@NamelessPigeon-w3r 8 сағат бұрын
(WARNING THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG COMMENT) Ummmm I think you’re getting the point of the classes wrong here they’re mostly like to help the hunters know what to expect to fight when hunting examples of this world be like gore magala despite being obviously and ED it’s classified as ??? This is because it can be captured and one of the traits for EDs is that they can’t be captured this help the hunter know that this monster can be captured displacing it from its correct categorization of an ED. This method is used as a main basis however it’s not completely used universally as you can see the bird wyvern category vs the fling wyvern category this is done mostly due to ancestry now a few monsters you pointed out i will try and help you understand their categorization you see poalumu is designated as a flying wyvern instead of a fanged beast despite being obviously a mammal because of the wings fanged beasts never fly just look at that first word fanged which is like fanged wyvern their reptilian counterparts the main categorization of these is their lack of flight so when you see fanged beast hunters will automatically make the connection hence paolumu being a flying wyvern another monster you pointed out was gigginox and its classification in the flying wyvern grouping this is more so due to it having wings telling the hunters they can harvest those and it not being related to birds (the requirement to be a bird wyvern) however this monster happens to be one that actually has a subcategory of cave wyvern telling the hunter to expect a more khezu style fight and a small if not nonexistent amount of flight. Hoped this helped
@valerius9751 20 сағат бұрын
I hate spiribirds also but spiribird's call + dango bird caller makes it so you can ignore them and they still max out very early in the hunt, which makes it fine imo
@MichaelRafferty-xb7iy Күн бұрын
I hope Capcom doesn't do something completely nonsensical like classify, oh I dunno, Lagomby as a bear or something. Capcom:
@marvinmoris3134 4 күн бұрын
The spiribirds are not a problem, you can hunt the monster without relying on the spiribirds, I do that most of the time, for example in low rank, I usually finish up the hunt within 15 minutes only, in high rank and master rank about 25 minutes which is a lot of extra time, they are not something to be pissed off because they somehow ruined the gameplay to be honest so just chill, the spiribirds are not a nuisance, you can just ignore those and get on grinding for high damaging weapons and improve your armor sets, stick to the old ways
@missyprime8198 4 күн бұрын
I hate Black DIablos, if it's not screaming then it's burrowing (but not for long enough to equip/fire screamer pods). Full earplugs are a pain to equip due to using up so many decoration slots. I hate that I have to hunt her over & over again in the Guiding Lands for upgrading weapons. If I get a regular Diablos in the GL at the same time as a Black Diablos then I'm noping outa there
@jhonayo4887 6 күн бұрын
The series is becoming monster killer not hunter. Honestly with the trajectory of the game just drop us in an Arena with the monster and let us go to town. Let's stream line it all the way. No more tracking,prep,eating meals ect ect. Let's stop this slow deterioration.
@angellara7040 6 күн бұрын
2:30 you didn't take into account that flying wyvern isn't a term in Japanese with the name meaning true wyvern.
@RedHornSSS 7 күн бұрын
Yeah they are dumb. Running a sonic route every hunt is so cheap feeling
@IlliterateSorcerer 8 күн бұрын
No horn?
@LynseyFraser 8 күн бұрын
6:00 I think renaming jellyfish and starfish entirely isn’t really needed. If you can’t tell the difference between a jellyfish and a tuna for example, then your probably just kinda stupid.
@flopi1179 8 күн бұрын
afaik the monster classifications are just the ones provided to hunters, and that only had relevant info for them. is it similar to other flying wyverns? call it that. does it move like other bird wyverns? call it a bird wyvern. its not linked to biology but merely the basic info a hunter needs
@nidhoggr8193 8 күн бұрын
For me it's mostly how mandatory it is. If it was an actual addition instead of just taking away from the eating boosts.
@superbones5000 9 күн бұрын
Tbh I never minded the birds they felt more like a slight difficulty slider more than anything. Not necessary in the slightest but there as an option for less skilled hunters/ for a more comfortable hunt. Plus every area has a route you can take where you’ll get a good number of bird buffs in only a few minutes and there’s the skill added in Sunbreak that’ll automatically give you the buffs gradually
@imperdus3502 10 күн бұрын
good thing there is a mod for that brothar
@JudgeAngelz 11 күн бұрын
WE ALL HATES SPIRIT BIRDs, you're not alone.
@RustyhairedAlp9575 13 күн бұрын
Am I the only one who likes the spiribirds?
