Penelope Analysis
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Black Sails Analysis
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@MichaelStrawn_I_am Күн бұрын
Islamophobia? I think you’re using modern left-wing liberal presumptions at critics who watched this movie. As it can clearly be seen throughout the film, it is the teachings of Islam that have led the Arab people to the brink. The Taliban, Isis, Hamas, etc. are the groups that eviscerate their own people in order to suppress their individualism. Islam is oppression and chaos. These innocent people need to be liberated from Islam.
@gatorfan3783 2 күн бұрын
Is the author of this video a historian? Seems that way.. explanation was very detailed and accurate. Fascinating analysis.
@jakeybball 2 күн бұрын
Silver didnt kill flint. In the book Billy says flint dies in Savannah. Only time flint is in Savannah in the whole show is at the end with Thomas. Don’t overthink it.
@derekmcintosh6925 5 күн бұрын
I've been a lifelong James Bond afficionado and for the longest time my only contact with Toby Stephen's was as the main antagonist in "Die Another Day". I'm sure Toby did his best but it is a very lackluster and forgettable performance. I just recently finished Black Sails and was absolutely mesmerized by Toby. It honestly took me a few episodes to place where I knew him from. He has a certain tendency to clench his jaw and show his lower teeth when he conveys anger that I had seen somewhere before. Now his performance on Black Sails and his portrayal of Gustav Graves is so starkly different it should be studied. I understand one is a movie and one is a series but even if any one episode is held against his portrayal in the movie it is glaringly different. Toby Stephen's absolutely blew me away as Capt Flint. Bravo!
@mmmuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiirrrrr 8 күн бұрын
I introduced my oldest daughter Black Sails. The next night, she called me at midnight and said, "Mom, you're not gonna believe this. I was watching Black Sails and they showed this flashback and there was this guy and Captain Flint just KISSED him." Lol.
@AugustoLugo1983 8 күн бұрын
You condensed 4 seasons in less than 25 minutes, BRAVA!!! Love it, I was devastated by the ending, he was sold to a plantation as a SLAVE!! WTAF?
@turtletouche 14 күн бұрын
Good video
@SurprisedAirplane-xs5ge 17 күн бұрын
@mmoney9362 18 күн бұрын
Disappointed but not surprised by the ending. One of the best series I’ve watched in a long time. The writing and acting were superb.
@danielhambalko7288 18 күн бұрын
I have to say... this is an excellent analysis. And the mind who made the video speaks very well, almost like she's from another age.
@Kay2be2mr 21 күн бұрын
I'm a big believer that if a character has to die because it benefits the story, than he or she should die. But I see how avoiding that bury your gays trope was smart because the amount of hate that would've brought on, especially considering how queer the show is to begin with would've turned many people against this show. Sadly those deaths in those other shows have left a bad taste in so many people's mouths that there's no coming back from it anytime anyone discusses those other shows. I'd rather the show stay with a small audience but be considered overall well loved than to have something stain it for all eternity.
@voutsider190 27 күн бұрын
Love this movie
@nicknailer1749 27 күн бұрын
That was the absolute best overview of the ending of that show I have ever seen
@janlesperance8053 Ай бұрын
Edna Ferber is from my hometown of Appleton, Wisconsin.
@kevinadams9468 Ай бұрын
Just started watching. I was hoping for a gritty, realistic pirate-themed series. After thirty minutes I have a series produced by nitwits where every pirate has perfect teeth, all the women are LA Fitness clean and all of the sets are cleaner than Disney World. The show is obviously produced by avacado toast people who like to believe everyone back then looks just like people today - they do not. A pirate would have been lucky to be alive at age thirty,m and he would have been even luckier to have half of his teeth and no STDs staining his filthy britches. And no woman - cleaner and better dressed than Uma Thurman - would be bossing around pirates and making loans; no woman - especially the non-STD-afflicted prostitutes - would be speaking to any of these men in any tone. DEI has its paws on this show, it is obvious. I will keep watching but I am typing this as the rest of episode One plays in the other room - I am missing nothing of importance, I am sure.
