Why are we being fooled?
Ай бұрын
Vems liv kan du rädda?
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Är en bättre värld möjlig?
Klubb Apollo: Tillbaka till naturen
The End of Capitalism?
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On the Origin of Time
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Klubb Apollo: Allt var bättre förr?
Boklansering: "Kärlekens nya lagar"
Boklansering: Demokratiparadoxen
Nationalstaten - ett försvarstal
Den gyllene grenen: Ondska och godhet
@jurgenblick5491 2 күн бұрын
The paradox is what? Are we stuck on logic. Maybe there is a problem with the definition of infinity
@69sungam 5 күн бұрын
Tråkigt att inte någon ställer relevanta frågor , det är väl problemet med att man lansera saker för för vinnings skull. Hela diskussionen hamnar fel? känns ytlig.
@MrDaiseymay 6 күн бұрын
@highvibee 7 күн бұрын
This swed doesn't know much about the human brain it seems 🤯
@WolfgangWeidner 9 күн бұрын
Very important and entertaining discussion. Thanks!
@hannesangell 11 күн бұрын
The ones not worthy to trust are many of those selling solutions to climate change. Most of the consumer driven change is counterproductive because we are sold lies, not in why to change, but how to change.
@Sharperthanu1 11 күн бұрын
Human beings and animals
@nossenkanter 11 күн бұрын
"I can't wait to use chess to chase clout." - aNnA cRaMlInG
@MrUniman609 11 күн бұрын
She is a very intelligent woman, so interesting to listen to and to watch.
@MrDaiseymay 6 күн бұрын
Absolutely---She could even make the Liberal Party sound interesting
@jeanwelsh6128 12 күн бұрын
Awesome !
@nicolaspeters2555 12 күн бұрын
Everyone enjoys supporting you because chess is great but also because you are a likeable person and a great role model for young girls.
@tomashultgren4117 17 күн бұрын
The idea that "the gene is the unit of selection", the idea that "the individual is the tool of the gene", the idea that "the body is the machine for passing on the genes that created it" - books like "The Selfish Gene", "The Blind Watchmaker. These are fictions that made Dawkins famous. He essentially substituted "God" for the "Gene". Fame does mean that he is true. Real solid current science backed by evidence and fact is now gradually undermining Dawkins' grand unsubstantiated speculations and instead pointing to a far more complex reality than Dawkins wants us to believe. The genome is probably more like the hard drive in a computer - full of data that is stored, and then used and processed by other controlling functions that we as yet don't fully understand, and perhaps never will. Dawkins insists that Darwin solved "the big one", that it really is "terribly simple". That is infantile, wishful thinking. Nothing in the universe is intellectually simple. Look at physics - dealing with inert DEAD matter. That should be dead simple, right? Not so, the further phycisists dive into smaller and smaller particles the stranger it gets. Why would biology be simpler?
@Feinrizulwur 19 күн бұрын
Knark i alla former är genvägen rakt ner i helvetet. Bara mentalt ofullgågna tror något annat.
@staffanvallsater-oi6jo 19 күн бұрын
Snillen spekulerar.
@vynderma 20 күн бұрын
Why are there only around 650 “likes” for this lecture? More people need to see this.
@janus69tube 25 күн бұрын
Profound ignorance in question.
@VictorFinnigan 27 күн бұрын
Mycket intressant och lärorikt! Ändå, fungerar inte fantasi lika bra, i förlängningen, kultur? Så är det mycket som är eller kan bli till oro och depression, i vår tid. Det är ju synd om DMT och liknande blir till eskapism och verklighetsflykt istället? Verkligheten vi upplever idag är ju så komplex, med så mycket information och desinformation. Vi manipuleras dagligen till att oroas. Det kanske mest är politiker och beslutsfattare som skulle behöva microdoser?
@JoakimVesterlund 28 күн бұрын
Supertack för denna jättefina kväll!
@VictorFinnigan 29 күн бұрын
Mycket intressant!
