Shattered Space DLC : My Plans
FALLOUT : London #17 - Sleep Terror
FALLOUT : London #16 - Don't Eat Me Bro
FALLOUT : London #14 - Archie 'n Co
FALLOUT : London #12 - Thamesfolk
FALLOUT : London #11 - Fesco
21 күн бұрын
FALLOUT : London #10 - Going Potty
FALLOUT : London #9 - Churchill
@mado_0x 23 сағат бұрын
It kinda looks like a bad replica of outer wilds but with shitty combat ngl
@Seihaname 23 сағат бұрын
As a how come Nosferatu, barabus looks relatively unblemished besides his eyes ears and claws
@Jeremy-k9t 23 сағат бұрын
I still don't think the fundamental issues that make Starfield a bad game can be fixed because no matter what they change the story and NG+ thing is awful.
@LNER985 23 сағат бұрын
Starfield is a good game.
@Strusiex7 Күн бұрын
Nishina Station quest, two realities
@Strusiex7 Күн бұрын
I think we will also decide whether we will reform House Varuun or not, and whether there will be new spaceships of House Varuun. Maybe Andreja as a companion, the former double agent will have something to say or Tomisar. I'm curious about this thread , vibe and lore
@karolswieboda1781 Күн бұрын
1:27:48 there is sometimes a dialogue queue, just talk to them again, is something you need to figure out early in this game.
@karolswieboda1781 Күн бұрын
1:23:10 I don't know if someone told you not to take Precision Strike, but it's far superior option than Feinting to land an attack imo. Doesn't spend a bonus action or an action and instead of doing the Feinting attack, you use precision to then use Menacing or any of the other and then you still have bonus action to do whatever. Battlemaster dies refresh on short rest so no reason to go easy on those.
@georgelangley6806 Күн бұрын
@Asstronauts93 Күн бұрын
Starfield is the first live service single player game lmao
@zuzoscorner Күн бұрын
haha, i love the undercover work/Spy quests in this game. Fun to watch. 00 V, secret agent
@TheTimtam112 Күн бұрын
Just want to say that I think the powers only worked in that mission because the enem,ies were already thgere. I don't think it'll work in the DLC
@5Andysalive Күн бұрын
her attitude towards the deaths made me doubt that this was the good option. Which is neat because the government agency being the plain bad guy would be too simple.
@brentbutter Күн бұрын
Are you intentionally stating idiotic theories or are you just really that stupid or you playing a character that is extremely stupid and you know what you're saying but because they're not blatantly stating 100% fax at the character he completely does not understand reality and facts and what's happening in the reality of the game
@WallaceMoira-u3j Күн бұрын
Moen Lodge
@nealderiggi3945 Күн бұрын
I am happy that I will be playing it in October. Spooky story during spooky month. Not too happy about what it will do to the mods I am using but still worth it. If anyone including Gopher wants to make the gun fights epic experiences use these three mods: Double enemy numbers, Bedlam- Dungeon randomizer and Ganymede -improved system encounter levels.
@t.t6294 Күн бұрын
it's one handcrafted Tile around the city of Dazra. the rest of the planet is most probably procedural but with PoIs that fit the lore of the planet
@AlexandruSiantiu Күн бұрын
Gopher is fantastic as always!
@JesseJamison-f6i Күн бұрын
@Gophers Vids... The entire experience is handcrafted, or at least a majority of it... Not only that, but you can leave at your leisure.. you're not "planet locked" or "mission-locked" or even "system locked" for that matter... So if you have business to take care of halfway across the Galaxy or wherever.. you can leave in the middle of a mission and go do what you need to do or whenever you'd like.. and come back later.
@Jcewazhere Күн бұрын
Ratchet and Clank had several entirely hand crafted planets you could walk around! They were about 50ft in diameter though :P
@DragonGalvan Күн бұрын
un pack as is isnt an option for me when i right click no option for that shows up am i doing something wrong?
