@__cristianroque 2 күн бұрын
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 3 күн бұрын
I have taken the first step. I have subscribed next I will go to my lical Byzantine church as soon as I get back to the UK.
@waynenoll1967 3 күн бұрын
I don’t believe that confession should ever be done face to face, suppose that a beautiful woman came in and confessed sexual sin. You don’t think that the priest wouldn’t be tempted to?
@waynenoll1967 3 күн бұрын
I was confessing that I had taken God’s name in vain and had lusted in my heart for a couple of different women and the priest interrupted me, rather brusquely and asked if I had any mortal sins that he could absolve me of….maybe he was having a bad day.
@conviviostates6540 3 күн бұрын
As a new Byzantine convert, I am discovering several beautiful prayers that are both theological and devotional. I do like the Jesus prayer for its power in simplicity; however, I know myself, that if I pray the same prayer over and over again, it will lose meaning, and I’ll lose focus, and then the whole process has been for not. Growing up, I was a big Star Wars fan. There’s a point in the story where Luke Skywalker creates his own Lightsaber from a synthetic Kyber crystal. Without going too deep into its meaning, it was one of the things that made him a stronger Jedi in the force You mentioned that we didn’t have to follow a certain father‘s method, with the suggestion that we could create our own path and that this chotki is for our use to pray without ceasing, basically, to commune with God. I’m not so much asking for permission but looking for some clarity. You Mentioned that some of these Chotki have 33 beads or 150. Could I make my own chotki based on the prayers that I want to focus on? Also, I’d like to start memorizing scripture again, as I did, in youth. I was thinking if I had it on a chain, I could add beads based on different prayers or scriptures, basically, personalize the chotki to my needs. In writing this post, more ideas are coming into my mind. If the chotki is a tool, then we should be able to design it fit for purpose.
@jovanweismiller7114 4 күн бұрын
I am an Easterner who for reasons of transportation seldom can attend a Divine Liturgy. As a result, I normally attend a Latin Rite Mass. I've never had a problem.
@llamb7518 4 күн бұрын
When Fr. says “pray for me, I am a sinner” what do we say in response? Many times I say “His mercy endures forever“
@marynaughton4179 6 күн бұрын
Thankyou Fr. Chris for your humility. Pray for me a sinner. 🙏
@davenc8527 7 күн бұрын
I pray for the 600,000+ children who have been sexually abused by Catholic Priests. Nothing is more important than supporting those children and remembering that the Catholic Church is the largest pedophile organization in global history.
@gertrudeprayforus7 8 күн бұрын
Rolling tears in my eyes . ❤️
@MsRocko99 8 күн бұрын
Well said, Fr. Chris Thank you! 🙏🙏🙏
@DanielHall-m9i 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Fr.
@ingridprior1337 9 күн бұрын
Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19), the light, the bronze snake, rose of sharon, rock, shield...
@joepickett7084 11 күн бұрын
Confession is a beautiful thing, makes you feel so good to clean your soul and conscience. It also helps you defeat bad habits you may have if you take it seriously and work to stop sinning. I have never seen a confession like this with the stole being put over your head, but that is a beautiful thing. The sad part, with so few priests any more, confession sessions are a Saturday at 3:30 thing, which can be hard to remember to go. I like it when there are confessions during the midweek days, maybe even in the evening. Going once a month is a good habit.
@marmeone 11 күн бұрын
No priest ever gave me absolution with the stole!
@dorotacuch8085 12 күн бұрын
That was beautiful ❤
@riptorn3591 12 күн бұрын
This sounds hypocritical. Catholics split up to the point of even having different theology but claiming to be under the pope to seem united. The priests can even get married. Having their cake and eat it too.
@DomN5TCB 12 күн бұрын
What would be good is to have vids on the Parts of the Divine Liturgy. How it works, and why is it there.
@DomN5TCB 12 күн бұрын
Arch/Bishop Fulton J Sheen did celebrate the Byzantine Rites. As a bishop. In Byzantine vestments. Talk qbout a seal of approval!
@Patricia-d2g7c 12 күн бұрын
First sentence contains a major error. The priest in Confession IS there to judge. That is a key part of the Sacrament. I know someone who recently confessed to fornication, regular sin with his girlfriend. When the priest asked if he now repented and would avoid that sin, the young man replied "I can't and I won't". The priest then had to make a judgment and thankfully, because he was being faithful to Christ, the priest explained that he was unable to give him absolution. Repentance and a firm purpose of amendment - i.e. a determination not to commit that sin again - is an integral part of the Sacrament of Penance. I stopped watching the above video as soon as I heard that error, so I can only hope that it was corrected later in the video.
