AWKNG School of Theology
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Memorial Service | Dr. Michael Heiser
@robycoles 21 сағат бұрын
My ears feel scratched.
@HicksYvette-l8e Күн бұрын
Gonzalez Angela Hernandez Kimberly Perez Richard
@warrenrosenthal716 2 күн бұрын
Tim Steadman " Answers to Giant Questions" Author talks about Deu war with DWC view. You should read his book. Blessings.....
@trishadavault5926 2 күн бұрын
Excellent work! Thank you all for your dedication to the layman who will never get a degree in the ancient languages & text. Monotheism @ Polytheism have been a greatly misunderstood topic far too long! The gods of OT are real, but there is only One Creator. If they weren’t real God would not have listed them in the 10 Commandments. It’s of the utmost importance to know who these players are. Your eyes will be opened to the evil in the world and why we should not bend a knee to them. Thanks again.
@PriestleyLorraine-v8l 2 күн бұрын
Miller Jennifer Walker David Hernandez Matthew
@staciehaneline9533 2 күн бұрын
Dr. Michael Heiser did what God sent him to do. How wonderful! Thank you dear Lord for sending Dr. Michael Heiser to deliver this wonderful message.
@ChestertonSam-p5x 3 күн бұрын
Smith Susan Wilson Jessica Lopez Jason
@ThompsonFranklin-p3u 3 күн бұрын
White Dorothy Thomas Carol Hall Shirley
@SwissTeaBoy 4 күн бұрын
Been in my “watch later” playlist for over six months I am now embarrassed to say, and now I’ve had my mind blown. Thank you to the good Dr. for this, a great legacy for you following your passing. Seems to fit like a glove with what other gnosis and knowledge is saying.
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 4 күн бұрын
Walker Ronald Brown Cynthia Martinez Deborah
@HicksYvette-l8e 4 күн бұрын
Jones Karen Walker Michael White Matthew
@ThompsonFranklin-p3u 4 күн бұрын
Jones Larry Lewis Barbara Wilson Sarah
@aleabaca 4 күн бұрын
@TennysonLouis-s6p 4 күн бұрын
Harris Melissa White Betty White Cynthia
@mjwahba 4 күн бұрын
If you put a piece of bread which is “food” in the middle of the other two pieces of bread, that is not a sandwich! Heiser is right!
@jasonleveck8546 5 күн бұрын
I think the only time a total kill order was given, was in regards to an area to be taken where tribes of Giants inhabited the lands and specifically in the hill country.
@patrickian8843 5 күн бұрын
I’m not sure if anyone can answer this and, I absolutely believe that yeshua/jesus is the son of God and the third person of the trinity and my question is; if the father, son and Holy Spirit are co-eternal entities who don’t need to communicate with each other (because they ARE each other) why does Jesus have to pray to God the father? I have a feeling that I’ll be asked that question at some point in the future and I’d like to have a cogent answer.
@DividManot 5 күн бұрын
I appreciate Dr. Michael
@WalkleyDennis-k3t 5 күн бұрын
Lopez Timothy Rodriguez Carol Garcia Karen
@chrisalvarado2725 6 күн бұрын
Great stuff here. I remember Dr. Heiser commenting on Jesus’s decent. I agree with his take. Respectfully, I disagree with Dr. Sklar’s take that to be alive in the spirit is after the resurrection. I think Jesus was alive in the spirit the moment his physical body died. And I believe the imprisoned beings that Jesus went to see are from Gen 6 as 1Peter points back to the Days of Noah in Gen 6. That is where you find out how as Peter says “ they did not obey “. You get further clarification of what they did and where they are imprisoned in 2Peter 2:4. And a correlation in Jude 1:6.
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 6 күн бұрын
Jackson Sarah Hall Brenda Jackson Sandra
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 6 күн бұрын
Lee Kimberly Taylor William Williams Mary
@istudante 7 күн бұрын
What program was Dr. Heiser using here?
