Just love the transplant vaccumtable, such a great idea. 😊
@BaconKongen4 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing your knowledge about the pond design, and improvements ideas. Your KZbin channel is deffenetly the best one to subscribe to. What is the water temperature and how much does it change during summer/winter?
@GreenEaseСағат бұрын
We keep it below 73 in the summer and above 68.5 in the winter
@GreenEaseСағат бұрын
At our latitude, we don’t need a pawn chiller. Our source water comes in really cool so that helps Keep it cool
@BaconKongen4 сағат бұрын
Nice video, how do you fill the pluggtrays with media, and how deep are the water under the rafts? 😊
@GreenEaseСағат бұрын
We buy the plug trays filled with Pete Moss from Grow Generation in Ontario. The water is about 9 inches deep under the rafts.
@ramirami119423 сағат бұрын
you talked in one of the videos about a better way to pump oxygen into water. Can you make a video for us about it because I want to apply the idea in my project?
@GreenEase5 сағат бұрын
I spent all day yesterday on this project! It’s coming soon!
@MikeEdwards-pc4qf4 күн бұрын
We just had a problem in our hydroponic lettuce. Plants are dying and right above the oasis cubes. It’s turning to mush. The variety is Muir. Never had this problem before so that you were using Hydro peroxide and Clorox in your deep water culture we are using NFT trays with about 180 gallon solution tank. What do you think my amount of chemical to put in there would be?
@GreenEase3 күн бұрын
Is it a root rot problem or are your seedlings too leggy when you transplant them?
@GreenEase3 күн бұрын
To be honest, I don’t know what to recommend. I would start very light with maybe 50 mL of hydrogen peroxide and 10 mL of bleach and work your way up from there, if you’re not comfortable with that start even smaller. I’m quite nervous recommending anything cause I don’t really know with NFT.
@GreenEase3 күн бұрын
The best thing to do would be go on our website, find my contact info, and reach out to me directly, and we can have a more detailed conversation. WhatsApp is an incredibly efficient way to communicate with me.
@MikeEdwards-pc4qf3 күн бұрын
Ok will do
@sunnyjones6824 күн бұрын
Question if you don’t mind: Could you just plant them in the end trays or is there a reason besides real estate not to?
@GreenEase3 күн бұрын
There isn’t any reason besides space. Square footage in a greenhouse is extremely expensive, especially when you start running light over it. It is incredibly efficient to do this. In a greenhouse, it often pencils out to trade labor for square footage.
@thesingleacrefarm64944 күн бұрын
Can this be used with SUPER tiny seeds like raw (unpelletted) snapdragon seeds.
@GreenEase3 күн бұрын
A few people are, but I usually say no. The reason is two fold. Tiny seeds can get stuck in between the acrylic place and you have to clean them out. Also static can build up on the acrylic place and prevent small seeds from rolling around properly.
@mohamedlamouadi14624 күн бұрын
Great hack Man 🫡🫡
@oddykillamusic84096 күн бұрын
Would love to purchase one but can they do sweet pepper seeds?
@oddykillamusic84096 күн бұрын
Hello can they sow sweet pepper seeds as well? Because the holes look pretty small
@GreenEase6 күн бұрын
I say they can only do pelleted lettuce seed because those smaller seeds can get stuck via static electricity to the acrylic plates..
@oddykillamusic84096 күн бұрын
@@GreenEase ok
@cammacthecammac81427 күн бұрын
Feels like there should be some way to just expand the spacing by pulling a corner of the Styrofoam. Like those old expandable toys you'd get from arcades back in the day. Just a lot of manual labor. Minus some form of automation, this looks like a big.improvement in your system, nice job!
@GreenEase7 күн бұрын
I’ve tried to come up with something like this. I thought about it till my head hurts. The trick is keeping the algae out of the water so the sun can’t hit the water basically
@GreenEase7 күн бұрын
A continuously expanding system would be so efficient labor, wise and square footage wise. A simply designed system would pay off so fast!
@amywarengo47488 күн бұрын
When Money is no worry rock on.
@blakeg70628 күн бұрын
When intelligence is no worry, comment on. The dude practically built everything. Obviously money came into the equation
@craigdawson76329 күн бұрын
What are your thought on the polly leaching into the water over the time potentially faster with light and fertilizer.
@GreenEase9 күн бұрын
It’s not something I’m worried about. We change out the water at a rate of 40 gph 24/7. If something is leaching, it never has a chance to build up to any meaningful levels.
@danielschwapp98659 күн бұрын
where do you get your rafts from?
@GreenEase9 күн бұрын
They come from Beaver plastics. I think their website is bpgrower.ca
@dtubbs220910 күн бұрын
Smart idea
@kuusikko659910 күн бұрын
That was great!
