Becoming the ULTIMATE Lorcana Player!
@LaChazzz 6 сағат бұрын
Given the large discrepancy between the mulligan against Green-Steel (looking for draw cards) vs more control oriented decks (looking for flynn-castle), it would have been interesting to ask the mulligan strategy in swiss-rounds when not knowing what the opponent is on. Unless I missed it somewhere. Insightful video though!
@TophGames 12 сағат бұрын
I find it so interesting that people speak so negatively of E/S as if it's unbeatable. The majority of people in my area play either R/S or S/St and both of those utterly destroy E/S most of the time. In fact, there's one guy at my LGS who is 1st every single time with his S/St and it's not even close. His deck feels unbeatable due to how fast it ramps. To me, that deck is the menace.
@rizoricos 18 сағат бұрын
Its not that Amber is weak, Idk how many months I've been saying it but we are in a control meta. Consider that Ambers hook is "shift", which is just saving on resources. You cannot move forward with the value of shifting or even singing when we are in a control meta. Everyone complained about AWNW when this game came out, only to have their hand chipped away permanently with bucky.
@majobasil Күн бұрын
Great interview. Seems like a great kid with a bright future. One feedback for the channel, love the cold opens but 1.5 min is too long.
@goldenox2424 2 күн бұрын
Why tf does bucky have ward? Thats literally the difference between an okay card and a design nightmare
@DickBurnsTFM 2 күн бұрын
I said the online vs paper tournament. But you don't highly respect me so idk who else said it 🧐
@316AJH 2 күн бұрын
Does Luca know what Whose Line is?
@TheForbiddenMountain 2 күн бұрын
I’m more then confident he doesn’t
@metzbower13 2 күн бұрын
House of Cards in Winston Salem not Wilmington :)
@parttimecomix 3 күн бұрын
I love the talk about the community It absolutely feels different My son (12) and daughter (10) have played for the last year and are treated very well at Amazing Fantasy Frankfort. I still worry about larger tournaments, but we will see what the kids want to do.
@parttimecomix 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like a great player and person already I would be wary of having my kid enter the stream and “professional” arena of card gaming, but it sounds like he’s got a great relationship with his dad and is going to be fine
@parttimecomix 3 күн бұрын
Dad is a June player?! I take back what I said lol😂
@16garretta 3 күн бұрын
Before bans, Lorcana should try to semi-limit cards. Would Medusa, Bucky, Fishbone, Castle, be as good if every list could not run more than 2?
@Dwarven_Steel_Games 3 күн бұрын
Imagine winning a 10K, and you can't access the money for 2 years.
@jcortes06 3 күн бұрын
I also got wrecked by a Mulan during a draft in Chicago! Lost both games in round 1 because of her!
@tinellixavier8022 3 күн бұрын
Thank you very nice interview. You seem to say that we can watch those games ? Is it on KZbin somewhere ?
@TheForbiddenMountain 3 күн бұрын
I don’t think they are yet sadly. Lore20pro hasn’t posted anything just yet
@nrathbon1 2 күн бұрын
@@TheForbiddenMountain vods are up now!
@christopherxgordon 3 күн бұрын
Love love loved this interview! I would love to see more in depth interviews like this with event winners in the future!
@TheForbiddenMountain 3 күн бұрын
We do them all the time! Haha I’ve interviewed most SCG Winners both CCS winners. I didn’t get Josh from Atlanta sadly life was to difficult. But Brian who won Chicago and I did an interview last night will be on the channel next week.
@whiteturtle5543 3 күн бұрын
I have a emerald/sapphire and ruby/amber I built ima hit sets with 🎉
@DickBurnsTFM 3 күн бұрын
Playing for beds was tradition back in the day.
