@macp6033 Күн бұрын
You must reveal and publicize the Experiments done on human beings by professors and their teams and collaborators in order to find how the brain could be healed using awful drugs, electroconvulsive therapy(electroshocks) etc. They construct artificial conditions to cause mental illnesses or/and mental disorders and then, they watch them over time to see how they deal with them as they watch mice in an artificial labyrinth! They don't make these Experiments on themselves, on their children or on powerful people. They made them on people with no power (they see them as necessary "collateral damage") destroying their lives and the lives of their families exterminating them in the end so that there are no more traces and everything is hidden from the public!!! These are atrocious Crimes against Humanity and you have no rights any longer to hide them!!! These are atrocities like those ones in Palestine.
@SSDDssed 2 күн бұрын
this women screaming is probably someone who need to be on medication
@azalia423 25 күн бұрын
Big Pharma is invading our brains and leaving them destoyed, using the same model as Private Equity firms destoying the Housing Industry, etc. or Aipac buying the American government, or Israel devastating the Palestinians.
@mr.giggles4995 29 күн бұрын
39:00 - withdrawal labeled progression of the disease
@ElenaElena1 Ай бұрын
The creation of Jehovah in the days Of Adam's generation was fully conscious, and had accurate knowledge, or S'cientia, about the Omniscient and Omnipotent Creation of the True God, and everyone knew, who Jehovah was, ""IS, and IS COMING."" Revelation 1: verse 4 and verse 8. It is for this reason, of utmost importance, to understand what the SOUL was, still is, and will forever be, because the SOUL had a CREATOR. Genesis 2:7, 15, and Genesis 2:1-3. God created man for the purpose of CREATION, or ""Making."" The SOUL expires at death and that is the end of that, the rest is recorded in Jehovah's Book of Life and ""the book of the WARS of Jehovah."" Numbers 21:14 With this in mind, I want to write about certain theories of the SOUL, for example, Plato wrote about this in his book, ""The Republic."" and in the ""Phaedo"" and ARISTOTLE'S "DE ANIMA." or ""On the SOUL"" also contemplated the same subject. Contemporary with "PHILOSOPHIES" were the Epicureans and Stoics Acts 17: 18, 28 The Tower of Babel from 2270 B.C.E defined and JUDGED the permanent inclination of rebellious mankind and the permanent decision to fulfill this uninterrupted apostasy until it was made known by the Apostle Paul in the 1st letter to the Thessalonians Chapter 2:3... "" For what is the hope of an APOSTATE in case HE cuts him off in case God carries off his SOUL from him?"" JOB 27:8 "Thus are the pathways of ALL those forgetting God, And the very hope of an APOSTATE will perish."" JOB 8:13 An Apostate in JOB's day, was very simply, anyone who did not want to know the true GOD, and, anyone who would willfully wrong his neighbor, this, is what an apostate was in JOB's day. This explains these two books, "The Republic" and the "Phaedo" because the tenth generation from Adam, [the ones from the Tower of Babel] were laying up 'ANGER" JOB 36:13, Exodus 20: 4-6, to understand better READ Matthew Chapter 1: 1-17. The 10th generation was the ONE who hated Jehovah, which explains the TEN HORNS of Revelation 12:3 and Revelation 13:1 and Revelation 17: 3,7,12,16, this was the generation of the Tower of Babel, and, THE, One-Thousandth generation is the ONE that will be resurrected in Paradise Earth ... Matthew 19:28, Revelation 7:9 The 3rd and 4th generations were the ones that started calling ANIMALS by the NAME of God, Genesis 4:26, they introduced METEMPSYCHOSIS to mankind. The word SOUL went through a change at the end of the 5th century during the rebuilding of the Temple of God in Jerusalem in the year 539 -537 BCE where the SOUL is first spoken of as ------subject------ to EMOTIONAL STATES, moral qualities, and phenomenal functions, it IS during the HELLENIC period of ARISTOTLE, where THE SOUL, is particularly responsible for MENTAL and Psychological JUDGEMENT. For more information on my research and work, on the Forensics of the Soul, and other spiritual concerns, READ the comments in ALL these videos ... ""Korean Geographic Ep.6 The river runs through DMZ 2014~ 12~ 22.""" PART 1 🧭🧭🧭""Korean Geographic Ep.3 The last sand river Naeseingcheon 2014~ 12~17."" 🧭🧭🧭🧭 ""Windy LOON Lake sleep sound 10 HOURS Black Screen."" ⚓⚓⚓""" LOON CALLS - On the lake @ Night - 12 Hours - Black Screen❗"" Bible Talks ... """ judgesacts2009""" 💠💠💠"" kh talks."" 💠💠"""Spiritual Paradise.""" 💠💠💠""Truth about GOD."""💠💠💠💠""" Bible Talks."""💠💠💠💠💠
