Why DO Dinosaurs Matter?
2 ай бұрын
I'm Obsessed with FOOD! Dan Ahdoot
Is a Clean Energy Grid Possible?
A Harmony of Science and Spirituality
Gun Violence in America
9 ай бұрын
@siobhanlong459 5 күн бұрын
I'm listening to your book at the moment. Lot of laughs and wonderful information about your food cooked lovingly by your grandmother, you and other family members. I do have to take serious issue about how you characterize celiac disease and gluten intolerance. It is very real and debilitating if you suffer from it and finally figure out that gluten is what needs to be removed from your diet so your body can heal. It is not a concocted condition. As a person with influence in food circles it is concerning that you're dismissing it as just a fad.
@SuperGlenmac 9 күн бұрын
So what our wonderful government is doing makes it all good right
@kathleenaustin327 11 күн бұрын
Skin Walker ranch has more equipment failures than anything on the history channel.
@glenmiles6279 21 күн бұрын
There is sooooo much hatred in this world,why🤷‍♂️john Lennon got it right 🎶All you need is love🎶
@nonameslb 29 күн бұрын
This is in the past, Stop stealing Palestinian land and free Palestine 🇸🇩🇸🇩🇸🇩
@czekolada4515 Ай бұрын
Germany was changed but business is powerful. Russia must be invaded and people must be free in russia.
@marmieRH Ай бұрын
Wow very good informations 😊 merci du Québec 😊
@georgeflitzer7160 Ай бұрын
Jamie Raskin is NOT FAR LEFT! He's Center
@charleswalters5284 2 ай бұрын
German american family named bush ; young prescott was married to nazi george herbert walker's daughter.had a son and a grandson named george. Had 3 companies seized by law enforcement for being nazi front companies "trading with the enemy" and was found to be in on the plot to overthrow FDR and the US government. Later both georges were installed in the Oval Office (!)
@Philip-gn8wx 2 ай бұрын
Every time George gets up in the morning, He is very thankful he met Lazar.... George picked up the ball and ran in for media touchdown
@jamesmiley5727 2 ай бұрын
Lived in Vegas my whole life. George Knapp is bible to us. Excellent reporter
@davoud6487 2 ай бұрын
P r o m o S M 😅
@emeltea33 2 ай бұрын
@kristybarker924 3 ай бұрын
George Knapp is an amazing journalist. Let us not forget, he was the one who reported on/ about Bob Lazaar. If these past few years have shown is anything- it's that Bob Lazaar was telling the truth even then. We all chose to act as if he'd just made it all up. But he didn't!!!
@marishylford4966 3 ай бұрын
Enjoyed watching this after catching the Austria episode and Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way episode on DirectTV. Appreciate whoever posted this presentation from Vail. Great information!
@fredferd965 3 ай бұрын
LST - Large Slow Target
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
To the *Liar* -one that believes what he *wants* to believe any* old pack-of-lies is " evidence" That creature is insane or not the full shilling, but cut it anyway you please, he is obviously *L-y-i-n-g*
@cindymaceda2999 3 ай бұрын
The Magnitsky Act is brilliant. 👏👏👏
@cindymaceda2999 3 ай бұрын
We heard him tell his story about 12 years ago at a Stanford reunion in London before he wrote his 2 bestsellers. He is a master story-teller. Riveting.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 3 ай бұрын
I wrote a paper on the Pope and the church supporting fascism - back in 1990 at Hampshire College. Glad my claim has been corroborated.
@onlygracematters2677 3 ай бұрын
Wow! This channel screens it's comments well. They most certainly don't care for truth.
@kt4774 3 ай бұрын
Over the years I have learned so much from Dr. Jacob Liberman. His books are excellent. I started our early in my life with glasses and after learning about his work and after practicing his method I no longer wear glasses. I had a similar experience to Dr. Liberman when one day I realized I could see clearly and quite a long distance. I also experience being more intuitive after taking my narrow focus from behind glasses to the more natural state of being able to see more of the periphery. I am truly grateful for his work.
@evalaskowska5487 3 ай бұрын
So much wisdom. Thank you ❤
@hillwooky 3 ай бұрын
"They" divided earth up thousands of years ago. I have seen the white spheres in the sky. When we meet again in the future, you still won't know because the truth is to weird to understand from "within" this meat/dirt world.