@Jcewazhere Күн бұрын
I wondered when/if they were going to do the whole 'the walls between universes are weakening' trope. Makes sense in this universe moreso than many who've used it. Still gonna wait to buy it till after seeing if Gopher et all say it's worth it. I've got a baby character I had been playing till I decided to go back to TTW. Murphy, they're an ugly violent loudmouth who's going for the highest legal bodycount possible. Sick of playing pretty goody two-shoes who can talk their way out of everything. I just got a mod that gives 90 perk points at the start. Plenty to get to mid-power. Still have to complete the 'challenges' to unlock the perks. Personally I'd want the perk points to go away entirely, just level up through doing like in Oblivion with base stats tied to overall level like Skyrim, but it's not too bad as-is.
@likeicareusewe Күн бұрын
Is this your first Phantom Liberty playthrough? I know you beat Cyberpunk many times
@Jcewazhere Күн бұрын
Glory to the house of Quark!
@HeruKane Күн бұрын
Sooo yeah. My view of this is "nope". I like the designed world but nope on the horror aspect.
@woolenthreads Күн бұрын
And before he starts the Deep dive, i start hearing "when I was a boy stories". Remember when you had to make games yourself by punching cards for a program in Basic to submit to a card reader? On the "handcrafted" comment.... It could be done, what they would need to do is have someone generate the landforms separately and then construct a couple of possible locations or quests in each. If it were done right then it might prove to be more enjoyable as no one suffers from Loadingscreenitis so much. Still they did mention the DLC size as equivalent to previous DLC's so.... Shivering Isles? It's probably just a water world with one landmass. For handcrafted planets, could you imagine teams of modders coming together to handcraft a star system... like Starfield: Britain? I think I need to get in and play around with the shipcrafting for my Va'ruun character in order to get the Vehicle module, though perhaps they'll have vehicle hiring LOL I only remember to use powers when I get confused about somethings, like I'll use the life-sight when I'm boarding a big ship and can't tell where the remaining vict.... people are. Loved the Marvin the Martian accent LOL.
@justinpratt6341 Күн бұрын
I like your optimisum on the scale of hand crafted locations. I feel the same way
@AdamaSanguine Күн бұрын
I drove around for about 30-45 minutes, back when the Rev-8 dropped. It was pretty fun. Then I got hit with a common issue were I couldn't exit the buggy, due to a conflict with StarUI. I got it sorted out, after finding a "workaround" online. It was fun for a bit, but I did think it would be better if I had some place NEW to explore. Because driving around three planets I knew very well, were still kind of mmuh.. The best thing about the Rev-8 (that I discovered last minute) was it DOES have a "PEW-PEW" tied to the head tracking. Good times. Edit Fixed grammar Also wanted to point out the "irony" of the car being referred to as a "Buggy". Both in-game and by Bethesda. I'm pretty sure it's intentional.
@JETWTF Күн бұрын
You use Better HUD but have not tried the REV-8... Try it and find out why Better HUD is in need of an update.
@GBRyker61 Күн бұрын
Very first gaming pc I had was a Commodor 64. I played games on both cartridges and floppys on that thing.
@karolswieboda1781 Күн бұрын
I wish you talked with Nabeer more
@DreddPirateRoberts Күн бұрын
They damned well better have groats on Va'ruun'Kai.
@MichaelACurtis Күн бұрын
I remember the days... Please insert disk 24 of 25 to continue, Error detected, please insert disk 1 of 25 to restart
@JesseJamison-f6i Күн бұрын
SMH... I bet millennials these days I have no idea what a 3 1/2 floppy is 😂
@pmaxgray Күн бұрын
@@JesseJamison-f6i It's a 3D printed version of the save icon, isn't it?
@Boner_Jamz Күн бұрын
@@JesseJamison-f6i Just unzip your pants if you want to see a 3 1/2 inch floppy. 😁
@ViralMag_Ravager Күн бұрын
Lol, Gopher saved the Walking nuke. If your careful another revelation can be found later. Although not really sure there are really any good endings, just less bad endings. Edit... it wasn't the plan, it was So-Mi's plan
@GophersVids Күн бұрын
There are no really good endings, but there are way worse endings than this one. There are no truly happy endings in Cyberpunk 2077. It's just a matter of treading the path that is right for you and then living with it.