@BL-sd2qw Ай бұрын
I was put on a cocktel of drugs for asking for help with my family's abuse. When I asked for help with the numerous physical issues the drugs caused me, the doctors gaslighted me. When I asked my psych for a brain scan after reading about the fact that APs are linked to cerebral atrophy, she refused. When I got a scan despite her refusal and it showed cortico-subcortical brain atrophy, she ghosted me. The neurologist and the other doctors gaslighted me about it, saying that "it wasn't that bad", that it was my fault for being ill and that I had to "eat healthy, exercise and study". My gaslighty family took the doctor's side. When I complained about the drugs and the gaslighting, the doctors put on my charts that I needed psychiatric intervention even after knowing about the psych drugs. I have had doctors that have gaslighted me about the brain atrophy even after the scans showed up, saying that "the scans were wrong because I have a big skull" or that "that kind of test cannot show brain damage", and when shown that the test is actually one that can show brain damage, they'd move on with their next gaslighty tactic. Invalidation -> minimization -> victim blaming. I lost my 4 grandparents and my dog while I was unconscious from those drugs. I'm still recovering my consciousness after 8 years in the drug limbo. I'm scared of becoming aware of this only for them to use my reaction as an excuse to harm me even more. I lost my university degree and I became economically dependant on my family due to this. My dog was diagnosed with cancer and I begged them to take me off those drugs so I could give him a proper goodbye and they coerced me into taking them for another whole year. He died that year. He died in my arms while I was completely gone. I had terrible thoughts with those drugs that I never had before and I lost my reality to the point that I didn't know what emotions were anymore. I experience a level of inhumanity from my family and the doctors that I never even deemed possible.
@OurDuty Ай бұрын
This is astounding. A wonderful presentation that goes a long way to explaining the explosion in the diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' once it had been added to DSM V.
@onlinemusiclessonsadamphil4677 Ай бұрын
Dear Professor Gotzsche thank you for this. Please how can Benzos and psychotherapy ally the secondary and psychotic symptoms of psychosis?
@Bobby007D Ай бұрын
The lady freaking out @40:34 heckling , causes organizers to react !!!!!!!!
@theauklet Ай бұрын
There are very few "mental disorders" that clearly seem organic (some surely are.) But there are HUNDREDS of behavioral patterns that are dysfunctional, uncomfortable, annoying or criminal - and most of the DSM is just a way for therapists, psychiatrists and facilities to get paid for dealing with them - or attempting to.
@Rainb0wSeven Ай бұрын
The biggest red flag about the validity - or lack thereof - of the DSM was when homosexual attraction was removed as a disorder.
@l.w.paradis2108 Ай бұрын
I would expect people in India and Nigeria to have better recovery rates in schizophrenia.
@everlastingrainbows Ай бұрын
Psychiatry is useless! As for evidence-based medicine or psychiatry, come again! Only money-making clowns while harming their patients.
@alexammaulli1910 2 ай бұрын
This man is a hero.
@kristinmeyer489 2 ай бұрын
43:21 Obviously, this woman has been seriously harmed, as most have, including those who chose psychiatry as a profession, and then refused to hear their own patients (although their victimhood is truly a stretch considering the power imbalance, the authority abused, and the institutionalized callousness). She cannot see thru her pain and loss that this man dissects what is so repugnantly wrong FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL.
