How extreme was Manhunt, really?
How Dino Crisis went extinct!
@SMS-owner 40 минут бұрын
The first thing I'd do to BZ would be to make it MUCH bigger. The scale of the map is crazily tiny, and that's probably the main reason they had to ditch the Cyclops or a Cyclops-type sub for BZ. Another thing would be to remove chunks of the massive ice berg and maybe add some more flora to it to give it a more lush vibe, like the islands in the original Subnautica. In the next game I'd personally like to see what happened to the Architects, and if there are any structures on the new planet, I hope they get some use, unlike the architect ruins in BZ, which were only useful for beacons and landmarks.
@cienciandre 56 минут бұрын
I don't really like the critics that go like "They removed x and this was what Subnautica was about" because, well, it's a different game. It's ok if Subnautica 2 is about something else, has a different atmosphere to it and different goals as long as this new something is as good in its own way as the previous game was. And that's where I think it is at fault. I was ok if they were willing to take a bit from the gameplay to make a more lore-based game. I was just disappointed when I realized that this game, that apparently was supposed to be lore-based, had so many plot holes. So. Many. To point out a few (spoilers ahead): - Marguerit: How the f did she survive?? We'll first have to believe she managed to kill a Reaper with a knife, ok, let's assume that. And then she survived for two weeks inside it while it rotted and somehow floated to sector zero. Alright, believing that too. But then how did she survive Kharaa? The whole point of their logs was that they were dying of it, having pustules and stuff, how did she miraculously get cured of it? Ryley would only fall in 4546B and cure Kharaa in the planet 10 years later. How did she survive these 10 years? Which leads to my next point, how did she have so much equipment? She had bases full of stuff, a prawn suit, all while her logs say she only had a repair tool, a knife and two bottles of water inside that reaper. How did she do this without a builder tool? And there weren't Aurora fragments around for her to scan. She didn't have a scanner either, or a fabricator to make one. She apparently found a builder tool magically and rolled with that. - Samantha: ok, she found out they were carrying out mutation experiments on kharaa and wanted to stop them. Fine. And then we find out she somehow crafted an antidote for it. She, a robotics engineer, who was not even a biologist, crafted the cure for kharaa. Not the kharaa they already knew the cure for, the kharaa from 1000 years ago, the one that led a super developed alien civilization to build hundreds of structures around the planet to try to find it and end up getting extinct before managing to do it. And then she found it out alone in her base with limited equipment because she "knew her biology" as she said. Oh come on. And then, with the antidote, instead of sneaking in with her penglings like she's done before and just injecting the antidote herself, no. She decides to ignore her antidote and EXPLODE THE CAVE. Sam, whi her sister describes as super careful, decides to do that. Even if it was Marguerit's idea, it still doesn't add up. And her just going through with Marguerit exploding the lab? Even worse. That was EXACTLY how the Architects let kharaa escape. And then Sam, the super careful woman who wanted to protect everyone from kharaa finds these explosions a great idea, and die because of one of them. In the end the detective was right, it was, indeed, employee negligence. And a poorly written story. If only the story made up for all the gameplay aspects they removed, but it didn't.
@Patchess Сағат бұрын
Below Zero felt like a $20 DLC rathet than a new game
@loukwonk 2 сағат бұрын
Below zero was honestly just a let down, the constant reworks to the story and the commentary. my biggest issue was how in the original, all of the important things were spread out radially from the lifepod. but in below zero, many things were on land and needed the bike to travel quickly.
@danwatson8245 3 сағат бұрын
My man u made 1 of the best horror fames out there im curious how much inspiration did u get from event horizon. Bc it seems like alot lol but i loved it in 08 and i love it now in 24.
@vipersov 3 сағат бұрын
Woke liberals can't make good games? Huh
@TheTurtlebot 7 сағат бұрын
I have no problems with coop gameplay as long as it's just an option. Exploring a vast world together with someone is amazing and fun to the point where I played the first subnautica in voice with friends on their own playthroughs. As long as it's still possible to play the game solo I see no issues
@TheTurtlebot 8 сағат бұрын
My big problem is that they totally dumped the underwater part without revamping the gameplay to fit that. If the environment was caves and open water trapped under massive ice sheets that woulda been cool but there's so little water when that's what the game is built around
@Gazman011969 8 сағат бұрын
The fear of the unknown is what made Subnautica, and once you get over that the game could easily become very run of mill, but the base building and exceptional story telling keeps it fresh, and add to that an urge to complete the game in more and more restrictive ways you end up with a game that has more longevity than it ever had a right to have. Try a Hardcore swim-only run to truly experience the scale of the game, one of the best ways to experience this masterpiece.
