michael in the forest 036 - fife
michael in the forest 032 - indie
michael in the forest 026 - indie
michael in the forest 020 - wisdom
michael in the forest 015 - oven
@jaykirsh 7 күн бұрын
Can't wait for it!
@silentrocco 8 күн бұрын
@antonklinger 10 күн бұрын
thank YOU michael <3
@BobbyRunout_TheEverydayWorld 10 күн бұрын
terrific news
@nickfourtimes 16 күн бұрын
The bit about finally unlocking trigonometry to understand Scorched Earth (or vice-versa) reminds me of the book "Mindstorms" by Seymour Papert; learning through analogy & applied enthusiasm.
@BobbyRunout_TheEverydayWorld 18 күн бұрын
Still top 10 game trailer of all time
@max.bittker 19 күн бұрын
enjoyable episode! the feeling you described of being in math class and realizing you are about to learn something that is in fact a solution to a problem you've experienced is electric, made me smile to remember moments like that in my own education
@max.bittker Ай бұрын
I would love to play a match-3 game with microtransactions designed by you, if you were ever interested in exploring some more "pop" regions of design space
@smestorp Ай бұрын
man match-3 has been so thoroughly explored, can’t be much left there (or can there?). i’ve made a couple but it’s tough to do anything interesting. i recommend checking out Puzzle Quest though, it’s not new but it’s a direction i’d have done if someone else hadn’t got there already
@max.bittker Ай бұрын
@@smestorp Ah, interesting to hear that you've dabbled! What other genres are (yet) un-broughlike? maybe an incremental game? I will check out puzzle quest! :)
@llauram3650 2 ай бұрын
We've been going through it the past few months and now we're basically actually indie again, without a pub. starting new projects from dot albeit with a bit of tech under the belt and a small runway of funding/grant. We're gonna be focusing on making smaller games with strong stories for a bit. so that one doesn't need to be the biggest hit, but in aggregate they build up. just finishing one game is hard though, and I know you've had a lot of trouble with apple and changing tech. Gonna look at doing kickstarters for finished games too (rather than early on). more like board games do it. Like hey if you want translations, ports or other bells and whistles fund it! And help us fund the next game. I think it's worth considering? People love your games so much, they would definitely chip in extra for behind the scenes stuff etc (dw about doing anything physical) anyway last year,we had a big team and it was so difficult. It turned out it wasn't the best way to get things done and support people (if it's not sustainable). but it's a catch 22. to get money you need to have a big team and have certain design constraints, neither of which help development much lol. at the very least the games industry is backwards in that we start "filming" before we have a "script". so back to a much smaller team and I realised what I want to do instead of getting a bigger team if we make money enough is to support individual indies who are already really good at what they do. Help them with business and stuff like porting (and hey traditional games advice if they need it). there are so many incredible solo creators like yourself who shouldn't have to do the business stuff, let alone (I've seen from others) get screwed over by small game companies. If I can give advice on the business stuff in the meantime, hit me up. also have you ever tried creatine (esp) or protein powders? my health and energy has improved immensely since I started taking them, I think I had run myself ragged over the last 5 years. lots of love. hope yer all keeping well <3.
@smestorp Ай бұрын
yeah kickstart could be worth trying, i’ve been thinking about it! feel a lil uncertain since i’ve already been asking money on patreon for a while (& not released anything big in that time), like maybe i’ve spent my goodwill for now? but there’s a lot of people out there, i’m not gonna ask more from who’s already supported me, but maybe. we’ll see. & yeah definite catch-22 on teams. can’t get funding to pay a team unless you already have one to make something look impressive, which you need funds for in the first place. i kinda don’t mind having to do the business stuff, it’s good for me anyway to talk myself up and remind myself people care about what i’ve done, and trying to explain why people should fund it helps sometimes with figuring out what the core of it even is. but, i’d like doing the business stuff to get results. & yeah i’ll try increasing protein, having a vegetarian in the family it’s something to be careful about and since i’ve been more busy with games again i’m less keeping up with soaking beans <3
@max.bittker 3 ай бұрын
The app store obsolesce treadmill is such a shame
@gridsherman6854 4 ай бұрын
I can relate to this so much. Just had a kid 10 months ago, planning on more. He's the best. Independent game development is super hard now though. I managed to finish a game for Steam while he was around, but its exhausting. I did the same cycle of overwork -> burnout through the entire 2 years making that game. I really need to learn how to work on things like 1 or 2 hours max a day and then force myself to stop, or something like that haha. I learned a lot from that project, painfully Marketing was super hard, I'm from the US and I do feel really confident in my own abilities and games, but the hardest part of marketing for me is just that I hate doing it lol. I love making games, the actual work of it, and anything else is a chore. I'm dragging my feet making a website, social media, all that stuff. But no way around it. I'm excited to watch through the rest of these videos and really excited for whatever you can work on, your projects have always been an inspiration to me.
