Jack has OCD?
5 жыл бұрын
Wont Get Fooled Again scream
7 жыл бұрын
Won't Get Fooled Again
7 жыл бұрын
The Who 2017 Final Show
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The Who, Las Vegas 2017
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Inline Fabrication Press Tour
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Winchester overhaul 1
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Burris install
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Dillon primer slide
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MGW follow up
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MGW Sight Pusher Review
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Normandy paratroop drop
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Lighting Test
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My 10/22
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Copy of Monopod
9 жыл бұрын
@newworldslackertv1011 4 күн бұрын
I snapped off a bolt on the housing for the thermostat now what? Do I have to replace the whole water pump?
@AlexJonesWasRight1776 8 күн бұрын
THat folding stock is a piece of shit in all ways i had one for about an hour and tossed it in the garbage after shooting. IT sucks...
@nickkrznarich Ай бұрын
Is there a way to detect the trajectory of the shots from adding a filter affect to the Zapruder film. This could be a possible savior for individuals deserving to be saved from death. The shots could be reversed and applied to the film. Individuals could be hologrammically saved. I like that term better than holigraphically.
@rotgut242 Ай бұрын
What about the surgeon who pointed to his right temple as he explained the fatal wound to the media??
@citadelgrad87 Ай бұрын
What about him? Got a name? You DO realize that not a single doctor at Parkland either turned JFK over to look at his entire head, nor did any of them chart any wound? And you DO realize that there are many high quality plain x ray films that have been authenticated as post mortem x rays of JFK to the exclusion of all other humans, and that show the temples intact and a front to rear orientation of the wounds!
@AA-gj3kt 3 ай бұрын
As the wise old used car salesman once told me," there's an ass for every seat".
@rockin323-c8z 3 ай бұрын
I am so glad to see a view from behind the fence. I dont think there is anywhere behind that fence that a person could have stood and shot JFK straight through the right side of his face. There's no way. As you said, he was not shot from the side. The bullet traveled straight through. How could it be possible from behind the fence and with him already slouching towards Jackie. That eliminates Alotta the conspiracy gibberish which is just big business. There was people sittin in the car, people standing at the bottom of the stairs and a windshield in the way also hah. I mean the shooter would have to hang his gun out over the fence into the middle of ELM street to shoot him straight on. NOTICE noone has ever done or will ever do a shot trajectory video from the fence. It would be game over for all conspiracy stuff.
@donlittle732 3 ай бұрын
He is Ted Cruz’ cousin.
@jhj9296 4 ай бұрын
that wood is beautiful dont ruin that shotgun
@basicallyblue3972 4 ай бұрын
More insight than I can use.
@timothyd9543 4 ай бұрын
A couple of problems with your video. With the positioning of the Grassy Knoll shooter, you’re starting with a flawed assumption: that he stood right at the corner. No sniper would ever stand there because they’d be seen. The angle of the shot lines up if you stand about 10-15 ft back. And if you stand there as a shooter, you won’t be seen. You also left out the condition of Oswald’s rifle. For one thing, the scope wasn’t zeroed. For another thing, it had a sticky bolt. So it’s not that you can’t shoot someone from that window. It’s that it’s difficult to make a shot that precise in that time frame with a sticky bolt and a scope that isn't zeroed. And you also left out that a target moving away from a shooter and downhill - that section of Elm St is on an incline - throws off the trigonometry of shooting such that that, plus a scope that isn’t zeroed, makes not for a difficult shot, but a difficult shot with that precision. There’s no gentle way to put this: I call your acumen as a firearms person into question not just because you left out these important facts, but because you’re from California. The laws where you live are simply too strict to produce a person who is knowledgeable about firearms. Your username suggests that you went to military college. That may have made you knowledgeable - may have. But military people that I discuss this event with are all alike: they are so emotionally invested in all things military that any suggestion that military or intelligence people were involved in this event is taken as a personal afront. It is not my intention to be rude. But I call them as I see them. I’ve met a lot of people who are knowledgeable about firearms. And I’ve never met a single one who thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone - in fact, they nearly always laugh at the idea. You are either deliberately turning a blind eye to obvious facts because you have arrived at a conclusion and are working backward to prove it, or you simply don't possess the knowledge that you claim to possess.
@citadelgrad87 4 ай бұрын
Bullshit on all counts. The angles most definitely DO NOT “line up”, he was not hit from the side. The rifle WAS zeroed, and oswald was seen working the bolt on his porch in the dark. The downhill and away throw NOTHING off at 88 yards, in fact, the very slight decline in the road erases what little bullet drop there is. No delicate way? French my ass, boy, i can and will shoot rings around you. Any weapon, any distance. Ive been shooting all my life, and have had military, police, and civilian training. Ive competed in NRA midrange and PRS shooting of precision, scoped rifles. Fuck off, then, when im sure you have had time to read this, ill erase your ranting bullshit. Got it?