@marnamiller9773 7 күн бұрын
when . 😊
@GlorytoGod580 8 күн бұрын
21:20 in the image if God
@KimtheElder 8 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh! I remember hearing Dr. Imes on Naked Bible and wanted to get her book when it came out, but in the midst of moving and caring for a parent with cognitive decline, I couldn't remember her name or when she appeared. So excited to listen and now be able to get the book! ((Happy Dance)) LOL
@tubaszuba 8 күн бұрын
Y'all, this was great! I'm going to share this with my KJV-only Sunday School class (no shade... I'm working on 'em with love 😊).
@ByronWarfield 9 күн бұрын
In regards to the scholars that don't talk about the other gods mentioned in the Tanakh being real. Does this have to do with their lack of a Semitic view of the Tanakh?
@warrenrosenthal716 2 күн бұрын
Check out " Answers to Giant Questions" Tim (TJ) Steadman
@subdrvr 9 күн бұрын
It would be nice if you could put the resources in the side bar description so I can go find them afterward.
@KimtheElder 9 күн бұрын
So grateful for this podcast. Thank you all.
@KimtheElder 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much - I always learn while enjoying you all. :)
@carolanderson117 9 күн бұрын
I’m enjoying this Video, but “HOW DO I WATCH THIS SERIES IN ORDER ? Please put NUMBERS ON THE EPISODES! I always want to watch any series from the beginning episode. Thank you for listening. Blessings
@MLGA4872 9 күн бұрын
LOL! Well I watched a segment of Dr. Brown with Dr. Heiser on the topic of "God's name" and is "Jesus" the correct Aramaic and Greek translation into English of the name of the Son of God, which Dr. Brown states is absolutely the correct translation into English. THE FACT REMAINS, ALL LANGUAGES MORPH and change over years. And also discussed was; is the Father's name really "yahuah"?...WHICH IT IS NOT, BASED ON DR. BROWN'S KNOWLEDGE OF ANCIENT HEBREW, GREEK, AND ARAMAIC and other ancient languages. And Dr. Brown was promoting Dr. Heiser's book, "The Unseen Realm" and his Logos website. This was when I knew nothing of of Heiser's teachings on The Divine Counsel in Psalms 82 and 89. But as a Biblical NERD myself, I already had SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE of The Divine Counsel directly from God's Word! You can see the Judgment scene passing from heaven to US/Elohim on earth in Daniel 7. "Know ye not that ye shall judge angels????" Well, which angels are we to JUDGE CORRECTLY, based on the Words of God? Those 200 who "trespassed against us" and took human wives and fathered children, Nephilim, people of renown. Did not Messiah have a HEAVENLY FATHER and an EARTHLY MOTHER? ....JUST LIKE THE NEPHILIM? Was Messiah not sent to remove the curse those 200 sons of God took upon themselves on Mt. Hermon by taking that curse onto Himself at the cross? Did Messiah REVERSE THE CURSE OF MT. HERMON? OF COURSE HE DID! Must be time to judge those 200 angels based on pure Scripture. Interesting that after they get judged correctly that they THEN ARE LET OUT OF THEIR DARK PRISON. QUESTION: WHY do the angels that 'sin" GOD keeps alive for over 6,000 years and then are set free AFTER they are "JUDGED"???? Why do angels not receive any wage of DEATH for their sin? "Let us forgive those who trespass against us!"...from their realm into our realm!
@KimtheElder 9 күн бұрын
I'm only 10:40 in and maybe you address this later, but my thought on "temptation" to worship other gods would not include the killing of babies who would have no knowledge of little g god worship, or the animals, etc. I wonder if Dr. Walton addressed that.
