Summary and Review of Parts 1 and 2
@digaddog6099 8 күн бұрын
Hey, I think the file is gone from the Desmos app
@kallistiravenhurst5232 9 күн бұрын
it kind of feels like hope could in a sense be the suspension of disbelief. we suspend our disbelief about the sylladex and strife specibus because Story, but then Gamzee goes and does something that makes us question the sylladex because it's one thing to poke at the cards but it's another thing to just bypass the system you're supposed to work with and be confounded by. meanwhile Jake suspends disbelief on anything and pretty much everything and Eridan [a destroyer class] denies or "disbelieves" the force of magic into an over-advanced science. heck Eridan's decision to attack the angel things in his world despite the fact they clearly weren't intended to be targets is another thing. why do we know they aren't supposed to be targets? because they don't drop grist. but why is that the identifier? it feels like Eridan is basically the example to show how some of the weird monster-things on the planets are targets to attack and others aren't, a way of showing that there's good reason for the players to target only the obvious aggressors because we saw it was otherwise a waste of time ...i got rambly sorry if the thought got obfuscated along the way
@tidecovill6718 16 күн бұрын
The concept of a Carry is literally referenced by Aradia and Tavros while talking about his favored Flarp class, one that starts weaker than average but levels up to be above average
@mm-du6xq Ай бұрын
“Not gonna tell you if your mind is not an infinite realm of potential or some shit” 😂😂
@leonidchichibabi2383 Ай бұрын
Thanks. Damn.
@Panama_lewis 2 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation.
@TexTalksSometimes 2 ай бұрын
thank you for saying that!
@flying__turtle 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this series! I think it's the best Marxist education I've seen on KZbin
@TexTalksSometimes 2 ай бұрын
I'm currently turning it into a paper(s) because nobody is watching it!
@TexTalksSometimes 2 ай бұрын
even after I do though, I think the KZbin videos will be better
@Poizn0 2 ай бұрын
@Poizn0 2 ай бұрын
at 38:53 y1(2) be equal to (1+aπ2)y1(1), here are we assuming that the rate of profit will be same for the second production cycle?
@TexTalksSometimes 2 ай бұрын
we are assuming the following in the model: 1. that the composition of capital, ie the technological state of each department, is constant. Ie technology is frozen 2. that the state of play between labor and capital is also frozen, Ie a constant societal rate of exploitation With those assumptions, the answer to your question is yes: the per unit of time rate of profit is the same and constant from one period to another. That said, the actual society wide rate of profit can and will still vary from period to period within our model. The reason for this is that society is going back and forth in their bias towards one of the two departments. If department 1 is where all of the action is and it has a higher composition of capital than department 2, then the rate of profit will be lower than if society favored department 2. This oscillation however only hovers between the two fixed rates of profit for the departments. Hope that helps!
@Poizn0 2 ай бұрын
​@@TexTalksSometimesyep this is helpful 👍I really liked this video, do you think that finance capital, interests would change much in this circulation?
@Poizn0 2 ай бұрын
you've done a great service to humanity
@Poizn0 2 ай бұрын
i love this channel, love your work
@twotamatos 2 ай бұрын
I like to think after HS’s ending purple bloods are extinct they are in my mind 9/10 evil zealots whose main purpose is to fulfill the legacy for the main villains. Purple sea dwellers too where 9/10 if u are to role as a purple blooded troll in any regard u have to be evil. They act as carny fodder gamzee is prophet for clowns he is a bard and rage that matches his purple blood and clown roots he has more of a important role then any other purple blood should probably ever have but if u ask me they all have plot armor until they’re prophecy has been fulfilled n are really hard to kill 9/10 will be ostracized from the group for being shady devils of the sort but after all that u understand why equius fears him he is a bit like whistles for HS. N when u dip into other pieces of hussies work caliborn is a lord of time I think that enables him to have control over the story at any point even go back to PS era I feel his meddling in a lot of things outside of act 6 his drawings are earily like PS if u look in the extras problem sleuth creates the hammer of zillywho in that I think is the closest bases in reality to why and how he can get a hammer of zillywho other then he’s a bard and rage players are like the tanks of HS ontop of bard there can only be 1 bard per session if u ask me they r either friends with a page or servants to lords/princes n enemies of knights
@Zoltan_Matravolgyi 3 ай бұрын
Is this game only for VR?