@zanejohns777 5 ай бұрын
I just wanted to say you seem like a very humble man, and I imagine some of that comes from your ability to critique your own works. At the risk of sounding weird, and as much as I love your games (especially Corrypt), I wanted to speak more to what you said about your energy level and reduced interest in games over the last few years. About 4 years ago, when the you-know-what was promoted globally, I remember standing in the shower and asking God for some answers. Something in the world just felt "dark". I felt sort of lost, and I stopped posting games to itchio for a while. Instead, I was led to things like The Principle documentary by Robert Sungenis, and I posted warnings about the rapture and the mark of the beast. I have several children of my own, and I can easily relate to what you're saying here. I don't know if this will help or hurt, but I truly don't believe the world as we know it has many years left. Anyway, I don't know your beliefs or anything, but it wouldn't sit well with me if I didn't share some thoughts about all this, as I haven't found many people like yourself who can set aside their pride or think for themselves. Please stay humble, and ask God directly when you need guidance (: I hope to meet you in heaven with your family
@smestorp 5 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for your message. I've known several people who at some point in their life became convinced that the world was going to end soon and made long-term decisions based on that expectation - and then regretted it when everything just kept on going and they were unprepared. It's a mistake people have been making for a long time. Now I can't say anything about what's going to happen this time, but please plan for a future that keeps going!
@AdamMilecki 6 ай бұрын
It was great to see you get excited toward the end of the video. I suffer from a lot of decision paralysis. So many ideas, so little time. I relate to your struggle. What works for me is to find something that makes me really excited to work on it and just dig in hard.
@silentrocco 6 ай бұрын
I‘m repeating myself, but why not working on a portrait rework of your arguably most successful game, 868-Hack. There‘s so many new audiences now, and portrait indie gaming as well es deckbuilders and roguelikes are more than ever finding their passionate audiences. While not stimulating or challening you that much, this project would still be some kind of small scale practice to just get back into a rhythm of creating something. And you could even try a different payment model, like the one Slice & Dice is currently doing (free demo with premium unlock). Also, with this game possibly gathering new Brough fans, future projects would have an easier start. All the best to you!
@AdamMilecki 6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty desparate for a way to play the most up-to-date version of 868-HACK on my Android, and this could potentially solve that. I also want Michael to make the money he deserves. I'm hoping the two can meet.
@smestorp 6 ай бұрын
man, it’s going to take a pretty big rewrite for portrait mode. of course it’s not a huge game so it can only be so big.. as i’m getting more familiar with Godot i’m thinking at some point i might port it to that, do the android thing. but - when i’ve done this in the past the money has been in the low hundreds, so, ok finding new audiences is a nice story but it’s not been my experience in the times i’ve literally done this. the thing i’ve found to work to find new audiences is to make new games!
@silentrocco 6 ай бұрын
@@smestorpHow much money would I need to pay you to personally fund this project? :D I seriously would invest in this.
@max.bittker 7 ай бұрын
My friend just said about imbroglio”this is the only mobile game in the whole world that has good sound”
@smestorp 7 ай бұрын
maybe because from the start i made sounds that fit in the range of phone speakers or little headphones, rather than making a full sound on good speakers and then trying to mix it down to sound ok on a phone.
@DavidPD555 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes turn order can matter a lot in JRPG-style combat. And "Into the Breach" does exactly what you said where it shows exactly what every enemy is going to do on their next turn, and in what order. Come to think of it Into the Breach reminds me of your games a lot: Relatively small grid, combat feeling like a puzzle, really deep mechanics that emerge as you learn the game... I love your work (though I certainly haven't mastered your games 😅), had no idea you were on KZbin and I look forward to more of your thoughts!
@smestorp 8 ай бұрын
Into The Breach sounds like one I need to make time for! Their previous one didn’t grab me - it’s probably a great intro if you haven’t already played a lot of proc-gen games. But this one’s been mentioned enough times that, ok I’ll give it a go.
@cipherpunk7409 8 ай бұрын
@@smestorp I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!