@fotografbillylindberg Ай бұрын
There are services that scans websights that contains other views then the official narrative and down grader those sights and GDI Global Disinformation Index is such a company. Financed by the regimes USA, UK and the EU
@fotografbillylindberg Ай бұрын
Regulations and canceling is the perfect way to create conspiracy thoughts and loss of trust!
@fotografbillylindberg Ай бұрын
Hmmm.... journalism and the trust in science has failed to challange the consensus about climate crises
@BuleriaChk Ай бұрын
Godel's "Theorem" is a complete farce and absolute bullshit. Godel assigns a unique number to all the symbols in real numbers via the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: e.g., the syntactical symbols "+", "-", "x" (multiplication) as well as the actual numbers and powers (e.g. 3^2). By his criteria, a "proof" consists of a tautology on each side of the equal sign. At first, one might think the statement "3 + 4 = 7" is a "proof", since it can be reduced to a sum of units on either side. But that would be a contradiction, according to Godel, because "3 + 4" has a different Godel Number than "7". So the only "proofs" for Godel are G(wff) = G(wff); any other statement is a contradiction by Godel Number. I call BS - a giant twittering machine built on nothing, see my pdfs on physicsdiscussionforum dot org Remember, you read it here first... :)
@BuleriaChk Ай бұрын
Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem for Village Idiots a,b,c,n > 0, n>1 c = a + b c^n = [a^n + b^n] + f(a,b,n) Binomial Expansion c^n = [a^n + b^n] iff f(a,b,n) = 0 f(a,b,n) <> 0 c^n <> [a^n + b^n] QED (remember, you heard it from me first! :) Pythagorean triples require that one of the sides be imaginary and the hypotenuse = sqr(cc*). Note that there are no negative numbers, and therefore no square roots of negative numbers. #^2 = (a + b)^2 = [a^2 + b^2] + [2ab] = [cc*]+ 2a(b) 7 == 4 + 3 7^2 = 49 = [25] + [24] = [5^2] + [24} (it helps to use magenta to track imanginary numbers).
@BuleriaChk Ай бұрын
He claims 1^2 = 1` (Nah!) 1 ^2 <> 1 (a number cannot both multiply and not multiply itself. Russell's Paradox. B^2 <> B (A barber cannot both shave and not shave himself, in a village containing only one villager, and that is all you need; seets have nothing to do with it). To multiply two elements requires they both exist 2+0 = 2: # = 1 + 1 = 2 #^2 = (1 + 1) [1^2 + 1^2] + [2(1)(1)] = 4(1^2) binomial expansion 4(1^2) <> (# - 1) = 1 I call bull puckey It seems to me that Godel can provide a number for the statement "x = 3" but cannot prove it, for x a variable)... so "x = 3" is "unnproveable" but 3=3 is "proveable", because proveablity requires tautologies? (x is not a symbol of the meta-language). Duh!
@goranf6272 Ай бұрын
Superkul! Tack!
@Gerard1971 Ай бұрын
1:20 The remark about using a chessboard with velcro on it space is really funny, was he not aware that chessboards with magnetic pieces exist? :-)
@nakor555 Ай бұрын
Reasonably no one understands what he's talking about..... but monsieur is the smartest human being alive.... Hofstadter rocks....
@funckmasta Ай бұрын
Where can we hear the full interview?
@OpenMinded000 2 ай бұрын
Conspiries? All these things ? Have you done any research on any of the topics before you generalise everything? And when it comes to vaccines, especially mRNA based ones LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE. From there you can continue with what Dawkins says. The way you formulated this question was enough for me to look further, because you apparently have no idea Christer and it seems you have no inclination to research further.
