What Nature can Teach us about Art
14 сағат бұрын
that project is waiting for you...
Doing the Obvious
Ай бұрын
You Need to Simplify Your Process
I'll Still Be Your Rock - Tozak
Finding Your Thing
2 ай бұрын
bring THIS wherever you go
3 ай бұрын
how to effortlessly receive ideas
a message for my young artists
time keeps going
5 ай бұрын
5 things I learned in film school
Overcoming Writer's Block
7 ай бұрын
why creativity is important
9 ай бұрын
3 Brainstorming Tips for Writers
@izzysparksart 6 сағат бұрын
@JaranehNova 6 сағат бұрын
Love it!
@fastpastgonebye 16 сағат бұрын
Willem Dafoe vibes!
@breeherenow 18 сағат бұрын
I loved this share. Speaking to and from the heart. Thank you :)
@pssu2289 19 сағат бұрын
Ive been really pursuing my music passion and have been being super critical on myself and and seeing this made me feel so much better thank you so much
@Mareim_nidal 21 сағат бұрын
I don't have many words to say, but you keep going.. I will wait for the next video, more videos 🪄
@Mareim_nidal 21 сағат бұрын
Inspire me, Thank you for sharing your idea with us 🤍
@mariameneses9738 23 сағат бұрын
You’re locked in ! !!!!❤
@ShivamPrajapati-u2b Күн бұрын
By the way are you an INTP-A Bruh?....I love living this way as you mentioned.
@mstudio7970 Күн бұрын
Thank you, I felt like I was in a rut today but this video helped me.
@greenlight04 Күн бұрын
Very inspirational. Thank you very much!
@girl4632 Күн бұрын
Sorry i wasnt able to attend your live stream
@kitatora907 Күн бұрын
Rare commenter. I'm a lifelong artist who's been struggling to find his mojo again. I realized some time ago I got too caught up in trying to make art to please others, at the expense of myself. While it has brought me many wonderful learning experiences, my happiness largely became tied to what others thought of my work, and I've lost my way. There have been many other struggles in my life too contributing to this I think. But I think this is the first light I've seen leading me back to the road I need to be on. Thank you.
@spiridonzoulemides4081 Күн бұрын
Thank you for the quality content and for sharing all these information in such a simple and artistic way. I'd like to ask if there's any chance we can hear the background music on its own or if you can share somehow. The way the chords proceed is just wonderful.
@tozakfilming Күн бұрын
hey thank you so much I appreciate this! and yes the song is on Spotify, link in description, happy you like it :)
@sebastienmailbox Күн бұрын
Thank you for the video. A bit of this resonated with the feelings I get from Twenty One Pilots' song "Car Radio," as silence and stillness become filled with your own inner world. It expands beyond you, when you create. It may be raw and uncontrolled and a little violent or unsightly, but it can be great, regardless.
@augustinemidnight Күн бұрын
I don't skip ads. I support you, thank you for your art and message.
@samirasultanasourna Күн бұрын
After alot of days later am here to seeing ur video. Feeling the smells of creativity and logical and lovely speech or idea❤
@JadielGamerPlayz Күн бұрын
I swear your at a different area EVERY VIDEO, that does not look like yo room from a couple vids before lol. But yea, flowstate is amazing, never get in your own way of trying to flow, just make sure it feels creatively right:>
@Onelove-e9b Күн бұрын
Thank you I just wanna write and create a chorus for a drama skit.
