you need to start small and resist the urge to leap ahead using loans. It may sound wise to make that leap, but I've seen far too many businesses that were ruined because they made the "logical" choice and then had to cut back and do layoffs before closing because they couldn't sustain their growth. Just so you know that I'm not just giving random advice, I've followed this exact pattern. I spent years working side jobs as a consultant. My original thought was to be a consultant full-time on my own. I even went as far as doing it for a year. What I found was that I could do it, but I didn't like doing it. The stress of juggling so many clients, handling non-payments, dealing with clients backing out of deals, and working through the slow times meant that I was spending far too much of my time working. I gave up a 40 hour/week job for an 80+ hour/week job that had triple the stress. I went back to a "normal" job for four years while I re-evaluated what I wanted to do and how. When I quit that job, it was because my side job was paying more than my day job. I now have five well-paid employees and have been working for myself for five years. In that time, I never took a loan or received any "investments" or grants. My total contribution to my business was $150 (actually more like $0, because I used rewards points to "buy" what I needed). After that, the only time I spent money was if the business had that money already in hand to spend. I have always maintained a high profit margin, which I reinvest back into the business. I maintain a bank account with 6+ months of total business expenses (salaries, healthcare, facilities, etc.) so that our income can drop to $0 and we can continue without layoffs. I have grown very slowly compared to what I "could have" done. In fact, I could leap forward if I hired another 10 employees. I can even afford to do so. I have not because that would put me too close to breaking even. Do you know what that approach has done for me? I only work 40+ hours/week if I want to. I don't stress about finances. A down month is no big deal. I feel like I'm retired. I do what I love rather than doing what I have to do. But all of that only comes from making LOTS of wise decisions and making hard choices up front.
@kcnl2522 3 күн бұрын
@@IAmTimCorey thanks for the reply and the wisdom with it! I truly appreciate your advice as I look up to you! Yes what you say is true. The market right now is just a mess, everyday on LinkedIn or social gatherings there are people complaining about their work and boss, and being that mine is no better it multiplies the stress on my side. Money is no issue for me, im luckily well off, my issue is that there can be managers that will use your dignity as a walking mat, and thats why I despise working for someone else. A 9 to 5 with good conditions and good leadership is heaven on earth, but finding a unicorn is more probable these days than finding a boss who respects your dignity, pays you what you are worth, considers you as an equal and not as his slave. This is what im talking about and many relate to it. Yet again, thank you very much for the time you put to share your wisdom with me!
@luke2042 3 күн бұрын
​@@IAmTimCoreyWow what a great response!
@dmytrohryshyn 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Tim for your wisdom. Learned a lot from you.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
You are welcome.
@kiquenet 3 күн бұрын
Great mister !! VS power !!! Maybe export VS settings to file xml or json? Using powershell to load VS Settings ?
@kirillzlobin7135 3 күн бұрын
So Blazor Web Assembly is like an analog of React from Microsoft world? And Blazor Server is like Next.JS correct? I just need to wrap my head around this new stuff for me, as I am coming from JS world :)
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
This can be a confusing topic. What makes it even more confusing is that Microsoft combined the two concepts into one in .NET 8. But let me explain each individually first. Blazor WebAssembly (WASM): Similar to React, yes. It is fully client-side rendered. Blazor Server: Somewhat similar to Next, but also different. It is a Server-Side Rendered language (SSR), so no code goes to the client. However, it uses SignalR (really just a wrapper around Web Sockets) to give real-time client-side interactivity. That gives you the safety of a server-side language while giving you the functionality of a client-side language. The only downside is the constantly-open connection to the server (super-tiny, so you can have thousands of connections on even a decent web server). Now let's discuss .NET 8. In .NET 8 we have two Blazor projects: Blazor WebAssembly - Yes, this one still exists because you can make a PWA and run your web application offline. Blazor Web App - This can do SSR, Server, and WebAssembly all in one project. You can use SSR for pages that don't need client-side interactivity (or not much, since there can be a little). Then you can also have components that are Server or WebAssembly. This means the page could be SSR, but a small piece could have client-side interactivity. The really nice one is when you say the component is Auto. That means that the component renders initially as Server, since a Blazor Server component is very quick to render (but relies on that connection). However, in the background, the WebAssembly version of that same component is downloaded to the client. When the download is complete, the component is swapped out for the WebAssembly version. The client will use the WASM component from then on, including on future page renders. This gives you the initial speed of server-rendered Blazor Server and then gives you even more speed with the client-side rendered component without needing to wait for the initial download and now without having to rely on a constant SignalR connection anymore either.
@kirillzlobin7135 3 күн бұрын
@@IAmTimCorey Thank you for such a detailed answer. You are the C# Legend
@cassiocampos6211 3 күн бұрын
idk if the words acuatlly could be used like this in english, but the thing is: complaning about stuff is not normal, its common. a little bit different
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
In English, we typically use those words interchangeably. Yes, there can be a slight difference (normal can mean "the standard or expected behavior" where common can mean "something that occurs frequently"), but we often use them to mean the same thing. If we were discussing something scientific or precise then yes, we would draw the distinction. That's not the case here. When something is not precisely measured, trying to apply common vs normal is not accurate. You cannot state that something is common but not normal without specific data to back that up.