@VictorFinnigan 2 ай бұрын
Är inte det här talet av Överbefälhavaren under Folk och Försvar, ett sätt att manipulera svenska befolkningen in i en upplevelse av negativ stress, kronisk oro och ständig hög beredskap inför en oviss framtid, som snart kan komma att bli verklighet, inte bara för befolningen i Ukraina, utan också här i Sverige? Negativ stress påverkar människor till att tro på rykten, fatta snabba och ofta felaktiga beslut på desinformation från osäkra källor. Själv tog jag detta på allvar, men jag känner ingen, ingen, som reagerat som jag inför den här "allvarliga" situationen. Min uppfattning är den att; råder fred, så ska befolkningen kunna njuta livet som vanligt, på arbetet eller under fritiden. Att vara i fred, kan inte vara detsamma som att, 24/7, befinna sig i beredskap inför ett krig motsvarande det som kan ses på bilderna här. Eller är det så, kan det vara så, att Sverige har blivit för "tråkigt"? kzbin.info/www/bejne/foaQYqxjd91rfJosi=vFXt3f0c1dcWELhi
@VictorFinnigan 2 ай бұрын
Hej! Jag skulle vilja höra ett improviserat samtal om "Vad är en Människa?", med Anders Hansen, Per Jensen, Katarina Gospic, Joanna Bornemark och Henrik Fexeus. Gärna i flera delar, djupt och mycket tänkvärt och inspirerande!
@ZeroG 2 ай бұрын
Roger Penrose would do well to explain Gödel like this and not by talking about taking a class from Dirac and Stein telling him it's about understanding.
@GGJordanFanatic 2 ай бұрын
Back in the day when she looked like a snack 😊
@perpetuouswhite 3 ай бұрын
Gillar man fysik och piano så var detta förstås helt perfekt! Alltid lika intressant att lyssna på Ulf! Ett bra grepp att med illustrationer, tolkningar, improvisationer och stämningsskapande av den förnäma Anders Widmark!
@yanair2091 3 ай бұрын
So disappointed that even Hofstadter says "prinKipia".
@elwap0 3 ай бұрын
In Mr Dawkins own words kzbin.infoAjtE-eIJGx8?si=oIjXqcM0suvU4RMJ
@A.F.Pianist 3 ай бұрын
Tyckte inte att han kunde redogöra särskilt bra för sin teori. Verkade dessutom lättirriterad när han blev ifrågasatt av Ulf.
@Carnagemode 3 ай бұрын
she is so different when she speaks sweedsih lol
@mrStraker888 3 ай бұрын
Vf finns lidande? För att vi människor är dumma i huvudet! därför.
@figurefiguras4104 3 ай бұрын
@mrStraker888 3 ай бұрын
Skulden av att leva ett inautentiskt piss- liv , jobba ett sju till fyra , måndag - fre och dricka sprit på helgen för att döva en meningslös tillvaro...
@vincentjacobsson3981 3 ай бұрын
Jag tycker att det bör utredas av en ny stat med domstol om Bengt Westerberg och Högsta domstolen medvetet och avsiktligt lurade folket på makten juridiskt med ej folkstyrda val, t ex med undanhållande om var full immunitet, personlig och funktionell immunitet bygger på och avsikten med påvens immunitet och religion i Sverige. Vidare tycker jag att folket bara lånar kungens pengar, och även mot bankränta.
@ingeip4970 4 ай бұрын
Inte riktigt en fri tanke...
@anti506 4 ай бұрын
I didn't understand anything
@mikaelsjodin1963 4 ай бұрын
The photos on Earthling are called Kirlian photographs, which Bowie made of his fingertip and his cross already in the mid-70´s. Kirlian photography detects the aura of objects. Mr. Sturmark told me about this with great excitement already in 1983.
@sven-olofholmgren4568 4 ай бұрын
Man kan inte resonera sig fram Till en tro det är meningslöst!
@sven-olofholmgren4568 4 ай бұрын
Jag tycker att det är bra att man inte behöver vara Studerad för att tro på Jesus❤.
@sven-olofholmgren4568 4 ай бұрын
Varför kan vi inte, inte vara till?
@JE-ee7cd 4 ай бұрын