These are the most Annoying Monsters in ALL of Monster Hunter

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Very sorry for the reupload but there was a part in the video that I really wanted to change because I wasn't happy with it. So here is the revised version, pretty much the same except for one sentence :)
Twitter: / xjaystmh

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@kildaver 3 ай бұрын
...sorry, can't hea-- Can't hea-- CAN'T H-- CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF *KHEZU SCREAMING*
@donkeyching8339 3 ай бұрын
dude holy shit i literally had this happen a couple of days ago on call with my boyfriend lmao i was farming for high rank khezu armor and he literally screamed 5 times in a row and i couldn’t hear anything my boyfriend was saying
@jihyo3329 3 ай бұрын
@@donkeyching8339 5 times is so real omg
@slashine1071 Ай бұрын
oh thank god, i can finally land a hit..? -oh for
@TherealNiqqa 4 ай бұрын
Never knew this day would come but I'm gonna defend Lavasioth. In gen 5, it was supposed to be Agnaktor and Lagiacrus. However, since the Leviathan's skeleton had some issues so they were replaced by Lavasioth and Jyuratodus. With a completely different skeleton, everything they had planned for the Leviathan was quickly abandoned and replaced by halfhearted effort for the Piscine instead. For example, they literally slapped the Agnaktor's gimmick on Lavasioth and called it a day. Personally, it would be so much better for Lavasioth if it were planned to be added right from the start, not as a cheap alternative. Edit: *God to the people who replied to me, please learn how to read* I always know Lavasioth appeared first but it had never got the hardened lava armor until 5th gen arrived. The gimmick has always been exclusive to Agnaktor. My point is that slapping another monster's main charm onto another one solves nothing and in case of gen 5 Lavasioth it backfired.
@atomicwreck2063 4 ай бұрын
The thing is about lavasioth is that they actually slapped its ability on Agnaktor.
@imklins 4 ай бұрын
Agnaktor was created after lavasioth btw
@atomicwreck2063 4 ай бұрын
@@imklins correct. Lavasioth was introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier during the second generation. Agnaktor was from the third generation.
@Expresso52 4 ай бұрын
I know Lagi was planned thanks to interviews and the beta footage, but I never heard of Agnaktor as well. They stated that they needed monsters to inhabit the Recess and since they had Radobaan and Jyuratodus already, they decided to include the Uragaan and Lavasioth. I doubt that it stole Agnaktor's role The magma hardening was a thing shown in its first concept art, long before it actually released in FU and Frontier, so you could say Agnaktor is the one who "stole" it, technically
@Aegisdex 4 ай бұрын
@@atomicwreck2063lavaioth swims in lava and that was pretty much it, agnaktor has the gimmick of having its hz better if it heats up. Glacial agnaktor is basically reverse to its original counterpart.
@Ze-splattingmain 4 ай бұрын
Unpopular opinion, I actually like almudron, he has a cool design, gimmick and I personally don’t find his fight that bad with rises mechanics. However he will need to change for a non-rise game in the future that lacks wire bugs. Like seriously imagine fighting him in world or generations.
@xJayst 4 ай бұрын
The design and gimmick is actually very cool and interesting but for me personally the fight is a bit annoying, valid opinion tho
@Colton42-d7b 4 ай бұрын
I agree I really like almadron he’s just super cool and I enjoy his fight
@manusiabumi7673 4 ай бұрын
As someone who use wirebugs mostly for silkbind arts i don't really have a problem with almudron, i'd say his attacks are not exactly hard/annoying to deal with as long as you're not being too aggressive, the main problem is he's so big it's hard to observe him if you're too close so keep your distance to better observe what he's doing and only come in when there's a clear chance
@seamountcay 4 ай бұрын
Personally I like magma almudron the idea of making lavisioth into an actually fun fight is great also almudron and magma almudron have the best looking armor
@seamountcay 4 ай бұрын
Also I think his tail is modeled after crayfish
@ShukakuTheCrazy1 4 ай бұрын
Kushala daora. Especially in world. The second i get that large gold crown im never fighting that thing again! Dioblos. It keeps going underground, but not long enough to scroll to or even properly aim sonic bombs. Plus whenever its not constantly digging, its usually screaming nonstop. Similar issues with gobul, minus the screaming
@magmafeline8239 4 ай бұрын
I like ear plugs alot
@blastmole299 3 ай бұрын
Kush is only annoying in World, the rest of the game, I think it's the most fun to fight against in Rise, and it's a total pushover in previous gens especially if you play GS
@pauloricardo-wn6ps 16 сағат бұрын
pretty much every monster screams around like 10 times through the whole fight, diablos worst aspects are it's massive horn swing's hitboxes and low build up time to it's charge attack
@redlucario20 4 ай бұрын
I love raging brachi, but yeah, it can be a pain of a fight if you´re on a pretty small area. What I´m kinda surprised is that you didn´t add Plesioth since in the earlier games it was a pain when it decided to jump into the water every few minutes (but it makes sense since it would be the third fish in the video).