@citadelgrad87 4 ай бұрын
Thats the stupidest appeal to authority ive ever seen. You know people who shoot and claim they all laugh at oswald doing this alone. Youre aggressively stupid. A sniper is one man with a rifle, DUMBASS, a 54 and 88 yard shot isnt a team event. You mainlined Oliver Stones idiotic “ambush”, youre a moron, and youre soon to be deleted, fuckwit.
@timothyd9543 4 ай бұрын
You are extremely rude, boorish and self righteous and clearly know nothing about firearms or the event at hand. For example, if you move back 10-15 ft, it’s a front not a side shot. Also, the Warren Commission acknowledged that the scope wasn’t what they called ‘calibrated’, meaning zeroed. Finally, I have no need for an appeal to anyone. I know plenty about firearms on my own. I was merely pointing out that no one I’ve ever met who is knowledgeable would agree with you because they know how firearms operate. I don’t make these arguments to convince you but to convince folks reading this who might be on the fence. Life Pro Tip: If you want people to consider your point of view and if you want people to subscribe to your channel, then act a little more rationally and professionally rather than acting boorish and crude. Good luck.
@timothyd9543 4 ай бұрын
@@citadelgrad87 You are a complete fraud and you know it. That's why you call everyone names. I've reported all of your comments. Hopefully, you get shut down.
@jeffreypaulross9767 4 ай бұрын
From six floors up, the windshield would not have been a problem.
@citadelgrad87 4 ай бұрын
Except it was. I watched cars approach. It was in the way until a very steep angle was reached. Why are you do adamant that oswapd didn do it the way Oswald did it?
@jeffreypaulross9767 4 ай бұрын
@@citadelgrad87 I’m just asking questions and bouncing ideas. I am not adamant, I just believe there are a host of things unanswered by the WCR. As far as Oswald goes, I do believe he was involved, but on what level? I don’t know.
@citadelgrad87 4 ай бұрын
@@jeffreypaulross9767 of course he was involved. He fled the scene and murdered officer Tippet in front of 12 witnesses during broad daylight. He did many things that only the shooter would have done. I dont buy the “I’m just asking questions” schtick, sorry.
@jeffreypaulross9767 4 ай бұрын
@@citadelgrad87 “Fled the scene?” Was seen in the doorway of the book depository by a reporter who asked him where the nearest pay phone was. That’s what Oswald told the cops, and the reporter corroborated his story. Then he’s seen in the lunchroom with a Coke! Sounds more like chillin than fleeing to me ???
@citadelgrad87 4 ай бұрын
@@jeffreypaulross9767 old wives tale. He was in the anteroom to the lunchroom, there never was a coke, 90 seconds after he shot the rifle. Earl Warren, who was, iirc, 72 at the time, stood in the window pretending to hold a rifle, then walked, not jogged, to where the rifle was found, paused to hide it, then walked to the stairwell and walked down to that same doorway in well under 90 seconds, and he was no pt sweaty or out of breath. Oswald was 24 and in good shape. And then, yes, he fled, walking 9 blocks to catch a bus where he was seen by his former landlady. He fled. And he murdered a cop in front of 12 people. In broad daylight.
@michaelb8957 5 ай бұрын
My question is after JFK was shot in the neck why didn't the SS agent (driver) accelerate the car away. JFK would have survived the neck shot only if that driver did his job and sped away as he was trained to do. The SS agent in the passenger front seat turned around and looked at JFK and saw him clutching his throat. Despite if Oswa;ld acted alone or was the shooter, despite any conspiracy theory, the SS failed miserably at their one and only job and after that fact didn't even lose their jobs, that's disgraceful. I hold them fully responsible regardless of who the sniper(s) were. Not many people cover this issue but that was the first thing I thought of when I first watched the Zapruder film. You hear shots and even see the man you are suppose to safeguard with your life in distress and you don't floor that gas pedal to get the hell out of there, any normal person would do that, it's just a common sense reaction. Why wasn't the SS agents punished.
@keithdavis9897 6 ай бұрын
except the shot came from the front...............you're an idiot....hahaha
@devildawg8044 6 ай бұрын
Question. If the hole in the back of his head measured 6mm how could the 6.5 mm bullet do that? A bullet makes a little larger hole going in the only rifle there that day with that diameter bullet was that ar15 just saying. And if you don’t think the secret service is closed lip you are mistaken.. they all party with the girls when they are on deployment and the Kennedy detail was out partying as well
@citadelgrad87 6 ай бұрын
Come on. The hole measured “APPROXIMATELY 6mm.” Thats what the doctor wrote. Nobody measured it. You dont get to erase the word “approximately”, because it means “not exactly”. So we are talking about a hole that is approximately 6 mm and a projectile that was a 6.5. Thats a HALF A MILLIMETER “discrepancy”, which, because the word approximately was used, doesn’t add up to a 5.56mm projectile, just saying. Stop cherry picking. Out partying is the same to you as actually shooting the protectee in the head? You’re broken.
@backyardcatpop3617 6 ай бұрын
I heard that they have video with the audio on it that hasn't been released
@citadelgrad87 6 ай бұрын
“They” don’t.
