@-Justinus- Күн бұрын
What part is supposed to be fake? Aside from the part where the boss wasn't a woman, this is just real life.
@erichr9746 4 күн бұрын
What's humorous is the Germans would probably never have allowed an American to rule the U.S. like that.
@disastergoblin65 5 күн бұрын
Why the fuck are half the commenters here actually falling for fictional Nazi propaganda?
@kazuki5774 5 күн бұрын
The timeline in this tv series , if I'm right the story in this season and the entire show were taking place after 20 years after the ww2 which around the 1960s and in this universe it is the axis powers that won the war ,Are not really fit the story line, the mag in 0:29 of the rifle is not curved like every ordinary ak47 magazine and the curve in mags actually is made so that they fit the shape of the round, in fact the ak47 had some new alternative versions after they been produced as ak74 which they use a new type of rounds as 5.45x39mm and the shape of the magazine that these bullets take is this exactly.
@jacobtodd1622 6 күн бұрын
1) The lady asks, "What is your secret ingredient, Helen?" First off, she just stood right there and watched her assemble the dish. The question now is "What is your secret ingredient?" 2) The lady also asks (notice her black-colored, evil-looking eyes): "And who else was there that night?" What kind of question was that? Helen just finished telling her about her families first Reich-giving. What a weird follow-up question. You might as well asked her "What was the relative humidity at that time?" 3) "Thanks, Helen, we would love to have you back on the show." Wow, was probably the shortest tv show ever.. like 5 minutes at the most. Meanwhile, the casserole dish is still baking; probably has another 15-20 minutes. So, I guess, we don't get to see the final result? I want to talk to that producer, by God! Reich-giving TV Special: 2 minutes of putting a casserole together. 2 minutes of "girl talk." 1 minute of "thank-yous and goodbyes."
@Glacussia 6 күн бұрын
Beautiful acting
@willusa4167 6 күн бұрын
I like the idea of the BCR, and how the history of communism as an ideology would have been entirely different with no Cold War. But it did feel like the writers had a whole other idea that kind of got plugged in at the end here, and didn't execute it that well.
@davidbowie50yearsofbowiean23 7 күн бұрын
Its common knowledge that you WILL be passed over in the name of a DEI hire. So this isnt even propaganda, its an actually accurate prediction of our timeline
@JoshGellis-rp3cr 7 күн бұрын
This is incredibly darkly entertaining. Its interesting how there's mentioning of calories on a 50s cooking show- that's something that wouldn't be cared about in our real universe by sometime in the 1980s, probably.
@indyminded5473 7 күн бұрын
Dude found himself let go like a white male character in a modern Disney movie, lol
@kimwit1307 9 күн бұрын
I have the feeling that this show got some inspiration from James P. Hogans 'the proteus operation'...
@마덕이 9 күн бұрын
Noooo Tagomi
@KK-qq8hd 9 күн бұрын
Причем тут автомобили УАЗ и японцы?))) Рсточние до цели метров 100 максимум, а он с оптическим прицелом стреляет из СВД. Один смех...
@MoggerNChief 9 күн бұрын
Omfg these wiggas were so dripped its insane
@rageoftheredphoenix 9 күн бұрын
In the universe, there are plans to make the euro population much much smaller: race mixing leads to race wars and the mass migrations to Europe, the USA and other countries which are known to have a Caucasian populations: Argentina, Canada and Australia.
@vincentiusagre 9 күн бұрын
What I really hate of this show's ending, it's not its rushness, but how dumb it is, like; They kill the Reichsmarshall, some Gerarchs and are able to open the portal and bring people from the parallel world, and the show ends here telling you "Yeah, from there humanity can finally change and prosper, National Socialism is no more" DEZ NUTS. 20 years of indoctrinanion and the whole national youth enlisted in the Hitler's Youth, also not to say that the change from the American System to the Nazi System didn't truly change much as others tend to believe. Do you really think that One hundred milion people or so would just switch ideology and follow some drug addicted "Commie Freedom Fighters" becouse they killed the Leadership of the American Reich? Also not to say that the whole Europe is under the Nazi Reich, and is ready to send reinforcements to the American Reich if necessary. So sad that they had to end the series this way because Amazon wanted to give foundings to The Boys, it trutly deserved, at least, another two seasons.