@kristinmeyer489 2 ай бұрын
I saw a psychiatrist in the early '90's who prescribed Prozac, explaining that it was derived from cocaine. I had depression, and the "science" was that this derivative would make people feel happier. I told him the effects on me were like speed, which, considering the stress I'd been under, was the drop dead last kind of feeling I needed to feel in my body. His response was to cast that known drug effect as my issue, as "anxiety," for which he had another prescription. I trusted him. The next visit was about a month later, and he kept telling me that I needed to wait until they were working, when I felt the effects, and they were being denied by him. I had already been strung along by others. Many, including the employer involved in the workers comp issue that had naively believed would at least get me out of the trap I'd found myself in, which burnt me out, and get me needed rest, relief, retraining and no more abuse. I quit within a month or a month and a half. That window where I was told the drugs weren't working was the window of addiction. I listened to me, not him, and quit clean, cold turkey in that window. I'm so glad, with everything I've learned subsequently. Thank God for people like this man!
@griffinsdad9820 2 ай бұрын
My 3yr olds mom who I live with started taking Adderall 8 months ago for her eating disorder. We're both in recovery. I was against it but didn't want to fight about it. She was supposed to just be on the lowest maintenance dose but is now at 40 mgs daily. The person I knew is gone and it is sad that she fought 20 yrs to get clean and sober only to legally get back on stimulants. My kid definitely notices. I care about her deeply but there's nothing I can do.
@krystle8534 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely unbelievable. Thank you for an explanation of the complete madness that's been unfolding.
@43painter 3 ай бұрын
I watched this video a couple of yrs ago and whenever I read or hear about 'Autism' or 'ADHD' etc I think of this talk of this dr. : The group of ppl who formed the 'commission' who "improved" / adjusted DSM 3 - 5 all had financial ties with Big Pharma. So were certain mental / fysical conditions created to favour the business model of big pharma ?
@astrudlang7557 3 ай бұрын
There are guidelines for diagnosis!!! Who would diagnose mourning a loss as depression??!!! Not a real psychiatrist- sorry!
@h35d85bs0 Ай бұрын
So pretty much all of them aren't "real" psychiatrists? Or maybe they are and the entire field is a joke
@taraelizabethdensley9475 3 ай бұрын
We need more doctors like this, he truly has empathy.
@250txc 4 ай бұрын
Drugs are just that... In most all cases, you can not drug the body without side effects, ESP with the BRAIN. Humans are just stupid... Git used to that fact and defend yourself from these idiots with these lofty, godly titles such as 'doctor'. lol
@daveknight7957 4 ай бұрын
Choose love over fear and love will take you home.
@julianbullmagic 4 ай бұрын
These talks were the main reason I was so skeptical about the whole corona virus situation right from the beginning. I tried to warn people, only got hysteria, abuse and ostracism in response.
@Etobicoke67 4 ай бұрын
Diagnosing trauma symptoms from chronic child abuse as manic depression should be criminalized.
@creativeideas012 4 ай бұрын
For dru¶ deto×, resort to Hijamah. You won't find much authentic information about it except deterring points online, that's how beneficial it is 28:00 why would anyone expect unbiased studies of a product from the company that produces it, that too a company that has a long absurd history...smh
@creativeideas012 4 ай бұрын
Have wondered this for years What makes babies & toddlers & many of children in their preteens happy, giggly, jolly for no apparent reason most of the time Prerequisites merely being not hungry, hurt & not sick There's got to be some natural chemical balance that does this
@ronaldroemer2423 4 ай бұрын
Big Pharma is our Big Enemy They Really Don't Care About Us
@BCSTS 4 ай бұрын
@BCSTS 4 ай бұрын
It is like the Champix (Canadian name) for drug to quit smoking)....class action lawsuit that was cancelled years after my son's death (not suicide).....where his mental health et al was severely damaged after completing the 12 weeks of Champix. Anyway....there was going to be a blackbox warning mandated on drug....for people who had been depressed before beginning the drug! So I got a letter from the lawyer who said the lawsuit was cancelled ! The FDA had 'ordered' Pfizer (of course no conflict of interest there !) to do another study on the matter of this depression.....Pfizer miraculously found very little correlation.....So FDA in their great wisdom CANCELLED THE BLACK BOX WARNING......which effectively cancelled the class action lawsuit !
@BCSTS 4 ай бұрын
Difficult to hear this !