@fillytodneposnide7673 Ай бұрын
I just finished watching Black Sails on Netflix and I thoroughly enjoyed your analysis. I also enjoy our kindred spirit. I am most critical of the things I really love in the hopes for the always unattainable perfection. Unfortunately, that can be very frustrating and perplexing for some of the people I love. That being said, this show was as close to perfect in all aspects as you could expect from any!
@SleepyBlanketDemon Ай бұрын
I remember that I saw this on my grandfathers kindle and I fell in love with the story and art style. Its truly an underrated film and in my opinion iit should have won the oscar. Not that big hero 6 isnt good, I love that movie but this was just amazing.
@brendansmith234 Ай бұрын
This looks lame. 🤣
@hedgehogshill3522 Ай бұрын
At some point u say a couple of times "not" and u made id really well to sound like a big "NOT" that I almost burst out in laughter <3 And finally someone who loves a character and actually knows he isnt good boyfriend material 😂
@russman9988 Ай бұрын
Excellent overview. Enjoyed the analysis very much.
@ibnsaeed1 Ай бұрын
Very fun video
@krish3101 Ай бұрын
great analysis, i absolutely love this series. so many good points made, and it never even occurred to me that contemporary politics could have influenced the ending (that which didn't settle well concerning my opinion of this masterpiece.)
@CaptainSam6349 Ай бұрын
I watched it from S1 E1 all the way to S4 E3 Once Teach was shot in the head by Rogers that just confirmed for me that the show wasn't following actual history and killed it for me. I hit stop and backed out of the episode and gave the entire series a big dislike button.
@Kay2be2mr 21 күн бұрын
It wasn't following much of history anyway considering that it had important fictional characters mixed in with real ones.
@zer5236 Ай бұрын
You missed the part in history where Russia invaded .
@wurshraggwurshington2284 Ай бұрын
Ehh...(?) Here be me, years later in hopes for entertainment by any enraged comments about buttpirates. . The ending criticism almost made sense until the reasoning got a little edgy. If the show being dark, and Flint being violent, were reasons to kill his character, there wouldn't be much point in the story existing. That's a strange enforcement of values just to end them. It's hard to balance an ending, but realistic isn't just hail nihilism, like in older Ramero flicks. More often realism turns out to be functional absurdity, otherwise your fictional story would be a waste of time, too much like real life. Why watch so much sound and fury signify nothing? Who wants a story about dead buttpirates?
@erich84502b Ай бұрын
I love it but films like this are a tough sell. Not a family movie, not really for kids.
@erich84502b Ай бұрын
It is a movie you recover from 😢😢😢
@learn905 2 ай бұрын
flint should of lived and the show should have kept going. silver now king of the pirates with max and rackum go to find the treasure and sure up nassau bringing back billy who was stranded for 2 years but had the treasure. max and silver disagree about how to use the money but max using her influence to push silver eventually getting her killed. flint and thomas are found out and have to escape the owners thomas dying in the process wants revenge using piracy to get men to attack cities and ports against the demand he stops by silver but continues anyway making the british come after them at nassau giving no pardons but bullets but as the fort was repaired able to hold the british to a stalemate resolving in pardons but british occupation ending piracy in nassau flint who stole the treasure eventually takes it to a different island than skeleton island buried it and kept the map on his person billy gunn staying to steal it him self and get off the island but never could. later billy and flint having drinks alone far from prying eyes because flint wanted to let him know where the map was incase something happens to him and shows billy the map billy immediately shoots flint square in the chest killing him and keeping the treasure. as for silver he talks his way into being a cook as in the beginning of treasure island. then make the treasure island movie
@okwary676 2 ай бұрын
I think the awnser for the ending is due to the show got canceled. It was supposed to get one more season but due to the cancelation we got an unplanned early ending that tried to wrap things up as best as they could on the fly.
@Kay2be2mr 21 күн бұрын
I read it was never cancelled. That the ending was decided by the producers. They felt it was a good place to end it.
@the_moistest 2 ай бұрын
Who would be triggered by truth and world history?