@kiquenet 3 күн бұрын
Great mister! Applies to Visual Studio Community 2022 ? not for Visual Studio Code
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
Yes, this is for Visual Studio 2022, not VS Code. I'll cover VS Code separately.
@tedbadje3430 3 күн бұрын
Quit your job, and become a farmer. Say hello to my Dad! 😂
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
😂 My grandfather was a farmer. My dad grew up as a farmer. I lived around farmers growing up. As I'm sure you know, being a software developer is easy compared to being a farmer. That isn't to say it is easy, but trying to outwork a farmer is a losing proposition.
@kenjohnsiosan9707 3 күн бұрын
Learning a lot of C# from your videos. Thanks Tim
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
You are welcome.
@knoweverything7344 3 күн бұрын
I have been in the game for 8+ because of your videos. Great shout out to you Tim and Team..❤👌🔥
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
That's awesome! I'm glad my content has been helpful.
@mynameisshadywhat 3 күн бұрын
I first started my career as a developer working on a WinForms app that had been in production, still being used after 10 years even though being neglected for most of it. After struggling to fix everything over several years we took the path of migrating it and all of its different projects from .NET Framework 2.0/3.5 to .NET Framework 4.8 then later .NET 7 and the solution from Visual Studio 2008 to 2022 (redeveloping it not an option apparently), the improvements in the designer were underwhelming, especially this exact problem.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, WinForms hasn't progressed a lot in terms of the designer or tooling. The speed of the underlying code is incredibly different, but it does feel like the tooling has not been a big focus.
@junaidtahir9556 3 күн бұрын
I always wanted to be a programmer but my parents forced me to have a bachelor degree in Chemistry. They wanted me to be a professor. I completed my degree with 3.72 CGPA out of 4.0. After a year of teaching i gave up! That wasn't something i wanted to do. I started my programming journey by 8 months ago by learning C++.i was very lost and didn't know where to start and what to learn. I gave almost 5 months to C++ just to get used to programming, how to code and how it all works. I jumped into learning C# and now i have completed concepts from basics to OOP. I love it. Looking forward to learn more and more ❤
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
Great! Best wishes on your journey.
@bonginkosishakes5806 3 күн бұрын
Hi Tim, I'd like to know if you have a video talking about integrating database in API as you mentioned in at 40:00 mins
@2aguy594 4 күн бұрын
I am having problem with other examples using Microsoft.Office...... and it not wanting to save the file when adding a Record to it. And i am wondering if this will save the file after i add a New record/data to an excel file.
@kiwibazza99 4 күн бұрын
Great video...and series. Easy to follow and understand. A few gotchas to follow up (status bar colouring, etc.). And good homework task to work on. Enjoying ALL you videos on all topics. Keep 'em coming!
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad you are enjoying them.
@myaloy 4 күн бұрын
Where are you today on the question of Dapper vs EF? I know that you were very fond with Dapper. Is it still the case? I always use CRUD sp + some more advanced SP (no business logic). A few years ago I stumbled upon SQL+NET by Alan Hyneman and fell in love with it for many reaons. But, I am concerned about the future of this project. It seems that his website is not 404 now and he is working as an architect in another company. So, I am again at cross road trying to make a selection. I tried EF in the past. Hated the overhead and slowness. I read that it is must faster now. Is Dapper still a good choice? It is backed up by Stackoverflow if I am not mistaken. Thank you for all your excellent videos Moshe
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
I'm still a huge fan of Dapper. Yes, it is built by the company that makes Stack Overflow (and it runs a lot of their data access). Entity Framework Core is a lot faster. In fact, if you know what you are doing you can make it work almost as fast as Dapper. But that's always been the key: if you know what you are doing. If you spend the time to understand it, you can make EF do great things. However, far too often, people over-estimate their EF skills and under-estimate how important it is to get it right. That's when they make an incredibly poor application that cannot be easily fixed because they've relied on abusing EF. By that point, it is all but too late to fix.
@franciscopalmabeltran3257 4 күн бұрын
Tim. You're doing a lot of good stuff for people who needs a practical focus of the knowledge, specially in a world where people expect you to have experience with every tool and aspect.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@drstrangelove9851 4 күн бұрын
I love WinForms. It's so easy to use and you can design forms quickly. Don't even think about getting rid of it.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
I don't think they will, although Microsoft would probably prefer to use an easier UI like a XAML-based one.
@WalderFrey 4 күн бұрын
Love these videos! WinForms just won't die, will it? It's been a while since I've done anything using WinForms. Does anyone know how well it handles different DPI and resolution settings? e.g. will it it look about the same on a 4K display as it would on something more modest (lower DPI)? Lots of apps tend to look really bad at high DPI. Any plans to do a course on more modern UI frameworks, e.g. WinUI? I was asked to write something in WinUI reasonably recently and, without any experience of its forerunners (WPF, UWP), it was an absolute nightmare to get started. The documentation is seriously lacking, and any sort of training materials are few and far between. It's almost as if Microsoft don't want it to succeed.
@alexmarcelafza1192 4 күн бұрын
Some time I need to restart my router. So, I don't want to do the long term process like log in find system and then select reboot.....could to submit a video on it for restart router by c# progam
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын
Every router is different. They don't just have a way to call them via C#. You would need to find out how to talk to your router via an application. Then you would need to write the custom code for your situation.
@Jabby97 4 күн бұрын
Nice video, Corey.
@IAmTimCorey 3 күн бұрын