@Glacussia 10 күн бұрын
That 1 frame of Himmler at the start lmao
@GrayNeko 10 күн бұрын
John Smith got exactly what he deserved. Nothing.
@marcuscelt7014 11 күн бұрын
So true. DEI/Affirmative action
@websystema 12 күн бұрын
John might just broke his son's leg - it postponed mobilization on 6 month, then he able to broke another leg.
@brandogg974 13 күн бұрын
Smith was always in denial of what he became. He thought he could work inside the system and he would be safe with his family, but it just got them all murdered. And he’s left to watch. There was no redemption for him here and knowing there’s a life where he had everything he wanted was too painful. Suicide was his only option
@deanchen507 13 күн бұрын
die Hühnerbrüder
@Cha4k 13 күн бұрын
Oh my god, There's a swimming pool and everything
@WehrdorfFilmKanal 15 күн бұрын
One of the best Serie ever. No Staffel 5 😢
@liconsa6808 18 күн бұрын
269mm HE 12,5kg de explosivo
@howardchen6587 19 күн бұрын
Allazon Shellby will be with the Reich now
@howardchen6587 19 күн бұрын
Good deal John. But the 3rd Reich. I dreamt I time travel to Post WWI. Allazon Shelby will be with the Reich now
@howardchen6587 19 күн бұрын
Hoover don't let SSA runs dry. Franklin saved my life
@howardchen6587 19 күн бұрын
Hoover don't let SSA run dry. Franklin saved my life
@howardchen6587 19 күн бұрын
Hoover I thank you for assisting Franklin Roosevelt in the midst of WWII
@howardchen6587 19 күн бұрын
Never forget the German High Command'Reign was established after the Suicide Surrender of Future Adolfo
@baronmateo6736 20 күн бұрын
This was one of the best storyline. The whole series should have focused on Smith. He was a good guy in a bad guy suit.
@lokiikol2917 21 күн бұрын
Despite many flaws in the last season, most of them due to the fact they had to wrap things up fast, there was some brilliant moments. The attack on the train and Smith's death are so powerful. Being able to realize all the evil things he did while serving the Nazis, how bad a person he had become, how the state took all his children and his wife, how ideology killed his world, that would be nice if all people realized that before supporting far-right extremism and theses.
@agentzero147 22 күн бұрын
The Reich lied to us
@kankichi-e2x 22 күн бұрын
