V Rising - Fear Lance in 1.0
21 күн бұрын
The V Rising Problem
Ай бұрын
Elluna Highlights #1 - Supervive
Why is Whip OP? - V Rising 1.0
Lone Vampire - PVP Montage
5 ай бұрын
Chappll Tries OD Build
7 ай бұрын
@Archpaladinx 10 күн бұрын
You should check out "Warcana".
@reecesinacori2498 12 күн бұрын
Chappll, this stream was my favorite so far. At this stage in the games life it's almost more entertaining to watch builds that have limitations (1 or 2 weapons) and seeing what can be done with them in the hands of a skilled player. Hope to see more of these!
@ulkem 15 күн бұрын
Any PvP structure will eventually need a matching system to support willing players to further hone their skills and protect new players to from getting whooped into oblivion. I think there are some very popular games that don't have ranks but I have no knowledge as to how they do it. Personally, pushed myself into playing a PvP server after finishing the game on brutal and now I'm thoroughly afraid of encountering another player at my level, let alone higher than me, because I will most likely get my ass handed to me. But there's nothing else to do except castle building which honestly I envy people who enjoy doing that because mine looks like a gigantic warehouse that shits out a horde of mosquitos once in a while. I wish there was another level of items that had wide range of stats that had the potential to be strongest of gears. Slap down a procedurally generated dungeon or a tower and I'm down to play this game for the next decade baby. I don't know Merlin's Tower or Maze of the Minatour or whatever, I don't even care what it is. Endless my little pony ranch for all I care.
@ecbrd8478 15 күн бұрын
I remember getting a lowest tiers score of 1 on CT with Rosalia. Was a really fun flex, too bad score decay and the fact that on casual no one is ever actually doing anything means no one on the enemy teams would've likely seen it.
@chappllgr 15 күн бұрын
oh nice :D Ive not actually given CT a go yet. I've just started playing again recently and mostly been playing bosses or clearing new maps
@ecbrd8478 15 күн бұрын
I'd say it's fun a couple times if you have a group of friends that loves playing bloons, but it gets to be a lot of btd6 per day unless everyone REALLY likes btd6
@Virdult 16 күн бұрын
2 tower Chimps series when?
@chappllgr 16 күн бұрын
Maybe 2tc geared is possible with this early game 👀 might give that a go lol
@subnighterhawk1535 16 күн бұрын
I wish only using one weapon wouldn't be at such a disadvantage.
@megitsune714 16 күн бұрын
has anything changed in the last month in balance patches?
@chappllgr 16 күн бұрын
not yet although we've had an announcement of a balance patch coming in hopefully the near future 👀 should shake things up fingers crossed so Ill talk about things again after that
@laughingman370 17 күн бұрын
Lol blub suck
@MrHowjo12 17 күн бұрын
For the dog, also us the "Ammo Expert" ascension as it recovers ammo every second while duel wielding with a chance not to consume any ammo at all. I constantly held down fire and wasn't close to losing all my ammo.
@user-mw7vq1lw1h 20 күн бұрын
Hey Chappll today I played aganist a rogue player who uses blood rage + power surge with whip and it was really hard to desl with. As a scholar what builds can I use to counter those kind of movement builds?
@chappllgr 20 күн бұрын
That build is tricky to deal with since the damage is so high when they are able to pressure you. Any kind of high damage scholar build can do alright into it but Id say the best is a combo like chaos barrier, chaos volley (or crystal lance). Projectile spells can out range whip then chaos barrier forces them to be more careful about the whip spam in mid range.
@KAS_KOO 21 күн бұрын
Sorry my mic was off i said gg wp at the end 2:40:37
@chappllgr 21 күн бұрын
GGs man
@blightsteelcolossus927 22 күн бұрын
Rogue/shadowmoon needs a nerf games imbalanced in the open world
@blightsteelcolossus927 22 күн бұрын
Games great just wish other sets were viable in the open world. Rogue shadowmoon, crushes biuld diversity in the open world. Unfortunate, but its killing the game
@chappllgr 20 күн бұрын
yeah unfortunately due to the nature of open world it does make anything else very tricky to use when it doesnt have the same ms
@marwanal-esayi6900 22 күн бұрын
u think i should tryy this build?
