@halorser Күн бұрын
You are truly the worst
@literallyjiaoqiu 2 күн бұрын
if topaz is 0.5, jiaoqiu should be 0.5 too
@literallyjiaoqiu 2 күн бұрын
saying jiaoqiu only works for acheron atm is CRAZY. ratio, yunli and even feixiao or argenti are good with him (besides dot ofc)
@pr8vatecoro-zq4hc 3 күн бұрын
That tier list is garbage
@JouleAugustine 3 күн бұрын
2010 Leonie Plains
@kittencuds 3 күн бұрын
title should be "Returning to Genshit Painpact because I Negative Edged multiple gacha communities into my cancellation 🫵🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@maikcampbell 4 күн бұрын
It is in fact follow up being slept on that has brought Clara up, but the difference between Clara and Seele/Jing Liu is that not only was the playstyle slept on but she benefits from WAYYYY more of the stronger units than the rest of the 1.0 and lower characters (except Jing yuan but he has just other issues). Clara has been getting directly buffed since Luocha release almost patch after patch but people just didn’t understand her power. Even before Robin she cleared her real dmg threshold hurdle of not having perma ult uptime but people still slept on her. Now that Robin and Aventurine are also out AND people are revisiting counter playstyle I think her being tier 1 as a F2P early access unit (even outside of eidolons) makes complete sense.
@dantez3600 4 күн бұрын
Dilema? You pull for the characters or archetypes you like.
@thatonerandom8767 4 күн бұрын
Expecting the 1/6/6/6 sleeper build 😴
@ОлексаАндріяшевия 4 күн бұрын
I am from the future. YOU ARE SO RIGHT LMAO
@jamesbond3125 4 күн бұрын
12:24 - this shit pisses me off if i knew u irl id actually slap u out wtf is this? u were caught in 4k throwing the victory tf do u think ur audience is blind or something? stuff like this insults ur viewers intelligence
@jamesbond3125 4 күн бұрын
wow what a loser. u play games for a living and dont even know how to level up your character? what an actual embarassment. ur brave for leaving this video up 😂
@RichardDamke 4 күн бұрын
It is only me that does not like to have the same character on two different teams? i want and love Niche characters.
@chrisbryant2867 5 күн бұрын
U are lying iyo.. u gave that win to moon because u guys are dating.. u are better then what u display and u have been in plenty of tournaments so u should be used to that.. the real reason u didn't perform well and u said it lowkey.. mr pokke gave u that team idea and mr pokke didn't spend enough time with u because u feel like thw time he did was not enough and u wanted him to use the sliver wolf not u.. so u felt like mr pokee had what he wanted and u didn't.. be real iyo am i right?
@sktashrik 6 күн бұрын
You're one of the most egotistic mofo i've seen wow
@wickedmugetsu2156 6 күн бұрын
no ur not. u can't admit ur wrongs wat a guy
@slip9618 6 күн бұрын
take a break man, you need it
@ivanap1846 6 күн бұрын
That whole "why the IRS team is hard to build" bit made me quit the video. My guy contradicted himself like 5 times and said nothing in the end.
@raulmaltrain6893 6 күн бұрын
why should anyone care about your analysis if you're dumb enough to not realize the importance of leveling traces??? guidemaker that doesn't follow his own vertical investment tips should just slowly fade away from the space.
@LetMeCookBro69 6 күн бұрын
Ngl bro you gonna keep getting roasted. Just cover a different game lil bro lol
@RossettiRosemary 7 күн бұрын
44126 Cummerata Junctions
@albezelcz3452 7 күн бұрын
Feixiao is stronger than Acheron. Yunli is T0 as well.
@lkl436 7 күн бұрын
I mean we got to take into consideration that FX and other FUA DPS have a ton of supports that can buff up their damage unlike Acheron who only has JQ who can support her properly
@notxendras7730 7 күн бұрын
isint seele ranked that low due to the usage rate? cause i literally dont see a problem with her how many times people have shit talked her and still came out wrong
@MinnieHubery-h1l 7 күн бұрын
Morton Brook
@neilwaterson2487 7 күн бұрын
Bring back kazuha
@archerkuro4158 7 күн бұрын
I don’t think they will bring hyper carry back I think they will flesh out archetype that technically exists but don’t have dedicated support biggest examples are summon archer, action advance with sushang and jingliu and skill poin consuming with Dan and qinque and basic attack damage with blade added in
@ImNot5YearsOld 7 күн бұрын
I could say a lot in this comment. But pulling Houhou after 7 months of using Bailu and Gepard... has completely changed my accounts ability to clear content.
