Why Poland is Divided
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How lemons made the mafia
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How Sugar Enslaved the World
Why Germany is still divided
Why the Dutch support colonialism
The Biggest Hoax in History
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Italy's Most Evil Road
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Why the US didn't Nuke Tokyo
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Is Indonesia a Nation State
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100K Q&A
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How To Survive A Nuclear Attack
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How the Dutch Shaped Indonesia
How Johnny Harris Rewrites History
@trueSconox Сағат бұрын
In your videotitle, you asked a question, but within the video, you do not even dare to attempt to find any sort of answer. So this whole video is just a waste of time!
@trueSconox 2 сағат бұрын
7:18 What the fuck is he talking about? In East Germany, until the Russians stole, what the Americans and brits didn't bomb down, we had an industrial heart as well in Chemnitz.
@Keeping_It_Wheel 6 сағат бұрын
I give him shit about all of his videos
@liquidificadoroficial3975 10 сағат бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I would have never discovered that if it wasn't for the video, I wonder why no historians talk about this and also makes people skeptical that this is an history denial, like myself, even though I follow and agree with the bible.
@xygames3244 13 сағат бұрын
@liquidificadoroficial3975 21 сағат бұрын
Can someone recommend chanels that specialize in a matter and usually bring true and deep content?
@Dimdariusz 21 сағат бұрын
2:39 the first country to legalize abortion was RSFSR in 1920
@Ozscaro 23 сағат бұрын
is this just another leftie trash?
@Kurkulevich 23 сағат бұрын
Belarus is a puppet of Russia, its not the only one reason of walls. Tbh as Belarusian i dont support my government
@saudal-mehri3307 Күн бұрын
What do buildings contain, walls. How many countries have buildings, all. So every country has many walls
@instantmaxx Күн бұрын
East Germans are kinda lost in ideologies - from nazi facism to communism now back to facism (AfD). It seems they are unable to think fo themselves, they always need some "strong " leader to do that for them It's kinda sad; I for myself see the reunification as one of the biggest mistakes in post war west german history (but who could have lnown)
@ROALD. Күн бұрын
He is so obviously uncaring and disingenuous about his subjects, I just can’t understand how people aren’t automatically worried about what he presents.
@TheKing-hp7mh Күн бұрын
You are right hence i stopped watching his Channel, his like a Western propaganda machine
@elvenkind6072 Күн бұрын
9:30 "This is where Germans come to remember the murder of six million Jews" - showing a video clip of one guy chilling out in the sun, and some kids jumping around on the monuments as if it's an obstacle course at a playground. 🤔
@anguishedgz Күн бұрын
Despite our differences we are all humans , sadly some people dont think that and the result? This.
@zady1014 Күн бұрын
Cant Wait till you find out about news media and government funded programs 😂
@chrlszly Күн бұрын
this border wall lobbying in the us reminds me of the credit mobilier scandal
@MrOfcourseitsme Күн бұрын
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait - Harris was at Vox? Tells me all I need to know.
@squid12825 Күн бұрын
Colonialism was based
@CrystalClearWith8BE Күн бұрын
If I thought of something correctly, during the Cold War, the Iron Curtain was the most militarized border in its time.
@Philips_trustrang Күн бұрын
Vidio hanya asumsi, tidak benar benar terjadi demikian.
@alvaroga1n Күн бұрын
This is click bait
@Treinbouwer Күн бұрын
9:12 Multatuli beticht de lokale vorsten van uitbuiting en roept op tot meer overheidsingrijpen. Dat lijkt me meer koloniale bemoeienis. Bovendien schreef hij dat hele boek omdat hij was ontslagen vanwege een kasverschil. Waarschijnlijk heeft hij dat geld in eigen zak gestoken, waar hij de inlandse vorsten van betichtte, en gebruikt om zijn gokschulden af te lossen.