@chappllgr 21 күн бұрын
it's quite hard and I dont think its one of the strongest but it is good fun. If you like big combos I could recommend trying it
@ulysesjoos6628 23 күн бұрын
Hey man great to see your videos, this is pretty much the build i use. I also change phantom aegis for the ilusión counter or chaos shield depending. It's hard to make work with all the move speed out there but it's super satisfiying when You land the combos. I'll share another combo that works great for me but i havent seen you use. If you are running the cast speed Jewel for lance (which You always should at least 22%) You are able to hit lance and freeze ppl right after a mace E. Having this in mind i usually engage with greatsword Q with condemn for the extra 15% then i switch to Legendary mace for the stun on E which also applies chill. Then i quickly use lance for a bunch of damage. (Condemn from gs and chill from mace +75% dmg). It deals way more dmg than just using the ilusión gs + legend xbow combo. I think combining the mace in the build really helps on changing the pace and it's the only way to do full damage on the first lance. Of course i'm not as good a You My friend this is why i would like You to try it and see how it works on high lvl play :). Greatsword can stay ilusion if You don't care for that extra 15% from condemn. Other weapons stay ilusion to combo with the xbow. Súper cool to see how You make scholar blood work.
@terribletimmy2 23 күн бұрын
10:52 is insane. Def wanna see that corrupted skull jewel effect.
@brennanorr2 23 күн бұрын
Dude i love dark and darker also its a great game
@Archpaladinx 23 күн бұрын
The Fountain hate... "Feels like Rite heals more than Blood Fountain" yeah mate, except fountain literally heals 4x as much.
@AidanBY 26 күн бұрын
That was cheeky lad
@SlugCatLife 28 күн бұрын
I don't necessarily agree with you on everything, but I do agree with you about open world pvp servers. Glad someone is bringing it up as issue.
@MikhailBondarchuk Ай бұрын
Hey there! Here's the thing, I have a suggestion for a partnership, but you're missing the business email info in your description. It's not convenient to discuss it in the comments.
@shrapnel7889 Ай бұрын
Supportive comment!
@lashoes2207 Ай бұрын
You truly make the best content chappl, thanks :)
@sabbahtt Ай бұрын
Hi Chappll EU V arena connection is wrong it is
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
ty for letting me know, that was probably an old one that I had saved, it does change sometimes
@FallenFromGlory Ай бұрын
@Archpaladinx Ай бұрын
Hello Sir, have you the time to talk about our Lord and Saviour Blood Fountain? Here is why it's actually a S-Rank spell: 1. Numbers. It's the highest % swing spell in the game (non ult and dpending on how coil is calculated). If we talk Arena, with perfect jewels it potentially swings for up to 385% power (not exactly because the +% isn't calculated with spellpower. It's actually 359%). Sounds insane? It is. Also, why is "infinite suistain" not immediate S-Tier in Arena? In addition, the logic applied to it seems to be a double standard. If V Rising combat is about trading, looking at damage and heal seperately is flat out wrong. 2. Utility. The insane numbers are actually with a build in cleanse (1x) already. If it swings for less, lets say 30% less (~16% actually), it has the option to boost the movement speed 2x by up to 16% for 3s (so 6s in total) - non fading i might add - or a point and click 1.2s fading snare, which is also applyable 2x. Leech is cool. 3. Flexibility. The options mentioned are combinable. Meaning insane swings with very good utility. It also is multiplied when teammates are involved. In addition it is blood-type indepentent and pairs excellent with every school of magic. 4. Healing being bad in ow is a scewed perspective, combining multiple factors from the wrong end. Potions are roughly a 1s cast, immobile and the heal instantly gets interrupted upon taking damage also. Healing spells offer the possibility of constant aggression and the very interruption of a Potion and, therefore, are able to take advantage of the vulnerability of the enemy while he takes or attempts to take one. It's also not like one can't use a potion itself when running healing spells. Point 2 and 3 demonstrate that fountain offers way more than healing in ow too, even offering a insane buff to the best stat in ow; movement speed. 5. It goes through every barrier, counter and shield. You can also combine it very well with Sword Q, countering these type of spells effectively (yes, Discharge knockback considered). Everything above combined makes it an easy S-Tier spell, but I want to close it out with a reference to your point about Blood Rage. It's not like Blood Rage does everything Fountain does but better. I know it's not meant to be taken literally but it's still not true. If anything, it's the other way around. Of course Fountain gives no shield or attack speed but it, funnily enough, gives everything else but "better". It heals for more than double the amount, the speed isn't fading, it provides more unconditional value and actually deals / helps with the most prevalent defenses. Rage does not help against those. I'm not saying Rage isn't as good as you say, it's crazy and I always said it's also better than Power Surge. Fountain is just that crazy too.
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
Oh my you’ve wrote a whole ass essay 😳
@Archpaladinx Ай бұрын
@@chappllgr Well I think it's necessary to explain a position like this in detail to avoid miscommunication or a wrong perception of my intention.
@corxiiifelinike2643 Ай бұрын
@@Archpaladinx hi, what spells would you pair with blood fountain? What’s your load out? I’d like to pick your brain a bit.
