@KristenKras 6 сағат бұрын
I know about these winds, I have experienced them. I was doing a ritual too. I can't recall what for but the wind came up all of a sudden, but not too strong. It was as though the wind/air spirits were helping me.
@donnawitteried3213 Күн бұрын
Another winner!❤🎉
@FairyEncounters 22 сағат бұрын
Wow, thanks Donna. Really appreciate the good vibes!
@AngelotheNinjaTortle Күн бұрын
Such an amazing video
@FairyEncounters 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks Angel, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
@jordanturner 2 күн бұрын
The thing about fairies is that they are actually all over the planet because I have experienced the fairy wind Here in the state of Alabama in North America
@FairyEncounters 22 сағат бұрын
Hi Jordan, agreed. The name 'Fairy' can be so misleading and limiting. I believe these 'creatures' are all over.
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 21 сағат бұрын
If you do not mind my asking, what part of Alabama?
@neiltowsey4289 2 күн бұрын
I experienced a faerie wind, twice, last year. The first was on the edge of a forest. It was a still night. A friend and I were sitting in the garden, under the edge of the forest. All of a sudden a roaring wind came directly through the woods at us, and whirled around our heads. The trees shook and all the birds that were perched in the branches were suddenly woken and flapped around, calling out in the night. The commotion lasted for about 30 seconds, then the wind grew softer. The birds returned to their perches, settling down. I suddenly felt as if 100 pairs of eyes were watching me. The shadows under the leaves became pitch black. Then I heard a fluttering of wings above us. It brought to mind a giant set of drangonfly wings. I heard it move around the space above our heads, from left to right in a figure 8 movement, and a strange, otherworldly animal call pierced the night, twice. Like a screech owl, but slower. It was filled with emotions. It seemed full of longing and sadness to me. I felt the being move in the darkness, directly in front of me, coming down until I was sure it was only feet away in the blackness. I sent out a mental message of greetings, but got no response. I stood up and took a step closer, as close as I dared. I knew I was completely vulnerable, but I was in absolute awe of what I was experiencing. I sent out another mental communication, of my gratitude for the experience. The energy seemed to settle even more, and the night became absolutely silent. I sat in my chair and just beamed my delight into the blackness. Then, high up in the branches, a white orb lit up. It bobbed gently up and down, like a balloon in a breeze. In my mind I heard a thought, “now I can see you, and you can see me.” I sent gratitude for that, and we watched each other for what must have been a minute or so. Then the orb dimmed and was gone. The night was dark and silent then, and the being seemed to have vanished. I began to feel a little uneasy, still feeling all those eyes in the darkness watching .. I went inside. Since that encounter, I have regular visits from a small being, mostly invisible to me. I feel her around me, sometimes I hear her. I saw her once in the liminal state on the edge of sleep. Like a small tree-person. Maybe 12-15inches tall, like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. She wanted to come up from the floor onto my bedside table where my crystals are. I reached down with my energy-body hand and helped her step up. I’ve felt her walking on me, twice. And I felt her jump from my leg onto my bed. When I looked, there was an indentation in my cover, like a small object had landed there. I got the impression she was sitting there. Another time, while reading a book on the Sidhe, a small faerie wind whooshed round my room, leaving two of my paintings rocking on their hanging fixtures. I’m very grateful for these little experiences with my unseen friend. It’s nice knowing there are people in other realms who want to hang out.
@deborahdanhauer8525 2 күн бұрын
I had heard of elementals being responsible for weather but not the Fairies until now. Unless elementals are considered part of Fairy. All I can say is they have been exceedingly busy lately in the southeastern US, because we have a tornado nearly every day, usually several.❤️🐝🤗
@FairyEncounters 22 сағат бұрын
Hi Deborah, oh goodness, really! Daily? How do you cope with that? We are certainly at the mercy of nature and/or nature spirits... Be well, Kitty.