@simon_roy 7 күн бұрын
This video got recommended to me after version 1.3 Broadcast for some reason. And Oh Boy ! It didn't age well.
@grammysworld5449 7 күн бұрын
Ruan Mei still getting disrespected being in the same tier as Robin is just sad at this point.. That Delay is far more useful than anything in the game.. When Lingsha comes out with those passive superbreaks, the gap will get wider..
@brianpark2564 7 күн бұрын
Imma put this out there, Jade e1 + feixiao is a crazy team, like topaz
@literallyjiaoqiu 2 күн бұрын
@RichardDamke 7 күн бұрын
sry for ask, could u make a video about characters that will be better in the future and u can invest right now ? i can see that kafka and black swan right now are not on pair with acheron and feixiao but when they release another dot and a dot healer her team will be the new meta, i can see the same with huohuo when they release a harmony that regen all characters energy on ult
@izumolee6714 8 күн бұрын
Going to say this right now, so many are sleeping on Lingsha the same way people slept on Huohuo back in the day. Hearing the exact same rhetoric when others are talking about Lingsha. We have Gallagher, you don't need Lingsha. I remember when Huohuo was announced the same happened with her, we had Fu Xuan & Luocha at that point, you don't need Huohuo if you had either of those two. Fast forward & Huohuo has surpassed both of them as sustainers. People are not going to see Lingsha's worth until they miss out on her & we see how she is going to perform. That brief moment when we could use Lingsha in the event was a taste of what she can do, it was a lot of fun using her not going to lie. I could be wrong about her but i just have a feeling she's being underappreciated.
@josephoyek6574 8 күн бұрын
Clara relics are wild'
@juniorr4127 8 күн бұрын
RAFT instead of FART
@FEIXIAO_WAITER 8 күн бұрын
As a Acheron glazer , e0s0 acheron is definitely not t0. That being said i think prydwen should reconsider the requirement of their tier list. Come on guys game gives you enough currency to get e0s1 characters.
@literallyjiaoqiu 2 күн бұрын
e0s0 acheron WITH her designated supports. which atm, is only jiaoqiu.
@Honamiichinose Күн бұрын
Acheron is still best dps
@alexthomas1117 8 күн бұрын
It's about time to start putting 1.x characters in the standard banner... it would make 50/50 losses hurt a little less over time and they could still do reruns for those wanting specific teams.
@raserion 8 күн бұрын
I love a good FART as much as the next person, but I don't get why I haven't heard anyone call it RAFT if they're afraid of the FARTs.
@tangerine569 8 күн бұрын
2:31 One For All vs All For One, they both got their quirks but stand together at the top
@uni3573 8 күн бұрын
Its interesting to hear what's happening with the meta side of the game
@ahlemlora1452 8 күн бұрын
I was agreeing with everything you said but I gotta point out that your heart on for Seele is making you contradict your own words : First you say "Jingliu is T1 and not higher because, even tho giving her sparkle and Robin or Ruanmei makes her do T0 damage, the T0 characters will do even more damage if they'r given those supports" Then you'r like "Seele deserves to be higher than T1.5 because giving her Sparkle or Robin makes her do T0 damage" The same rules that you applied to Jingliu should be applied to Seele and the fact of things is, she can't even one shot some mobs in Moc to proc her resurgence if you don't give her 5 star supports. You also pointed out that Jingyuan isn't as strong as the others because he takes more effort to achieve the same result as higher tier dpses, but you also went on about how Seele deserving a higher tier despite you admitting she needs you to have excessive knowledge, she needs you to have speed tuning, she needs eagle set...that also sounds like a lot of effort to achieve the same results as higher ranked dpses than her too; so you can't use the same phrase to justify one character being low ranked and then pretend like a character that needs the same type of effort should be higher ranked. I get that liking a character makes you want to defend them and try to prove their worth but we all have 1.X characters that we like that got overshadowed by this point and we gotta accept it. The Clara thing tho, I 100% agree with you, Clara didn't get anything new nor any buff that would take her go up in the tierlist, Robin always existed, Topaz always existed, Moze is a sidegrade of Topaz, Feixiao doesn't give anything to Clara, we didn't get any relic set that increases her damage, Clara isn't any different from before so there's no reason for her to go up the tier except them being blinded by Yunli and assuming Clara ain't that different despite that they are multiple tiers apart in terms of damage I also agree with you on every other character ranking I also agree on the "what the heck is a specialist" point lol For example, if Topaz, Moze and March are specialists because they'r follow-up, shouldn't Feixiao, Ratio, Yunli and Clara also be specialists ?