@Archpaladinx Ай бұрын
@@corxiiifelinike2643 Hi, Counter or Shields. The generic frost counter + dash works extremely well in 1v1 scenarios, it's a bit weaker in clearing Mortium events though. The stronger variant for this would be Discharge + Veil of Chaos. It's different in PvP but a bit smoother when you don't want to change spells all the time. I generally use the Knight Armor set. It feels very good in PvE and also excellent in trading with your enemy blow for blow. Dread Plate looks like a perfect match but it's deceiving from my experience and also only limited to a frost + fountain build. For Ultimates I use whatever I feel like is fun to be honest but luckily Heart Strike is an S-Tier Ult and pairs excellent with this, so it's a go to in all situations. Blood is obviously Rogue for the vast majority in open world, warrior for raiding. Arena it's both, whatever you feel like is needed. Warrior is of course giga tanky in Arena and in open I do like Creature Blood as well, as it is a mix of those two and providing the needed speed. Amulets are turquoise, green or yellow. Feel free to ask more specifics if needed, this is just a general statement.
@corxiiifelinike2643 Ай бұрын
@@Archpaladinx oh you’re playing a different play style altogether. I’m more of a scholar player. I don’t know if blood fountain can be used in a scholar type build. If I’m playing a scholar blood type build, what spells do you think are the best?
@D4YVEN Ай бұрын
If that game gets popular, it will be kinda ironic for battlerite devs, sad that they couldn't see the success :/ Nonetheless, I hope the game gets big, I love top-down / isometric PVP games! <3
@smaruhmaruh6955 Ай бұрын
What is the second best thing to use your e for, instead of crossbow e (legendary)?
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
For physical builds with rogue or warrior artifact spear E is good to spam for approaching or axe E for dealing damage With scholar you want combo starts and stalling for cds so slasher E or mace E (if you have it on hotbar) are both great for this Also using E for pistol on any build is often good for avoiding anything that will deal a lot of damage
@SpinelessYT Ай бұрын
I only used a storm tree only once since it has to be the most overpowered school I'd say. Next storm only do Ball lightning and cyclone. Ball lightning is so quick to cast and recast and with scholar it does more than 100 damage on recast quite often and the stuns are really nice. Hard to play with but nice. And cyclone ofcourse is broken so makes up for Ball lightning not being that good of a spell
@RidDik417 Ай бұрын
hope i remember this when game revives in 2k25
@FallenFromGlory Ай бұрын
Imagine if illu dash didnt have the clone grief you... 🤤
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
it would actually be an okay dash if not for that It was a lot more tilting today than playing unholy was
@FallenFromGlory Ай бұрын
@@chappllgr It'd be very good I'd say, especially for duels.
@DarysDaorys Ай бұрын
that combo at the end of the video is so beautiful.. omg.. from max to 0. enemy couldnt even play the game bro.. what gear do u use ? im new, i would like to try this buikld
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
Thats spider mosquito, I got another video talking about how to play it: kzbin.info/www/bejne/jHzNZKB4i7iXmKs
@Kevalanium Ай бұрын
People would easily rather dod PVE than PVP nothing worse than building a cool base to wipe for the same repeitive crap over and over
@jace9968 Ай бұрын
The game already has extraction looting elements, it's the hot spots. Copper, quin, iron etc. the issue is the progression gap and gear disparity. It's obvious servers need more players for it to feel like a pvp server and not a private lobby. Stunlock's marketing is lacking and only major updates will bring player's back for a few months. They need to speed things up and add more dynamic events for pvp interaction in the open world.
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
@@jace9968 the game has looting but loot extraction game design works very differently since it’s queueing players of similar gear looking for the same resources into a small map meaning there can always be action. Stunlock giving the game more consistent updates would also improve longevity but the loot extraction lobby system would keep the game feeling good despite a smaller pool of players
@terribletimmy2 Ай бұрын
my fav school :) rage+rite + dash, all with phys damage increase. Wild.
@Matouszahoffical Ай бұрын
Where can i join into v arena?
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
Discord for it is here: discord.gg/varena You can find all other details about the server on there, If you are on PS5 Im afraid you would not be able to :(
@DanteV42 Ай бұрын
makes me wanna get back on, I havent played arena in a few days because of Albion
@Perses. Ай бұрын
Same im about to quit bc of albion xD
@DanteV42 Ай бұрын
@@Perses. im actually about to quit albion so I have more time😭
@Perses. Ай бұрын
@@DanteV42 albion is addictive
@cxc__ Ай бұрын
ggs sir
@1gul967 Ай бұрын
3:09:06 i was that girl, thank you so much for praising me, perses and tihonya taught me how to play this game 🤗
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
oh nice, those are some good teachers ggs wp 😄 I was genuinely convinced that someone else had started playing during those rounds you adapted really well
@ElBandito-V Ай бұрын
@StunlockStudios2 There is something to listen, listen carefully! Thanks for video, Chapp!🐀
@the-og1-kenobi227 Ай бұрын
So there was a discussion on steam in the discussion section for this game and it was titled "game is dying" which it is.. goes on to talk about the durability loss on pvp servers how it will affect new players coming into the game only for the pvp how it will turn them off finding out after breaking their gear how much it actually takes to repair it.. meaning bruh you gotta farm ur literal ass off to play this game pvp with no settings tweaked. it is far more of a grind than rust, which also turns people away once they find out. anyways the DEV replied and said when he made the game, he didn't need anyone to enjoy it. and that nothing needs fixed. acknowledged the fact that the game only keeps 2 out of every 10 players and gives a finite experience to those 2 of 10 players. i mean when he said he didn't need anyone to enjoy it, sounds like a literal no fucks given, they built the game and made whatever they could, and still can while losing 6,000 players in 30 days. i wouldn't keep hopes up for new changes. i mean. taken by what was said. figured i would just throw this out there.