@BCWasbrough 3 ай бұрын
Thumper is a beautiful game and I am absolutely saddened that I no longer have the reflexes to play it.
@WhiteAquarian 3 ай бұрын
In the 50s, there was a chicken breeding program that after a decade or so doubled the size of the chicken while halving the time to grow them that big (14 down to 7 weeks). Cornish Crosses have heart problems and their legs regularly break because of their weight. Its also the reason why chicken meat is often so bland. Industrial Ag has made faster and bigger birds since, but with everything diminishing returns, down to 6 or 5 weeks. Though these were done with classic selective breeding, who know what we can shit out with CRISPR.
@SD_Koy 4 ай бұрын
I just want to say, i appreciate you not privating thes videos. It's clear you use this channel now to host lectures, but this (and your other Homestuck content) are some of the rare analysis of the story as opposed to the fandom. I can only hear the sharpie story so many times before it's not deep lore.
@Caldoric 4 ай бұрын
In a way, i get the feeling that Mind and Rage are actually somewhat opposites... One is the clarity of pure logic and forethought, the other is a clouding or obscuration thereof by pure emotion.
@skatefastreadmarx5564 4 ай бұрын
I love your comment that the way Marx deals with the issue that increasing productivity doesn't always lead to increased OCC to the point that it causes a falling rate of profit is "ridiculous" is very correct, he basically just repeats a working situation in the part in vol 3 and then continues on without ever proving the claim that it must be the case that the OCC rises, all he proves is the possibility. I'm actually writing a paper for class on this right now, defending Cockshott and Cottrells argument that its the rate of population growth which largely determines how the tendency will go.
@TexTalksSometimes 4 ай бұрын
Oh cool, jealous you're taking a class on this stuff. May I ask what school?
@skatefastreadmarx5564 4 ай бұрын
@@TexTalksSometimes Sure! Its the Evergreen State College, I'm doing an independent learning contract on volume 3 (I've read bits sporadically but never fully through), doing a study of debates on the falling rate of profit and a public facing presentation, and then a paper diving into the importance of the concept of fetishism in volume 3 and Marxs philosophical critique of capitalism, pulling mostly from II Rubin and Ian Wright. I was gonna do another paper on the complexities of crisis theory and simultaneously defend the falling rate of profit fanatics and the idea that crises can happen due to different complexities leading to oscillation within the system, but got very caught up in whats been taking the nation by storm.
@JimmyMcG33 4 ай бұрын
Great series so far, I'm just finishing up volume 1 of Capital and this is a very helpful (and entertaining) review. Also Ian Wright is the GOAT.
@Kyrmana 5 ай бұрын
I'm thinking white is void because it's the color of a blank paint canvas. But also transparency and therefore the bg color of the website. And Arquius went outside of the panels in that fighting flash, so I'd say anything outside the panels is void too.
@julianbello8376 5 ай бұрын
I'll write comments as I go along. Apologies if you're tired of this video now taht it's a decade old. This is a fascinating lens to see Homestuck through. It's surprisingly adept at explaining the entierety of homestucks basic asumotions and mechanics. While I agree on a lotbI feel as jf there is something missing on this take. Homestuck is layered like abstractions but not only in a vomputational sense. It's also layered metanarritively. Homestuck is a webcomic about comics about rpgs about adventure games about ttrpgs about narrative itself about mythology. While vast swaths of Homestuck world function on videi game logic, I'd argue that's a function of what Homestuck is. The way the different layers of narrative abstractions bleed down is a central layer of ehat Homestuck is and that doesn't fit in what we have here so far. The AlphaTimeline/QComp bit was amazing thi and left me blown away. A really amazing narrative lens but one I feel is incomplete and can be subsumed by others.
