Immersive KARL FRANZ | The Beastmen Crusade
Zhao Ming's Last Stand | Immersive TAMURKHAN
Khazrak's A Coward | Immersive KARL FRANZ #4
Beating Up Skragg | IMMERSIVE Skarsnik #27
@user-ct5jm4vc4k Сағат бұрын
@Sunbowl Сағат бұрын
Army loss is an instant lose, literally no way for leadership to push against it. Grombrindal has the unbreakable trait.
@anthroposmetron4475 22 сағат бұрын
That attack was strange, very out of character and you were badly outpowered. Must have been the sleepiness. The autoresolve was fair I'd say. You had the artillery advantage but that was about it. And bolt throwers are not amazing artillery. Possibly winnable but only with several very effective burning heads on their rangers, and then everything focus-firing down the trollhammer torpedos.
@GamingForImmersion 6 сағат бұрын
I certainly was overconfident. I don't think I can blame sleepiness for the attack, although I felt a little slow with my micro in this one, so being tired definitely didn't help. You're right, I needed to take out those trollhammers faster.
@edosborn4780 23 сағат бұрын
Skarsnik and his gobbo's don't lose to dwarves! #trustingobbos
@gerrywhite1260 Күн бұрын
Using Mage Hand to set up sneak attack is no different then using other summons to do it. Necromancer uses undead other wizards use imps etc.... In my mind if it can do damage to the enemy then it is not abusing it.
@GamingForImmersion 23 сағат бұрын
I think the big difference is by keeping it invisible, the mage hand never enters combat and can be moved around at will as far as necessary.
@gerrywhite1260 21 сағат бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion Good point. Thinking of it like that, I guess it is OP. Maybe keep it invisible until you have it set up then make it visible before you sneak attack. That wouldn't be any different then drinking a invisibility potion and coming up behind a enemy.
@alexmashkin863 Күн бұрын
Arcane Trickster is fun to play but not as powerful. Still perfectly viable to play the game of course. Like Wild Magic Sorcerer is extremely fun to play and very powerful too but in terms of sheer power and utility you want Storm Sorcerer every time :-)
@alexmashkin863 Күн бұрын
Mage Hand allowing you to sneak attack might feel a bit abusive, but, first, it's justifiable - it could create some distraction, move air in their face or something, and second, sneak attack is not that hard to set up consistently anyway, especially with later items :-) So that mage hand doesn't give you that much of an advantage over other subclasses, not nearly as powerful as an additional bonus action of the Theif or Assassins devastating combat initiation.
@alexmashkin863 Күн бұрын
On my first playthrough I employed simple logic regarding hag's potions: I found those things in the lair of treacherous hag, do I really want to drink them? And so I never did :-))
@user-ct5jm4vc4k Күн бұрын
@alexpeers9863 Күн бұрын
Hi there GFI, That was a good episode. Particularly because you lost with honour. No shame in being battered by the Dawi. Esp. on Very hard. The cinematic inserts were also very good. Keep up the good work. You will triumph in the end.
@GamingForImmersion Күн бұрын
Thanks. I got a bit overconfident but thank goodness it wasn't the type of loss that can cripple a campaign. I think it's necessary to lose sometimes in order to learn what your limits are, so I'm going to chalk it up as a learning experience.
@nolaguy72126 Күн бұрын
The Empire just got safer. Qwin looks like he is definitely going to be a good boy. Vald better think twice about an army of animated bones with him at your side. Thanks man, my dog's ears stood straight up when he heard he is getting to help out Karl.
@anthroposmetron4475 2 күн бұрын
Just noticed at the end there when you hovered over their army - looks like Talabecland is going to ruin-dwell Carroburg. Not sure if that's what you want or not.
@GamingForImmersion Күн бұрын
Isn't it in the blood-grounds? So it wouldn't be settle-able. Or am I missing something?
@anthroposmetron4475 Күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion Yeah, that's a good point, I'm really not sure. It definitely looked like the Talabecland army was heading there, though. I think you can click on the herdstone to see what regions are bloodgrounds? Would be handy if you could get Carroburg back to Boris, then you'd probably have Khazrak coming down towards you, ambush potential.