@midas2030 12 сағат бұрын
Dark, Massive, and Ancient should have been their focuses.
@FeenTheFoodie 15 сағат бұрын
I wish I hadn't watched the entire playthrough of subnautica by danTDM when i was 10, so that I could play it knowing nothing. Still love that series, though.
@Nogardtist 19 сағат бұрын
played both games bellow zero is not as good as first subnautica bellow zero story was changed several times whats great about the first game is the game kicks you into the world and from there youre on your own and total freedom from start to finish only the edge and bottom is the only limit and i want more bellow zero feels twice as small as first one just not as deep
@lelouche25 22 сағат бұрын
Oh nah, the moment i got my 1000 degree knife, and stasis gun. I followed margarite's advice, i went Leviathan hunting! Maragarite aint got shit on me killed everything with my hot knife!
@fanteo8692 Күн бұрын
Just watched your subnautica videos and this one then realised you barley had any subscribers. My dude, you are amazing, goes to show that all a video needs is good pacing, a entertaining voice over and good jokes to keep you entertained, when you hit big, don't go over flashy, this laid back style is amazing and so are you. Keep it up my man, you'll make it.
@rainbowappleslice Күн бұрын
If the next game desires to separate itself from the original by continuing the story of below zero and evolving into a different type of game, then I’m all for that. It’ll be a shame to lose the immersive atmosphere and survival elements but I like the story ideas that are presented at the end of below zero.
@rainbowappleslice Күн бұрын
I think I would’ve preferred the original story idea for below zero where you communicate with the spacestation. It isn’t isolated but I really liked how they did it
@user-zm9mm Күн бұрын
Its a good game but it fell short of the original
@callahanorvis5973 Күн бұрын
about the co-op thing, it doesn't ruin immersion if done correctly, they need to set it up where you have different tasks working towards the same goal, also, proximity chat, and it needs to cut off in some areas, like say theres a wall sectioj nof the map in the very very deep where the thermal vents mess up radio signals and you only have proxy chat in the cyclops, other than that when you're diving no chat,
@Jaak6B9 Күн бұрын
Would be nice to have co-op but as a choice single or play with a friend best of both worlds
@lotus0lycir Күн бұрын
BZ was far too bright and colourful compared to the first game, the first game really benefited from it’s empty murky waters that put you on constant edge and eventually scares the hell out of you with something like a sudden Reaper. When I played BZ I was mostly laughing at it or just talking to myself like it’s some average non-horror survival experience. Subnautica had me quiet and focused, hyper aware of my surroundings and afraid of exploring deeper where in BZ I’d just throw myself around wherever.
@chrisg6654 Күн бұрын
When the creator is talking about the killing of a leviathan being unrewarding, I like that. It’s melancholy. My sea moth was destroyed by the aurora leviathan, I escaped. Came back with a stasis and knife and got revenge. And then it was just… over. There was a weird weight to the nothing
@davidplowman6149 Күн бұрын
Every time I hear someone say they’re going to make something more accessible I know it’s going to be crap.
@MySnugglePuppy Күн бұрын
I hate how Sam’s character is essentially just a crazed conspiracy theorist because you never find anything to prove her suspicions right and she ends up clumsily killing herself and an innocent scientist. The game tries to build that Sam didn’t die out of negligence when she basically did.
@ryuxy032 2 күн бұрын
It feels so artificial, so fake. No substance. All of it is just a cheap, simple copy of the original's essence. Even the way the water moves against the vehicles isn't the same. The sound design is very good, but at the same time it's lacklustre. The music is also just a relaxing, alien melody. But it's generic. The original's soundtrack encapsulated the feeling of despair and confusion of the protagonist.