@xJayst 4 ай бұрын
I’m also gonna do another part to this video. Trust me I didn’t forget about plesioth 💀
@SirBanana1992 4 ай бұрын
I was lucky in my generations game that I got a talisman I could add to my "anti-plesioth" loadout. from memory it was a mix of good amounts of Status Atk up and Thunder Atk up. Was using that with either Khezu Dual Blades or Astalos HBG and when hunting in teams I had plesioth paralyzed a lot and then taking heavy amounts of thunder damage. It was getting absolutely melted (and my teammates could actually hit it XD).
@Sin_Alder Ай бұрын
And don't forget its hip checks with the unbelievably bustedly large hitboxes. If a Plesioth's about to hip check, you better be on the complete opposite end of the area, or you'll get knocked into next Tuesday. Doesn't matter if you're on the other side of the Plesioth with a healthy amount of breathing room between you two, you're gonna get hit.
@johnnyfuuto2624 4 ай бұрын
most annoying thing is when you get hit by the tiny monster multiple time when you Polishing weapon or something else
@captain0080 3 ай бұрын
I started with MHFU and i must say being a novice going against a Plesioth was a nightmare. At least i wasn't the only one suffering , you just had to say "Plesioth hipcheck" online and everyone would come out of the woodworks to share their frustration. It still lives in MHS as an attack that hits the whole party called "Hyperspace Tackle".
@falenchan7999 3 ай бұрын
Hyperspace Tackle's hit box is so large that it even hits the person playing the game, knocking them out of their chair, which is why there was a 10 second delay in that one video
@AussieDodo 4 ай бұрын
As an evade window 5 enjoyer. Raging brachy was definitely a reality check since I couldn’t just dark souls my way through it 😂
@P1P3B0MBS4YouTubeHQ 2 ай бұрын
Mang you onky need like 3 max ! Tighten your dodges and spend points elsewhere :) i like to put a mix in window and distance! Works real nice on sidesteppers like lances and swaxe
@ZA.HCK- 3 ай бұрын
I swear rathalos in mhr makes me so angry, this man will NOT sit still for a minute and then it keeps roaring and charging at me after i used like 7 potions
@BeeWaifu 2 ай бұрын
You like Lagiacrus too? I got into Monster Hunter through Tri, and it was Lagiacrus on the box art that caught my eye. If it wasn't there I never would have gotten the game. No Qurupeco, though?
@nessyrondina 4 ай бұрын
Spot on with the piscines. I really never liked any of the piscine, though I have fond memories of me and my cousin taking turns with a PSP to chase around a swimming cephadrome because we didn't bring enough sonic bonbs
@adamjaeszke1746 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for putting raging brachy in here no other monster puts me in such horrible mood as fighting this thing
@blandeanders7433 3 ай бұрын
Raging Brachy is so cool, and I have to admit, when I saw him pop up I was scratching my head. That is, until I saw that you were fighting him with a hammer. In World, I too was a hammer main. Fights like raging brachy and tigrex made me pick up the lance for its counter and guard capabilities. Also, the high pokes reach his otherwise way-too-high head. With hammer, you have to go to the ledges in every area and spam jumping attack.