@deana.blackburn4720 6 ай бұрын
Does CGC require any internal work on the firearm?
@citadelgrad87 6 ай бұрын
Nope. Both fit and fired on my Colt Commanding Officers model with no mods to the Colt or the conversions. Super simple drop in fit.
@Mrblossom-y7x 7 ай бұрын
Multiple shooters ya clown. We all know that
@jetcat132 6 ай бұрын
Only Oswald ya clown. We all know THAT.
@surensewsunker8817 7 ай бұрын
A nurse at Parkland Memorial Hospital pointed out a bullet hole in the front windscreen..there after the limo was moved away from public view..why ...the Warren commission never interview all the witnesses...shots fired from the grassy knol..smoke witnessed...bolt action carcano rifle fired three shots within seconds of each other ..how come police had a description of Oswald soon after the shooting... further more a lady that worked at the night club owned by Jack Leon Ruby ...said that Jd Tippett...Jack Leon Ruby and Oswald knew each other they met at the club on a few occasions... big difference between a plot and a conspiracy...
@bobmenzies556 7 ай бұрын
You were standing in the wrong spot. James Files fired a single shot using a mercury tipped explosive round 15 ft to the right of the fence corner more towards the overpass where the fence runs parallel with Elm. It’s a shame you went through all that effort without any of the historical data that has been learned and documented since that day.
@citadelgrad87 7 ай бұрын
Bullshit. Its a shame you buy self serving fairy tales with no evidence. This is a no bullshit video.
@mazyarkanani6708 8 ай бұрын
It’s impossible debating with conspiracy nutcases. When you present them with hard facts they just shut the discussion down with “its been faked”. They’re delusional .. end of
@GeorgeVreelandHill 8 ай бұрын
Oswald had very easy shots and took those shots. The first shot that hit Kennedy in the neck, was from behind. Doctors have said that. The fatal shot was close as well. No one fired a shot from the Grassy Knoll. It would have been an easy bullseye from there, but the escape routes were closed. I have been there too.
@citadelgrad87 8 ай бұрын
Agreed, except it is wrong to call a 90 degree deflection shot at a moving vehicle “easy”. Youve clearly never tried it.
@bltefft 8 ай бұрын
Got mine today. Will install it tomorrow. I have a 550C.
@charliegalati6318 8 ай бұрын
I took the Kennedy tour. First off the shot came from the 6th floor not seventh. The museum has the window locked up with a gate chan
@citadelgrad87 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, thats EXACTLY what i said in the video.
@jacobjones5269 8 ай бұрын
I knew Oswald was guilty as hell when I learned he discarded his jacket.. Because why else would he do that?.. In fact, he repeatedly engaged in criminal intent behavior on the streets of Oak Cliff.. The actions of a guilty man..
@brianberger4686 9 ай бұрын
american untold stories
@alancranford3398 9 ай бұрын
More than a few professional "trained snipers" have claimed that they couldn't duplicate Oswald's performance--and more than a few have actually demonstrated that they could under test conditions. I counter that most of those professionals would have opted for better rifle and ammo--that is IF they could be persuaded to shoot POTUS. An expert shot could have done the Oswald shots with a revolver from the southeast corner sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Could have--using .38 Special 148-grain match wadcutters in a six-inch revolver with target sights. The PPC fired out to 60 yards back in the day. I have been shooting pistols at 50 yards, 75 yards, and 100 yards for forty years and results range from dismal to surprising--the surprise is that I managed to hit at all. Speaking of surprises, one evening when I was running my county's public rifle range a pair of archers showed up. The range was empty except for them, and I held the range open a few minutes late while they nailed 4-inch diameter bulls' eyes with their compound bows and target arrows out to 50 yards distance 100%. Firing speed is another issue. I'll confine this comment to accuracy because discussing time would take much more space. The shots were not impossible for a semi-skilled rifleman. A skilled sniper probably would have pulled off the assassination differently. No record of Private Lee Harvey Oswald being trained as a sniper has been revealed to the public.