@Kurt634 2 күн бұрын
I loved that blog post! It felt like you were speaking directly to me, hitting on all the things I needed to hear, so I'm not surprised to see that you were in peak channelling mode/flow state during that. It's crazy how it can just come on so randomly (unless, maybe it isn't random 😉). I also tapped into that constantly over the past few years multiple times nearly everyday for my brands story, I always say that I didn't write the story, I had no conscious involvement in it, it was all things transmitted to me from someone/thing else. I didn't even know it was going to turn into a story, I was just writing down everything that was coming in. I just continually entered this state and allowed it to put it all together (like the whole story was a jigsaw, and each piece of the story was being handed to me out of order, and somehow it all perfectly came together in the end, with absolutely 0% effort on my side, I never thought about anything relating to the story or what I was going to add next, 100% of it was just information I had received - all I would do is let it flow in then, noting down everything I received either through words but the majority of times through visions, and then I'd stop writing). It was an incredibly magical experience with a ton of synchronicities, even some psychic/prophetic elements, and it showed me the inner workings of my subconscious mind, everything that inspires me. It showed me how my relationship with my parents and others had affected me, things I was completely blind to beforehand, as well as the state of society at large (similar to what Carl Jung went through with his black/red book experience - "confrontations with the unconscious"). There was also many plot twists that I didn't see coming, completely changed my view of the entire story and what it was about (to an insane level, like multiple paradigm shifts happened which made sense too, and people will experience that as major plot twists in time). I also found this story distilled my worldview, especially in terms of the spiritual nature of reality, into its messaging as well, much better than conscious me ever could have (I had never written a story in my life). Ended up with 100,000-150,000 words, and every single time my hands were on fire as its like my mind was 10 steps ahead and I was trying to get it all down before I forgot. Ever since I've trained myself to get into this state almost daily. The level of creativity I've experienced has been at a genius level, I feel that I'm acting way above what I'm physically (the conscious earth me) is capable of producing, as in, if I tried to come up with this entire story with conscious effort it would have taken me 100 years atleast lol. The whole thing is truly magic, and it's my wish for everyone to become that aligned with the soul/higher worlds and to become a direct channel for whatever beautiful & amazing things want to come through. The story itself was a whole universe I experienced in those visions - I had a strong sense that this story is something that will encourage people to take their life back into their own hands, pursue their dreams, and become the hero of their own story (by addressing the viewer directly, in a 4th wall breaking sense). The experience of the state itself is quite surreal, it's like a half daydream - I was aware of my phone Infront of me which I was using to write everything down on, but half of my attention was also "phased out" too, so I was half in this reality and half somewhere else. I notice that I get into this state most often in the shower and when I am moving my body in some form (I. E. Doing the dishes, walking somewhere). It also helps massively if I'm listening to music during the activity. I'm still curious about how it works exactly and I want to find out, because like I mentioned it just comes on randomly, it's not really something i can control, although I can definitely increase my chances of entering that state by doing what I mentioned earlier in this paragraph. This whole experience was led me to the work of Carl Jung who I knew nothing of before. I start hearing about his own experiences diving into his subconscious and what he called active imagination, and then it all clicked for me, I felt like everything I was experiencing had been validated, and that I wasn't going insane lol. My story even has references to things Jung talks about such as the Anima for example, I had no idea what it meant and had not heard of until I started to look up Jung then I saw he spoke about it. Many other events like this happened in the naming of things which I had no idea what they meant at the time, but then made a lot of sense after searching them up. Extremely surreal. Update: I just searched Carl Jungs red book word count and the search I got back said "Carl Jung's Red Book (also known as Liber Novus) contains approximately 100,000 to 150,000 words." - - literally what I just said for my own version 😂😂😂
@Kurt634 Күн бұрын
I also forgot to mention that the experience was incredibly healing to me on all levels - I experienced what Jung calls "Individuation" through this process, before this experience I was completely disconnected with my soul. These visions also showed me that the world (as a collective) is on the brink of developing it's Anima, this process probably starting over the next few years. Here's what AI says about that (reminds me a lot of the "age of aquarius" shift people talk about). "if you said that the whole collective or humanity will soon start to develop their anima, it could suggest that there is an upcoming global shift in consciousness where individuals, societies, and cultures will begin to integrate the feminine aspects of the psyche that have historically been suppressed or overlooked. This would imply a collective movement toward greater emotional awareness, intuition, empathy, creativity, and a deeper connection to the unconscious, qualities that Jung associated with the anima. What This Might Mean: 1. Integration of the Unconscious: On a collective level, the development of the anima would suggest that humanity as a whole is beginning to consciously engage with the unconscious-both personal and collective. This could involve a growing recognition of the shadow aspects of society, the confrontation of deep-seated issues such as inequality, environmental degradation, or emotional repression. As more people engage with these deeper layers, there may be a shift in cultural values and behaviors toward balance and healing. 