@Superfammucon 4 ай бұрын
Khezu suggesters have never suffered the pain of a chameleos somehow stealing all of your healing items Or a molten tigrex never giving a moment of peace
@blastmole299 3 ай бұрын
Trying to break Chameleos's horn in old gen is a nightmare, it's so tall even GS can't reach it sometimes
@Sin_Alder Ай бұрын
I remember back in 4U when I was solo 100%ing the game with SnS. Back when multiplayer quests were entirely different than single player quests, and were all scaled for four players. Man, that Molten Tigrex fight. That was a wall for a little bit. Never gives you a chance to breathe, and with SnS you need to get close enough to pet the angry lizard. Kushala Daora back then also gave me a fair amount of trouble. Again, with SnS you need to get really close, so that stupid wind that surrounds it makes the fight a nightmare.
@LordViettner Ай бұрын
i know i'm late, but great video. Piscine wyverns in shambles, hopefully they get some love and upgrades in Wilds!
@xJayst Ай бұрын
@@LordViettner I’m hoping for a water themed G Rank addition to wilds. Desert Base Game and Ocean Expansion would go hard. Maybe piscine wyverns could get some love that way
@Mieskiste33 4 ай бұрын
For me it is Banbaro, esp. when you don't know how his hitboxes are. You see something get flung next to you and the moment after you are at 1/4 health ( very annoying when sharpening, esp. for DB mains)
@jellythejellyfish7035 2 ай бұрын
As a bow main i hate any monster that doesn't understand the concept of personal space. Looking at you barrioth
@Netherwolf6100 3 ай бұрын
World Kushala and Rise Teostra are my least favorites I'd add to this list. Kushala spends most of its time in the air and spams eternal tornadoes like crazy. I once got locked between a wall and a tornado that bounced me around until I died. And Rise Teotsra is just as bad. Constantly covered in fire is one thing but it spams its explosions like they're going out if style. Coupled with the fact that it's entire body is a hitbox and just turning around and running can send you flying makes fighting it up close and personal such a drag. Absolutely hate fighting those two iterations
@yo75z33 2 ай бұрын
1:23 pink rathian and blue rathalos have joined the channel they never felt any different from their cousins :l
@EmeraldDragoon 2 ай бұрын
my guy. No qurupeco calling in deviljho every 30 seconds? No shrieking legiana that catches you in a 4 roar loop with its regular counterpart? NO BULLFANGO!?
@Blackstonelegion 3 ай бұрын
I Nominate Odogaron for this list. Maybe its just me but its movement is so Erratic that it feels like I never have enough time to deal any substantial DPS on it before it jumps out of the way and hits me with a Cheap ass Bleed attack. Of course I'm primarily a Charge Blade user but I often find myself swapping to Duel Blades when I go up against him just so I can better tango with him.
@Serlock4869 3 ай бұрын
Odoggo isn't annoying but sure it feels tedious. The problem with it is we mostly can't do anything during it's 3-6 hit combo, and after that it only has small window to punish. Using gs means usually a single uncharged draw for average player. Luckily he tires out easily. If we have more counter like strongarm and rage slash in rise it'll make the fight very easy.
@Wolf10media 3 ай бұрын
Fighting him is like fighting a cat with a temper tantrum, but he's a fun hunt. Sometimes he gets some licks in on my, but I just bow out of his attacks and watch his movements careful and seize an opening. Specially his wind up sweep attack. Or when he rolls after an attack.
@gumbarius 3 ай бұрын
Odogaron felt really extreme to me when I first had to fight it, but I dunno, I think the movement is kinda easy to get used to
@toxicatgaming4880 2 ай бұрын
As long as yoy put in the work to learn Odogaron then he's easy. I am a 100% hammer absolutist and fighting Odogaron was my first major reality check as it was a monster that I KNEW I couldn't beat with one of the slowest weapons in the game, he was so terrible to the point I wanted to quit the game, but after I put in the time to learn his moveset he became one of my favorite hunts. He isn't annoying, he's just meant to be a difficulty curve that you are NOT supposed to win against on your first, second, maybe even third time or more, he's meant to be that slap back to reality that you won't be able to out speed most things you fight
@borzoilover4156 2 ай бұрын
I feel odo gets exhausted and trips quite easily and his lack of projectiles make him manageable where you always have something to fall back on to relieve pressure on yourself (unless you get bled lol)
@soratheorangejuicemascot5809 4 ай бұрын
I havent fish this video but I assume Apceros didnt get mentioned. I lost counts on how many times I got carted thanks to them. It ruined my hunts by blocking your 3rd person vision, slowly pushing you, blocking your gun aim, headbutting ypu when carving and dealing the finishing blow when you are doing heroics run.