@lonespartan2272 16 күн бұрын
If i had a hated monster it whould be conga and congalala for its gas attacks and monster hunter world's fatalis. Previous game iterations of fatalis was litterally of being very skilled and know what ur doing. Meenwhile in worlds case its a litteral *raid boss* that your required to fight it a certain way with a certain play style and the fact that u have to fight it solo with a npc that does no damage to it over time and is just there to look pretty leaves u to doing all the work in under 25 minutes is downright criminal
@rggigapide404 21 күн бұрын
I will always have a white hot rage towards lagombi
@BeefBN6 24 күн бұрын
I gotta point out Gravios, Badarios, and Uragaan. Fighting rocks is not fun.
@chookee1080 24 күн бұрын
before 4U, the old rathalos was such a hassle, you could only carry and combine so many flash bombs before you just had to stand there and wait for him to land or use bowgun
@HARpgT 25 күн бұрын
Lunastra was a great fight and a vast improvement from being just a blue Teostra clone in the old games. If I'm being honest, she was a harder and better than her counterpart. She was more of a inconvenience to fight than Teostra, but had more to her fight than Teostra. She really makes you stop trying brute forcing and spamming and make you think carefully instead. Or you can just put some more defensive skills on to help. But I know a lot of MHWorld players are allergic to both of those things. But I do agree with Kushala being annoying, especially when he's always in the air. Giving me ptsd from Azure Rathalos in MHFreedom
@graceypatrick 26 күн бұрын
And all the rathalos and rathians
@graceypatrick 26 күн бұрын
Tigrex is definitely on here for me
@mierdaeldia5057 27 күн бұрын
spirit bird is fine if they dont remove vitality decoration tbh
@chaddwarf 28 күн бұрын
Spirit birds are the only reason i tell new comers to play world first they realy kill the flow of rises hunts and i started with rise But if the game wasnt that easy in the beginning i wout have probaly hated monster hunter
@m0ist0120 29 күн бұрын
Just use spiribirds call
@Johbe1110 Ай бұрын
Where my bois gen 2 chameleos and purple gypceros at? Both of them outrank everyone on this list except plesioth imo.
@theuedonsshow2253 Ай бұрын
Legiana, i have a personal vendetta against that icy rat
@navarrjenkinz Ай бұрын
Kushala Daora not being on this list is criminal. He’s always staying in his tornados and flying around. One of the fights I personally dislike😭
@MrOrzeker Ай бұрын
I hate the raging brachydios in iceborne, he's really hard and made me question if I was just trash or not.
@raptorhacker599 Ай бұрын
For me it's the wirebugs. Totally ruins the game for me.
@cominroitover80 Ай бұрын
not a single monster from MH Freedom. Why?
@dirrt5011 Ай бұрын
Gen Ult Yian Garuga is HORRIBLE. Every little movement he does knocks melee players on their asses before they can even get any meaningful damage in, and the roars are much more frequent than in World. I enjoyed World’s Garuga much more
@real_corn_man Ай бұрын
I can't believe how difficult the first velocidrome mission is
@NovaArk-oh2mj Ай бұрын
To be brutally honest I prefer old Monster Hunter games b/c they have more style and flare representative of action games in Capcom's library (like DMC or Sengoku Basara) Monster Hunter World and onward tone down that unique style to create an experience that would attract a western audience that was used to the aesthetic and feeling of playing common online rpgs like Skyrim or WoW. It actually annoys me a lot how much Capcom invested in making MH World an experience that appeals more toward that crowd of gamers.
@sgevi Ай бұрын
Not sure if this counts but Extreme Behemoth is so annoying i hate that dreaded thing so much i wish final fantasy never did a collaboration with Monster Hunter and the ONLY good thing coming out of that quest is the layered armor thats IT I HATE THAT STUPID DOG
@robby_or_rob_or_robert_or_8585 Ай бұрын
Deadass spirit birds dropped sunbreak from a 8/10 for me to a 5/10. Especially with the solo grind to beat the harder fights (ie risens). Thank god for mods
@kamiblades9280 Ай бұрын
But not all elders use the dragon element.
@rcracer6926 Ай бұрын
Finally, someone acknowledging Brachy as a really annoying monster.