@digaddog6099 5 ай бұрын
Im a bit confused on what S actually represents. If we take our perfectly representative worker working a 12 hour work day, spending an equal amount of time on C, V, and T, then i can imagine they'd: C. Maintain and build machinery V. Produce food, build houses, and manage water supplies S. ??? They would work on the same things as V for a while, but we've decided that most of S isnt used as subsidence, but as reinvestment. But wouldn't that be C?
@TexTalksSometimes 5 ай бұрын
No, C as I'm defining it here is only the amount of labor required for reproducing means of production given the current requirements of production that day. It is certainly possible that all of S could be reinvested and used to scale up production (if you're willing to starve the capitalists!) but I'll leave it up to you as to whether that's actually happening in our reality. Most economists estimate 3% gdp growth per year as a healthy capitalist system (and we don't even usually achieve that). Also just as a little nitpick: a single worker isn't spending some of their time on C, some on S and some on V. Most workers are only producing one thing all day which falls into one of the 3 categories. It's only in aggregate, looking over all labor done by all workers in a day, that this kind of accounting is reasonable.
@digaddog6099 5 ай бұрын
​@@TexTalksSometimesI was using the generalization you used in episode 2 (I think) for simplicities case, where we imagine theres just one worker who does all work. To rephrase my question: According to the Coercive laws of Competition argument, capitalists need to push S more and more into V. This isn't simply a matter of greed, but of need. They need to have higher profits than other capitalists because in a crisis the large eat the small. So, what is labor actually making when it makes S? It cant just be the means of subsidence. That's part of S, but since theres more workers than capitalists, that only justifies S being, at minimum, a small fraction of V. It cant be luxury goods either. That's what the Coercion within Competition argument argues against. Capitalists want to spend their money, but they cant. Because they need to spend it on making their company the strong. S also can't be capital goods. That's what C represents. If capitalists dont need to push S into V more and more, past the point of their own necessity, that removes the foundation of many future arguments. Episode 4 argues that in order to maintain profits, capitalists need to exploit workers more and more as C grows, but if capitalists dont need to push S, then falling rates of profits are much less of an incentive to exploit. This push of S into V is supposed to represent more and more time which the workers produce goods for S, and the coercive laws of competition claims that these goods are goods which companies use to make themselves larger. So what are those goods? By the way, I do like the series so far (I'm on episode 4) I'm just having a hard time jumping between the layers of abstraction present.
@digaddog6099 5 ай бұрын
​@@TexTalksSometimesok, I found some equations in your later videos which I think might help. I'm just doing this math for the first time, writing this comment, so I'm not sure what the results will be. Δ(C+V)=aS For production cycles: t-1 t [C|V|S][C|V|S], Cy(t-1)=C₁y₁(t)+C₂y₂(t) Cy(t)=V₁y₁(t)+S₁y₁(t) Ly(t)=V₂y₂(t)+S₂y₂(t) These equations come from the first accumulation video and the second reproduction schema respectively. The first thing we can observe is that, where a+b=1, where a represents reinvestment and b represents luxury goods, is that every coercive force that makes the capitalists raise S must come from the need for aS. Although the capitalists need some bS to survive, there isn't any systematic force which makes them raise b. Its just want. So we'll set a to 1. The second thing we realize is that the equalities given above can be visualized. For the following equations, the columns represent what they do in the earlier array [C, V, S][C, V, S] and the rows represent total production, department 1, and department 2. The highlighted boxes represent the equalities in the second set. Cy(t-1)=C₁y₁(t)+C₂y₂(t) ⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ============= ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛ Cy(t)=V₁y₁(t)+S₁y₁(t) ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬛⬛ ============= ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ Ly(t)=V₂y₂(t)+S₂y₂(t) ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜ ============= ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜ Taken all together, we can color code this as ⚪⬛⬛🔵🔴🔴 ============= ⬛⬛⬛⚪🔵🔵 ⬛⬛⬛⚪🔴🔴 The first thing we can see from here is that C+V+S isnt the same bar as just the two departments summed. Overall C is department 1s labor, but C₁+C₂ is yesterday's overall capital production. To me, maybe I'm reading this wrong, but this seems to imply the upper bar is actual labor, measured in hours, done each day, macro scale. The department bars represents exchange itself. The labor and capital the capitalist gets through purchase and for free. I kind of feel like this is how we've been using the bars so far anyway, but its nice to write them out. The first thing we realize is that, in the instance of global labor, new value is being created at C, since C represents the labor that's going to die, not the labor that's dead. From the perspective of the capitalist, however, an increase in C makes it harder to exploit. I dont believe this shakes any notions, but I'll have to think on it some more. The second thing we realize is that the global labor bar and the exchange bar feeds each other. Yesterdays global labor feeds tomorrow's exchange capital, and today's labor exchange feeds today's labor. The third thing we notice is those 8 missing squares. I'm going to write out the table 1 more iterations to see what happens. ⚪⬛⬛🔵🔴🔴⬜🔳🔳 =================== ⬛⬛⬛⚪🔵🔵🔵⬜⬜ ⬛⬛⬛⚪🔴🔴🔵🔳🔳 I derived this result through these means: 1. We can use ⚪'s pattern to imply 🔵's. 2. We cant imply anything else about the continuation of 🔴 and ⚪, so we have to use new symbols to represent the new cycle. The new pattern we see is that capital continues throughout, but labor, in this model, lives paycheck to paycheck. This makes sense, seeing as we assumed that a laborer being paid represented hours worked by labor for labor, in the same cycle. Now let's try to fit in that first equation. Δ(C+V)=aS; we've decided earlier that a=1, for simplicity. The change in C and V, in context, represent additional t provided by the labor reserve. Let's write out the graph as an extension of our last graph, but with a final 3x3 representing not a new day, but Δt. t-2. t-1 t Δt ⚪⬛⬛🔵🔴♦️⬜🔳🔳🔺️🔻♦️ ========================== ⬛⬛⬛⚪🔵🔵🔵⬜⬜🔸️🔺️❌ ⬛⬛⬛⚪🔴🔴🔵🔳🔳🔸️🔻❌ 1. First we seperate global labor surplus from all other labor goods as ♦️, broken up into 🔺️, 🔸️ 🔻. This makes sense, as department 2 makes bS, not aS. 2. Now we want to make a call. Do we make a department 3, representing reinvestment goods? For now, I'll say no. 3. Now we insert 🔺️into Δ(C+V). Where exactly is tricky. I'll say it goes into both departments, since you can reinvest in both industries. 4. We match up the symbols by the pattern. 5. Nothing is reinvested into S in either department, as that's not implied by the equation. 6. However, we do get some labor for free from the new workers as S, from both departments. This all leads us to the above chart. What does this chart tell us? Well, it tells us that aS is used to exchange for new capital and new labor. This is just what our equation says, anyway. This new C terminates, as it's dead labor. Dept 1 and 2 both provide more C and S for future cycles and a bit of profit. So, it seems that C is work done to reproduce capital, V is work done to reproduce labor, and aS is work done to grow both capital and labor. Which I guess is just what Δ(C+V)=aS says. This seems to imply something a lot less cynical about the rate of profit, that it's simply more work done for laborers and capital goods. Work done in S is farming for immigrant workers and expanding the industrial apparatus. Neither of these, by themselves, seem like the worst things in the world. Maybe theres a study out there. or some argument, that reinvestment into the workforce hurts workers. Maybe the harm is that more and more money is spent only on a very large groups first paycheck. Maybe there is a systematic force making bS rise, such as outsider shareholders. I dont know. What do you think?