この世界では戦後のオリンピック開催地はこうなるのか? 夏季 1948年 1940年からの繰り越しで東京(ただしこの世界の敗戦国であるアメリカ(東西共々)、イギリス、ロシアは排除される。そこから柔道は19正式種目になっている。階級が体重別で表記されるようになったあたりで女子が追加。現実よりも普及していると思われるので、青柔道着の導入は史実通りかも。) 1952年 史実同様ヘルシンキ 1956年 新京(満州国) 1960年 史実同様ローマ 1964年 シアトルかロンドン 1968年 北京 1972年 サンクトペテルブルク 1976年 史実同様モントリオール 1980年 ベルリン(ドイツのハンガリー侵攻に抗議して日本は他の西側諸国と共にボイコット) 1984年 大阪(その報復に対する報復として東側諸国がボイコット、これに合わせて神戸淡路鳴門自動車道が開通して、明石海峡大橋は鉄道併設橋として開業、明石海峡大橋や鳴門大橋を通って松山までの四国新幹線も開通。後に瀬戸大橋開業後、岡山で分岐して瀬戸大橋を通って高知まで行く四国横断新幹線も開通、ここで空手と野球が正式種目になる。) 1988年 ロサンゼルス(リバプールが立候補するが開催地投票の一騎打ちの末敗れる) 1992年 上海(ここで相撲か剣道が正式種目に追加されている。アパルトヘイトで長らくボイコットしてきた南アフリカもローマ以来となるオリンピック参加に復帰する。) 1996年 アテネ(これにより、オリンピック憲章が改正されて100年に1回〇〇96年には、オリンピックを必ずアテネで開催すると定められる) 2000年 名古屋(愛・地球博も同時開催、リニア中央新幹線はこれに合わせて開業、2015年に新大阪延伸。これにより東海道新幹線と東北新幹線の相互乗り入れが実現して、2010年代には全ての新幹線車両が周波数変更車両になる) 2004年 ケープタウン(日本の手で崩壊したフセイン政権がなくなった事でイラクもオリンピック参加に復帰する。) 2008年 マドリッド(サンフランシスコかバーミンガムが立候補するがあっけなく落選) 2012年 福岡か京城(九州新幹線はこれに合わせて全線開業して、西九州新幹線も全線フル規格で開業、日朝トンネルも開通、通称・アジアトンネル。閉会式ではサバンナハ木が観客と共に地面に向かって「ブラジルの人聞こえますかー?」と叫ぶ) 2016年 史実同様リオデジャネイロ 2020年 ロンドン(スペインで発生したコロナウイルスで1年延期、ほとんど無観客) 2024年 ロサンゼルス 2028年 仙台(一部の競技(マリンスポーツ系)は東日本大震災からの復興らしく石巻で。これに合わせて東日本大震災からの復興の象徴であるリニア中央新幹線の延伸である常磐新幹線(成田新幹線から分岐して東北新幹線に合流する普通の新幹線の場合も有り?)が新仙台まで開通、リニア新幹線なら品川~柏~水戸~いわき~相馬~仙台(東口地下)になるが、仙台から先は奥羽新幹線となる。 仙台~鳴子温泉~横手~(角館)~大舘~弘前~五所川原(ここまで奥羽新幹線)~(リニア青函トンネル)~江差~長万部~留寿都(ルスツリゾート前)~西札幌(琴似駅地下、地下鉄とJRの間。これにより地下鉄琴似駅とJR琴似駅が地下通路で繋がる。または手稲駅でも可)~(石狩)~留萌~羽幌~遠別~稚内~樺太へ。 成田新幹線分岐の普通の新幹線なら千葉ニュータウン中央で成田新幹線と分岐~新潮来~大洗~日立~いわき~新富岡~相馬~新山下~新岩沼(岩沼高等学園)~(名取で東北新幹線と合流~)仙台) 2032年 史実同様ブリスベン 2036年は未定(ダラスかデリーかモスクワかカイロ?) 2040年は皇紀2700年で東京(これと同時に東京万博も開催、これと同時にリニア中央新幹線の延伸線であるリニア山陰新幹線、リニア東九州新幹線(さすがに沖縄や台湾、香港までは延ばせない?)が開通して、(東北・)東海道・山陽・九州新幹線のバイパスとなった。もしかしたらオリンピック憲章が再改正されて100年に1回〇〇40年(皇紀○○00年)には、オリンピックを必ず戦勝国である帝都東京で開催すると定められる?) 冬季 1948年 1940年からの繰り越しで札幌(ただしこの世界の敗戦国であるアメリカ(東西共々)、イギリス、ロシアは排除される。) 1952年、1956年は史実と同じ 1960年 豊原(樺太) 1964年 史実同様インスブルック 1968年 ストックホルム 1972年 アンカレッジ(シアトルの場合もある) 1976年 盛岡→代替で史実同様インスブルック(東北新幹線の大宮~盛岡間はこれに合わせて1975年に開業していたがオリンピック返上だったのにも関わらずに開業、上野へは1980年延伸、東京へは1984年延伸。上越新幹線は1977年開業、1982年に当初の予定通り新宿延伸。いわて花巻空港を東條英機空港にしようとしたがオリンピック返上に伴い東條英機生誕100周年の1984年に延期。) 1980年 札幌(北海道新幹線はこれに合わせて開業、最初は新函館(史実の新函館北斗)~稚内、後に札幌~岩見沢間で分岐する根室までの道東新幹線(新得まではフル規格、そこからはミニ新幹線)や旭川で分岐する網走新幹線(旭川から西留辺蘂まではフル規格でそこからミニ新幹線)も開通。東北新幹線と繋がったのは青函トンネルが開業した1988年、これに合わせて東北新幹線も盛岡~新青森が開業して全通、東北新幹線の一ノ関以北や北海道新幹線全線にはスプリンクラーがあり、運休が少なくなる。) 1984年 北京(これに合わせて京滬高速鉄道が開業、アンカレッジが立候補するが敗れる) 1988年 史実同様カルガリー 1992年 長野(北陸新幹線はこれに合わせて開業、金沢へは2003年延伸、敦賀へは2016年延伸するが、米原ルートで2024年全通となり、米原手前で瀬戸大橋みたいにデルタ分岐線が設置され、東海道・中京・北陸・上越新幹線の一部が中央環状新幹線となる。要するに新幹線の山手線。軽井沢~米原間にはスプリンクラーがあり、高速運転も楽々。) 1994年 史実同様リレハンメル(樺太の豊原が立候補するが敗れる) 1998年 ソルトレイクシティー 2002年 真岡(樺太、これに合わせて稚泊トンネルが開業、それに合わせて北海道新幹線も樺太へ。) 2006年、2010年は史実と同じ 2014年 ミュンヘン 2018年は史実と同じかデンバー 2022年 バルセロナ(コロナウイルスの影響で生で見れるのはスペイン居住者だけ) 2026年、2030年は史実と同じ 2034年は新潟(それに合わせて富山~上越妙高~長岡~新青森の羽越新幹線が建設される。中央環状新幹線の影響で羽越新幹線と東北新幹線が新青森の南で環状新幹線用の連絡線(羽越新幹線側は弘前~新青森間で分岐、東北新幹線側は七戸十和田~新青森間で分岐、北側の連絡線には青森空港駅が作られる。)で繋がり、小山~熊谷間に環状新幹線用の連絡線(東北新幹線側は小山~大宮間の蓮田市で分岐、上越新幹線側は熊谷~大宮間の伊奈町で分岐、南側の連絡線には新伊奈駅が作られる。)も作られ、東北・上越・羽越新幹線の大半が東日本環状新幹線になる。)