@paulmathis3232 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. Breggin
@indrekkpringi 4 ай бұрын
What Gotzsche is speaking about was proven in the 1970's when all the hospital workers in Los Angeles county went on strike. The result was... in a population of 10 million, all the hospitals were shut down. After the strike was over the hospitals opened up again... The point is, in insurance actuarial statistics, one year later, it showed when the hospitals shut down, the death rate went down also, and when they opened back up again, the death rate rose back to its ""normal"" level.
@misisbrown4368 4 ай бұрын
The woman screaming and interrupting should be in mental institute and not in that conference. She's probably on the same drug that the doctor is talking about, a perfect example of the drug's danger.
@tbong9293 4 ай бұрын
God protect this man!
@tarottime3219 4 ай бұрын
My husband’s doctor must’ve seen him coming…… my husband 69, but who his doctor didn’t see was me, his wife and I research. There’s money to be made from older people and the doctors know it! Nope! Nope! Nope! Where are the investigators in this disease called GREED?
@lt2339 4 ай бұрын
Lets get him to break down all the drugs. Then lets get him to break down what effects corn syrup, vegetable oils, cellulose (saw dust), fermaldehyde, do to our bodies when we consume them daily. And feed to kids every meal. Ppl read your labels of anything put in your mouth.
@johnbaker1712 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr Gotzsche Truth spoken with courage and eloquence.
@stephengirling7859 4 ай бұрын
I am 66 years of age. Never had any 'disease'. I haven't had or seen a 'doctor' in 40 years! I haven't consumed a single pharma 'product' over the same period. In all that time I haven't had a single day of illness.
@jozette-pierce 4 ай бұрын
A bad diet (too much sugar) causes depression, because it alters blood chemistry for the worse. Also too much stress.causes depression.
@Archie460 4 ай бұрын
I also was treated in Monash medical hospital, Clayton, Melbourne in the early 1990s !!! Im still deeply scared by the inhumane treatment i received . I was given a cocktail of drugs and shock treatments against my will or concent. Only for the fact my mother and family discovered I was being held by them against my will I dont think i would be here today!! I completely lost myself, the treatment rendered me a totally broken shell of a human being a dribbling psychotic wreck. Unfortunately my Mom has passed away as have the other amazing people fighting my corner against monash medical Centre.In recent times I have tried with the help of a physiatrist to get hold of my records from Monash hospital archives only to be told they have no record of me, which I find so deeply offensive and deeply traumatic considering the harm they caused myself and my family. I consider the treatment and harm done to me a crime against humanity. Thank you for posting this amazing talk.
@BCSTS 4 ай бұрын
It is definitely a crime ! 😢
@spikey8085 3 ай бұрын
Criminals are trying to kill us with man made viruses and unnecessary drugs WHO have blood on their hands
@bonnienedza55 4 ай бұрын
In the mid 70s, my older brother, was diagnosed as "depressed", he was put on anti-depressants and committed suicide within a year😪
@josephinemurphy6443 4 ай бұрын
@BCSTS 4 ай бұрын
Yes......Please find better sound system for presentations !
@nutrition182 4 ай бұрын
Hence why Naturopaths were being targeted leading up to 2020 and it takes a Dane to expose this, there is only the truth.
@aniawalczak1168 4 ай бұрын
This system and its treatment methods failed too many so I wonder why it still continues?
@angelaireland2268 4 ай бұрын
Prozac gave me terrible anxiety. They changed to Cytalapram which was even worse and after reassurance that it didnt cause anxiety. I was told that if I didnt carry on for two years it would make things worse. I did and it took many years fir the abxiety to subside.
@user-3282 4 ай бұрын
I agree. Citalopram made my previous anxiety from moderate to extremely severe.
@angelaireland2268 4 ай бұрын
A man after my own heart. He speaks my language.
@debl9957 4 ай бұрын
Pharma's drugs cause side effects, for which they have drugs to counteract. Vicious cycle.
@sVVsam 4 ай бұрын
My question is how to find a good dr? It seems impossible mission.
@user-3282 4 ай бұрын
Most are associate to pharma bias, but they think they are independent.
@ginakelley749 4 ай бұрын
I do not consult doctors or take prescription drugs of any kind. I do take supplements and herbal. I'm 76, in good health, normal weight and usually walk 20 to 25 miles/week. I'm also cooking every meal from scratch with fresh vegetables, fish or meat, herbs!