@twotamatos 5 ай бұрын
I said today I wanted to get a full scale of all the different isms of capitalism, socialism, communism. It’s a different ism but marxism is very interesting to I’m a big fan of the 7 deadly sins and greed u could have some great juxtapositions in Marxism
@twotamatos 5 ай бұрын
Thank u so much for making this I have many projects I want to make but a homestuck AU is super important to me I want to get back to acts 1-5 it was a magical time. I love AHs world it is so rich to just draw inspiration and your own AU for and we needed more fans like u. I mean it Man U went on to do some amazing things and are a incredible speaker & writer/theologist u really are ahead of our times so thanks for putting ur brain to good use cuz this stuff right here is the meat and candy for AU writers but very little stuff like this is made or documented on in video form gotta go do a lotta tumblr & wiki lurking for that
@twotamatos 5 ай бұрын
There r so many little cool similarities & duelites in the class & aspects system I’m glad u where able to find hope is to rage as life is to doom and so on not many people see that where u can have some very cool strifes & conflicts/altercations in character dynamics through them
@lowersaxon 6 ай бұрын
Very nice video and good analytical work. Now of course the Transf. Problem is not „overrrated“, sorry. It is a serious problem for sure as well, agreed. The problem is that if you start to believe in „Marxism“ you will become a quasi-religious believer automatically. But Marxism isnt „true“ in a scientific sense , it maybe „true“ for true believers who ignore each and every counter argument. I‘ve studied this stuff in the 1980s extensively and intensively. A retired prof. of econ. now. Note that for g=r and the positive outcome for the Tr. Probl. you dont have to assume that profits P equal Investment I, i.e. „ capitalists accumulating everything“, i.e. total surplus value, no you dont. Suppose - in terms of mainstream economics - Cp is consumption out of profits and Sw is saving out of labour income (wages w), then r=g if Cp = Sw! I think this has to be theoretically so anyway. But mainstream econ. and Marxists do deny that emphatically. Anyway. The trivial case of course is Cp = 0 and Sw = 0 ( so that Sp = P and Cw = W, P = total Profits, W = total wage sum) which is a marxist „extreme case“ in which capitalists do not consume at all and which looks a bit weird. But of course workers save, that was true even in the 19. cent. So nothing is weird if Cp = Sw. You probably know that we are talking about the „Golden Rule of Capital Accumulation“ here. If not, I recommend some research. Well, r=g simply means r=g = 0 in a stationary economy. No profits, no surplus value. The value and price of commodities = c + v. So, if the Trans Problem is solved or a priori absent, so is exploitation!! You cannot call P = I ( Profits rK equal real Investment gK , K= stock of real capital goods = constant capital) exploitation if the growth rate g equals the rate of growth of the population and thereby of the labour force. And you are absolutely right, exploitation ( and the Trans Pr. ) arises if Cp > 0 in a stationary economy or Cp > Sw in a growing economy.
@Luigicat11 6 ай бұрын
I kinda like that the Aspects already overlap 'cause it leaves room for fan expansions on the idea of Classes and Aspects. Oh this fan Aspect overlaps with Breath? So does Light, big whoop.
@harper8042 6 ай бұрын
at 30:22 you describe the ordering a < b < c < aa < ab < ... as the lexicographical ordering - this isn't quite right, as in the lexicographical ordering we would have to list the words a, aa, aaa, aaaa, ... before ever getting to b. just a nitpick, since there's an obvious isomorphism between the set of words on {a,b,c} and the natural numbers expressed in base-4
@Mr1930s 6 ай бұрын
I discovered your channel through your Twitter account, brilliant stuff
@lluchmartinez3586 7 ай бұрын
good stuff
@Johnytomm 8 ай бұрын
level 5 is a fucking massive hurdle that brutally forces you to get actually good at the game, once you get past it nothing seems as challenging anymore and each level feels like it's going down in difficulty
@KoukiSama136 8 ай бұрын
What was that uber vid you spoke of linking in the description again?