@richspizzaparty 3 ай бұрын
So where's all the footage?
@10thmountainwhiskeyspiritc78 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, Rod. And thank you, Vail Symposium & Terry Minger, for doing this interview and posting it for all to watch. Rod will be missed, but not forgotten.
@vailsymposium8150 3 ай бұрын
He was a legend! Thanks for your thoughts.
@marylouise2169 4 ай бұрын
Very interesting discussion! ❤❤
@josepht218 4 ай бұрын
As the great mystic Meister Eckhart said “When God sends his angel to the soul it becomes the one who knows for sure.” I had the most profound experience of my life about a year and a half ago. These experiences didn't happen just once but for about 100 nights straight. I dream a lot but these experiences were different in every way possible. "I" was different. Bodiless, wordless but present. Each night It felt as if I was falling into the deepest essence of myself. I would enter into this sublime realm composed of golden light. I never had a body there but I was there in a concentrated form of presence. Each night I met a being there. I never spoke once. They never spoke but the messages they sent were sent wordlessly. The beings looked how angels are described but because they did not name themselves I will not name them. There is not a word to describe the level of "Good" that existed in this realm. It was paradise. The beings were composed of the golden light. Usually they were winged and wore robes but a few looked like Greek Gods/Serapis. Primarily they were focused on teaching me about the "Good". The importance of "Good" was drilled into me night after night. The importance of embodying divine lawfulness in order to attune the three rings. In one experience I was placed into the form of light. I experienced what it was to be light. In one I was placed into the experience of what it is to be and to see the power of the energy of faith. There was many more experiences in this realm. I have yet to go back after a year or so. I think about it everyday. Although I know for certain I am still perplexed about these experiences. Their meanings and what I must do to serve these great beings of the golden realm of Good.
@gondwana6303 4 ай бұрын
Believe in UAPs but find these two's presentation style really off-putting. First, not interested in your entire fuckin' life story but very interested in your take on UAPs. Second these two sound like a couple of breathless teenagers saying hey mom guess what happened. It starts to sound like a yarn, if not a con.
@db-333 4 ай бұрын
Science can go so far , and there’s God … one , boundless , eternal consciousness ❤
@markbuchholtzSacramentoCAUSA 4 ай бұрын
For 70 years there have been anticipations of "disclosure". Just saying.
@jamesduke9809 4 ай бұрын
Always enjoy Dr Greyson, thank you!
@rootsAlkebu 4 ай бұрын
Knapp just had to talk first😂 he couldn’t help himself.
@salvagemonster3612 4 ай бұрын
I would trust George as far as I could throw him. He conveniently looses evidence he has.
@barrychattillion1705 4 ай бұрын
Great presentation.
@davidallard1980 4 ай бұрын
Did you make the graphics ahead of the audio, just the for the psychics watching?
@MadMadness14 4 ай бұрын
great book, highly recommend
@ThomasLeonard454 5 ай бұрын
Has there been any releases of the Project Blue Book collection?
@seanlewis9980 5 ай бұрын
Bill your everything that Putins not. You brilliant, thankyou
@debbyjardin4108 5 ай бұрын
Mr. Knapp...Greatest Investagator Journalist in the Country....👍👍👍THANKS for all you do...👍👍👍
@myraseeger4707 5 ай бұрын
I feel they are not from another planet or solar system or galaxy...they are from another demention...just another demention....and yes they project pictures into our minds...they appear to want to manipulate us...IDK, just a thought...
@ardiscapes4410 5 ай бұрын
💞 Promo*SM
@robertweeks4240 5 ай бұрын
Dr. Randall I eagerly await your lectures and presentations! i am rehabilitating from a stroke and use my abundant time i have to use in learning new information and your amazing communication skill has made very complex issuesclear to me; i did pretty weel in college physics yet now believe i would ACE the courses! thank you! i don't know how i missed this one at vail symposium for so many months?