@peachy8729 3 ай бұрын
Girl upload another vid these are so good🫶🫶🫶
@ClayCodrey-pj7bv 3 ай бұрын
Poor Billy
@everflores8252 3 ай бұрын
Who was y'all favorite character? Personally, mine's "Calico Jack" Rackham
@parisbreakfast 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely top review, especially now the entire film is available on KZbin! When I first read this terrific review I was left desperately searching.
@abhiezibran9654 2 ай бұрын
Can u link it here? I cnt find it
@whynot5568 3 ай бұрын
As great as the show was, Max was the character i hated the most. Something about her forcing that accent drove me up the wall
@jeanettesdaughter 3 ай бұрын
Too literal an interpretation. The movie is not the novel. It’s better. There ARE actual serial killers. There ARE men with anger issues and in reality both are tolerated at women’s expense. But they are not equivalent. Every angry man is not a serial killer but every SK is an angry man. Violence or aggression - anger- need not end in death. Anger in a marriage may end the union but not take lives, and under different circumstances may not end the marriage. Doubtful but possible. I’m glad Ray refused to have Dix kill Laurel. Equally glad Laurel was allowed to walk away.
@nilinijahlefay4264 4 ай бұрын
one of the BEST films
@henryholden4052 4 ай бұрын
Oh I 100 wept through this film. Even your view of that particular scene was getting me choked up. This film made me feel like watching wizard of Oz; that film could be that vibrant and bold, such a visual feast for the eye and a dagger to the soul 🤣♥️
@henryholden4052 4 ай бұрын
I ADORE this film! Very Pushing Daisies level of whimsical camp but still able to be grounded in reality for those more heartfelt moments. It’s a delight! 11/10 pure gem imo ♥️
@brantmm1626 4 ай бұрын
A true masterpiece of cinema. I disagree with your dislike of the ending, it was needed. Very much so. Otherwise, excellent analysis.
@jasoncoker1625 4 ай бұрын
@ymn3112 4 ай бұрын
I agree with all your takes about the end. I also think you're wrong. Yes this does not make logical sense but neither does me calling mass murderer flint my babygirl. It's fine. Dw about it.
@saramations 4 ай бұрын
Hmmm, my interpretation of connar was different. I agree with the grief part, but i saw him ruin himself and his family with more unintentional/uneducated malice. It almost seemed like he hated the selkie parts of his wife. He denied his daughter her fur, and was keeping it away from her in hopes her selkie traits wouldn’t manifest. But he was in denial. He exhausted himself fighting against his child’s nature, which is a grave mistake any parent could make. In the end, he just made his own life and his children suffer. I felt like that was a pretty big bump in the story. We don’t get a very clear understanding of the movie’s rule’s regarding selkies so we get no clear relationship of the husband and wife. It’s worse if you don’t even know what a selkie is. I dunno, maybe someone else feels similar. 😅
@kristijan8518 4 ай бұрын
Black sails is what game of thrones could have been.
@lionel18 4 ай бұрын
Wonderful insight of a beloved classic. Great commentary 🎉
@treasuretvjackson8018 4 ай бұрын
I believe the Muslim religion should be edited so that people aren't told that if you leave then you should not be alive which is in some sects and I believe that in those versions of the religion where it tells you that you can go to heaven if you fight in a war for their idol "Allah," they should at least take that out because it's proven to be extremely dangerous and the extremists... There's not much you can do about them when they're in government. You would have to literally fight them. After their out of government, The only way you can prevent extremists is by strongly teaching against it and creating a harsh laws against extremists and hate crimes being punished harshly or else people aren't going to do anything or care
@A_tank_lover 4 ай бұрын
0:40 Puberty: im about to end this girls whole career. 😈
@stephenstephen1505 4 ай бұрын
Wonderful movie
@nicolehegarty4749 4 ай бұрын
Do you have the books???
@moviemonarch1617 4 ай бұрын
I do!
@ElliesCousin 4 ай бұрын
"Fortunately, I have no life." SOLD ❤❤