@alancranford3398 9 ай бұрын
I finally got around to touring Dealey Plaza and the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, Texas during May 2021. The event happened when I was six and living on the Air Force base in San Antonio--and I didn't find out that my president had been murdered for two days. I watched a replay of Ruby shooting Oswald on television--and learned why all the adults were so damned angry at me that weekend. Hint--it wasn't me. The Kennedy Assassination has a lot of unknowns and unknowables. Speculation is assumption--and I was warned decades ago that when I assumed I made an ASS out of U and ME. Still, assumptions and logic are the majority of how the crime gets recreated. What assumptions? First, I''m going to assume that there was ample time to shoot three times with a bolt action rifle. Here's a factoid that suggests Lee Oswald fired FIVE shots in the allotted time frame: kzbin.info/www/bejne/nmXGZo2obM2tsKMorigin= Doesn't prove anything. The Carcano has a six-shot clip that, like the eight-shot Garand clip, must be shoved into the rifle's magazine so that the mechanism will feed cartridges from the magazine. Locate a photo of the three empty cartridge cases on the floor of the sniper's nest--when I visited the Sixth Floor Museum, there was a gaping hole in the wall at floor level. I have picked up thousands of cartridge casings from rifle ranges during police call (picking up brass and other "residue" as it's termed--the spent casings, bandoliers, ammo cans, links, clips and all are accountable items on military ranges--and then contractors get to dig the lead out of the backstop from time to time). It's easy to lose some of them. As early as 2 PM on 22 November 1963 Dallas Police expected to find three spent casings because according to their best guess only three shots had been fired. Witnesses heard from zero to more than eight shots. Given the acoustics of the Plaza, one shot might sound like a machine gun burst or a dozen shots might be mistaken for something other than gunfire. Why would they be looking for more than three cartridge cases? They found a clip in the rifle and a live round in the chamber. How many people know that a Carcano clip holds six shots? It would take a lot of persuading to change a closed mind that ANYBODY can fire off five shots from any bolt action repeating rifle in under ten seconds. "They're gonna miss!" Reportedly, Oswald, did, at least twice (unless Connally was an intended target). I have personal experience--on a 300-yard rapid-fire rifle stage at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station on Oahu, Hawaii, I put two five-round magazines into my Dog target in under 15 seconds and was booted in the ribs by a corporal for wasting my ammunition through shooting too rapidly. All ten shots were covered by a five-inch spotting disk and I achieved my 50-point maximum score. In case you're unfamiliar, the Marine starts with rifle loaded and on-SAFE standing, and when the targets come up, the Marine drops into a sling-supported prone and begins firing, reloads after the first magazine is empty and continues firing. I dropped to prone, fired four hits, dropped my magazine and shoved in a second that had been in a belt pouch, fired rounds five through ten, cleared my rifle, and my sore ribs negatively affected my record fire the next day. Prejudice is painful! Besides, proving to a jury that someone MIGHT fire three or more shots in a ten-second period doesn't prove that Oswald did. Because of the Fifth Amendment, Oswald couldn't be forced to demonstrate his rifle skills. As a member of the jury, would YOU believe that Oswald was shamming when he failed to get off more than two shots--both misses--in a ten second period? Yes, I know, the time frame is estimated to have been from four to eleven seconds. "The truth turns out to be more complicated." historynewsnetwork.org/article/35445 It's always more complicated. Nobody was timing the event with a stopwatch! I've coached poor shooters who took longer than 5 seconds between shots with their M16-series rifles on SEMI and failed to get off all ten shots during their rapid-fire stages on the Marine Corps rifle qualification--and soldiers failed to fire rapidly enough on their Alt C marksmanship table with the same rifle. The Zapruder film is more of a Rorschach test (History News Network's words) than conclusive concrete evidence. Zapruder's 8mm camera had no batteries--it was key-wound clockwork powered by springs. Worse, the 50-foot film cassette was good for 3 to 4 minutes of filming at 18 frames per second. Zapruder paused filming because he lost sight of the Presidential Limousine (why waste limited film on unimportant events) and this messed up timing of the entire assassination, catching only the last two shots. Grain size (fast color film) limited resolution. Today's smart phones take better movies--longer video clips, higher resolution, WITH sound. It is easier to digitally enhance a digital movie than it is to digitally enhance film stock. Remember, each frame was 8mm, about a third of an inch. I forgot what the shutter time on the Bell and Howell and never did learn the film speed. What's the image resolution on your smart phone? The frame rate on digital cameras is faster, too--50 or 60 interlaced frames per second (25 to 30 images) for standard videos. What I'm claiming is that there is a limited amount of information that the 8mm camera can capture--time is one of them, within a limited set of parameters. I made a 7.5-minute movie using a Super-8 film camera and the finished project was edited from several cassettes--nothing like experience with vintage equipment! Speaking of time, the time frame of the assassination was too short for split-second accuracy. At the time, the Atomic Clock was a big deal. I mentioned stop watches--nobody timed the events with an atomic clock. How much precision and accuracy was needed to time the assassination? The laptop I type this on has an onboard atomic clock, but the time standard is slaved to my internet service provider or else my digital signal wouldn't sync up and data wouldn't stream. My processor is 5.2GHz. If my onboard camera had been used to record the Kennedy assassination, I'd have had significantly more accurate time hacks--until grabby cops seized my equipment and accidentally broke it. It takes talent to smash a laptop. Perhaps I'd have been mistaken for someone wielding a Buck Rodgers death ray or something. People do weird things when they're scared and/or mad. Actual duration of gunfire is only one issue--and the difference between four and eleven seconds for between three and five shots is elastic enough to create controversy. It is possible that Oswald fired five shots in four seconds or even fired just two shots in eleven seconds--and it is possible that Oswald was on the second floor during the gunfire. Oswald was seen on the second floor from 5 minutes to 1 minute prior to the shots, and then seen on the second floor from 1 to 3 minutes after the gunfire. Oswald wore brown shirt and blue trousers, but the person seen in the window of the sixth floor up to a full minute after the shots was reported by witnesses to be wearing white or light clothing. I checked Brennan's story from his reported observation position, but I was in May around 4 PM instead of November at 12:30 PM and my experiment is invalid by my standards. The shadows from overhead sunlight versus the shadows from the sun in the south-east would be different--and today's Dealey Plaza has taller buildings surrounding the place. I saw that the sixth-floor windows were in shadow in May 2021. Modern florescent lights versus vintage incandescent lights used to light the interior changed the picture to an unknown degree, making my experiment invalid. There was no open window--modern air conditioning made that unnecessary. I saw daylight reflections and was unable to determine if anybody were looking through the closed windows. Again--May 2021 and not November 1963--my own experiment was invalid. Silly question--but can I both impeach my witnesses while cherry picking their testimony? Evidence in court isn't a scientific certainty. Come to think of it, the Heisenberg Principle and the Observer Effect seem to prove "scientific certainty" is an oxymoron.