@AsteroidTVGaming 3 күн бұрын
thanks for the interview video, this really helps new players like me! :)
@crazysquriel 3 күн бұрын
The reason the 4 drop Flynn is good is because you need to push for game before Be Prep comes online. If they're playing control and you're only getting tiny amounts of lore each turn and they make it to late game you most likely aren't winning. But when they're playing their brawls on Diablo's, Ursula's, and sometimes even your little Robin Hood to prevent shifting, then he becomes another threat that they've already spent their answers for on other things. Sometimes I've even played Flynn to make them answer him before dropping another Diablo or Ursula. Plus, being able to shift him in and still play something like shifting a Robin Hood or just play Aladdin on turn 5 and discard 2 cards with a Bucky can make a game. I've literally played a second Bucky, shifted Flynn, and shifted a Diablo then another Diablo on top of the first one on turn 4 and dumped 6 cards from their hand. Then they have to hit your Flynn with anything they draw or you auto win with 4+ lore a turn, and you get to keep the Diablo and whatever else threats you drop in the following turns. Essentially it gives you a lot of the aggro power back that the Bucky list lost when the deck dropped the Merfolk and 2 drop Flynns, which is what helps pull out wins against the control decks. Edit: Of course, my list is still running 3 Sudden Chill, because dumping their hand is more important than having a midrange threat like 4 big Tinks and Grab Your Swords. Control doesn't care if you have Tinks or Swords. Sure, those cards are good in the mirror (Which is why I still run 2 big Tinks), but you can still outpace the mirror with Flynn. He's also another answer for Diablo that doesn't trade. So as long as you are able to dump their hand more frequently then they can you (which you can with 3 Sudden Chill) and keep their Diablo's offline (which you're never not running Diablo removal) then you actually pull ahead in the mirror as well often times. Flynn is just a better card for the deck right now for the simple fact that he carries all the same usefulness he previously had while simultaneously being another answer for opposing Diablo AND another trigger for Bucky. Edit 2: For clarification the time I was able to do the most ridiculous play of turn 4 make them discard 6 cards was against a Steel Song deck and they had sung AWNW with Ariel and played 1 card, giving them 6. Honestly, the AWNW lost them the game because my hand was really bad before and I drew the nuts.
@crazysquriel 3 күн бұрын
The reason people aren't scooping after they've hit a decent line and dumped cards is because the control deck's top decks are just often times much better. They have a lot of draw power and removal and if they hit a Be Prep and can play it (which most of the time they can since you're not fully able to dump their hand in early turns since they play so much draw power and removal to slow you down) then the control player will almost always win despite having their hand dumped. That's why the speed of Flynn is so good, plus keeping the option to double sing Sudden Chill with Ursula makes him a threat more often. He's faster to play for a Bucky trigger than Tink or your 5 drops, can potentially be a 2 cost shift for multiple Bucky triggers in earlier turns and he tries to close the game out faster before control can really hit their stride in late game with top decks being always playable.
@JakeRabbitDash 3 күн бұрын
Met Luca at a set champ. I remember telling him the person he was going up against "wasn't THAT good" even though he's one of the best players in the area, and then after the game ended I realized I should have been building up and cheering on his opponent. Lol. Luca's a great player.
@bradenbowdish6463 3 күн бұрын
Dan talking to a child: are you a coffee drinker Lol
@TheForbiddenMountain 3 күн бұрын
Hey, ya never know…
@beholdthestorm5038 3 күн бұрын
My son started drinking coffee when he was like 8 or 9 lol. I have my parents to thank for that 😅
@Johnoamondo 3 күн бұрын
I didn't understand what deck he played and what you were talking about, I don't remember you ever pointing that out or showing us.
@TheForbiddenMountain 3 күн бұрын
@beardedcat9744 3 күн бұрын
Did he not play against Green Steel discard?
@TheForbiddenMountain 3 күн бұрын
He did not.
@KeyOfGeorge 3 күн бұрын
nope , dodged them because they were beat in top 8
@voidseeker3390 3 күн бұрын
This gives me such hope for the future of the Lorcana community.
@TheForbiddenMountain 3 күн бұрын
Did you know you can Buy Boxes on Amazon for Ursulas Return? -
@rekklessazn3164 3 күн бұрын