@fredericklockard3854 23 күн бұрын
Kind of ironic that she encouraged John to join the Nazis when they were all starving. Did she not know then what they were all about? I mean they just nuked DC for goodness sakes.
@halothere6995 23 күн бұрын
Why are there ak47’s in a timeline where the Russians lost the war?
@LoganGlidden 23 күн бұрын
So does this mean America is free? Is he gonna tell the BCR We’re taking back the US and we need you to help is
@KalVilmer94 23 күн бұрын
DEI basically!
@jlambe19 11 күн бұрын
@MarquezRobinson 24 күн бұрын
This is how they should've start Season 5.
@raptorpilot170 24 күн бұрын
How the Japanese still gonna have bolt actions when the "resistance" has Dragunovs 😂
@shooterjenkins7089 24 күн бұрын
Fucking commies ruining everything in every timeline.
@IELTSguru1120 25 күн бұрын
If you are going to rig the bridge with explossives and derail the train, why shoot at it first?
@ElDuderino999 25 күн бұрын
Imagine watching yourself in a faint mirror image of the ‚otherverse‘… just living an ordinary peaceful suburban American life - instead of the monster you’ve allowed yourself to become.
@ElDuderino999 25 күн бұрын
The fact that such a well-organized terror machine like the Imperial Kempeitai had to turn over the country to essentially ‚rebel savages‘ in such a haste is the most unbelievable part of season 4. But then again, the showrunners seem to have felt the need to appeal to the BLM movement back in the day.
@modelcitizen72 16 күн бұрын
They must have been getting their asses handed to them in China pretty badly to make such a decision. But yeah, I was surprised they let go of North America like that.
@scooba789 25 күн бұрын
How did they make sure Himmler didn't use the gas before Smith got there?
@acm2215 25 күн бұрын
I just noticed that when Kido softens and talks about going to practice in the park, Toru looks up again at him happily, just before he disappears.
@maclanekeller8308 25 күн бұрын
The Reich murdered his son...and then....he saw him again.🥲🥲🥲🥹🥹🥹😖🤧 I actually feel sorry and compassionate for Smith.
@DwightStJohn-t7y 26 күн бұрын
oh, great; "notanother" sound track where the music is at the same volume level as the voices.
@HerbertShooler 26 күн бұрын
The dynamic duo,the finest of the fine...