@nikbouman713911 күн бұрын
Brilliant! Great improvement.
@sergeyzavyalov530220 күн бұрын
In what material drop seeds? Soil, torf?
@GreenEase19 күн бұрын
Are growing medium is Pete Moss. The roots of the plants are submersed in water.
@tch413321 күн бұрын
They look amazing 🤌🥬
@tch413321 күн бұрын
How often would you clean the flood and drain table ?
@GreenEase21 күн бұрын
Every cycle so every two weeks
@TrollHunterxXx24 күн бұрын
That’s a lot of fing basil 😮
@EdwardNY824 күн бұрын
Enjoyed the video, once you hit 10k subs can we do a live stream?
@GreenEase24 күн бұрын
I’ll think about it!
@tch413325 күн бұрын
How old are they currently ?
@GreenEase25 күн бұрын
In that video, those are about 5 1/2 weeks old
@tch413325 күн бұрын
I’m using sunland as well, performs well with the year round high temps in my region
@ramirami119426 күн бұрын
We want a video about the red light above seedlings and aeration in ponds❤
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
Ebb and Flow (Propagation) Trays kzbin.info/www/bejne/d4SlhZp8ftCjnpI You can see a little bit here!
@ramirami119426 күн бұрын
@GreenEase thanks
@ramirami119426 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video❤❤
@Kapow232326 күн бұрын
Thank you for the video!
@knnaveen00726 күн бұрын
What printer you use for printing your labels?
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
We buy those from minuteman press. But when we launch a new product, we just use a regular laser printer and Avery sheet labels to get us started
@javadhemmati689826 күн бұрын
Have you tried using a UV and also water magnetic treatment system? Wonder if that also helps fighting root rot?
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
No we haven’t!
@knnaveen00727 күн бұрын
I wanted to ask if have ever tried cutting the roots of affected plants and putting them back and see if they pick up the growth
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
No, I haven’t. But I know that my plans are very sensitive to the roots being damaged and I think that would be quite traumatic. We recently upgraded our transplanting system for damage reasons and it helped us out tremendously.
@knnaveen00726 күн бұрын
@@GreenEase can I know what change did you implement
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
@knnaveen007 it might be kind of hard to explain, but before when we transplanted the medium size plants, we would pull the roots through the holes in the raft with little wires. We switch to a vacuum table and making sure that everybody only touches the plants once. It easily gave us one day boost in growth.
@alexandeurross416926 күн бұрын
@@GreenEase I need a video on the vacuum table. I think I'm understanding what you're saying, but it sounds like something I need.
@knnaveen00727 күн бұрын
doesn't adding bleach increase your EC levels?
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
Not noticeably. Bleach and hydrogen peroxide both evaporate out after 2 to 3 days.
@MikeEdwards-pc4qf28 күн бұрын
Do you have a video on growing and harvesting spring mix lettuce?How many seeds per hole?We have trouble with it having brown leaves on the bottom at harvest.We grow in NFT.
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
Not really. We have a spring mix harvester that I built that helps us harvest spring mix extremely fast and efficiently. We can harvest pounds in one minute. It’s under development and will be offering it for sale soon. We only do one seed per hole. We’ve tried double triple seating in the past, but have never been happy with the results.
@alexandeurross416929 күн бұрын
Very helpful to me. Definitely been dealing with some myself due to poor aeration. Sterile system won't happen in my Aquaponic system. I'll be testing trichoderma on my seedlings station as a preventative for pythium. The biggest issue I'm having right now is powdery mildew as we move into the colder months. Since you're probably in a similar climate to me, do you have any issues with powdery mildew? What's your strategy
@GreenEase29 күн бұрын
Yeah, we definitely battle powdery mildew. Right now I’m trying out all different kinds of bib and Romain to see what’s most resistant. I tried out some spray called oxidant that’s mostly hydrogen peroxide, but it doesn’t seem to help much. Keeping it warmer and keeping the plants dry seems to help so much.
@KapohoAquaponics27 күн бұрын
@@GreenEase Sulfur Burners/Vaporizers in your greenhouse will eliminate Powdery Mildew. Elemental Sulfur when vaporized will not allow the spores to grow roots in the leaves. 2-3 hours per night until infection is gone should be enough. If the infection is severe, hit them with 6-8 hours the first few nights then back off to the 2-3 hours.
@GreenEase26 күн бұрын
@KapohoAquaponics OK! I’ll look into this. Some weeks is worse than others and this is a bad week again.
@alexandeurross416926 күн бұрын
@@KapohoAquaponics interesting idea. I may have to try this. Do you have any pointers on where to get the equipment?