@Yoru... 8 күн бұрын
The difference is, when jingliu has tier 0 supports, the other dps above her with the same supports outperforms her. Whereas seele with those supports performs ON PAR with them
@cid3303 8 күн бұрын
honestly agree, Dot needs that one piece that will rise it back to t0.5 at least
@afish4583 8 күн бұрын
I’m a jing yuan truther, but I think his rank feels appropriate. I think his best team doesn’t need that high investment tbh just Robin and tingyun, but his main source of damage is just too slow these days. When we get a summon advance he will rise again. He actually is doing rlly well for me on both sides of AS rn
@ventrue7 9 күн бұрын
E1 Jade is so fun. I think Moze e2 and Topaz e1s1 still better but Jade is comparable to M7. Honestly probably she is a better investment for Feixiao in general than Topaz because she lets her clear PF as well.
@xulek4755 9 күн бұрын
are we doing these comparisons with max traces in mind?
@josephoyek6574 8 күн бұрын
Only the basic attack.
@satoshi_nt.2 6 күн бұрын
sadly your brain traces aren't maxed out!
@xulek4755 6 күн бұрын
@@satoshi_nt.2 sadly for me those cap at level 1
@tribopower 6 күн бұрын
Nah bruh, everything above 8 is unnecessary
@satoshi_nt.2 5 күн бұрын
@@xulek4755 omg really?
@nicholas549 9 күн бұрын
Actually from what i know jiaoqiu is not bad with feixiao because he buffs ults, feixiao with robin and jiaoqiu deals more damage than with topaz in the single istance the point is that topaz feixiao is faster in charging up the ult so she is still better
@kendlekeierleber9802 9 күн бұрын
Ngl Acheron and fexiao in my opinion are incredible I’m different situations. I don’t believe one is better than the other in full transparency.
@theolailheugue9402 8 күн бұрын
And acheron still missing 2 5 stars supports when feixiao have already her full premium team.
@rereo599 9 күн бұрын
I think jiaoqui is also very decent for any dps relying on their ult, talk argenti for example, it is just that there are not that many of those dps for now, he alongside the 5 atar variations of tinyuan's 4* kit and any energy wanting dps will skyrocket imo, waiting for that day, so my Argenti will be a bit more appreciated (no offense to anyone❤) , i have a soft spot for him, my first character who can deal 100k + 😊, also his persona is amazing haha (still sad for the voice tho 😢but got used to the new, even though it just doesn't feel the same ) P. S check the replies
@rereo599 9 күн бұрын
P. S : I wanna add that jiaoqui can jump to t0 first just because of the 3 top dps. FF and Fei are up there with their dedicated supports - ruan mei and robin, and jiaoqui as the dedicated support for the 3rd big one, he should be there with her. Also I believe jiaoqui is as versatile as mei and robin, anyone can use his debuffs, I am sure even break will benefit from def reduction and vulnerability, not to mention he can be extremely sp positive and will farm sp for any sp hungry dps
@literallyjiaoqiu 2 күн бұрын
tbh if topaz is 0.5, jiaoqiu should too. bcs theyre both bis for a t0 and both of their other best team feature ratio (in fact, theres showcases showing ratio fua is BETTER with jiaoqiu) besides, hes a much more versatile unit than topaz, shes as niche as it gets
@rereo599 9 күн бұрын
I will say only one thing, fei is absolute powerhouse on the Acheron level, she is as game changing as Acheron is, i have never been completely clearing my late game content , but after i got fei i have everything full stars except moc but i haven't attempt it with fei yet (35/36) and PF i just slap bronya on my Argenti, but the rest ,any SU , all the difficulties i have unlocked, AS, full clear. And it is f2p level fua - aven(e0s1) , topaz (e0s0 yet) , march (e6) and fei (e0s0) . I am so happy i pulled fei and yes she might not make that great numbers just by herself as Acheron do but the dmg output of both teams is on equal lvl imo, at least on not too expensive lvl, like f2p lc and not eidolons
@Kaien-qf6cr 9 күн бұрын
I think everybody who talk about tier list have to read the calculation section in every DPS char page, there have a char stat that prydwen use in simulation (of course they use low to medium investment). So we dont have to argue about DPS placements who need super high investment in low to medium investment tier ist