@brianvalentine2557 9 ай бұрын
8 rounds in 3 seconds. It's that rotary bolt. Fastest cycling in it's category. I have one with PDX1 rounds. As well as slugs and 00 buck.
@9Ballr 9 ай бұрын
This is an excellent video, and you are clearly well-informed about the facts of the JFK assassination. When weighing all of the evidence properly in this case I don't think there is any other reasonable conclusion than that LHO killed JFK and J.D. Tippit on his own. I am not a shooter, so I have a question for you. It seems to me that the shot on Houston, while closer, may actually have been more difficult because the limo was moving towards Oswald (is it more difficult to track a target moving toward you or away from you?) and also because Houston runs beside the TSBD, so there would have been some lateral movement of the limo on Houston relative to Oswald's line of sight. What do you think? There is also of course the fact that you mentioned, which is that everyone would have known immediately where the shot came from, and also I think Oswald would have had to have made himself fully visible in the window taking the shot while the limo was on Houston, as opposed to being able to hide back in the corner when taking the shot on Elm. The windshield and two rows of passengers would also be between Oswald and JFK on Houston, but not on Elm. Of course, if the shots did come from the 6th floor of the TSBD all of this speculation about how difficult the shots were is moot, since someone clearly was able to make those shots that day. You probably already know this, but in the rapid-fire part of Oswald's Marine Corps shooting test he was able to hit 8 out of 10 bullseyes from 200 yards and 7 out of 10 bullseyes from 300 yards, both of which results are rated above expert level.
@alancranford3398 9 ай бұрын
Do you discount the House Select Committee on Assassinations? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_Assassinations There have been multiple official investigations into JFK's death. Some of those investigations were ended on official orders and the evidence gathered in those other official investigations turned over to other agencies, lost, or destroyed. ONI refused to comply with Congress and said that it's Oswald files had been destroyed. FBI Agent Hosty testified before the HSCA that he destroyed a note from Oswald (and other material, too) on orders. Dallas PD's investigation had to turn over all investigative leads to the FBI -- a factor that hampered Louisiana's investigation into a plot to kill JFK. One can of worms kicked over by the HSCA were numerous plots against Fidel Castro, CIA involvement in attempted assassination of Charles De Gaulle, and dozens of other plots including a 2 November 1963 murder of South Vietnam's leader. Funny thing--on 2 November 1963 a phone call from a "Lee" changed JFK's plans to attend the Army/Navy Game held in Chicago and the arrest of three people in possession of rifles and evidence of a plot to kill JFK. Then there was Tampa on 18 November--another arrest of an armed potential assasin was made and instead of a parade, JFK was helicoptered to the rally. I get it! Acting alone, Oswald managed this attempt from Mother Russia! www.mentalfloss.com/article/30444/1960-retired-postal-worker-almost-killed-jfk Can't have TWO lone nuts--only Oswald, acting alone, without any help at all... There were multiple attempts (not mere plots) on JFK's life and the last one I linked to happened between being elected and being sworn in as POTUS. Blanket denials have moth holes. I was six when JFK died. My memories of that day were a routine walk to school, the normal lessons, and going home for a late lunch--my school was on the Air Force base in San Antonio and was half a day. When I got home, the adults were all angry--just like during the Cuban Missile Crisis the year prior only I was in Germany during 1962. For two days I wondered what I had done that made the adults so angry--and then I caught a televised replay of Ruby shooting Oswald. With that mystery explained, I accepted the official word that Oswald, acting alone, killed my president--and I was relieved that it WASN'T something I had done after all! About a decade later, I read the Warren Report and found flaws. The Oliver Stone movie, JFK, was based on Louisiana's inquiry into the murder of President Kennedy. There was a prior movie casting doubt on the official story, "Executive Action" (1973) that I didn't see until the 21st Century. www.imdb.com/title/tt0070046/ There were lots of fiction prior to JFK's assassination that JFK saw (surprise--both starred Frank Sinatra): www.imdb.com/title/tt0047542/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3 www.imdb.com/find/?q=the%20manchurian%20candidate&ref_=nv_sr_sm The novel, "Seven Days in May," was released as a movie in 1964 but JFK commented on reading the book. There was a lot of funny business going on. Denying all of that funny business discredits the lone nutters as thoroughly as the conspiracy theorists are discredited. I don't know who killed Kennedy. Neither Lone Nut narrative nor screaming "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" works, though if the public opinion polls are accurate, more Americans believe that JFK died as the result of a conspiracy than believe Oswald, acting alone and with zero help from anybody else did the deed. Makes me wonder--was Jack Ruby only going to punch Oswald in the nose, but Oswald pulled a gun, shot himself, and shoved the gun in Ruby's hands? No wonder Jack Ruby appeared confused! Where'd Oswald get the gun? Oh, don't be a conspiracy theorist! Cancel Reply