@gerrywhite1260 2 күн бұрын
You two have one of the best playthrough videos I've watched so far. Love the immersion.
@GamingForImmersion Күн бұрын
@user-ct5jm4vc4k 2 күн бұрын
Like and good video.👍👍 Nice work as always dude.🤙 Now that you recruited the crossbowmen here the origin: Morr the God of Death and member of Sigmar's pantheon is a serious but fair deity who had to endure the creation of necromancy dening many inocent souls peace, because of this some calm persons who follow his dogma created many secret getlemen brotherhoods that look for heretics and traitors in the empire, with their most proficient joining the armies of Franz to smite them down. (it is the meme "it aint much but is honest work", something calm i wanted to create)
@anthroposmetron4475 2 күн бұрын
You can definitely confederate Marienburg diplomatically, but you need to actively improve the relationship over time with small gifts until the point where you're able to start getting treaties with them, and then the positive reinforcement of that takes over. I definitely don't favour conquering Marienburg early in anything like the base game; it's something of a trap IMO. With your campaign movement and replenishment restriction it's going to take a lot of time out of your game which you probably don't have in a Reikland campaign, but two of the big downsides of taking Marienburg early in the base game (Having to pay to defend it, meeting B'elakor etc) would be lessened because of your garrison boosts and the aforementioned movement restrictions. Sometimes your hand is forced with Marienburg because Kemmler can sometimes conquer it. In which case yeah, you definitely need to move against it and him.
@GamingForImmersion 2 күн бұрын
Thanks, that's helpful.
@anthroposmetron4475 2 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion Forgot to also mention that they disaprove of military actions against the secessionists. So if you can get past that without them declaring war on you then that's a penalty which will fade in time. In your game the relationship is trending up quite a bit because of that penalty fading and also the war with Khazrak.
@Jules_Diplopia 2 күн бұрын
1:30:00 you are correct, she is a really unpleasant woman.
@isaiahclaeys 2 күн бұрын
I love your honesty to your viewers
@alexmashkin863 2 күн бұрын
You got one semi dangerous fight left on this map and I'd say three really dangerous fights in the Underdark. Although it depends how you approach things, could be less, or more :-) Oh, and of course githyanki - the arch nemesis 😂
@alexmashkin863 2 күн бұрын
Big props on getting the hag! Great fight, nicely done. Good bit of solid tactics and a sliver of luck, all as it should be :-) There is a way to tell the illusions apart without using an initiative queue - look at them all very thoroughly from all angles :-)
@nvq 3 күн бұрын
Maybe play it out and have the discussions after the fight/encounter. Immersion breaks when you have long discussion before every single move. 2cents
@alexmashkin863 2 күн бұрын
How does it break? It's a turn based game, everything they do in a turn happens in 6 seconds. You suggest they try and keep to that timeline?For me those discussions are more than a half of fun of watching this playthrough :-)
@GamingForImmersion 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback.
@edosborn4780 3 күн бұрын
Something is definately amiss with the way KZbin is uploading you videos, I watched both this one and yesterday's Nurgle one and both had terrible low resolution. On a brighter note Goblins are my favourite fantasy faction and I still found it funny when Col. Kilgore's dwarven cousin napalmed them all in the battle! I think this is a brilliant campaign because with the rubbish troops we have limited ourselves too prevents the kind of steamrollering we are starting to see in Tamurkhan's campaign and forces you to make tough strategic choices nearly 100 turns into the campaign. Always trust in Gobbos!
@GamingForImmersion 3 күн бұрын
You can manually adjust the resolution if KZbin doesn't automatically display in 1080p.
@edosborn4780 3 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion just checked it on my laptop and it looks perfect, the issue seems to be isolated to when i watch your videos through my tv
@GamingForImmersion 2 күн бұрын
Weird. Does it only happen with my videos, or all YT on the TV?
@edosborn4780 2 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion just your videos i'm afraid
@michaelbollen6680 3 күн бұрын
With the trespassing. The Dwarfs are trespassing because they were running away from the Bretonnians and the Bretonnians were then trespassing chasing them.