@ViralMag_Ravager Күн бұрын
The problem with a dedicated smart weapon built for Phantom Liberty, Barghest enemies don't drop em when you really want one 😂
@SuperKillJoy15 Күн бұрын
Gopher, dont apologize for pausing. We are here for you, if people just want to watch the traiker they can go find it on their own
@BionicleJackson Күн бұрын
My plan has been to play through the dlc with a character that has been a Varuun following besty of Andreja, who has only completed the corpo questline. Minimal superpowers and primarily a mele sneak-thief. I think the character is around the mid-30s level wise, but I haven't played the game for months, so idk. As you say, we'll see. I am interested to see how (or if) the dlc responds to devoted followers of The Great Serpent.
@squallion777 Күн бұрын
I'm going to be incredibly disappointed if Andraja isn't part of this DLC and has new dialogue, I'm hoping she is how we start the DLC, but she was not mentioned once in this sneak peak. especially if you had romanced her
@killean2645 Күн бұрын
I imagine they wouldn't mention her because that would be pretty big spoilers (even if the spoiler is pretty obvious). Though I wonder how they'll handle her personal quest, considering it just won't make sense anymore, no matter how they spin it.
@t.t6294 Күн бұрын
she is and her quest choices will affect the DLC
@t.t6294 Күн бұрын
@@killean2645 tim lamb confirmed her quest matters in the DLC
@squallion777 Күн бұрын
@@t.t6294 how did you find out she was involved?
@t.t6294 Күн бұрын
@@squallion777 Tim lamb interview in gamescom. Also Sam's VA said he's involved too. I'm guessing it's like far harbor. You can take any companion but Andraja will be the star similar to Nick
@YoungCowboy16 Күн бұрын
I wait 10 minutes to load up a Starfield save.
@milowadlin Күн бұрын
I felt like you used the "detect life" ability too much in your playthrough. As a consequence you were shooting intervening walls a heck of a lot. Might actually help to limit it. First, get your sense of where the walls are in a new area and then detect life, and plan out your attack?
@GophersVids Күн бұрын
Might help make the game feel better, just not sure if it will help me give an honest review. I'm going to try to limit how much I use the OP powers to get a feel for how the gameplay is, and I will try some areas without detect life too, but I'll have to keep that in mind when discussing the game.
@fanofentropy2280 Күн бұрын
I remember getting one of the first 1gb drives available back in the days and thinking that I would never ever need more storage. Now I'm using a 10tb drive as mass storage and I wish it was bigger.
@nakor667 Күн бұрын
You should play Thief Gold and Thief II, with both modded out. So immersive, even now.
@XKathXgames Күн бұрын
I mean I've been doing well with all difficulty options to extreme. And I never upgrade powers.
@XKathXgames Күн бұрын
You: Worrying about powers. Me: Always forget I have powers and die.
@OnMy1s Күн бұрын
Commerdoor 64 eith the trippy flashing lights on the load screen
@XKathXgames Күн бұрын
Really wanna get my hands on that particle minigun
@rainoflead1516 Күн бұрын
Beth starts their dlc around level 10 anyway
@rainoflead1516 Күн бұрын
Do you not have an earlier lower level save from your main character? And just play from rhere.
@GophersVids Күн бұрын
Would take a while to dig it out and figure out which one is which. I have several thousand saves now. But I also never like doing that for some reason. It's like I am rewriting the characters story.
@lastdayer101 Күн бұрын
It was very clear that Va'ruun was pulled back from the spotlight in order to build mystery for a future storyline. They planned this from the beginning just like they said, but the first goal was to create a massive space game. If you saw the interview with the retired designer, there were huge systems that got cut because there just wasn't time in the schedule/budget to reach a high quality bar. Every time Bethesda adds something people say "Should have been there at launch" and they will continue to say that because they are ignorant to the realities of how things are made. You have a set amount of money and time, and whatever you create is what gets shipped or cancelled. Bethesda could have easily made a mass effect derivative game with big guardrails and no shipbuilding, but that wasn't the game they wanted to make, and I'm so happy we get to play the big-open space game. It can only get better from where it started.
@XKathXgames Күн бұрын
They knew they wanted that, but do you think the game would have been out?
@XKathXgames Күн бұрын
Completely handcrafted I imagine the POIs are placed by hand, but I doubt they won{t use generation then modify them.