@ElizabethV01NOR 9 күн бұрын
Wrt the question which translation is correct for Deut 32:8, Dr Heiser had a specific video where he shows how the text was changed. Search for "What the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the history of the Biblical Text"
@kevingates5851 9 күн бұрын
ESV translates it as sons of God
@ElizabethV01NOR 4 күн бұрын
​@@kevingates5851I the video I refer to though, he shows the actual fragment from DSS and the change done to MT
@Sons_of_Thunder. 11 күн бұрын
TO ALL HEISERITES THAT VIEW THIS VIDEO...READ THIS... Heiser was a blind guide. He was correct in God/Elohim capital "G" and gods/elohim lower case "g" but his application was all wrong. His book the unseen realm falls apart in the first few paragraphs. From Heiser's Chapter 1 Unseen Realm "One such moment in my own life-the catalyst behind this book-came on a Sunday morning in church while I was in graduate school. I was chatting with a friend who, like me, was working on a PhD in Hebrew studies, killing a few minutes before the service started. I don’t recall much of the conversation, though I’m sure it was something about Old Testament theology. But I’ll never forget how it ended. My friend handed me his Hebrew Bible, open to Psalm 82 He said simply, “Here, read that … look at it closely.” The first verse hit me like a bolt of lightning: Psalm 82:1 God stands in the divine assembly; he administers judgment in the midst of the gods I’ve indicated the Hebrew wording that caught my eye and put my heart in my throat. The word elohim occurs twice in this short verse. Other than the covenant name, Yahweh, it’s the most common word in the Old Testament for God. And the first use of the word in this verse worked fine. But since I knew my Hebrew grammar, I saw immediately that the second instance needed to be translated as plural. There it was, plain as day: The God of the Old Testament was part of an assembly-a pantheon-of other gods." >>>>Okay this is from Heiser’s book the “Unseen Realm” Chapter 1 in his opening of this book. Let’s look at the word “pantheon”, this one word changes everything about Heiser’s theory. Heiser’s view of pantheon of other gods is spiritual/non-human/angelic, what most people do not know is that the word pantheon has a dual meaning, so it is not just pantheon spiritual gods. Let’s look at dictionary definiton for the word “pantheon” 1) a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people: somewhat formal : a group of people who are famous or important "the pantheon of the all-time greats" example: a building in which the illustrious dead of a nation are buried or honoured. 2) all the gods of a people or religion collectively: the gods of a particular country or group of people "the deities of the Hindu pantheon" (especially in ancient Greece and Rome) a temple dedicated to all the gods. So with the definition can apply to both 1) people and 2)pagan gods. What Heiser did when it came to Psalm 82, he applied the pagan god (elohim) meaning to the pantheon, which is the second use of the word pantheon, this is where he error's from the first chapter in his book the unseen realm. What Heiser should have done is apply the “FIRST” meaning of the word pantheon to the gods/elohim in Psalm 82, which would be people. When a person applies the “FIRST” meaning Israel now fits in Psalm 82 as the gods/elohim. Israel is Jacob’s decendents made up of 12 tribes. Psalm 82 is totally about Israel (Jacob’s decendents). Israel is the “Chosen People” of God in that time period, Israel is important because Jesus Christ, the Messiah would come through that people group, Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, Judah is how we get the term “Jew” from. So the pantheon of gods/elohim would be Israel all of Israel, which would consist of people that are Judges, Rulers, Kings, Elders and even the common Israelite person.>>"The Chosen People" So when a person Pairs up Psalm 82 and John 10 Israel, Jacob's decendents/12 tribes makes more sense. Psalm 82:6 I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;>>>>>>Israel<<<< John 10: 34-35 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’? 35 If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)," This is not all of Israel, but a group of Israelites, made up of Israelite (Jews) citizens and probably Jewish leaders like Scripes, Elders and Pharisees, Jesus did draw crowds. Notice Jesus mentions the law (Law of Moses) and word of the Lord came to these People, the chosen People Israel (Jacob's decendents/Jews). The word of the Lord would come to Israel and the prophets of Israel, so in the NEW TESTAMENT Jesus can fulfill those words. Another good example is found in Isaiah 53 So what Jesus does is actually answer the question of the pantheon gods/elohim from Psalm 82 in John 10. Jesus is God and using an "I said" declaration, the "I said" is not different the an "I am" declaration. Israel are the gods/elohim/theos as will the divine council, great assembly and congregation of the mighty, the Hebrew, Greek and English language DOES NOT change this, meaning Israel being the godselohim>>pantheon<< refering to people, the "Chosen People". Israel is to represent God and His Justice, the are the Chosen People in the context of Psalm 82 and John. Another point Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT in the NT. Luke 24: 44,45 Jesus speaking>>> "Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures"<<<< NOTICE Jesus says "Psalms", Psalm 82 and John 10 Jesus is fulfilling the "I said, you are gods" With Heiser's theory he ended up OPPOSING Jesus, Jesus answers who the pantheon gods are in scripture. Jesus settles this for us long before Heiser was even born. Just simply comes down to if a person beleives the gods/elohim are human or non-human, clearly the gods/elohim are human, the Chosen People of Israel in that time period. Another question for all Heiser subscribers, you would have to point out in scripture where Heiser's pantheon gods/elohim (nonhuman/angels) were given the law (Law of Moses) or in possession of the law, also when did the word of the Lord ever come to Heiser's pantheon gods/elohim/angels????? Guess What>>>>>>You wil Never find it in the Bible!!