@KBird204 Ай бұрын
the fish typo is hilarious considering the circumstances
@soratheorangejuicemascot5809 Ай бұрын
@@KBird204 i think I accidentally press the backspace button, lmao. Touchscreens can be annoying sometimes.
@eladblaier898 4 ай бұрын
Cephadrome is also annoying because he has a jumping attack that paralyzes you. It can be very unpredictable and it you are hit he will combo into his emerge which deals lots of damage and he can even continue comboing you with paralysis after you get up. Lavasioth in gen5 is annoying but I heard he was much better in gen 4 where he wasn't just Jyuratodes with lava. Almudron can be annoying especially large ones but it's really nice having a monster that fights so differently and you can easily jump over his obstacles with wirebugs. Raging Brachy is not annoying at all. After many failures I learned his moveset and I was able to punish almost all of his attacks with AEDs which are pretty slow attacks. He is big but slower than a normal brachy and as long as you know your boundaries you can easily get him to final phase (no tips for this one)
@E1Alpha Ай бұрын
Almudron and Raging Brachy actually range among some of my favorite, but I can see why people would dislike them. Most of the monsters you listed count as a slight nuisance at worst. However! I would like to throw in Paolumu (both regular and nightshade) as my pick for the most annoying monster ever. It provides no entertaining challenge to overcome and drags out a piss easy fight needlessly. Also, wind pressure can go to hell. (I will mention Kushala as an honorable mention as a very annoying monster to fight for similar reasons)
@kdudeiceblizzard565 Ай бұрын
Literally had a hellish time fighting Cephadrome a bit before I watched this (forgot sonic bombs), was very happy to see him on here lol
@randommortal3383 24 күн бұрын
Looks at comments: I find lack of Nibelsnarf hate… disturbing.
@ryanbacker4870 3 ай бұрын
All the problems you mention with the cephadrome I feel with Black Diablos. They’re so much time where they can’t be hit and even when it’s in recovery it’s usually after a charge or jump that put them on the other side of the arena so you can’t punish it.
@RedHoodFH 4 ай бұрын
Maybe it's me, but I simply never had issues with Raging. Maybe it's my playstyle, idk.
@tburgess3426 4 ай бұрын
I would want to see what they plan to do with Almudron if they get rid of the wire bug in future games, but I don't really think he belongs on this list. His fight being different doesn't mean that it's bad.
@guardian257 Ай бұрын
Almudron is actually one of my favorite monsters. But thats when i fought him with insect glave. Every other weapon is bound to the ground and will have a rougher time with him.
@sir_coma60 Ай бұрын
Point on lavasioth: it is a knowledge check monster. Any fire dmg will soften the shell, and once a part is broken it can never harden back. I noticed even in ur clip, u have touch pods which deal fire dmg, and DB has a slinger atk that is almost free to use. And for IG/GL/LBG/HBG, these weapons can opt to have fire dmg on top of using water element (lava's weakness), so the fight becomes even easier. And while not perfect, world lets you draw a monster out of any zone by just angering it and running away. Lavasioth ain't cephedrome levels trash, its just like any other monster, takes time to learn.
@ybk8bit995 2 ай бұрын
Seeing the MH3U clips are such a nostalgia trip back to the wiiu
@rainqueens1731 2 ай бұрын
World Lunastra should be in here, that walking bullshit should be purged in this world. Also Raging Brachy is dope, i used to dread fighting him now the fight is one of my favourite in the game
@Random_Furry_On_The_Internet 4 ай бұрын
I personally think that raging brachy is one of the best fights in monster hunter, but I honestly get it tbh.