@deborahdanhauer8525 16 сағат бұрын
@@FairyEncounters Yes! Down here in the south East we have a tornado somewhere nearly everyday this time of year. We have days that bring dozens of them. Now, remember the size of the US. The southeast is a fairly big place and they are spread out all over, but it’s still scary sometimes, and sad. This last December 3 people lost their lives to a tornado 3 or 4 blocks from me. I could hear the debris hitting my house. That was as close as I’ve been to getting hit in years and I hope it stays that way. The US gets 1200 tornadoes a year and the southeast gets a large amount of them.😞❤️🐝
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 2 күн бұрын
Could I throw a *_Kite_* -- the string-thing, not the bird -- into a *_Faerie Wind?_* 😉
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 2 күн бұрын
A SUCCESSFUL SpaceX Starship IFT-4 launch AND a new _Fairy Encounters_ video ON THE SAME DAY?! *LIFE IS GOOD!* 😉
@FairyEncounters 22 сағат бұрын
Hi Allan, I hope you're well. And agreed, life is good! Cheers, Kitty.
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 21 сағат бұрын
@@FairyEncounters>>> I am, Thanks.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 күн бұрын
I never saw a connection between bad weather tornadoes, Derechos, microbursts, hurricanes and other violent weather phenomena with the Fae until you brought it up on this video. Even to this day tornadoes kill countless scores of people and the recent surprise Derecho in Houston left a path of destruction and injuries. Could the Fae be partially responsible for all of it.
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 2 күн бұрын
FWIW: _"Microbursts"_ were not well understood -- or even really known -- until the 1970s.
@RoyCyberPunk 2 күн бұрын
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman On the ground they would have just passed as a fierce wind for millenia.
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 21 сағат бұрын
@@RoyCyberPunk>>> Agreed.
@Optio-the11thblackhorseman 5 күн бұрын
Faerie wind huh?! Very interesting. That's a new one on me. Sounds similar to an air elemental spirit of nature- a Nature/Forest God. Thanks for the infor Madame Kitty! 🍄🍀✝️😇
@FairyEncounters 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks Optio. So happy to present a topic to tickle your curiosity! Cheers, Kitty.
@deborahdanhauer8525 6 күн бұрын
This is the first time I’ve heard so much about the host! Incredibly interesting, thank you🤗❤️🐝
@vixendoe6943 7 күн бұрын
Not a very wise person.
@brigittezieglgruber5279 9 күн бұрын
You have a nice voice, and you don't talk fast. Liked your video❤
@robertonunesoliveira 9 күн бұрын
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 9 күн бұрын
Now, in the 2020s, I rather doubt _The Fae_ are choosing to live in human society. TBH, *_I_* am no longer all that keen on living in human society myself. {Clarification: I am NOT referring to "self-deleting."}
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 9 күн бұрын
Great video, Kitty...👍
@RoyCyberPunk 9 күн бұрын
That's one uncommon positive fae abduction story the ones I've read before are much much less pleasant.
@stevencarsley2446 9 күн бұрын
@stevencarsley2446 9 күн бұрын
@lolidva3807 9 күн бұрын
The fae are not what they seem 😉
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 11 күн бұрын
FWIW: Almost 41 years to the day before I was born. *EDIT→* Just imagine trying to _issue a summons_ for _The Fae_ to appear in court...🤦‍♂️
@redheadedspiderlover 12 күн бұрын
I would thoroughly enjoy more videos like this
@Optio-the11thblackhorseman 13 күн бұрын
Pixies are indeed clever as all get out and love a good time; at everyone else's expense however normally. Those many times miniature human looking Faerie are straight up scaldrels and indulge is far, far too much skulduggery for my taste. Luckily I rarely encounter them in my neck of the woods.
@disideratum 14 күн бұрын
People might not be getting notifications because if you miss a premier it automatically turns notifications off. "The Platform" never told anyone about this change (or even asked us if we wanted it). They just went ahead and did it. So if you miss a premier you have to manually set up notifications again, every time🙄😑
@user-iy6xg2kj4o 15 күн бұрын
I saw a peacock on Beltane this month. I was spending the day in the back yard I've let grow into a small meadow. It was in the neighbor's yard. I took pictures. I didn't just dream it. I live in South Carolina so I can promise these birds are not native here at all. Between the photo evidence and seeing it on Beltane of all days no one can convince me it wasn't the fae embracing the birth of summer.