@checkingoutgypsymike2075 13 күн бұрын
Psalms 82-1. There are plenty of them around (1cor 8.5) and God has told them what he was going to do with them (jer 10:11). Psalms 82:2, the judges were not Israel's judges, The god's were in gen 3:5 see also job 38:7. They were the son's of Godwho became rulers and judges in Noah's day (gen 6:4). The semicolon in verse 5 ; separates Noah's flood from (gen 1:2, see also 2 Peter 3:4-6). The two were given backwards, exactly as the 1st and 2nd coming of Christ are given backwards in Psalms 89:22-24. The son's of God in Gen 6:2 were not the sons of Seth, they were the children of the most High. They were spirits directly created by God (Heb 1:7) but were not begotten as Christ was (Heb 1:5). The son's of God in Gen 6:2 did not die as god's, they drowned like men Gen 6:13. Their soirits are chained in Hell right now 2 Pet 2:4 and they will come up at the White Throne Judgment Jude 6, where the new son's of God (John 1:12) will judge them (1Cor 6:3). Psalms 82:8, obviously a second advent reference, for God has never judged the earth and inherited the nations yet. When He inherits them, His Son inherits them according to His own words (Psalms 2:8). Just thought I'd add a little more biblical text, if you want more information than most teachings give, I've found the Peter Ruckman kjv reference bible to be the best. This is just a bit from his notes on the god's, and helped me understand who they were.
@troysal 16 күн бұрын
Heiser's inability to comprehend the difference between seeing God in an ecstatic vision and literally seeing something with the physical eyes, was the cause of a lot of his misunderstanding of the various appearances of God in the Hebrew bible. He was being driven in his exegesis by his presuppositions.
@TheArmchairPriest 16 күн бұрын
Islam is an later arabic manipulation of the texts and history of the gnostic catholic syriac speaking prophet named Mani- who called himself the wordd muhammad, in syriac. Oddly enough Mani believed the trinity was (ONE) God. If you read the Quran, there is no such specific notification saying that Jesus isn’t God. Islam is a misled faith based on manipulated history. Regardless if you prescribe to what Mani taught, this is the origins of islam. There was no arabic man named muhammad who claimed jesus wasn’t God.
@Ciskokid1970 16 күн бұрын
Mike really explains it all so beautifully..Thank you Mike and RIP ..Praise the Lord Jesus Christ 🙌
@Dive-Deeper 19 күн бұрын
Third time going through these four parts. Can't get enough of Michael's teachings. It's too bad he's gone. For us, but not for him. Praise God for his allowing Mike to leave all this great information.
@Battle_Faith-Ministries 20 күн бұрын
😂😂😂 topic shows Christians having a sense of humor
@Davidmexican 20 күн бұрын
So I’m about to watch this series for the millionth time.
@MCRousseau-777 22 күн бұрын
Wow Thank you so much for this wonderful knowledge and sharing it. Please; what is the tool for word search used by Dr Heiser ??? Thank you again.
@FriesOfTheDead 22 күн бұрын
Steven Spielberg directed the bible? SICK!
@jamesstewart524 22 күн бұрын
I am in a bible college Valor Christian college I just started a class we or in one of his books right now I just seen where he has went home to his reward I know he heard well done good and faithful servant
@mertonhirsch4734 22 күн бұрын
Wouldn't Andrew going to Romania and Scotland and Thomas preaching in India be more representative of going to the ends of the Earth?
@HalLeath 22 күн бұрын
Not a sandwich!!
@Makeallmensee 22 күн бұрын
Yeah, but do you understand the mysteries revealed to Paul.
@Grandlett 23 күн бұрын
The "executive director" is a jew