@armandogarcia93 Ай бұрын
I always figured you get spirit birds as you run around hunting the monster. I mean who would run around the map at the beginning of EVERY hunt looking for birds that sounds tedious. One would have to be a real dummy 😐
@Jose_Ruiz932 Ай бұрын
As someone who started with Tri when it released, I feel like the clunkinese of the controls was not a good way to make the games difficult. As much as I love “classic” monster hunter, I always felt with every game except for world that I’m more fighting the controls rather than fighting the monster. Sure, it was a “challenge” but not in a good way. When World became more “fluid,” I loved it since it meant I didn’t have to deal with control frustration anymore. I remember even back when I was a new hunter, that some monsters made me audibly groan because they felt like oversized hit boxes running back and fourth while you had to deal with unresponsive clunk, and the constant thought of “I can’t wait to get this chore over with” was a feeling I never lost when facing some of the “harder” monsters (from Gen 3, to 4, then to 2 and 1, then to Gen ultimate, then finally when I played world is when I lost that feeling).
@Not.A.Heretic Ай бұрын
EAT A FATTY KUSHALA AND I DO MEAN FATALIS NOT MY PENI- honestly i would love kushala but the fact that he just sits up in the air for so long (like the god forsaken raths) gets extremely old. i'm sure i'll enjoy kushala in rise more cause the raths are infinitely better in rise imo. cannot stand them in world now for my true nemesis. the one i hate so much that i have to be reminded she exists. you are just a cheap fuckin knockoff lunastra. you are a mistake in every definition of the word. i haven't hated pixels that hard since ava from BL3. i absolutely do not and will never respect the fact that the 16th fire dragon also has insane wind pressure powers that lock me into place. i'd rather fight pre nerfed consort radahn cause at least soulslike fights are only 80 seconds long each run
@Not.A.Heretic Ай бұрын
kushala is gorgeous. a spectacle. when he is sitting or walking i got the camera out then you fight him *WHY IS THE TORNADO STILL THERE AFTER 12 MINUTES STRAIGHT*
@Ze-splattingmain Ай бұрын
Worlds kushala was a pain, but I'm happy he is better in rise. He honestly was way more fun and became my favourite of the elder trio.
@furrydegenerate5248 Ай бұрын
I hate hate hate shrieking legiana it would not come in range for me to hit it
@BIGD0Gxl Ай бұрын
i take spiritbirds over clutch claw any day, having to put on a mantle and wound 2-3 parts of every monster every fight is the most obnoxious and repetitive shit ever.
@BIGD0Gxl Ай бұрын
Love how the argument for r.brachy was just "he fast and strong :(" nothing makes him annoying, thats just a skill issue bro
@regenbogenexe7155 Ай бұрын
I started with mhfu and, honestly, I love MH Gen 5. I can't understand how people try to bend everything to fit the narrative that old MH is best and that paintballs and loading screens are great. Like, what are people doing by ignoring everything else that Gen 5 did? Just saying it's bad because you can refill in old games is ridiculous. If you forgot something, you just abandoned the quest. And by the way, maybe you don't need so many potions because you can actually play the game with skill. It's not the shitty controls' fault if you got hit and stun-locked.
@mariandecker3942 Ай бұрын
I started with World and played mhGU, mh3u, mhf and mhfu afterwards Tbh, I meanwhile prefer mhfu and mh3u over World haha
@timeforgottenprince8271 Ай бұрын
I personally never had too many problems with Plesioth, even though everyone else seemed to. Evasion up made the battle easy in my experience, and evasion distance up on top of evasion up almost felt like overkill. Yes, Plesioth hit fast and hard, but the key word is *fast,* for they don't last for very long. Evasion up gave me enough I frames to comfortably avoid his hip check, and using a Light Bowgun allowed me to attack him from outside his tail spin's range, gave me enough distance to move out of the way of his slide on the ground attack, and even let me hit him when he was in the river. However, the monster(s) I hated the most was vespoids, in particular MHFU. No matter what you are doing, as soon as they spot you they will go after you, crossing the entire area just to sting you (they somehow spotted me easier than some big monsters, wtf), and getting paralyzed by a bloody bug in the middle of a fight was an almost guaranteed cart. Not only that, they can spawn dozens of times (up to 50 times, yes I counted every single vespoid kill) in a single area if you kill them, in some cases indefinitely (I reached 100 vespoid kills in an area once, and they STILL kept spawning). I would have gladly hunted for and traded 100 mantles if it meant removing them from the game permanently.
@Gigi4u Ай бұрын
Almedron is the most annoying monster for me. I cant find a constant spot to hit it without being immediately smashed by its massive tail.