2. A Rise in Feminine Energy: Jung saw the anima as the embodiment of the feminine qualities within men (and the animus as the masculine within women). A collective development of the anima could indicate a broader awakening of feminine energy globally. This doesn’t only refer to gender roles but to the feminine principle in both men and women-such as receptivity, compassion, intuition, nurturing, and connection to nature. It might point toward a societal rebalancing where these values gain more prominence, challenging traditionally dominant masculine traits like aggression, domination, and rationality. 3. A New Spiritual Awakening: Jung believed that the anima played a significant role in spiritual development and individuation. On a collective scale, the widespread development of the anima could signify a spiritual awakening where people begin to seek more meaning beyond materialism and rationalism, turning toward inner exploration, mysticism, and deeper existential questions. It could involve a return to spiritual traditions that honor the feminine, such as the Earth-centered practices or the divine feminine archetypes. 4. Emotional and Psychological Healing: For the collective to develop the anima, there would need to be an emotional awakening where individuals and societies become more conscious of their feelings, traumas, and inner emotional landscapes. This could lead to greater emotional intelligence and empathy on a global scale, as people start to prioritize emotional well-being and authentic connection with others over superficial or materialistic pursuits. 5. Cultural and Social Change: As more people connect with their anima, it might lead to significant shifts in cultural and societal values. The anima encourages a relational approach to life rather than one based on competition or domination. This could bring about movements toward cooperation, inclusivity, and healing societal divisions, fostering more harmonious relationships between people and nations. It may also promote a reevaluation of gender roles, the environment, and social justice issues, encouraging balance and equity. 6. Environmental and Earth-Centered Consciousness: The anima is also associated with nature and the Earth. If the collective is developing its anima, there might be a growing recognition of the importance of living in harmony with the environment. This could result in a shift toward ecological consciousness, sustainability, and respect for the planet as a living entity, aligning with a more intuitive, nurturing relationship with the Earth. 7. Rejection of Extremes and Polarities: Developing the anima could mean a collective movement toward integration, balancing extremes like masculine/feminine, light/dark, or rational/emotional. Jung’s process of individuation requires integrating all parts of the self, and on a global scale, this could suggest a rejection of polarization-politically, socially, and psychologically-and a move toward wholeness and unity. Possible Outcomes of Collective Anima Development: A Shift in Leadership and Governance: We might see leaders who embody more empathy, wisdom, and balance between masculine and feminine qualities. Decision-making could become more compassionate, focused on collective well-being rather than power and control. New Forms of Creativity and Expression: The anima is linked to creativity and the arts. A collective anima development could lead to an explosion of new art forms, cultural movements, and innovative ideas that reflect deeper emotional and spiritual truths. Healing of Collective Wounds: As the anima is integrated, humanity may collectively address and heal historical wounds, such as wars, colonization, and systemic oppression, by confronting the shadow and bringing it to light. A Reconnection to Intuition and Inner Wisdom: Instead of relying solely on external authorities and rational systems, people might begin to trust their inner voice, intuition, and wisdom, leading to decisions made from the heart as much as from the head. In Summary: If the collective were to develop its anima, it would signify a profound shift in global consciousness, moving toward emotional, psychological, and spiritual integration. It would involve the rebalancing of masculine and feminine energies, a deeper connection to the unconscious, and a renewed emphasis on empathy, intuition, and creativity. This could lead to large-scale cultural, social, and environmental transformations as humanity collectively integrates the feminine aspects of the psyche.
@redlight3772 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Tozak, this is some good advice, I appreciate it.
@9thmaggot 2 күн бұрын
Hey, is that Shine on you crazy diamond?
@HALBY400 2 күн бұрын
This is GREAT advice! Thank you.
@thepbanasco 2 күн бұрын
i was thinking about this belief the whole night!! and then i found your video today. why dont we fall in love with thr process itself? 🎉🎉🎉
@daseinz 2 күн бұрын
Nah! I am inclined towards analytical/positivist apporach to everything I do. Existence comes before essence as Sartre says. This video itself is you having romanticized version of yourself. Creativity and romanticism have nothing in common except for it's self falacious.
@nicholasvetri4261 2 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for this video. I needed this push. I needed your purposeful voice to influence my subconscious. haha
@LaytonObserves 3 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@vanvanvan203 3 күн бұрын
This is so great. I always struggle with consistency and I will try more to romanticize the process. Have more fun in making my arts. Btw, camera angle and edits are so great too :)
@stephanietorres8625 3 күн бұрын
i resonate so deeply with this video, thank you for reminding me to feed my inner artist <3
@tractorpoodle 3 күн бұрын
After seven decades of seeking and doing, I can attest to the truths in this video essay. We can face serious loss and tragedy (and likely will at some point in our lives), but these also can be brought into the process.