@stevecalovich3682 13 күн бұрын
The Novus Ordo false church ruled by Satan from Rome has invalid Confessions.
@doloressoriano6535 13 күн бұрын
Priest now r not like u Fr. Some priest don't give advice just absolve ur sins give penance n there u go
@elementecho89 13 күн бұрын
I have a question what happens to the people who abuse confession? Those who commit terrible things like murder, abuse, during the week but in the weekend they go to confession? Does God forgive them every time? Without consequences?
@maria.ijasso 11 күн бұрын
a person that commits grave sins, like the ones you named, are most likely truly not sorry. Especially if they continue doing said sin with no remorse. so it would make the confession invalid and they shouldn’t receive the Eucharist
@elementecho89 10 күн бұрын
@maria.ijasso So there sins are retained. I hope so because that would be terrible is someone does that and receives God's forgiveness every week. If God forgives someone who is not sorry would be terrible. That would be like taking advantage of confession.
@peggystaiano9782 13 күн бұрын
My first confession as a convert was horrible. He yelled at me and never spoke to me again. I didn't go to confession because l was perfect. Fortunately he did not turn me away from my conversion. But, do l go to confession? No.
@wayneshotlander-c8z 14 күн бұрын
We are only to go into our closet to be alne with the Lord AND convest to him and be forgiven by repenting for all the sin and be cleaned ! WE do not do tis as this man is saying even IF he is using scripter .
@mariaaiello8184 17 күн бұрын
Respect Father! In my senior years I finally recognized the miraculous freedom that comes from genuine and sincere confession and to want to do better. MCGA=Make confession great again!✝️🕊️📿🙏❤️👏
@wayneshotlander-c8z 17 күн бұрын
TO be FORGIVEN for sin WE pray to God in the Name of JESUS WE then repent we are the forgiven FOR Sining we try not to repeat When we fall Jesus is always there to take us by the hand and picks us up wnd our walk goes on making us stronger We DO NOT Confess to any man to be forgiven EVER Then IF we sin against an other man we g t that person to confess and ask for fogivenes that is deffernt from sin against God.IF on the other hand if a person IS NOT BORN-AGAIN KNOWS nothing about God He/she WILL go to Hell as THEY are lost in their sins ,As the soul that sins dies BY the way the SOUL is the MIND of the person US it is the Sperit that never dies weather in heaven or hell IT is appointed to man once to die the jugment ! So if YOU are not saved you will die in your sin IF you want to live ,that is for ever the YOU must repent and be baptized that is how we become Chritians there is NO other way ,as Jesus IS the only ,"NO man comes unto the Father But by me "says JESUS,he also says"
@jlsn2346 20 күн бұрын
Some priests are too impatient,they ask us to be quick n are not willing to listen.
@donaldturnbull 20 күн бұрын
Can a Roman Catholic use a Prayer Rope?
@titaniumsteel9114 21 күн бұрын
"Ordinary catholic families cannot survive.They must be extraordinary catholic families. They must be what I do not hesitate to call 'heroic' catholic families.Ordinary catholic families are no match for the devil as he uses media of communication to secularize and desacralize modern society.No less than ordinary individual catholics can survive,so ordinary catholic families cannot survive.They have no choice. They must either be holy- which means sanctified - or they will disappeared". Fr John Hardon S.J Many Catholics easily stray away from the faith that they received. What are the reasons for their falling into complacency, becoming indifferent and even hostile towards Christ and the Christian Faith? The fault with many Catholics is that they think baptism is a graduation from having acquired knowledge and understanding of their faith. After completing their catechism classes or RCIA journey, they no longer seek out opportunities to continue growing their faith, both doctrinally and spiritually. Their only occasion to grow in faith is the one-hour Mass that they attend every Sunday. This is hardly enough to sustain the life of a Catholic. Those who do not grow in their faith are already losing their faith. There is no neutrality. How, then, can we grow in our faith? Firstly, we need to deepen our intimacy with God through Christ. In Christ, we come to know and love the Father. Secondly, we must be rooted in the Word of God. We cannot grow in our faith without deepening our love and appreciation for the Word of God through bible study and most of all, a prayerful reading and sharing of the Word of God. Thirdly, we must seek the support of the Christian community. A Catholic without the support of his fellow Catholics will eventually fall out from the faith, especially when he undergoes the trials and challenges of life, the influence of secularism, and the materialistic, individualistic and atheistic views of the world. Fourthly, to grow our faith, we need to evangelise and be a witness to Christ. We evangelise ourselves by evangelising others. By sharing our faith with others, we strengthen our own faith. By teaching our faith to others, we grow in understanding and