@Treinbouwer Күн бұрын
Er moet wel bij worden opgemerkt dat Nederland bij de decolonisatie voor ogen had om de hele zaak in drie landen op te delen: een federaal Indonesië om de vele vele verschillende groepen de ruimte te geven om wetgeving op hun eigen gebruiken aan te passen, een Republiek der Zuid Molukken voor de gekerstende Nederlandsgezinde Molukken en een onafhankelijk Papoea. Terwijl ze de hele zaak uitonderhandelden versterkten beide partijen hun legers om de voorwaarden te schenden voor de inkt droog was. Vervolgens dreigde Soekarno, collaberateur met de Jappen die iedereen daar onderdrukten met meer doden dan onder de beroerde omstandigheden onder de nederlanders gebruikelijk was, hulp te vragen aan de Sovjets. Daarop zei de VS dat Nederland de hele zaak zo'n beetje onvoorwaardelijk op moest geven. Nederland heeft een puinzooi aangericht, maar het verenigd indonesie waarin de Javanen de baas spelen is niet de schuld van Nederland.🙃
@rossgudwer3538 Күн бұрын
You talked to ONE guy who lived in east germany as a kid. You didn't think to try to find anyone else? This was supposed to be more in depth than just the wall and the stasi. You could have easily found people to talk to but you didn't. You got some easy drone shots, filmed some old buildings and called it a day. This was such a lazy attempt at a documentary. I know that was harsh but come on man you can do better than that
@derekbethay6626 Күн бұрын
It's been 159 years since the U.S. Civil War ended & we're still dealing with the ramifications of that; and the Confederate States of America only lasted 4 years. We shouldn't be surprised that two groups of people, living under two very different systems and separated for 40 years would struggle with integrating with one another.
@williamgragilla7007 Күн бұрын
Y’kno I just watched a Harris video and I thought his details were rapid-fire vague generalities. I am not surprised to discover he paints with too wide a brush.
@user-lj1lz9pp4e Күн бұрын
it is impossible to be trurly unbiased
@Sociology_Tube Күн бұрын
he is a white ex-mormon western capitalist who knows nothing, he is dyslexic, so he doesnt have a lot of options.
@outhouse9451 Күн бұрын
That explains why Angela is a socialist
@r-pu4md Күн бұрын
As ugly as the walls are, it is every country’s right to protect its borders and its people. Enough with this utopia of everyone being able to go anywhere.
@boldoberan Күн бұрын
Did @Simplicissimus voice Honeker in 23:25 ?
@abd1x7 Күн бұрын
Thanks for talking about gaza
@squidsquadkd 2 күн бұрын
Dude, what is that beautiful piece of furniture (a credenza?) in the background? I want it
@LuckyReflex619 2 күн бұрын
I have been drunk at that exact bar. that is so cool
@hanswurst5109 2 күн бұрын
I can't believe "europe" did that. Mf talks about Europe as if it was a homogeneous state. The fucking cradle of modern civilization born from conflict dismissed as: white people bad. I will never respect anything he has to say about history.
@DjApollonofficial 2 күн бұрын
The wall on the border between Greece and Turkey was necessary because, in addition to refugees, other people were also entering Greece, such as many illegal immigrants who, according to statistical data, created many problems such as an increase in crime and the movement of drugs.
@0piateed 2 күн бұрын
One thing that annoy me history is alot of people say Columbus discovered America first. That ain't true. Leiv Eriksson discovered America first.
@user-ld5cc1gk6y 2 күн бұрын
国際条約違反 日本の都市への大空襲で、そして原爆で多くの民間人が犠牲になりました。アメリカは国際条約違反を犯したのです。そのことについての言及はありますか。
@denisebryank8152 2 күн бұрын
Very well done. . My best friend was born and grew up in east germ. She is TOUGH as nails!! Fascinating stories, how they made a life, compassion (never in great supply) DETERMINATION will be her epitathe! DOB middle 1950’s.
@zeminoid 2 күн бұрын
No nation has to be ashamed for what they did in the past, as long as they strive to not do harm nowadays. Thanks to the East India Company the Netherlands is what it is right now, to negate or be ashamed of it would be being ashamed of the reason they enjoy such a good lifestyle, being ashamed of the past or in constant regret won't do anything for the lives already lost, it only creates animosity between peoples.