@desangre831 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update Michael. Glad to hear things are going a bit better. Also, teaming up with someone has positive sides that go way beyond the actual work the other person does and I'm sure you are feeling that. I can't wait to know more about your next project anyway. Take care! :)
@max.bittker 10 ай бұрын
nice update! appreciated the story about trusting your gut with a collaborator
@silentrocco 10 ай бұрын
I love following gut feelings.. great video, as always. Wishing you all the best for further development.
@patrickgh3 Жыл бұрын
I agree that you contributing to the interpretation and discussion of your own work is good! Also, this is only related, but you talking about your work through these videos is something I get things out of, so thanks for doing that.
@uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Жыл бұрын
"Effective, evocative, distinctive, functional." Sure it was rude of that gentleman to make his ripple-inducing remark about Corrypt, but I remain encouraged by the unsaid, implicit half of his remark: if his imagination hadn't been provoked, if the art of Corrypt hadn't culminated in that distinctive, evocative function, then he wouldn't have felt strongly enough about it to say anything, let alone explore Corrypt past first impressions. Maybe he resolved to a deeper understanding of this kind, but only much later. It's inspiring that your views on "good work" mature and gain nuance but your conception of "games" and "art" were always, and remain, visionary.
@sw3dge Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the update
@max.bittker Жыл бұрын
i love your small projects
@max.bittker Жыл бұрын
sounds like a nice situation! 🙌
@raiganburns8154 Жыл бұрын
Yay!! I'm so glad things have improved. :)
@Notester82 Жыл бұрын
Oh heck, nice to hear that you've gotten with a publisher and have been able to be more focused on work in a better environment! c:
@patricktraynor Жыл бұрын
I'm happy for you :) Wish you the best in this exciting new stage, and I'm looking forward to your games!
@dexan8946 Жыл бұрын
So much good news! Happy to hear you’re regaining your strength. Happy to hear about the publisher news. Happy that you’re keeping the Patreon up because I enjoy being able to support you (selfishly, because I want as much stuff from you as possible).
@ShadowXeneth Жыл бұрын
This is very prescient in some ways given when it was posted; I think you were reacting to "the loss of Twitter's soul" at the time, and now just look at what it is becoming... Reaching "end of life" as the "town square" of the internet, which is ironic given that spirit is the reason Musk even wanted it to begin with.
@smestorp Жыл бұрын
hah i don't think i had any prescience there - it had been heading this way for a while already. i was surprised quite how bad recent moves were.
@taramacalister Жыл бұрын
No, the intersection is me! (Actually I thought I didn't like real-time games until I gave Vertex Dispenser a proper go.) It's really good to hear you talking about this, Michael. For those - almost everyone I guess - who don't know, I'm Michael's wife. He has been pretty reluctant to talk about Vertex Dispenser even to me for so many years. He actually barely even got to enjoy its brief little 'heydey' when it was released, because we didn't have a decent internet connection at home at the time. I used to play it in the office after work and had so much fun. Also, he's not being fair to himself about 'skiving off' on his PhD. He did really try, but he had moved to a different country from his university (for my job), and that made it a lot harder to keep up motivation. If anyone does want to try multiplayer, it used to work pretty well within Europe. I (in Germany, back in the day) only had really serious issues playing against people in Brazil and Australia. I miss it and would be totally keen to play again if it still works!
@LegoDinoMan Жыл бұрын
Good to see you again! I’m glad you’re doing well
@gamesbymanuel Жыл бұрын
I relate so much to what you are saying, and it is part of the reason I haven't tried to venture into becoming an indie/solo developer. The tools and platforms keep breaking by design, it is infuriating. To try and counter this I tried designing and publishing my own boardgames, but it hasn't been reliable either. All of them are out of print nowadays. Fortunately the existing copies are still around and people can swap or sell them if they'd like, but I wouldn't say it was worth it.
@martijnschuth7044 Жыл бұрын
I've been a huge fan of your games since I discovered 868-HACK and I'm so happy that one of them is finally available on Android, I instantly bought it. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, I know what it's like, I've been struggling myself as well this past year. I wish you all the best and I'm really looking forward to your future projects and hope the rest of your games will get an Android release as well.
@max.bittker Жыл бұрын
i feel sad too about it , well put. somehow have lots of hope for the future of the internet but not sure what it will hold
@silentrocco Жыл бұрын
Your authenticity is golden. Always keep that. Often not rewarded in the typical sense. But really the center of a truthful life. These forest talks are always giving me lots of food for thought. Thank you.