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
Stunlock are unpredictable but they are open to change - they have directly responded and acted on a lot of feedback so it is worth giving.
@the-og1-kenobi227 Ай бұрын
@@chappllgr i love this game man i wish it all the best.. but i also know what stunlock has done before with BattleRite so its only natural to worry. once someone has dookied on you before, chances are they will dookie on you again. i will continue to play until the wheels fall off though there is nothing out there like this.
@chappllgr Ай бұрын
@@the-og1-kenobi227 yeah its very understandable to be sceptical given the handling of battlerite - I am currently moving towards supervive as well because I have a lot of faith in the devs behind that game but I wanted to at least share my thoughts regarding what I believe is holding vrising back. I'll always at least keep an eye on whatever stunlocks working on because despite some mistakes since they know how to do a lot of things very well too
@maniako2 Ай бұрын
Man... 6/7 years ago when I was pitching a game for the company that I was working at the moment, I was pitching exactly that, an extraction game with a PVP like battlerite (I loooooved the combat that they have on that game, and I also love the combat on vrising). They basically have everything... they have the awesome combat, they have the creatures, they have the "vampire universe", they have the crafting (you could extract with crafting materials to improve your gear), everything! I honestly think they are sitting in a goldmine which they could easily explore without too much production cost.
@lashoes2207 Ай бұрын
The game is truly split in two. I initially thought that PvE would serve as a "tutorial" to entice player into the PvP game, but most people dont feel any incentive to give it a try once they beat Dracula. Therefore, we got a PvE game, that is very decent, but suffer from some limitations due to things needed to be balanced / useful for PvP too. And we have a PvP game that suffers from a lack of marketing, clear identity (most rust/ark players never heard of v-rising) and punishing skill cap. I m personally a lot into the strategic part of the PvP game, loving base design and raiding so i wouldnt be a fan of an extraction version. That said, there is no easy way out of the current situation
@McGlovin952 Ай бұрын
I like the extraction looter idea. The open world in v rising is so good that this extraction genre would really benefit from it. I always thought removing the player castles from the open world and just having them as private instances where you could return with your loot was a great concept. Castle raiding could be alot more fair with no risk of third parties getting involved.
@Gunsforbuns Ай бұрын
Relience on players
@mithranruwodoalvisbeseitri9811 Ай бұрын
yea.. sadly the game seems to center too much on PvP, its not a bad thing but it does alienate a good chunk of its potential player base, in addition to what you said I think Stunlock should emulate for this loot extraction idea Dungeons and Dragons online, as in the element of that game for those who played it where you can go with a team or solo into separate dungeon maps to complete quests and such, and if we are already talking about quests I think this is another thing that is missing from the game, why not make those dungeons daily quests or something like that you can accesses via transforming into a human and talking with specific human NPCs in an Area that does not allow PvP, something like a city with very high level NPCs that will ruin any and all players due to them being unfair so that players wont simply camp the NPCs and kill you the moment you exit your form. There are probably more problems such as clans potentially circling the zone to jump players or clans that finished quest so I think there should be a unique teleporter there that allows you to TP with loot back to base given you completed a quest and have a one of a kind item to use it so players wont abuse it to much. what do you think? about the specifics i mentioned? Edit: Mind you a lot of the appeal for some players in the game comes from the cosmetics and base building elements rather than the grind or PvP or PvE
@Jyedawg Ай бұрын
valid points - extraction looter v rising would be awesome to see.
@Thmyris Ай бұрын
vrising is fine, but extraction looters are even more tedious. it could be its own different game, just like they did with battlerite royale
@Dean0094 Ай бұрын
Quad pvp server clan of 5-6 split into 6 seperate castles and they all protect the one castle with all the shards while steamrolling the server, that's what killed the server we were playing .
@yungsofa8084 Ай бұрын
my biggest problem is the abilities that counter. i think they are broken and better with certain weapons and being able to completely negate someone cd and do damage and an effect is just way too much.