@acolyte6six6 2 ай бұрын
im surprised that the uninvited bomber B-2 didnt make it to the list
@titaniumsalmon3238 3 ай бұрын
video starts at 2:35
@2slowe4me82 Ай бұрын
Ancient lesson 🎉
@PhieFty 3 ай бұрын
Here's my list of Annoying Monster : 1. KIRIN - Barioth - Sand Barioth - Glavenus - Gigginox - Baleful Gigginox - Glacial Agnaktor - Uragaan - Rathalos - Qurupeco - Crimson Qurupeco - Bezelguese Some of them i hate how they act, some of them is really tiring to fight
@toxicatgaming4880 2 ай бұрын
How on earth did Gigginox make the list but not Khezu, Khezu is doubly as annoying as Gigginox (not trying to come off as hateful or angry just sort of surprised)
@thunderg1851 2 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with all of them (I haven't fought Brachydios yet)
@muse98thebest 3 ай бұрын
Wait until bro finds out about Pariapuria from Frontier 💀
@kpsk8031 4 ай бұрын
Almudron: The Dual Blades shred him into minced meat effortlessly.
@Doggieworld3Show 3 ай бұрын
(Notes Khenzu, Diablos, Mizutsune, Zinogre, chameloes, Garuga etc before pressing play)
@cnk9822 14 күн бұрын
Nibblesnarf should have been on this list, sure you can "fish" him but the fact that 80% of his boddy make your weapon bounce, his weak spot is inside of him and carrying materials for making bombs is expensive...
@giorgiogiorgetti3939 28 күн бұрын
Nice list. Let's talk about Malfestio, shall we? Or the tail of gold Rathian
@Cheeyze 2 ай бұрын
As someone who fought tempered Lavasioth 250 times for a Guard Up deco, the only part of the fight worth complaining about is him knocking you off a mount or grapple because he moves too close to the lava. And Almudron, he took me the longest time out of any monster in the series to learn the fight and be comfortable fighting him. He's just so big and moves have so many variations, patterns, and fast hitboxes that he felt very overwhelming to fight for a long time. He's just very unorthodox in his fighting style, but he is a good hunt.
@RoyalTfrii 4 ай бұрын
Greatest tip when fighting an almudron is to learn how to play rage slash greatsword against him. The super armor and counter damage really helps breaking the rock on his tail
@obsidionwing 4 ай бұрын
Nibblesnarf with ig... it's not possible to get red buff without barrel bombing him
@RibbidyJamGames 2 ай бұрын
The first monster that comes in my mind is Cephadrome. As someone who started MH on the PSP and played Freedome unite. Damn that thing is hella annoying
@Gigi4u 3 күн бұрын
Almedron is the most annoying monster for me. I cant find a constant spot to hit it without being immediately smashed by its massive tail.
@ajschwartz3924 2 ай бұрын
I'm surprised Shrieking Legiana or Kushala didn't make the list. I hate both of them more than any monster
@BanchoYumeno 2 ай бұрын
Against the Lavafish, Poison is strong too. He takes the same Damage from it as Kushala and his Underbelly and Legs are never covered by Magma, so Poison-DB's are extremly effective egainst him and make his aggressive Style way easier to handle.
@hi14993 29 күн бұрын
Tbh I actually don't mind fighting lavasioth at all. You can heat up his skin with fire element weapons or torch pod slinger ammo found all over the areas it frequents. And then iceborne came along and made it even easier by way of tenderizing parts of monsters. Tigrex on the other hand...
@-lijosu- 4 ай бұрын
I don’t find cephadrome annoying in the slightest. The older games put more emphasis on gathering. They don’t want you to run after the monster like you’re chasing a chicken all the time.
@yaphbutter 4 ай бұрын
ive found Almudron to be more fun on longer ranged weapons conpared to short stuff like SnS (which just so happens to be my main.) his body is so large, yet so awkward it requires really uncomfortable angles for you to be able to land good hits on him with grounded attacks. might just be me though.
@nathanblackburn1193 4 ай бұрын
I use Dual Blades and he's pretty easy given how quick DBs are to dodge away, slower powerful weapons like Hammer and Great Sword probably struggle more
@bluuangel004 3 ай бұрын
5. Plesioth (hitbox) 4. Khezu (roars 99.9% of the f***ing time) 3. Cephadrome (as stated...sand) 2. Nibelsnarf (same as 3 but more annoying moveset) 1. Kushala Daora before Rise and Sunbreak (don't have a problem with wind aura, just it's airtime)
@ivmara9987 3 ай бұрын
Shakalaka and their King 💀💀
@CrabclawBCEN 3 ай бұрын
Usually I'd try to defend the Piscine Wyverns, but I have lyrics to a Piscine Wyvern diss track so I had to name-drop some of their abilities. Anyway I nominate Lunagaron. If unoriginality had a fan club, Luna would be in it, and if that fan club disbanded, he'd start it right back up. I'm not sure I'm right here, but he stole Zamtrios's ice armor and then has the gall to act like some kind of poor man's Odogaron without being fun to fight or having an actually fun gimmick to call it's own. And even though Goss Harag does almost the exact same thing, at least its gimmick is fun to play around with and the fight ain't horrible 99.01% of times.