@urbanagmikeАй бұрын
@TheDottieGАй бұрын
I wanna try this for my dwc setup but I am not sure on the ratio for just little 5 gal buckets. I have used peroxide to treat before and it does okay but I want to try bleach too this time
@AgroViridisАй бұрын
Thank You So Much Sir !!! 🙏🙏🙏
@tch4133Ай бұрын
Another great video, covering very import topics and questions most growers have
@AtollSurferАй бұрын
Thank you am soon starting on, location along the atoll equatorial pacific. very expensive shipping wise to get these hazardous chemicals, minimum charge 1 ton, ($850-) plus $450 in paper word even for 1 kg/ liter. but a must. sodium hydrochloride is here as house bleach but but not pure with soaps and chemicals ,we do have sodium hydroxide which is toilet cleaner and is not for water purification. I have coming H2O2 50% and figure it will be a regular thing given our average 82* day and night time temp. Thank you your video was informative.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
I’m very inspired by you guys growing in remote areas! That’s not easy and it’s a great service to your community. I wish I had experience with sodium hypochlorite. But I don’t.. I think it’s a super good option
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
This unit may be of use to you.. hyposource.com/products/hypo-7-5
@AgroViridisАй бұрын
7:33 can you go on full detail on how to use hydrogen peroxide to heal roots problem . much appriciate thanks
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
I will in the future video, but I just start out with small doses like half a liter of hydrogen peroxide and about 100 mL of bleach. Every two days I put in either hydrogen peroxide or bleach. I’ll make a video shortly.
@AgroViridisАй бұрын
@@GreenEasewhat % of hydrogen peroxide you use sir? im having root problem in my NFT System. im going to add 150-250ml of H2o2 3% solution in my 500liters tank. hopefully theres some result.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
@AgroViridis How We Deal with Root Rot kzbin.info/www/bejne/oKLCoKmcopl4g8U
@ShewanJanithАй бұрын
Wow ! I'm surprised that you do not get root rot like in over country(we are near the equator), We have to keep over system extremely clean in order to avoid root rot . Great system! thanks.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
We definitely combat root rot. Every hydroponic system does in my opinion. We don’t have to do any treatments in the winter, but in the summer, we have to treat the water with very small amounts of hydrogen peroxide and bleach to keep the pythium killed off.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
I can imagine in a tropical climate the root rot pressure would be crazy
@ShewanJanithАй бұрын
@@GreenEase Yes!, Thankyou for the reply 🙂
@alphatech2081Ай бұрын
Hey I was wondering where did you get the greenhouse?
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
Why we bought a Westbrook Greenhouse kzbin.info/www/bejne/ooXUYpSEj6t8rZo Here you go!
@yoshooahАй бұрын
Thats awesome bro! How long do you run lights on winter vs summer? Whats ideal temps? Love seeing new content from ya
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
We don’t run lights at all in the summer. In the winter we run about 30 PFD for 10 hours we’re super under powered on light ideal temp for us is about 70 at night and 75 in the day we’re always changing and improving the temperature numbers though.
@yoshooahАй бұрын
Nice. What usda growing zone are you in?
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
I believe it’s 4b
@tch4133Ай бұрын
Look really nice 🫡
@steveale0711Ай бұрын
What’s your hole spacing?
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
All that there was 8x8
@steveale0711Ай бұрын
More details on 1:56 please.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
Pretty awesome isn’t it! It’s a product in development.
@huder67Ай бұрын
@knnaveen007Ай бұрын
Hey I am also a small grower in georgia and I have a similar system like yours. I learned a lot from you. Recently a buyer wanted to buy green leaf from us that has long shelf (without roots). Can you suggest which type of green leaf seed should I ustoin my system.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
We cut the roots off of almost all our products. Speeds up processing so much and we’ve never saw an impact to shelflife. We grow Muir from Paramount Seeds.
@jakeperrine7195Ай бұрын
How do you guys market it, like how do you find people to buy it. that is something I have always struggled with selling produce.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
Turn Greens Into $$$: A Simple Guide to Produce Sales kzbin.info/www/bejne/jpC3ZYiYqNuYl9U Here you go!
@alexandeurross4169Ай бұрын
The manifold system is brilliant. I ended up building one big pool because I couldn't figure out how to tie multiple pools together. Air lines- I built basically your manifold, but I used soaker hoses. I ran them all the way down the length of the bed, one line under each row of rafts. Do you just have air in the corner? I may have to copy your water return design. Mine all comes in at one end and flows to the other end where the intake is.
@GreenEaseАй бұрын
Yes, we just run air in one corner. It’s right where the suction is so the aerated water goes straight into the suction and out through the circulation system.