@dphotonic 2 күн бұрын
I thought the music in BZ was really good honestly, part of why it's less memorable is because the game itself was just not as interesting or engaging. The sound design was definitely lackluster though. If you're going to follow something iconic up with a new team you need to dump more resources into it than you had originally. Only hiring 2 people for sound was a mistake IMO.
@collinnkingg 2 күн бұрын
I always felt Below Zero wasn’t right but this video put those feelings into words perfectly Especially the crystal coves, I hated that place because of how boring it was I got so annoyed with the leviathans I spent like an hour in my cyclops going from leviathan to leviathan with a grapple hook and drill and legit just killed them all lol
@lightningkitty8003 2 күн бұрын
oh the idea of co-op in this gaming landscape is TERRIFYING, you know that big name companies will push for non user friendly things like crazy, give them an inch theyll take a mile. so dissapointed in the community for voting co-op for some reason
@thatbrobrax 2 күн бұрын
best thing below zero did was put the large room into subnautica
@rednexium4100 2 күн бұрын
My problem with the game was that, a portion of the enemies were reskins, legit same sound and animations but different skin. The pda voice was aweful, it was really hard to not only understand but also got annoying very fast. They barely had any biomes, the story was meh. You were being told to go somewhere and given the exact location, the sea truck. No cyclops, and all around the game was basically like someone got the assets and made a cheap clone. The unknown and diversity of the first was just not there. The first game was amazing with its atmospheric horror, but they didn’t change it with the second. The whole plot of the first was escaping the planet you were stranded on, while the second was just find sister and have someone who just gives you everywhere you need to go. What made the first one great is that you never knew where you were going to find the next point in the story, you had a hint here and there but it was you that found it. The second it was here’s where you need to go. In total the game just wasn’t good, the first one was good because it challenged you, and had you on your toes.
@hokagab 2 күн бұрын
The alpha version with the British accent is better.
@Thenightofhollowness 2 күн бұрын
I so badly want to play subnautica but whenever I try I never make it very far and end up deleting it after a week
@erichdegurechaff9515 2 күн бұрын
One thing about atory and immersion is that in the first game the player and the character has the same motivations and are in the same position. You are lost in a new world that you dont know nothing and needs to survive. In the second the character put herself in that situation and the motivation is find another character that you never saw before
@Furzkampfbomber 2 күн бұрын
I don't like the 'claustrophobic approach' at all. Not at least, because at least for me, it does not _work_ at all in games. I am a bit claustrophobic in real life and tight spaces make me anxious, because they are, well, tight. We have lots of abandoned mines were I live, usually hundrets of years old, and when I am in one of those old shafts, I feel claustrophobic, because when I straighten myself or stretch my shoulders a bit, I bang into the ceiling or a wall. In BZ, I just see spaces to tight for my Sea Truck (which also was utterly annoying, getting stuck with the damn thing), but I don't feel it at all. All those tight spaces ever gave me was a feeling of utter frustration and annoyance. But what you see galore in those old mines are also old shafts that got flooded with water. So there is a hole in the ground, filled with crystal clear water, you can easily see 20 meters into the deep, but after that... total blackness. Which gives me the creeps every single time. And _this_ is what actually worked for me in Subnautica as well, to see a couple of dozens of meters and then... blackness and the unknown. Hell, Subnautica gave me a stronger feeling of claustrophobia than BZ when I was deep down with my sub, all I see is this rock face I'm gliding along even deeper, there are just some centimeters of alloy between me and death and the walls of my sub seem to come closer... Gave me quite strong 'Das Boot' feelings a couple of times. And for the ever yapping protagonist, I hate her with a passion. She just. never. shuts. the f'ck. up. I hate it when games do this, because it utterly kills immersion. Even worse, she is the _annoying_ type of talking protagonist. Meaning: she is a smartass, a moron and generally obnoxious at least in my book. And FFS, you decide you want this oh so cool, tough as nails, roughcast character that curses like a trooper and then let her say things like 'Holy smokes!'... _really?_ I mean, the main character of 'Atomic Heart' saying 'Crispy critters!' when he swears was strange as well, but that gets explained in the game and makes (grim) sense in the end, but this is ridiculous. In the end, I could have lived with the other limitations and problems, but this character utterly killed the game for me.
@Smoloko123 3 күн бұрын
Compared to re2 remake, its not that scary lol.