@desangre831 Жыл бұрын
You are a great designer Michael and it's just unfair that people like you are finding hard to make ends meet. I really wish the future can be brighter for you and that you can get some form of financial support to let you develop the big game. Hugs from Italy!
@cipherpunk7409 Жыл бұрын
Bought my copy of Zaga-33. I didn't realize it had released but I'm definitely somebody who wants to support anything you release on PC/Android. It's really great to be able to share your work with strangers on my phone. Since I don't own an iPhone, it's been a bummer having to tell people why Cinco Paus is so amazing and not being able to show them.
@GlennBroadway Жыл бұрын
Instantly bought Zaga-33 - I know nothing about it, except that it’s from the guy that made 868-HACK! Hope things go well for you Michael. Looking forward to your next project.
@hexalspace Жыл бұрын
It's astounding how much of a lot of jobs is computing work. It seems to me that opening the world via electric signals has distracted us from like, rolling around on the floor. That stuff's important!
@patrickgh3 Жыл бұрын
I've enjoyed hearing your unique perspective on all the non-game and game topics. I'll try to think of a question or two.
@llauram3650 Жыл бұрын
it's v late here so no questions rn, but lots <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 altho, i would definitely be up for hearing about body/flexy stuff. it's something i want to spend time on this year (rn, i have terrible buttocks pain lol). ms has made it tricky sometimes, but health is getting better, so i should put that back into body health tooo
@dexan8946 Жыл бұрын
I can’t believe the “tap 7 times” thing is real. What a wild way to hide a critical feature. And probably inaccessible to some people too!
@michaelbrough9951 Жыл бұрын
it doesn’t have to be fast so i doubt there’s many people otherwise capable of using a phone who couldn’t do it. but certainly my experience demonstrates an accessibility issue in terms of networks. i’m sure this is just common knowledge if you’re /in/ /tech/. whereas as a disabled outsider with limited time and capacity to work, it wasted a bunch
@patrickgh3 Жыл бұрын
I do the same exact thing with picking what tasks to work on! Having the icky ones in the back of my mind, and then one day I'll be in the mood to do them. Or at least that they'll be the least unpleasant to do that day. Thanks for these videos, enjoying your thoughtful thoughts.
@neocow2 Жыл бұрын
Takes like 2 weeks for back sprain/pull to heal fully. If you're in pain it might not be healed yet, or healed correctly. Try a lot of rest, not carrying things, and keep standing as much as possible, without much pain
@silentrocco Жыл бұрын
Love listening to your thoughtful forest videos. Interesting idea about breaking down tasks to smaller ones for motivation. Thanks. And I‘m pumped about getting to play Zaga 33 on iOS again. Having your games stop working or behaving weirdly is my biggest loss in mobile gaming. Thank you!
@Eoilp Жыл бұрын
Keep it up brother 💪🤍
@taramacalister Жыл бұрын
I actually never felt bad about not having figured out the secret level in 868-HACK, as I was pretty pleased with the scores I was getting without it. I never knew until now that how other people knew about it was from twitter, though!
@silentrocco Жыл бұрын
That Cinco Paus reboot is seriously my most anticipated game in 2023. Also love to listen to your woods videos. Kind of my only "podcast" :) Keep on rocking, thinking and talking. Cheers!
@LegoDinoMan Жыл бұрын
I love the calm pace of these, it feels like a flow of thoughts.
@dexan8946 Жыл бұрын
This definitely works for things that one likes cooked and is fine with cold, cus surely if you needed something reheated you are basically back at square one. What this doesn’t work for is for things that are best “fresh” like bread or dishes that will go soggy when cold. So perhaps buying food prepared, like from a baker, is the most efficient overall because they can have their ovens on all day and baking all day (assuming full capacity) But there is waste of the bread is not bought, so perhaps everyone needs to put their orders in ahead of time for a week, everyday, and be sure to take and eat their order!
@smestorp Жыл бұрын
yeah i'd recommend the Tamar Adler book i mentioned: she goes into quite a bit of detail about what's good (or even better) cold. and fwiw, she gets bread from a baker.
@dexan8946 Жыл бұрын
@@smestorp thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely check it out!
@smestorp Жыл бұрын
@@dexan8946 also worth noting a lot of things that take an hour or so to cook can be reheated in a few minutes on the stove (or microwave probably?) so it can be convenient & still save energy overall