I have a jar that I put money in for all the lies about Trump disproven along with conspiracies against all good society. I call it my Alex Jones Jar and it is now my retirement plan. I have to get a bigger jar now.
陰謀を唱えると、やれ証拠を出せだの、お前の空想だのと必ず言われる。でもそういうお前も人間で、汚い部分のまったくない清廉潔白な人間なのか?だいたい想像のつく悪行はほぼ間違いなく存在するだろうな。そうでなければ説明のつかない話しが多すぎるだろ?子供の人身売買なんてただの誘拐で済む話しか?世界で何十万人と子供が消えてんだぞ。これをどう説明すんだよ。オレは個人としてはアメリカ人に差別意識はない。しかし政府レベルではまったく信用してない。トランプさんは特質的だが。日本への1945年以降、以前にして来た事をどう説明するんだ?裏で支配してきた事は逃げられない事実だろう。アメリカ政府はほぼ歴史的に汚い存在だろうな。まったくアテにしない。スティーブさんは信じるよ。ただパールハーバーはすべてアメリカのシナリオだろう。9,11も政府絡みの陰謀で間違いないだろうな。凄いよ。自国民を56してでも陰謀をやるんだ。こんな奴等を誰が信用するんだ。オレは個人的に人間付き合いをするだけで、アメリカ、日本政府もまったく信用しないし、期待もしない。この約40年の日本の歩みを見れば誰でもそう思うだろう。一部の人間が裕福になっただけの40年だ! Whenever I talk about conspiracies, I'm always told to show evidence or that it's just my imagination. But are you a human being, a pure and innocent person with no nasty parts? There are almost certainly many imaginable evil deeds. If not, there are too many stories that can't be explained, right? Is child trafficking just a simple kidnapping? Hundreds of thousands of children have disappeared all over the world. How do you explain this? Personally, I have no discriminatory feelings towards Americans. But I have no trust in the government at all. Trump is a unique character, though. How do you explain what they've done to Japan since 1945 and before? It's a fact that they've controlled Japan from behind the scenes. The American government is probably a dirty entity throughout history. I don't trust them at all. I believe Steve. But Pearl Harbor was probably all an American scenario. There's no doubt that 9/11 was also a government-related conspiracy. It's amazing. They're doing conspiracies even if it means killing their own citizens. Who would trust people like this? As a person, I don't trust the US or Japanese governments at all, and I don't have any expectations of them. Anyone would think so if they saw Japan's progress over the past 40 years. It's been 40 years in which only a few people have become wealthy!