@ProcyonDei 3 ай бұрын
Both the Diablos and Rathalos are annoying to fight in World, and the biggest problem is their pacing; Diablos and Rathalos are introduced as hunting targets a bit too soon for most new players.
@dragontamer1012 3 ай бұрын
I love hunting raging brachy and almudron, but I actually dislike fighting normal brachy compared to raging because normal brachy's slime pools stick around so much longer, while raging's explode almost immediately
@zolozoro58 Ай бұрын
how to beat raging brachidios super easily 1. bring antiblast 3 2. bring a pierce heavy bowgun with 3 shields, 1 power barrel 1 whatever 3. bring tool specialist 5 4. bring guard 5 5. put on temporal mantle, start spamming pierce ammo on the arms, while moving around 6. when it is about to punch you, stop shooting 7. swap to rocksteady and continue 8. when rocksteady ends switch to temporal if the monster is being cheesy i also go cheesy. i don't like the monsters who spam special attacks or AoE attacks (Except Alatreon, love that fight)
@Jake_the_lad Ай бұрын
Only thing that sucks about Alatreon is the dps check
@lucavillano7575 3 ай бұрын
The effing pikachu of the franchise (los/thian). It' 20 years capcom splash them in every title, and not once were fun to kill....
@jnjuice1690 Ай бұрын
Short list of annoying monsters: Almudron Plesioth Mizutsune Lunastra MHW Lao Shan Lame Zora Magdaros Khezu Magnamalo Risen Shagaru Magala
@davidbegbie 3 ай бұрын
I actually didn't have that much trouble with Almudron, mostly because I used hammer and the wirebug move that lets me do the jump spin attack is kinda broken for getting out of situations like that + hitting its tail while raised
@Rickseriastar 4 ай бұрын
Honestly would have swapped out Almudron for something like Gypceros, Plesioth, or even Yian Garuga (IMO, probably someone’s fave lol) if we want to really get into annoying territory. I personally have a distaste for monsters who spend so much time flailing around, and then you factor poison and stuns into it (both in the case of Gypceros) and you just get a monster who isn’t worth the trouble. And while its fake death gimmick is funny the first time… it’s also just kinda like “ok just get up so we can keep going with the fight” every other time. I play IG so that may factor in why I find the flailers more annoying. Getting hit in the air halts any momentum and sends you crashing down, where you’ll likely get hit again. Contrasting that with Almudron, who always felt fair to me and interesting with it’s otter like vibes and unique mud structures. Rise gives a ton of options for IG aerial mobility, making it a breeze to deal with it.
@KAT-zz9dv 3 ай бұрын
Fought Almudron once and never did it again. I just hate its wonky hitboxes
@FeverAmbone105 4 ай бұрын
Firt gen Rathalos, old rathalos legit just flying around wasting your time! at least Caphedrome can be stunned by sonic bomb.