@michaelbollen6680 3 күн бұрын
The way my Empire plays usually run is. Middenland killed by khazrak and leaf tribe, Hochland by Festus, Nordland by Norsca, Ostland by whoever to the North that is winning same for Ostermark. Stirland by Vlad. Averland by Skragg and Talabecland by Festus and Vlad. Only one that can thrive (sometimes) is Wisenland. All others get stomped 95% of my Empire runs. Marienburg by Kimmler
@gregtaylor9806 3 күн бұрын
Totally agree on the asymmetry piece. Asymmetry is what keeps me playing games like warhammer, eu4 and imperator Rome for thousands of hours and games like civilization becoming boring after a few plathroughs.
@gregtaylor9806 3 күн бұрын
TW warhammer 3 is a great final touch on one of the greatest games of the last 10 years. As a lifelong warhammer fan, it’s everything I want in a warhammer fantasy game.
@thorgran3 4 күн бұрын
SO happy your channel continues to grow, you deserve it. After playing almost 200 turns as Kugath with your modlist, I willl never go back to vanilla. Deep into a super tall campaign with Zhatan the Black now and it's just SO much more fun. Thanks, cheers, and carry on mate :D
@GamingForImmersion 4 күн бұрын
That's awesome to hear! Thanks.
@WeebsArePathetic 4 күн бұрын
I'm downloading this game right now and I'm not even a big star wars fan. I also was never a world of warcraft fan, but I enjoyed WoW classic for a bit, so these graphics are good enough for me. Kind of sucks that there's no danger of dying tho until later. I love a good story tho.
@GamingForImmersion 4 күн бұрын
Glad to hear it! Such a good game, and I have a suggestion for you when you start to feel like it's too easy:
@WeebsArePathetic 3 күн бұрын
@GamingForImmersion oh dude ty this is perfect 👌
@edosborn4780 4 күн бұрын
For some reason your recent videos have been uploading in really poor quality
@GamingForImmersion 4 күн бұрын
Hmm. Looks like 1080p to me, which is the same as they've always been.
@anthroposmetron4475 4 күн бұрын
I'd take Blacklight Tower then maybe recruit a lord, transfer the units on the black ark over and press inland, depending on what Taurox does. Taurox is a worry but it looked he had a lot of trash in some of the armies. I'd consider moving the sorceress in Malekith's army down south as fire would be a lot more effective against Beastman than Dwarfs and you didn't make a lot of use out of her in the last Dwarfs battle anyway.
@GamingForImmersion 4 күн бұрын
That's a really good idea. I'm actually leaning towards filling up that secondary army near Malekith and then pulling Malekith's army down to where the real action is.
@anthroposmetron4475 4 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion Yeah, that would be a good idea. Malekith is wasted on the Grombrindal frontier. If you build that secondary army up to 2/3rds or even half and put it in Altar of Ultimate Darkness it should be able to hold the settlement in combination with the garrison.
@GamingForImmersion 4 күн бұрын
My thoughts exactly. Grimbrindal has been useful for experience and loot and slaves, but ultimately not where Malekith should be.
@nolaguy72126 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for remembering Karls bodyguard. I think I will check out that Beastman series in the meantime.
@nolaguy72126 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for remembering Karls bodyguard. I think I will check out that Beastman series in the meantime.
@Tangomango1720 5 күн бұрын
Great vid as always
@GamingForImmersion 5 күн бұрын
@alexmashkin863 6 күн бұрын
Very interesting bug with the sneak attack on mask of regret, there were no advantage or threatened status, so it shouldn't have been possible 🤔 I've never encountered anything like that
@alexmashkin863 6 күн бұрын
Well, that's mildly terrifying :-) I'd say wait until level 7 for Ethel but it's probably too late. It's definitely doable though, just be ready to deal with all sorts of trickery ;-)
@alexmashkin863 6 күн бұрын
You better sneak when you're stealing something, otherwise the game can be weird about it and have some random guard run to you half a map even though they had no way of seeing you
@GamingForImmersion 6 күн бұрын
Good to know. And not surprising, given my past experience with DOS2.