@TexTalksSometimes 8 ай бұрын
it's there in the description? I just double checked
@evisl.w6552 9 ай бұрын
I have a question is it possible for a game session to have two or more equal classes like imagine that back in the troll session the unknown thirteen troll actually was another time player what would have happened then would the game create scenarios where either aradia or the other troll die
@lovestrucktheidiot 9 ай бұрын
As far as I recall, this is the video that introduced me to Thumper, and I couldn't be more grateful for that. It's never going to be a game I can play (terrible rhythm and chronic hand pain), but I find myself repeatedly coming back to compilation videos of the levels because there's just... something about the oppressiveness that pulls me back.
@MarkusIfquil 9 ай бұрын
dear god, how did I come across this just now
@veganwater381 10 ай бұрын
5 years late but just wanna add this. i feel HEART and MIND don't represent the fans themself, but rather represent the things that fans interact with; heart is the characters we can interact with while mind is the very logic the story is based on. so, together they kinda represent genre
@elementallobsterx 10 ай бұрын
THIS is the lens Homestuck needed to be looked at through. As a programmer I love the parallels you drew to the cosmology in HS.
@thisprojectisretired1055 10 ай бұрын
Certified Divine Intellect Video
@Drforbin941 11 ай бұрын
Your brilliant my friend
@jghifiversveiws8729 11 ай бұрын
When I first watched this video 4 or so years ago I didn't think it would stick with me as much as it has.
@Drforbin941 11 ай бұрын
Your brilliant
@batyr123_ 11 ай бұрын
level 5-1 is fucked. been stuck for ages now
@tomtom-uy3ov 11 ай бұрын
im majoring in mathematics right now and i am also taking a module in economics housed under the mathematics department... i became very aware of how quickly they glossed over the "axioms" of neoliberal economic theory to delve straight into the mathematics behind it, while in every other mathematical course we actually subject those axioms to analysis and inspection. so taking a mathematical view to marxist economics is so refreshing... a welcome antidote to the cognitive dissonance i get from using multivariable calculus to try to prove poor people shouldnt eat 😐tldr this is freaking epic
@KoukiSama136 11 ай бұрын
Great series.
@josefnovinski1605 11 ай бұрын
Very late to the party here, but at 27:58 you put question marks over Uracil, the "5th" nucleotide. What's interesting about Uracil is that it is only used in RNA(instead of Thymine). RNA is like DNA, but where DNA is the blueprint of genetic code RNA is what creates the proteins that actually do things.You could argue that U is the more active version of T, and thus Caliborn(and Lord English by association) with the uU tag is the more active version of Dirk with the TT tag.
@kwamp684 11 ай бұрын
a bunch of mental gymnastics and word salads
@benthorne1996 11 ай бұрын
This is seriously the best youtube vid I've seen for a while - honestly every aspiring Marxist should watch and digest this.
@EVALM8 Жыл бұрын
Actually kills are when you see tentacles on the side of the track, you pound a thump you will hear a high pitched noise and they will turn red and go away
@Drforbin941 Жыл бұрын
This is absolutely wonderful stuff! Anyway we can have a chat?
@TexTalksSometimes Жыл бұрын
sure, feel free to reach out to me through a twitter DM!
@Drforbin941 Жыл бұрын
Can I email you?
@TexTalksSometimes Жыл бұрын
@@Drforbin941 sure!
@Drforbin941 Жыл бұрын
@@TexTalksSometimes What's your email?
@TexTalksSometimes Жыл бұрын
@@Drforbin941 check my about page of my channel
@stavroskarageorgis4804 Жыл бұрын
Flow of "stuff", not of "commodities". Remember that commodities are not just "things of use-value to someone".
@stavroskarageorgis4804 Жыл бұрын
Labor as a commodity? What?
@Poizn0 2 ай бұрын
labour power is a commodity in that it has a use value and can be exchanged for money commodity
@stavroskarageorgis4804 2 ай бұрын
@@Poizn0 Labor-POWER, not labor itself.