@istoppedcaring6209 5 ай бұрын
maybe adress the elephants in the room prevalent and digitally supported hypergamy and pornography a weak status and security of marriage moral relativism in general passive income centralisation, wealth monopolisation and growing cost of living. you want more (productive) population growth, just look at history 1) make infidelity in marriage a crime punishable by jailtime, at fault+ divorce status should a divorce be demanded . 2) change child support and alemony, child support is to be paid by BOTH parental figures and must be deposited into a mutual account which is used for very specific child related expenses and of which no money can be taken out in cash, only card transfers with receipts which must be visible to both parents. until the child comes of age at which time the leftover funds pass to the child's account (the state also get's nothing from this) alimony hails from a time when women were much less likely to find gainfull employment at all and when social norms were also more equally balanced between protection of the fairer sex (women) and responsibility for the providers (men) it was logical for a man to have to provide for his ex if he left her or more importantly if she left him over abuse or cheating (i don't think many writing family law back in the 19th and earlier 20th century ever expected many to want to leave over less justifiable reasons given they took a vow for state and church, but fastforward to today....) alemony must be capped at median income rates and can max consist of 15% of a partner's income, it should only be paid out in case the other partner was a stay at home parent or simply between jobs and at most for 2 years, it should only stop being paid when the person in question has had at least half a year of gainfull employment. 3)make a dna test mandatory prior to signing the birth certificate 4) limit inheritances to pure capital with few exceptions (meaning break real estate monopolies) (one of the major issues in the world today is the re-establishment of a caste society ergo the calcification of social classes to levels similar to, and in fact exceeding those in an aristocratic society, or rather more similar to a shadow oligarchy (i met people from that class/caste, their money comes mainly from generational wealth, worst of all these people see this class as their main identity and have begun to use their wealth to make sure that your artists, project developers, professors,.... come from their families, they call themselves noblesse obligé, out of a warped sense that they "must prove" that they are worthy it's real simple, all property asside from some exceptions must be sold publicly in physically attended auctions (starting price is measured by the potential profits it may bring and by calculating a reasonable timeframe for a person making 3 quarters of the median wage to be able to afford it. the inheritance for sold properties will only be taxed if 3 quarters of estimated vallue is not exceeded in revenue per property, the cost of estimation and other administrative costs are to be taken from the inheritance but must be transparently indicated. people don't start families if they don't feel like their lives are stable, they don't have kids without a stable family, marriage, owning their own property,... + for those finding inheritance overhaul to radical, our current domminant inheritance model was once considdered radical, it broke inheritances up evenly between the offspring and other beneficiaries and introduced a tax on it. madness, but it was required to break aristocratic monopolies up a bit without hurting the rich merchant class to much as they were the real leaders of the french revolution, these reforms would improve stability, price regulations, the economy and even PPP, demography, social mobility,....
@alexandramcleod2079 5 ай бұрын
I’m surprised as to how many folk had Spiritual Experience that changed their life. Dr Mishlove you for being you.
@nickolaykovalenko196 5 ай бұрын
Excellent talk! #StandWithUkraine
@vhawk1951kl 5 ай бұрын
that man is clearly mentally ill. Thrte are no near death experiences only dreaming liars, but that fellow is simply mad.
@DomoArigatoRobot0 5 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏 Professor Yamane #GunsAreNormal #NormalPeopleUseGuns
@garybarr1045 5 ай бұрын
Look, my friends, we need to reduce the world population of man down to under 2 billion people, preferably below 1 billion, to save and restore planet Earth's environment, which has literally been destroyed by man. Are we to establish a new economy? Of course, and hopefully, it will be green capitalism that works around the premise of nature being able to reestablish itself within a reasonable time, after man's destructive actions. Until we do that, we are moving closer and closer to disaster and tragedy, all caused by man's overpopulation. I am old enough that I hopefully won't be around for the future suffering that will be coming. The suffering of both man and nature is presently underway. However, I did my part to relieve overpopulation by not reproducing. Optimistically speaking, I see that the younger generations in America are aware of the overpopulation issue and the burdens it is putting on Earth and man, and the majority are opting out of reproducing, and many opting out even of a marriage commitment. Hopefully, they will understand the errors of their seniors and set out to repair or replace them with a more progressive, humanitarian, environmental attitude.
@kylebrown8747 5 ай бұрын
Sorry, could not listen to the Col. talk for more than 10 seconds, really tough for him to get out a coherent thought