@lycorisradiata2706 2 ай бұрын
I find all these monsters only mildly annoying, since there is a way to fight through their "problems" - Cephadrome: You can use Sonic Bombs and kill him pretty fast, helps you mitigate the annoying parts. - Lavasioth: Torch Pods can soften his body, or you could use Charge Blade/Gunlance ignoring armor or Elemental Damage. - Almudron? I don't get this one. I don't understand the hitbox thing, wirebugs can help you reach pretty much everything. Also his tail swipe is dangerous but once done it's a pretty immediate opening for damage. I found Najarala and ESPECIALLY Tidal Najarala Waaay more annoying. I think Rise/Sunbreak have actually almost zero annoying monsters.. -Raging Brachydios is fast yes, strong yes, but also predictable and fun. Some of his attacks are just for spectacle lol. Now, i think the real annoying monsters are: -MH2 Plesioth: the worst plesioth you'll ever meet. Also the hitboxes are clunky and unfair. -Apex Monsters from MH4U: i love that game, but the whole Apex/Wynstones ordeal was bad. -Old Gen (Especially first titles) Khezu: Just constant screams (way before any way to have full hearing defenses) and unfair hitboxes. Let's not even talk about the red version.. ugh. -Basarios and Gravios in old gen: they won't die unless you prepare a whole bomb squad and it wasn't easy to get all the materials back there. Also their hitboxes SUCKS. Honorable Mentions: Crystalbeard Uraagan, MHFU lao shan lung (solo..) and Nibelsnarf (a more annoying version of cephadrome but with worse hitboxes)
@watzittooya7499 4 ай бұрын
I am playing MHFU, still in HighRank, and OMG, every monster has BS hit-boxes and playing melee is pure suffering, but idk why can't stop grinding this sh*t😅
@dima_keller Ай бұрын
Can't say I agree on Lavasioth. At least in World he doesn't swim that much and his armor can be easily heated up again by using pods Almudron is so mid people forget he exists and I definitely don't find him that annoying
@garrettmoncrief2904 4 ай бұрын
old world raths, both are absolutely riddled with instant hitboxes and awkward hitboxes
@blastmole299 3 ай бұрын
Those instant charges are so stupid. The only indication is their turning speed too
@Naruzakun 4 ай бұрын
Peoples complaigning about Lavasioth Me: leveling my Volcanic Area to lv7 hunting Dodogama and Lavasioth: 🐱
@miguelcabreracastro6968 3 ай бұрын
I like how many of this annoying fights are basically, an old monster with janky hitboxes or a new monster with janky hitboxes. Lavasioth in generations was for me a fun fight, but world had to make things "unique" by making the monsters annoying, in many cases, with unfair mechanics or prolonged hitboxes, which is my main issue with ragging brachy in world for example... If i did a list it would be rajang first, kushala daora world version, and many more from iceborne, i dont know how they did it, but adding hunter potato movement on a expansion with ffast as hell monsters was dumb. At least in rise you can be as fast as then, it feels ffun not frustratingg.
@adriangracoramirez9374 4 ай бұрын
was expecting hip check king plesioth, not my Mayweather with exploding gloves/body
@vinny985 3 ай бұрын
ok as a pretty average player i agree raging brachy is really hard, but so are most end game monsters like him, they’re all hyper aggressive with cracked out movement and hit like a truck, his slime doesn’t seem all that bad to deal with compared with…well the entire rest of the fight lol, plus it’s really cool and cinematic!! and at least you get the whole 50 minutes to deal with him (side eyeing alatreon REAL HARD now *that’s* an annoying bullshit gimmicky ass fight)
@abui6914 4 ай бұрын
I'll defend almudron as CB user. Turning his Giga Tail Slam into Guard Point SAED is satisfying. Also I particularly didn't like a monster that hard to telegraph, for example: Khezu and Bulldrome
@specterslime8936 4 ай бұрын
Fighting Plesioth is so annoying, plus with the broken hit box I will never want to fight this thing again
@cjsaurus4120 3 ай бұрын
for me it's khezu for one reason IT WONT STOP SCREAMING same with volvidon freaking chimeric bear dillo anteater whatever it is
@dabbingperson9236 4 ай бұрын
I really dislike Almudron. The mud is just more annoying than anything else (not even for the damage just the speed reduction it’s the same reason I dislike Barroth and Jyratodus), it’s just a little too big to keep track of properly, Rise’s hitboxes while you’re in the air are already pretty bad but the size of Almudron makes it so much worse, and it feels so much faster than it should be to boot. I hate this thing so much.
@macanerodeldesierto 3 ай бұрын
The only fish that gets a pass is Beotodus
@xJayst 3 ай бұрын
I 100% agree!
@wolfatron3980 Ай бұрын
Viper kadachi is one of the worst fights, if you dont have 3 antidote gems to completely negate his poison, then you spend the entire fight trying to heal and drink antidotes only to get poisoned again because he darts aroumd and every single attack of theirs does poison, rajang in mhw is another horrible one with how fast and aggressive he is on top of him hitting like a fucking freight train. Honorable mentions are rathian with her just dashing back and forth over and over and over again when she isnt flying over you and slining her poison tail, and kushala with the little tornados covering the entire arena and blocking me from getting to him
@wolfatron3980 Ай бұрын
But viper kadachi and rajang are the worst, there's a reason I fought them once and never again
@JoshuaEckert-yf8gc 4 ай бұрын
All other Narwa made me quit monster hunter rise for a long time. Same with Great Maccao he made me almost never play MHGU, it took me multiple years before I came back and beat him.