@9Ballr 8 ай бұрын
@@alancranford3398 When the HSCA reviewed the draft of its final report on the JFK assassination in December, 1978, it concluded that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK and J.D. Tippit. It was not until the very end of its investigation that the HSCA heard from Mark Weiss and Ernest Aschkenasy about the police motorcycle dictabelt recording, purporting to show that there were four shots. Foolishly, the HSCA accepted this interpretation of the dictabelt recording as accurate, and based solely on that piece of evidence--contrary to everything else they had found--concluded that there was likely a second gunman. The National Academy of Sciences reviewed the acoustic evidence that the HSCA had relied upon to conclude there was likely a second gunman, and in May of 1982 determined the following: "The acoustic analyses do not demonstrate that there was a grassy knoll shot, and in particular there is no acoustic basis for the claim of 95% probability of such a shot.The acoustic impulses attributed to gunshots were recorded about one minute after the President had been shot and the motorcade had been instructed to go to the hospital. Therefore, reliable acoustic data do not support a conclusion that there was a second gunman."
@ryanfulton8421 9 ай бұрын
When you want to know forensically if there have been two or more bullets fired from two or more trajectories, investigators will analyze blood splatter pattern evidence left behind on different surfaces at a crime scene. When Jackie's dress is open to public viewing in 2103, hopefully, there will still be some interest in finding the truth in this case. Until then, I guess we can continue to call each other morons over the internet.
@citadelgrad87 9 ай бұрын
No, when you want to know if two or more bullets were fired and their trajectories, x rays of the skull is a 100% reliable indicator, tabular fractures are utterly reliable and show a single projectile entered from the rear and exited over the right eyebrow area. Taken with the 97% of witnesses who heard gunfire from only one direction, not two or more, and 95% of them heard 3 or fewer shots, and the reality that nobody ever assigned two snipers to shoot the same target at the same time because its so stupid its not done, and there is no mystery here, only gullible Dunning Kruger examples. Oswald fired all 3 shots. Period.
@ryanfulton8421 9 ай бұрын
@citadelgrad87 Well hell eyewitnesses and x-rays, case closed!
@citadelgrad87 9 ай бұрын
@@ryanfulton8421 first, YEAH, case closed. What do you have to counter it? Dexter fantasy “what the blood spatter MIGHT show”? Second, no, kid, thats not all the evidence, just enough to overcome the stupid blood spatter fantasy approach.
@ryanfulton8421 9 ай бұрын
@citadelgrad87 if you're going to refer to forensic science as a fantasy and then build a case around eyewitness testimony that directly contradicts the narrative you would like to push then I don't think there's any hope for you. Go back to sleep.
@cut1986 9 ай бұрын
The House Assassinations Committee determined in 1978 that there were more than one shooter.
@citadelgrad87 9 ай бұрын
Not exactly. First, the body you just cited, so you dont get to pick and choose, AGREED with the Warren Commission that Oswald fired three shots, scoring two hits, and that the “magic bullet” accounted for all of Connelys wounds and JFKs upper back in and out the neck shot. They also specifically found that only Oswald and no one else fired a shot that hit anyone in that limo. THATS what the select committee found. THEN, on the last day they took evidence, two liars claimed they could tell from a mono recording that not only were FOUR shots fired, but they claimed they could tell where the shots came from. No one has ever been able to duplicate these findings, because they are bullshit. Anyway, they accepted these liars and came to the only possible conclusion: since oswald fired 3 times, a fourth shot meant another shooter and its too stupid for reason to accept a coincidence, so there must have been a conspiracy. And they specifically said so. The ONLY reason or evidence of a fourth shot was the tape. 97% of the eyewitnesses said 3 or fewer shots. But since then, we have learned that the dictabelt tape they used was made a few minutes after the shooting, and in fact doesnt reflect ANY gunfire. A police officer saying “hold here” right after the “shots” confirms the limo had already left at the time the recording was made. Care to comment further?
@jetcat132 7 ай бұрын
Debunked on faulty acoustic evidence.