@lordwoody6321 3 күн бұрын
I watched the whole video with enjoyment. The beginning hooked me, the middle kept me around, and the end made me think. Whilst thinking about the subnautica 3 question (honestly didn’t even know it was a possibility), you mentioned you only had 2000 subs. “No way” I thought, though it’s true. You deserve so much more! Subbed and can’t wait to see what else you cook up! Fantastic work!
@cbrudder84 3 күн бұрын
100% yall make these videos by finding things to criticize for views. You sound smart, but you just make empty comparisons. I'll say, the clickbait strategies are truly evolving. Either way, I'm not defending the sequel, I never played it. But I can tell from the tone and the way you nitpick and make specific instances fit broad generalizations that you are not genuine.
@benjaminhilsdon2238 4 күн бұрын
I certainly enjoyed Subnautica more than Below Zero. And the flaws you've pointed out in Below Zero are indeed flaws. But I do think you've overemphasized those flaws. The game was still, over all, good and enjoyable. Not as good as Subnautica, sure, and we'd like to see better in the future but not bad.
@muaddib7356 4 күн бұрын
Wokeness and Greed...that is what caused SBZ to fail! When you make sure you put political & social messaging in your game to highlight one small social genre, namely LGBT, then you are alienating the "other" vast majority of your player base. Players don't want to have sexual identity and sexual preferences jammed down their throats when playing a video game. And serving a plate of LGBT with a heavy topping of DEI, just isn't going to work. And when you only have enough material (left over from SOG editing) to make DLC with a few tweaks but delude yourself that you can stretch it out to make a stand-along game, just to charge $30 for it, then your greed has made a bad decision for you. In the venerable words of Eric Cartman, "Put a chick in it, make it lame and gay"
@StevejRodriguez 4 күн бұрын
This guy is the smartest sounding hater I've ever listened to lol. There is a percentage of truth to everything he says in this video; But the tone of the review seems to fail to consider what Below Zero was (an expansion, not a sequel) and it sounds like he played Below Zero so focused on what Subnautica 1 WAS to play Below Zero for what it IS. (For example utilizing the Seatruck effectively)
@brianpembrook9164 4 күн бұрын
My biggest problem is the inconsistent story. The seatruck drive... in his SEATRUCK... found the leviathan. So... the leviathan is in the water? Nope! Found half a mile on 'dry' land which makes me wonder how it was discovered by some guy IN a seatruck. There wasn't even a facility nearby. Remember he makes deliveries and isn't allowed to do much joy riding. They needed a bigger map with more water and further stations with the leviathan in the water to fit the clues they gave for its location.
@bladerunnervii4835 4 күн бұрын
Who tf wants to play as a black girl? Nobody.
@kippy2995 4 күн бұрын
When I first saw Jacksepticeye play this they had British voice actors I loved how actual FIT her better!
@J.Jonah.Jameson. 4 күн бұрын
Get woke, go broke.
@Vortex_Space_Agency 4 күн бұрын
I hate how bright it is at night
@silas8772 4 күн бұрын
personally i found that most of the fear in Subnautica was being in open water, especially not being able to see the ground beneath me. below zero is so crowded that i felt a lot less of that, which made it a lot more fun for me to play (as i found subnautica TOO scary to eventually finish).
@prismaticbeetle3194 4 күн бұрын
the map and enviroment were sub.2 worst crimes
@antoniojansevanrensburg7637 4 күн бұрын
11/10 would shit myself again. Just finished my play through. I managed to take 40 hours, exploring in depth. Bit of advice to base builders. My nuclear base was placed in The Lost Cave. 950M under. Build yourself an observatory and stack spot lights all over. The lights will illuminate the caves. You are surrounded by Ghost Leviathans, heat vents, and ample resources. As beautiful as the location is, it's not worth changing your adult diapers every time you go outside.
@thepotato_dealer4934 5 күн бұрын
Your commentary and storytelling is reflective of a channel fifty times your size, truly you’re an underrated channel
@Welshman656 5 күн бұрын
It felt more like dlc to me than full game.
@Kairax 5 күн бұрын
Less SJW, Less yapping, More actual "SUB"nautica and not Landnautica. But honestly - this story should just end. They cannot introduce nothing MORE anymore.