@anton6495 3 ай бұрын
Nah he didn't mention gendrome? Daym
@joaquinfernandez3977 4 ай бұрын
crazy that you added almudron but not khezu
@Edoardo-q1n Ай бұрын
One monster that i HATE is bazelgeuse, like, your fightin another monster and this mf shows up with his little bombs and ruins everything, or the fucking behemoth, he spamming tornados and meteors, i cant conplete his 1st mission
@rheytalion70 12 күн бұрын
Most of the list is directly annoying because weapon choice. R.Brachy with hammer? Being annoyed bc you cant find opening? Wow, who could expect that?
@divineraccoon1276 3 ай бұрын
9:55 no you're just bad
@nagasimp1855 4 ай бұрын
almudron and tigrex are the only two species i have ever wished were deleted
@Giratina575 2 ай бұрын
Both deviljho and bazelguese aswell. Deviljho has way too much health and a hitbox as big as jupiter. He sends you flying by just tapping you. Bazelgeuse is just annoying when tryng to capture a monster only for him to show up and bomb you and your target to death.
@Raven_Asgard 22 күн бұрын
Personally the one monster I find the most annoying is Safi'jiiva, don't get me wrong the fight and music is amazing but this guy is literally the definition of 'Spam' and I thought Fatalis spams his attacks but no Safi takes the cake when it comes to spam, the damn this literally repeats most attacks that get really frustrating for example the explosions he sets off when he slams his hands into the ground no matter how many times you evade it the explosion still gets you regardless unless you're using that one attack the LS uses *I don't remember the name* but yeah Safi literally spams one attacks more than fatalis, fatalis is more predictable but doesn't spam as much at least from how many times I fought him
@Webberjo 3 ай бұрын
Kushala (MHW) Volvidon Amatsu
@frenchbloo 3 ай бұрын
Nah, Almudron and Brachydios rule. Uragaan is more annoying than Brachy honestly, I can't bear all those explosive balls...
@Chillbambi829 3 ай бұрын
But brachy move way faster than raging brachy
@mhbarney8499 Ай бұрын
I really dislike Shogun Cenataur. He attacks way to fast and most of his attacks just dmg you without doing knockback. So when you dont look at your health you could find yourself in a pity without even realizing it. The attack range from his claws and the speed he does attack with does not help either.
@somepvpguy69 4 ай бұрын
Bullfango solos 🗿
@affablesage9582 4 ай бұрын
I don't find base Almudron to be all that annoying. Sure, the mud sucks when you don't have maxed out muck resistance (who ever does, though?), but generally, I find him easier than a lot of other higher tier monsters.
@victorscjholwa3386 4 ай бұрын
Barioth Where?
@ippikiy9999 4 ай бұрын
As a gunner, i do hate almudron
@cuellas1338 4 ай бұрын
Trouble hunting the lava fish? Try a gunlance. Seriously, I never thought of Lavasioth as annoying, I don't care about its armour. I've read someone say to nominate Kushala Daora to the list, and I fully agree. That thing is disgusting, it's like the Almudron crowd control thing but way worse as it's not only on the ground and that fckn bastard insists to fly.
@seamountcay 4 ай бұрын
Or torchpods
@josi8569 4 ай бұрын
IMO Almudron it's one of the worst experiencies I had in a MH even worse than Cephadrome, mostly because of the tracking of the attacks and also the fact that he moves a lot
@jay22alco 3 ай бұрын
Excluding annoying elders, I know this monster isn't a MH monster but Behemoth is just the worst design ever. Unlimited whirlwind. They say just bring flash. Men, you'll run out eventually and before you know it, the entire region your fighting in is just you wondering who thought of that ability. You can't lure that damn thing to go to you, stay in one place, ha! fat chance! even tried MR gear on HR Behemoth and that thing is harder than MR Kushala.
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