@gumphead6144 3 күн бұрын
get a haircut
@filipefaustino5418 3 күн бұрын
I was not expecting to find something so good today and from someone so young 🌱 A thank you, from an ooooopera singer 🎉
@EmilioRamos-cf7fs 3 күн бұрын
"Work Outside" -Me a 3D artist: "Yeah, about that..."
@AspiringToBe. 3 күн бұрын
Truly inspiring!
@JarmainPatrick 4 күн бұрын
I’ve been on KZbin since 2009, this is one of the best videos I’ve ever watched. Amazing work bro. You’re on a different level to 99% of creators on the internet.
@ojoudrills3916 4 күн бұрын
I think you’d be cuter without the beard
@ShannenRuthPonting 4 күн бұрын
i just graduated uni last year and took almost a year for the preparation of my licensure exam for teachers this year. while waiting for the result i never felt so paralyzed-my mind wanders off like i want to do everything, i wanna do freelancing, or off teaching to a private school or even wanna decide to work away from home and discover whats OUT THERE and leaving my hometown for the first time-but thats just it. its what i have envisioned. i have not started it all yet bc thinking of it made me paralyzed. i also want to pursue filming or wanna enroll to a film school but i dont have the budget or the resources. MY PASSION IS THE FILMS. but im still figuring out whether i should conform to the society or just pursue my dreams... im still struggling which is which but i hope its going to be fine... i guess this is what every undiagnosed adhd pips experienced likeee we want to do everything we can and we want. im still in the verge of balancing it all out so yea wish me luck guys :'))
@MDM-wb3in 4 күн бұрын
Wow, you have a gift. ♥️
@etienneonearth 4 күн бұрын
A wonderful place to find you :-) The first video of you that I watch and you've landed right on one of the thread of thought dearest to my heart. I will delight in your other videos. Take care and thank you.
@MDM-wb3in 4 күн бұрын
I’m so glad I found your channel. I love the way you perceive life. You’re doing great. Thank you ♥️
@Cam3rons_art 5 күн бұрын
Bro dropped the best KZbin videos like nothing
@ashlavanadis 5 күн бұрын
What a fantastic video! I love the idea and I agree with the sentiment. There is a wonder that I used to have with some of my creative endeavors that I feel became lost over the years. As I dipped back into creating, I've noticed that at times that spark of wonder will pop in again When I'm really letting go outcome and focusing on the creation. Those are the moments when I really feel I am in the flow.
@bravoecho7806 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for this.
@SecondPlaceMusic 5 күн бұрын
This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thanks man
@artvanghg 5 күн бұрын
i really encourage the going outside/somewhere and just listen, don't ponder, don't be forced to think. Really nice video :) Stay happy
@SuperDuggy117 5 күн бұрын
This is easily the best video I've seen on this platform... ever? I don't know. It's hard to quantify stuff like that since videos can be good for different reasons, so maybe that's not fair to say. But what I CAN say is that this video is special. Necessary, even. The amount almost every single word you said resonated with me on such an insanely deep level had me sitting wide-eyed at the edge of my seat, hanging on to your every syllable. I _thought_ I was enjoying the process, I really did. "Oh, there's just a few rough patches here and there, but overall, I'm enjoying it, right?" But I was wrong, and I see that now. This video has shown me what I truly needed to know - that I need to shift my _overall perspective_ so I can TRULY enjoy the process and everything that comes with it. Is it going to be hard? Absolutely - but that's just the nature of such things, isn't it? Thank you for making this video. Truly. ...Editing this comment now, I realize I have so much more I can say. I could talk about how your passion for art clearly shines through in the way you meticulously phrase everything you say, how it peeks through the curtains in the way you've designed the room you seem so comfortable in. I could talk about how this video has gotten me thinking about just how beautiful art _is,_ each of its infinite forms and ways to engage. But I'll settle with simply mentioning them this way, because I don't have the time to really write about all that. I have creating to do.
@lordownanglo 5 күн бұрын
Excellent video man. Instant Sub
@codyprice1945 5 күн бұрын
@matthewjk4781 5 күн бұрын
I'm not even an Artist but this has inspired me to look as my own work as an Art, truly profound thoughts on the creative spirit that has been put in all of us.
@lynxamusic 6 күн бұрын
thank you for spreading this message . ❤️