clarity in what we believe in. Finally, growing in faith is to grow in our Christian life. This is the most effective form of witnessing. It means that those of us who are baptised must live a life of holiness and purity, free from sin and a bad conscience. A life of holiness and charity are the fruits of a strong spiritual life and a life of hope founded in the promises of God. If the Catholic Church is accused of being satanic, that is no more than its Founder, Jesus Christ, was accused of. When our Lord was on earth, he had the same problem. He was driving demons out, and some said he was doing this by the power of the devil. How did Jesus respond? He said, “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand; that is the end of him” (Mk 3:23-26). The Catholic Church drives out the devil, too. This practice is called exorcism. No one can deny that the Catholic Church has been doing exorcisms on people and driving out Satan for nearly two millennia. Therefore, we must reason like Jesus: If the Catholic Church were from the devil, it could not drive the devil out. We shouldn’t be surprised when such charges are made against the Catholic Church. Jesus told us, “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master; it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household” (Mt 10:24-25). It is impious to say, I respect every religion. This is as much as to say,I respect the devil as much as God,vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty.Hell as much as Heaven. Fr Michael Muller.C.Ss.R(1825-1899) There can be only one true religion, because a thing cannot be false and true at the same time, and, therefore,all religions that contradict the teaching of the true Church must teach falsehood.If all religious in which men seek God are equally good and true,why did Christ disturb the Jewish religion and the Apostles condemn heretics? A561 Third Baltimore Catechism. Weak Catholics become protestants Strong Protestants become Catholics,
@rrickarr 22 күн бұрын
This is extremely beautifully explained.
@jimpassi349 26 күн бұрын
do you talk to god with all kinds of fancy words orr do you talk to him like your best friend // i talk to my god because he is my best friend dont you
@jajohnson7809 26 күн бұрын
It's a shame the western church no longer practices communing infants.
@kanzzon 28 күн бұрын
really? 😂😂😂😂
@Axlandros 29 күн бұрын
Hello there! Roman Catholic here! I've found some churches here in Rome that do the Byzantine's rite and I'm very curious to partecipate to a mass, what I have to learn in order to do it properly? Any suggestion, maybe some prayers in Greek?
@EternalApprentice-rr5um 29 күн бұрын
Masterfull, thanks from Brazil
@Eduardo-o8s6p 29 күн бұрын
do I need to be very explicit and specific about the sin? Even if it's horrible and something I wished I never watched
@donnadifulco9265 Ай бұрын
I had an excellent confession with my parish priest. He understood where I was coming from and what I was saying. It felt so freeing and comfortable that I was really heard and forgiven! God Bless all of you!
@brianayers1736 Ай бұрын
I was just caninically transferred into the Ruthenian Church. It took two years from when i began the process
@donnadifulco9265 Ай бұрын
Thank you Jesus for the gift of Confession ❤
@albertaowusu3536 Ай бұрын
The Catholic Church is orthodox.🇻🇦💒😊
@lynne-du9ql Ай бұрын
Jesus thank you for loving me. Jesus I trust in you. Mary help of Christians pray for us 🙏
@marycostello5812 Ай бұрын
We need to tell Jesus - repented we are sorry. The Gopel we get know who we are praying. to. In Him we live move and have our being
@justrubio3121 Ай бұрын
Look into Melkite Greek Catholic.
@JesusDelapaz-gj9vx Ай бұрын
Is this the one Voice of Reason goes too?
@Adeofactusest 15 күн бұрын
Yes it is
@antoniocarlosvdasilva100 Ай бұрын
glória à Deus. glória à Sua Santa Igreja em todos os ritos que A mantém rica e bela. ❤
@TheLincolnrailsplitt Ай бұрын
I enjoyed listening to this explanation. I hope the Eastern Catholics never modified their practices to align with Roman innovations. The distribution of the bread and blood of Christ from a single spoon is highly reverent and doesn't deprive members of the wine
@TheKielbasaKid Ай бұрын
I am a raised Roman Rite Catholic who has been worshipping in a Byzantine Catholic Church for about 30 years and now waiting for approval of my petition to be formally received into the Byzantine Church. I feel like I am coming home. Please pray for me.
@caniceadie 5 күн бұрын
You are already home, just changing rite and traditional practices
@ionitamc5149 Ай бұрын
In Romania where I am living, to become orthodox must be baptised again in Ortodox Church. I refused to do it, because I am baptised in Catolic Church in the Name of Holy Thrinity, and my baptism is sacred.
@ramsesramos4502 10 күн бұрын
That was the best move from your end. To be baptized again wouldn’t hold up nor should it be done. It’s actually mortal sin to do this exact thing. Sometimes the Orthodox Russian church might ask for it but even then it’s definitely advised against.
@genevievekinzer869 Ай бұрын
Love that God is always there. Thank you Father God. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!