@jacobjones5269 5 ай бұрын
And they theorized that 2nd shooter missed everything.. Which is convenient considering there’s zero evidence he/she existed..
@shawnbicknell7796 9 ай бұрын
If you think Oswald did this alone then you just ignored over 20 doctors who examined jfk and determined it was a front shot that killed him.
@citadelgrad87 9 ай бұрын
Wrong. First, kid, “20” doctors did NOT examine him, it was an emergency room, not a crowded club. There were only a handful. Second, kid, NONE of them even bothered to turn him over. Not one. They never looked at the back of his head. Xrays and plain film prove to a 100% certainty, through beveling fractures of the skull, a 100% reliable indicator of the direction of gunfire, it was a rear shot. Third, these doctors agreed, every one of them, that the autopsy photos matched what they saw: In 1988, Public Broadcasting's NOVA got permission to show the Parkland doctors the original autopsy photos and x-rays in the National Archives. They were allowed as much time as they wished to view the materials, and then their reactions were filmed. Richard Dulaney "I don't see evidence of any alteration of his wound in these pictures from what I saw in the emergency room." Marion Jenkins "Nothing that I've seen would make me think it had been changed from what happened that day." Robert McClelland "I find no discrepancy between the wounds as they're shown very vividly in these photographs and what I remember very vividly . . . " Paul Peters "Looking at these photos, they're pretty much as I remember President Kennedy at the time." Peters then mentions one minor discrepancy -- a small incision that he believes the autopsy doctors made while removing the brain.
@shawnbicknell7796 9 ай бұрын
@@citadelgrad87 well dipshit you need to go do some more research because 20 doctors did infact say it was a frontal shot, including the head of surgery that day . They didn’t have to turn him over idiot, his brains were falling out the back of his head and on the bed.
@jetcat132 7 ай бұрын
@@shawnbicknell7796Prove it big mouth
@jetcat132 7 ай бұрын
@@shawnbicknell7796Bring your proof bigmouth, I want to see you back it up. Talk a big show, bring a big show.
@jetcat132 7 ай бұрын
@@citadelgrad87You’re right on brother. This meathead needs to get schooled.
@louisbertaux5193 9 ай бұрын
Anyone who believes the Warren Report is delusional. Oswald could not have fired the frontal headshot.
@michaelharrison7072 10 ай бұрын
Thats where shooter shot connely not JFK
@williamjackson8629 10 ай бұрын
Last 3 shot went in building guess where was on second floor wake up people smell roses government won't open up files because government did it LBJ and mob and government cover up
@digamojones 10 ай бұрын
JFK- the limo did not even need to be in dealy plaza for the President to be assassinated. All that was necessary was for the President to be seated in the back seat of the Limo. Both bullets entered the back in an upward trajectory, the first exited the neck, pierced the windshield, hit the curb downrange, nicked James Tagues cheek. The second entered the back in the same upward trajectory, exited the right temple, hit the windshield frame, ripped into two pieces, fell to the floorboard. Both originated just behind the seat. The entire ‘crime scene’ was in control of the ‘government’ from C-130, to love field, to dealy plaza, to parkland, back to C-130, to Whitehouse garage, to Dearborn Mi. Where it was stripped and rebuilt. I suspect the ‘device’ from which two projectiles transited the president was placed and removed while the aircraft was aloft. How do you kill a man riding in an open car on a public street in front of hoards of people without being seen? Mount a remotely activated device, just behind the seat, capable of firing two projectiles from point blank range on a slightly upward (8-10 degrees)trajectory. Video synopsis of evidence generated in Dealy Plaza that day to that conclusion. Short version 6:31. kzbin.info/www/bejne/qX-Tf4GYeqecm8U Long version 19:25. kzbin.info/www/bejne/hmfOnYFmlpqcoq8
@MrZAPRUDER 10 ай бұрын
Excellent video
@martinwallington374 10 ай бұрын
Not sure . witness that we're there said that at leasted one shot was fired from the fence. I believe there was two shooters. Oswald being one.
@citadelgrad87 10 ай бұрын
Except of ALL the witnesses, only 2 said shots came from two directions. Think about that: its hard to tell where the source if gunfire is in a man made canyon, but its easy to tell if there are two sources.
@flmlvr 11 ай бұрын
Great video. It's nice that someone with sensible thinking posted this. I didn't always believe there was more than one shooter. To put this in perspective, I was only 3 when JFK was killed, so anything I read didn't start until I was about 12. And those first accounts were only about the 4 days so I had no reason to believe anybody but Oswald was involved. And then, like millions of others, saw the Zapruder film and saw that backward snap of his head. Well, yes, it DID look like someone shot from the front. But it wouldn't until the NOVA special from 1988 that I learned that, well, just because his head snapped backward, didn't mean he was shot from the front. Ugh. Then in 1991 I had the opportunity to visit Dealy Plaza. And like any other sensible person who has visited the place, was surprised at how small the area was. I saw for myself that anybody with any kind of rifle could have easily shot from that window down into that car. And the other surprise I got was just how close the fence really was to the street - meaning that it was a little hard for me to believe that a rifleman could have been there and nobody noticed. Yes, I realize there is a possibility, but as I write this, nobody has been able to irrefutably prove there was a second gunman. But isn't it amazing that this is the most photographed murder ever (22 cameras were there at the time of the attack) and despite all those photos we STILL can't come to an unarguable conclusion.