@Optio-the11thblackhorseman 15 күн бұрын
I believe you. You are being touched from beyond by the other side. Good luck to you my friend. Be well!
@AndreaDingbatt 9 күн бұрын
@@Optio-the11thblackhorseman Bless you for rescuing cats, we are All Gods Creations!! Thank you for having a Caring Heart and Open Mind, ~your rescued cats will return your Kindness many times over I am certain!!
@user-gi2yk2jd9q 16 күн бұрын
Thanks thanks thanks they are all children and people don’t believe till they need help in the wood
@racheljacobs933 16 күн бұрын
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 16 күн бұрын
@FairyEncounters >>> 👍👍
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 16 күн бұрын
At about 00:10 in this video: Awwww...❤️
@suzannecarter445 16 күн бұрын
I'm so glad you are sharing Lady Gregory's stories from her lovely book!
@Optio-the11thblackhorseman 16 күн бұрын
@AndreaDingbatt 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing!!
@stevencarsley2446 16 күн бұрын
@Optio-the11thblackhorseman 16 күн бұрын
Agreed! Like I have stated before it is beyond difficult to glean a Faerie's true appearance considering their trickery with the highest of them all,- the Royal Fae being able to shape shift perfectly at will yet for some reason favoring to appear almost human in my experience. Then a great many are exceedingly skilled beyond reason casting their Faerie Glamour Effect to look to the perceiver as they see fit. The rest are almost (but not entirely when you know what to look for) utterly invisible to most by default rendering themselves unknown visually to all but those with eyes to see and ears to hear third sight spiritual eye open wide. I have long suspected for protection sake or to keep a close eye on me for reasons that escape me that one or perhaps more of my beloved rescued house cats (currently have six on deck) in my home may not be what or whom they appear to be but that is none of my affair I presume. If it is allowed by the Creator of all things it is equally fine by me after all. I serve Him and the Son just the same. We exist and share spaces with the seen and unseen in a beyond strange and bizarre world let alone the spiritual one. We are just scratching the surface of awe and wonder with the Fae and all the other phenomena that is steadily on the rise currently. Time to wake up people. It's an amazing time period to be alive. Bear witness! Good stuff as usual Madame Kitty and Monsieur Dan. Greatest respect, devotion and infinite blessings to you both mixed with Faerie dusted pleasant journeys along the way. Be well! 🍄🍀✝️😇
@racheljacobs933 17 күн бұрын
@stevencarsley2446 18 күн бұрын
I Believe in fairies
@stevencarsley2446 19 күн бұрын
Hello my name is Steven
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 20 күн бұрын
@FairyEncounters >>> Great video...👍
@RoyCyberPunk 20 күн бұрын
I think that the 90s Warwick Davis first 2 Leprauchun movies better encapsulate what Leprechauns look and are like.
@donnawitteried3213 20 күн бұрын
I am always learning from you! Thanks for presenting!
@Optio-the11thblackhorseman 21 күн бұрын
One of the rare few Fae that I have never had the pleasure (or consternation) of encountering. Pity........ I always figured they are not native to my neck of the woods of Idaho and Montana. Great episode Madame Kitty. 😉👍
@josephineonearth 22 күн бұрын
Once I went into a fairy ring then I went home and came back 5 mins later and it was gone. I live on a island
@darkthrone7201 22 күн бұрын
I'm curious too know what brought on this great storm you mentioned at the end of the video, was it just a normal act of nature, was it a Great act of GOD, was it brought on by other fairies having some kinda of war, I wonder 🤔
@suzannecarter445 22 күн бұрын
This was really interesting!
@denisejeffries2675 22 күн бұрын
I enjoyed this video! Please do another 😁
@RuinedTemple 22 күн бұрын
Oh yes, please do more news reports & articles about the good neighbors!
@DoloresJNurss 23 күн бұрын
Yes, I'd really enjoy hearing more news accounts of fairies--thank you!
@disideratum 23 күн бұрын
Yes please do more news articles about the Fae Folk 🧚🏻‍♂️💚
@sidilicious11 23 күн бұрын
I LOVED hearing these older newspaper articles about fairies. Yes, PLEASE, read more!🧚🏻🧚‍♀️🧚🏼‍♂️