@user-ct5jm4vc4k 6 күн бұрын
Like and good video.👍👍 My only idea to heroes is a duelist wicht hunter(or as an field agent) and a captain to do the quartermaster skill line(for better replenishment).
@GamingForImmersion 6 күн бұрын
Will do. I'm all about the replenishment.
@alexmashkin863 6 күн бұрын
Potion of mind reading gives you Detect Thoughts option for your dialogues for an entire day without needing to spend scrolls or spell slots, not even mentioning concentration. I usually just chug one at the start of the day, so I always have an option
@alexmashkin863 6 күн бұрын
Thank you, guys! It's an amazing playthrough, definitely one of the best on YT :-)
@IsAStormComing 6 күн бұрын
Keep it up gentlemen! Again I'd probably discuss what you're going to do in combat a LITTLE bit less and just go without talking for 2 minutes, but that's me.
@alexmashkin863 6 күн бұрын
No! Discuss more, not less! 😂
@GamingForImmersion 6 күн бұрын
We do get a little long-winded at times, I'm sure!
@mynameajeffblack8265 6 күн бұрын
Can you also do republic fleet speed run with no deaths?
@othnielsudarju1932 6 күн бұрын
After you handle khazrak i recommend conquer marienburg because they are not part of the empire
@michaelbollen6680 3 күн бұрын
Franz has enough problems without creating an extra one. Marienburg usually gets stomped by Kimmler in my games. You have the Orcs to the North & South, Vampires South and East and Festus + Norsca also to your North. If you take Marienburg you might invite even more enemies (Belakor)
@hodosinin1594 6 күн бұрын
i was screaming FLYYYYYYY....
@edosborn4780 7 күн бұрын
#trustingobbos !
@Jules_Diplopia 7 күн бұрын
Nicely done on the Harpies. Ooh down to the underdark... interesting times ahead.
@GamingForImmersion 7 күн бұрын
Not quite the Underdark just yet...exciting new episode tomorrow and by exciting I mean terrifying.
@Jules_Diplopia 7 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion Ooh, could it be spiders?
@alexmashkin863 7 күн бұрын
@@Jules_Diplopia Has to be, spider mommy is terrifying :-)
@Jules_Diplopia 7 күн бұрын
@@alexmashkin863 On HM with just 2 Haflings, even such deadly sneaky ones as these, it should be fun.
@alexmashkin863 7 күн бұрын
@@Jules_Diplopia Well, they're less clueless now even though blind :-)) I've done this fight solo hm few times, they're level 5 and there are two of them, should be fine (I hope) or there's always an option to run away :-))
@alexmashkin863 8 күн бұрын
Jumping distance is 4,5 m base and +1 m for every 2 points of Strength above 10, so it's feasible to jump 12,5 m in this game 😜
@alexmashkin863 8 күн бұрын
You also killed Minthara and sorta killed Halsin. There are two more potential companions left, one male, one female, but both not romanceable :-))
@GamingForImmersion 7 күн бұрын
Won't matter for this play-through, but I may go back through the campaign and collect them all.
@alexmashkin863 7 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion Oh yeah, this game is a gather pockemon dating simulator at the end of the day :-)))
@alexmashkin863 8 күн бұрын
Ring of Blessed Mercy might actually be interesting for you :-) Wear it, chug little heal potion in combat, get bless for two turns - +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws is nothing to scoff at. Or throw potion at an ally and give them bless
@GamingForImmersion 7 күн бұрын
Hadn't thought about the healing potion angle. Clever!
@alexmashkin863 7 күн бұрын
@@GamingForImmersion All effect on heal items have this angle :-) I don't remember if you got gloves with Blade Ward on heal - half all physical damage for 2 turns to the target of your heal
@GamingForImmersion 7 күн бұрын
Nope, haven't gotten those yet. We do seem to have gotten an abundance of gloves and boots. So many are useful for different situations.
@henriquemachado8750 8 күн бұрын