@lukeskywalker1840 11 ай бұрын
Big Pimping approves!!!!!
@williamwells1862 11 ай бұрын
U point to the 7th story dumbbell.
@citadelgrad87 11 ай бұрын
Shiteater, i pointed to the sixth, and noted clearly that they have blocked off the sixth floor window, and you have to go to the seventh to look out the window above the one Oswald fired from. Nobody gives a shit what you think you did before they blocked access to the window. Now piss off.
@jacobjones5269 5 ай бұрын
Storey, professor..
@tommywatterson5276 11 ай бұрын
Good video. Yes. Oswald was the only one firing at the President that fateful day. He was in the 6th floor corner window of depository. There were 2 guys that day watching the President motorcade in the 5th floor window of depository directly under Oswald. They knew someone was above them shooting at the President in the building. Nobody ever mentions that.
@ranger053 11 ай бұрын
Now to the right of the zapruder pedestal is cement steps where 3 people were standing on the Moorman photo, if a shot came from the knoll it would have sailed over their head, wouldn’t, you holler to high heaven to anyone who would listen that these shots were their, their was little from these 3 to verify and they were there.
@dme1016 11 ай бұрын
Oswald was "a shooter". And he made it work. So why listen to one who DIDN'T murder JFK from the TSBD? Oswald already did it.....
@drh488 11 ай бұрын
What do you say about Dr. McClellan who was in the emergency room within inches of the president , believes the head shot came from the front? Especially after he saw Zepruder film.
@mazyarkanani6708 8 ай бұрын
The doctors never lifted the president to examine his back. His hair and face would have been totally caked in blood. As a trauma surgeon I can tell you its impossible to tell what’s going on when a victim has a headshot.
@drh488 8 ай бұрын
Have you listened to him explain what he saw? Just wondering. @@mazyarkanani6708
@berniehayes8425 Жыл бұрын
The 6.5 cacarno was a pig of a rifle!! Many people said they heard what they thought were fire crackers..the 6.5 makes a very loud boom..where as a rifle with a sound moderator does sound more like a fire cracker. The way Kennedys head exploded looks like a shot from a light caliber high velocity bullet. The 6.5 wldng have made the same head wound.
@citadelgrad87 Жыл бұрын
So a bunch of housewives who never heard a gun before saying it sounded like a firecracker and its case closed for you? What a joke. The 6.5 was an excellent rifle, the Italian National rifle team used them even after the US gave the country Garands. Stop repeating old wives tales. Also, you dont know anything about ballistics. The 6.5 round performs exactly the way the headshot did: when fired into the cranial vault, the semi liquid brain causes the round to yaw and the bullet violently comes apart within the confines of the skull. The Warren Commission had tests done and the 6.5 reliably comes apart when fired into skulls.
@johndemeen5575 Жыл бұрын
Just know Browning Arms, has a 1911 380. And a 22. 17 % smaller than a full size 1911. Good for small hands. St.Paul,Minnesota.
@danielsmith7951 Жыл бұрын
They made a silencer in 1909
@stepheng6748 Жыл бұрын
Amazing that Oswald denied everything. Amazing that a mafia man Ruby shoots Oswald in police custody. amazing that Clint Hill over the last couple years now remembers that the exit wound was in the right front side of the head, instead of the right rear of the head as he said for years. Unreal that 22 of the Parkland staff said that the hole in the mans head was at the rear of his head, behind the ear in the left rear quadrant. Ever do some research and know that the money order for the Carcano was never cashed? Ever ask yourself fat boy that you must be cleaed by the CIA to run radar for U2 spy planes in Japan? Ever ask your own silly fat ass how Oswald got to Russia and got back with no questions asked? No you don't. You know nothing. looks like you eat everything.
@gordonhaire9206 Жыл бұрын
The perfect shot would have been in the middle of the turn. Even with a head-on shot, the windshield and the other occupants wouldn't have been in the way from the 6th floor. The shooter wouldn't have to expose himself to make the shot. He could sit on book boxes. He would have had to expose himself to take the shot he allegedly took.
@citadelgrad87 Жыл бұрын
Wrong. Shooting steeply downhill is very difficult. Shooters, like Oswald, know this. Also, as the car negotiates that turn, you need to keep moving the rifle just to stay on target as it crosses in front of you. Also the large tree is looming to block your shot if you dont hurry. No, the FAR easier shot, the one he DID take, by the way, was to rest the rifle on the boxes and aim at the car as the road gently curves away from the building, presenting a target that, from Oswalds perspective, doesn’t appear to be moving left or right, or up or down, but just slowly getting smaller. To a shooter, thats the only shot that makes sense.